IBM Switch Nortel 10 User Manual

Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch  
Module for IBM BladeCenter  
Installation Guide  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch  
Module for IBM BladeCenter  
Installation Guide  
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information  
First Edition (May 2006)  
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.  
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by  
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
iv Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Before installing this product, read the Safety Information.  
Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações de Segurança.  
Pred instalací tohoto produktu si prectete prírucku bezpecnostních instrukcí.  
Læs sikkerhedsforskrifterne, før du installerer dette produkt.  
Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst de veiligheidsvoorschriften.  
Ennen kuin asennat tämän tuotteen, lue turvaohjeet kohdasta Safety  
Avant d’installer ce produit, lisez les consignes de sécurité.  
Vor der Installation dieses Produkts die Sicherheitshinweise lesen.  
Prima di installare questo prodotto, leggere le Informazioni sulla Sicurezza.  
Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança.  
Antes de instalar este producto, lea la información de seguridad.  
Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten.  
vi Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Statement 1:  
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is  
To avoid a shock hazard:  
v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation,  
maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical  
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical  
v Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached  
to this product.  
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal  
v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or  
structural damage.  
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,  
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless  
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.  
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table  
when installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached  
To Connect:  
To Disconnect:  
1. Turn everything OFF.  
1. Turn everything OFF.  
2. First, attach all cables to devices.  
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.  
4. Attach power cords to outlet.  
5. Turn device ON.  
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.  
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.  
4. Remove all cables from devices.  
Safety vii  
viii Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 1. Introduction  
The Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM® BladeCenter®  
is an I/O module that is installed into a BladeCenter unit. This Installation  
Guide contains information about installing and configuring the Nortel 10  
Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter.  
Note: Throughout this document, the Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch  
Module for IBM BladeCenter is referred to as the GbE switch module.  
15. For additional information, see the instructions in the BladeCenter  
The product name and serial number are on the identification label on the GbE  
switch module. You will need this information when you register your GbE  
switch module with IBM. The media access control (MAC) address is on a  
separate label on the information panel under the external Ethernet port  
See the following illustration for the locations of the identification label and the  
MAC address label.  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your hardware.  
Product name  
and serial  
number label  
Media access control  
(MAC) address label  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
You can obtain up-to-date information about the BladeCenter and other IBM  
server products at Record information about  
your GbE switch in the following table:  
Product name  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM  
Serial number _________________________________________________  
Media access  
control (MAC)  
This section provides a summary of the specifications of the GbE switch  
module. For more information about the features, see the Nortel 10 Gigabit  
Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Application Guide available at  
Related documentation  
In addition to this document, the following related documentation is provided  
in PDF format on the Documentation CD that comes with your BladeCenter  
unit or available at  
v Safety Information  
This document is in Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Documentation  
CD that comes with your GbE switch module and is provided at It contains translated caution and danger  
statements. Each caution and danger statement that appears in the  
documentation has a number that you can use to locate the corresponding  
statement in your language in the Safety Information document.  
v Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Application  
This application document contains software configuration information for  
the GbE switch module.  
v Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Browser Based  
Interface Quick Guide  
This Quick Guide contains information about software configuration using  
the Nortel Browser Based Interface.  
v Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Command  
This Command Reference document contains information to configure your  
GbE switch module using the command line interface (CLI).  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
v User’s Guide that comes with your management module.  
This document contains information for configuring your GbE switch  
module using the management-module user interface.  
v IBM BladeCenter Management Module Command Line Reference Guide  
This document contains information for configuring your GbE switch  
module using the management-module CLI.  
In addition to reviewing these documents, make sure to review the Planning  
and Installation Guide for your BladeCenter unit type for information to help  
you prepare for system installation and configuration at  
For BladeCenter units with four I/O-module bays, you must also install an  
Ethernet-I/O card (also known as an Ethernet expansion card) in the blade  
server to support the GbE switch module in I/O-module bays 3 or 4. For  
information about the types of compatible I/O-expansion cards for the blade  
servers, see the documentation for your BladeCenter unit.  
Notices and statements used in this document  
The caution and danger statements that appear in this document are also in  
the multilingual Safety Information document, which is on the Documentation  
CD that comes with your BladeCenter unit. Each statement is numbered for  
reference to the corresponding statement in the Safety Information document.  
The following types of notices and statements are used in this document:  
v Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.  
v Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you  
avoid inconvenient or problem situations.  
v Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or  
data. An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in  
which damage could occur.  
v Caution: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially  
hazardous to you. A caution statement is placed just before the description  
of a potentially hazardous procedure step or situation.  
v Danger: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or  
extremely hazardous to you. A danger statement is placed just before the  
description of a potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedure step or  
Chapter 1. Introducing the Gigabit Ethernet switch module  
Major components of the GbE switch module  
Orange on the release latch on the GbE switch module indicates that the device  
can be hot-swapped, which means that you can install or remove this  
component while the BladeCenter unit power is turned on. See Chapter 3,  
installing and removing a GbE switch module.  
Information panel  
RS232 serial  
console port  
CX4 ports  
Release latch  
XFP port  
SFP port  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Information panel overview  
The information panel provides LEDs, which display the status of the GbE  
switch module and the network (see “LEDs” on page 6) and external  
connections for the GbE switch module.  
The following illustration shows the information panel of the GbE switch  
RS232 serial  
CX 4 port  
XFP module  
SFP module slot  
Chapter 1. Introducing the Gigabit Ethernet switch module  
In addition to the OK and GbE switch module error LEDs on the information  
panel, each external port on the GbE switch module has a TX/RX LED and a  
LINK LED. The following illustration shows the LEDs on the GbE switch  
module. A description of each LED follows the illustration.  
Switch module  
Note: An amber LED is lit when a system error or event has occurred. To  
identify the error or event, check the management module event log. For  
OK: When this green status LED is lit, it indicates that the GbE switch module  
has passed the power-on self-test (POST) with no critical faults and is  
Switch module error: When this amber status LED is lit, it indicates that the  
GbE switch module has a fault. If the GbE switch module fails the POST or  
detects an operational fault, this LED is lit.  
Note: When this LED is lit, the system-error LED on the BladeCenter unit is  
also lit.  
Link: When this green link status LED is lit on a port, it indicates that there is  
a connection (or link) to a device on that connector.  
TX/RX: When this green activity LED flashes on a connector, it indicates that  
data is being transmitted or received (that is, activity is occurring) between  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
that port and another device on the network link. The flashing frequency is  
proportional to the amount of traffic on the network link.  
Chapter 1. Introducing the Gigabit Ethernet switch module  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 2. Installing and removing the GbE switch  
See the Installation and User’s Guide for your BladeCenter unit for information  
about the I/O-module bay locations in the BladeCenter unit and specific  
requirements for installing I/O modules in your BladeCenter unit.  
Attention: To maintain proper system cooling, each I/O-module bay must  
contain either a module or a filler module; each blade bay must contain either  
a blade or a filler blade.  
The BladeCenter unit supports one hot-plug GbE switch module, in  
I/O-module bay 1. The GbE switch module in I/O-module bays 1 and 2 are  
for the integrated Ethernet controllers in the appropriate blade servers. You  
might want to install GbE switch modules in other I/O-module bays of the  
BladeCenter unit when additional Ethernet controllers are installed or  
For additional information about the location of the GbE switch module, the  
network interface requirements, and expansion options, see the documentation  
for your BladeCenter unit and your blade servers.  
Installation guidelines  
Before you begin to install the GbE switch module in the BladeCenter unit,  
read the following information:  
v Read the safety information beginning on page v and the guidelines in  
statements in the BladeCenter unit documents.  
v Orange on the release latch on the GbE switch module indicates that the  
device can be hot-swapped, which means that you can install or remove this  
component while the BladeCenter unit is on. See the instructions in this  
chapter for more information about installing or removing hot-swap or  
hot-plug components.  
v You do not have to turn off the BladeCenter unit to install or replace any of  
the hot-swap modules on the rear of the unit.  
v If you plan to install a GbE switch module in I/O-module bay 3 or 4 of the  
BladeCenter unit, you must also install an I/O expansion card in the blade  
server to support the GbE switch modules in these bays.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
System reliability considerations  
To help ensure proper cooling and system reliability, make sure that:  
v Each of the I/O-module bays on the rear of the BladeCenter unit has either a  
module or a filler module installed.  
v A removed hot-swap module or blade server is replaced with another  
module or filler module within 1 minute of removal.  
Handling static-sensitive devices  
Attention: Static electricity can damage electronic devices. To avoid damage,  
keep static-sensitive devices in their static-protective packages until you are  
ready to install them.  
To reduce the possibility of electrostatic discharge, observe the following  
v Limit your movement. Movement can cause static electricity to build up  
around you.  
v Handle the device carefully, holding it by its edges or its frame.  
v Do not touch solder joints, pins, or exposed printed circuitry.  
v Do not leave the device where others can handle and damage it.  
v While the device is still in its static-protective package, touch it to any  
unpainted metal surface of the BladeCenter unit or any unpainted metal  
surface on any other grounded rack component for at least 2 seconds. (This  
drains static electricity from the package and from your body.)  
v Remove the device from its package and install it directly into the  
BladeCenter unit without setting it down. If it is necessary to set down the  
device, put it back into its static-protective package. Do not place the device  
on the BladeCenter unit or on a metal surface.  
v Take additional care when handling devices during cold weather. Heating  
reduces indoor humidity and increases static electricity.  
Installing the GbE switch module  
To install the GbE switch module, complete the following steps:  
1. Read the safety information beginning on page v and “Installation  
2. Remove the acoustic-attenuation module, if one is installed, from the rear  
of the BladeCenter unit. For more information, see the documentation that  
came with the BladeCenter unit.  
3. Select an I/O-module bay in which to install the GbE switch module.  
Note: For details about I/O-module bay requirements, see the  
BladeCenter documents for your BladeCenter unit.  
10 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
4. Remove the filler module from the selected bay. Store the filler module for  
future use.  
5. If you have not already done so, touch the static-protective package that  
contains the GbE switch module to any unpainted metal surface of the  
BladeCenter unit or any unpainted metal surface on any other grounded  
rack-component for at least 2 seconds.  
6. Remove the GbE switch module from its static-protective package.  
7. Make sure that the release latch on the GbE switch module is in the open  
position (perpendicular to the module).  
8. Slide the GbE switch module into the applicable I/O-module bay until it  
I/O module  
Release latch  
9. Push the release latch on the front of the GbE switch module to the closed  
position. After you insert and lock the GbE switch module, it is turned on,  
and the power-on self-test (POST) runs to verify that the GbE switch  
module is operating correctly. The POST results are displayed by the  
status LEDs.  
10. Make sure that the LEDs on the GbE switch module indicate that it is  
operating correctly. Make sure that the OK LED on each GbE switch  
module is lit. See “LEDs” on page 6 for a description of the operation of  
these LEDs.  
11. If you have other GbE switch modules to install, do so now; otherwise, go  
to step 12.  
Chapter 2. Installing and removing the GbE switch module 11  
12. Attach any cables that are required by the GbE switch module, see  
Chapter 4, “Cabling,” on page 21. For the locations of the connectors on  
the BladeCenter unit, see the documents that came with the BladeCenter  
13. Replace the acoustic-attenuation module, if you removed it in Step 2.  
Removing the GbE switch module  
To remove the GbE switch module, complete the following steps:  
1. Read the safety information beginning on page v and “Installation  
2. Remove the acoustic-attenuation module, if one is installed, from the rear  
of the BladeCenter unit. For more information, see the documents that  
came with the BladeCenter unit.  
3. Disconnect any cables from the GbE switch module that you are removing.  
4. Pull the release latch toward the bottom of the GbE switch module as  
shown in the following illustration. The module moves out of the bay  
approximately 0.64 cm (0.25 inch).  
I/O module  
Release latch  
5. Slide the GbE switch module out of the bay and set it aside.  
6. Place either another GbE switch module or a filler module in the bay  
within 1 minute.  
7. If you placed another GbE switch module in the bay, reconnect any cables  
that you disconnected. For more information about cabling the 10GbE  
12 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
8. Replace the acoustic-attenuation module, if you removed it in Step 2 on  
Chapter 2. Installing and removing the GbE switch module 13  
14 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 3. Installing and removing options  
The GbE switch module supports the 10 Gigabit small-form-factor pluggable  
(XFP) module and the small-form-factor pluggable (SFP) module. The XFP  
module is a laser product that is used to convert electrical signals to optical  
signals. The SFP module provides an RJ-45 port for external connections. The  
GbE switch module ships with the SFP module installed.  
For additional information about the location of the GbE switch module, the  
network interface requirements, and expansion options, see the documentation  
for your BladeCenter unit.  
Handling an XFP or SFP module  
Before installing an XFP or SFP module, read the following information:  
v The module housing of the XFP and SFP has an integral guide key that is  
designed to prevent you from inserting the modules incorrectly.  
v Use minimal pressure when you insert the modules into the ports. Forcing  
the modules into the ports can cause damage to the module or the module  
v You can insert or remove the modules while the BladeCenter is turned-on.  
v You must first insert the modules into the ports before you can connect the  
v You must remove the cables from the modules before removing the modules  
from the GbE switch module.  
Statement 3:  
When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices,  
or transmitters) are installed, note the following:  
– Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product  
could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no  
serviceable parts inside the device.  
– Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than  
those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser  
diode. Note the following.  
Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view  
directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the  
Class 1 Laser Product  
Laser Klasse 1  
Laser Klass 1  
Luokan 1 Laserlaite  
Appareil A Laser de Classe 1  
Installing an XFP module  
The XFP module provides two fiber-optic cable connectors for connecting to  
external ports. To install an XFP module, complete the following steps:  
1. Read the information in “Safety” on page v.  
2. Remove the XFP module from its static-protective package.  
Statement 3:  
When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices,  
or transmitters) are installed, note the following:  
v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product  
could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no  
serviceable parts inside the device.  
v Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other  
than those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation  
16 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser  
diode. Note the following.  
Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view  
directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the  
Class 1 Laser Product  
Laser Klasse 1  
Laser Klass 1  
Luokan 1 Laserlaite  
Appareil A Laser de Classe 1  
3. Remove the protective cap from the XFP module and store it in a safe  
4. Insert the XFP module into the XFP module port until it clicks into place.  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your device.  
Attention: To avoid damage to the cable or the XFP module, make sure  
that you do not connect the fiber-optic cable before you install the XFP  
Chapter 3. Installing and removing options 17  
5. Connect the fiber-optic cable (see “Connecting an XFP module cable” on  
page 22 and any cables you disconnected earlier).  
Removing an XFP module  
To remove an XFP module, complete the following steps:  
1. Read the safety information beginning on page v and “Installation  
3. Remove the fiber-optic cable from the XFP module that you want to  
replace. For more information about removing the cable, see “Disconnecting  
Attention: To avoid damage to the cable or the XFP module, make sure  
that you disconnect the fiber-optic cable before you remove the XFP module.  
4. Unlock the XFP module by pulling the wire tab straight out as shown in  
the following illustration.  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your device.  
5. Grasp the wire tab on the XFP module and pull it out of the port.  
6. Replace the protective cap on the XFP module.  
7. Place the XFP module into a static-protective package.  
Installing an SFP module  
The SFP module provides a RJ-45 connector for external connections. To install  
an SFP module, complete the following steps:  
1. Read the information in “Safety” on page v.  
2. Remove the SFP module from its static-protective package.  
3. Lock the SFP module by pulling the wire tab straight out and down as  
shown in the following illustration.  
18 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your device.  
Wire tab  
SFP module  
4. Insert the SFP module into the SFP module port until it clicks into place.  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your device.  
SFP module  
Attention: To avoid damage to the cable or the SFP module, make sure  
that you do not connect the fiber-optic cable before you install the SFP  
5. Connect the RJ-45 cable and any cables you disconnected earlier. For more  
information about connecting the cable, see “Connecting the SFP module  
Removing an SFP module  
To remove an SFP module from the GbE switch module, complete the  
following steps:  
1. Read the safety information beginning on page v and “Installation  
Chapter 3. Installing and removing options 19  
3. Remove any cables attached to the SFP module.  
4. Unlock the SFP module by pulling the wire tab straight out and up as  
shown in the following illustration.  
Wire tab  
SFP module  
5. Grasp the wire tab on the SFP module and pull it out of the SFP module  
6. Place the SFP module into a static-protective package.  
20 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 4. Cabling  
This chapter describes how to cable the GbE switch module and its options.  
Connecting the serial console cable  
To connect the serial console cable to the GbE switch module, connect the  
serial cable to the RS-232 serial console port of the GbE switch module and the  
other end of the cable to the console device.  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ from your device.  
RS232 cable  
Disconnecting the serial console cable  
To disconnect the serial console cable, gently pull the cable from the module.  
Connecting the CX4 module cable  
To connect a CX4 module cable to the GbE switch module, complete the  
following steps:  
1. Remove the cable from its packaging.  
2. Connect the CX4 connector to the CX4 port by orienting the cable connector  
to the module connector, then push the connector into the module until it  
clicks into place.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
3. Check the LEDs on the GbE switch module. When the GbE switch module  
is operating correctly, the green link LED is lit. For information about the  
status of the switch module LEDs, see “LEDs” on page 6.  
Disconnecting a CX4 module cable  
To disconnect a CX4 cable, grasp the blue release tab on the cable connector  
and firmly pull it out of the module.  
Connecting an XFP module cable  
Attention: To avoid damage to the fiber-optic cables, follow these guidelines:  
v Do not route the cable along a folding cable-management arm.  
v When attaching the cable to a device on slide rails, leave enough slack in the  
cable so that it does not bend to a radius of less than 38 mm (1.5 in.) when  
the device is extended or become pinched when the device is retracted.  
v Route the cable away from places where it can be snagged by other devices  
in the rack.  
v Do not overtighten the cable straps or bend the cables to a radius of less  
than 38 mm (1.5 in.).  
v Do not put excess weight on the cable at the connection point. Make sure  
that the cable is well supported.  
To connect the XFP module cable, complete the following steps:  
Note: The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your  
22 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
1. Remove the protective caps from the end of the fiber-optic cable.  
Protective cap  
2. Gently slide the fiber-optic cable into the XFP module until it clicks into  
3. Check the LEDs on the GbE switch module. When the GbE switch module  
is operating correctly, the green link LED is lit. For information about the  
status of the switch module LEDs, see “LEDs” on page 6.  
Chapter 4. Cabling 23  
Disconnecting the XFP module cable  
To disconnect an XFP module cable, complete the following steps:  
1. Squeeze the release tabs and gently pull the fiber-optic cable from the XFP  
2. Replace the protective caps on the ends of the fiber-optic cable.  
Connecting the SFP module cable  
To connect the SFP module cable, slide an RJ-45 cable into the SFP module  
connector until it clicks.  
Disconnecting an SFP module cable  
To remove an RJ-45 cable from an SFP module, gently grasp the tab on the  
connector of the cable and pull the cable out of the SFP module.  
24 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 5. Configuring the GbE switch module  
The GbE switch module has an internal Ethernet path to the management  
module, four external Ethernet ports, and a serial console port. The GbE switch  
module supports two remote-access modes for management through Ethernet  
connections. You can select the mode that is best suited for your BladeCenter  
v Default mode: The default mode uses the internal path to the management  
module only. In this mode, the remote-access link to the management  
console must be attached to the Ethernet connector on the management  
module. The IP addresses and SNMP parameters of the GbE switch modules  
can be automatically assigned by the IBM Director BladeCenter Deployment  
wizard (when available), or you must assign them through the BladeCenter  
Management and Configuration Program. This mode enables the system  
administrator to provide a secure LAN for management of the BladeCenter  
subsystems that is separate from the data network. See “Establishing a  
v Remote management mode: The system administrator can choose to enable  
remote management of the GbE switch module through the four external  
ports, instead of or in addition to access through the management module.  
This mode can be enabled only through the management module  
configuration interface. When this mode is enabled, the external Ethernet  
ports will support both management traffic and BladeCenter application  
data traffic.  
This mode enables the use of additional GbE switch module IP addresses on  
different IP subnets than the management modules. This is useful when the  
GbE switch modules are to be managed and controlled as part of the overall  
network infrastructure, while secure management of other BladeCenter  
subsystems is maintained through the management module. See “Enabling  
management over external ports” on page 28 for additional instructions  
about configuring the GbE switch module for this mode of operation.  
The RS-232 console port provides an alternative path to manage and configure  
the switch for local access.  
v Before you configure the GbE switch module, make sure that the  
management modules in the BladeCenter unit are correctly configured. See  
the Installation and User’s Guide for your BladeCenter unit type for more  
information about configuring the GbE switch module.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
v The default IP address of the GbE switch module is,,, or, depending on the switch  
module bay where it is installed.  
v If you change the IP address of the GbE switch module and restart the  
BladeCenter unit, the GbE switch module maintains this new IP address as  
its default value.  
v The management module and the GbE switch module can communicate  
with each other only if they are on the same IP subnet.  
v When you use the management-module Web interface to update the  
switch-module configuration, the management-module firmware saves the  
new configuration in its internal nonvolatile random-access memory  
(NVRAM). If the GbE switch module restarts, the management module  
applies the saved configuration to the GbE switch module.  
If the GbE switch module restarts and the management module cannot  
apply the saved configuration, the GbE switch module defaults to using the  
configuration that it had previously saved. If the IP subnet address of the  
GbE switch module does not match the IP subnet address of the  
management module, you can no longer manage the GbE switch module  
from the management module.  
v For switch communication with a remote management station, such as the  
IBM Director server, through the management-module external Ethernet  
port, the switch-module internal-network interface and the  
management-module internal and external interfaces must be on the same IP  
See the documentation listed in the “Related documentation” on page 2 for  
specific details about configuring the GbE switch module and preparing for  
system installation.  
26 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Establishing a TCP/IP session using the management  
To establish a TCP/IP session for the GbE switch module using the  
management module, complete the following steps:  
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or  
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. If  
necessary, obtain the IP address of the management module from your  
system administrator. The management-module window opens.  
Note: The User ID and Password fields are case-sensitive. Type your  
information in uppercase letters only. To maintain system security,  
change your password after you log on for the first time. The default  
User ID is USERID and the default password is PASSW0RD (where the O  
in password is a zero).  
2. From the I/O Module Tasks menu, click Configuration.  
3. In the I/O Module Configuration section, click the bay number that  
corresponds to the location of the GbE switch module that you installed.  
4. In the IP address field in the New Static IP Configuration section, type the  
new TCP/IP address of the GbE switch module; then, click Save.  
Note: The management module does not check for invalid IP addresses.  
5. Click Advanced Configuration. You can now start a Web session or a  
Telnet session.  
The Web interface and the Telnet program provide different ways to access the  
same internal-switching software and configure it.  
v If your system application requires that you use the Web interface program,  
Based Interface” on page 30 for additional information.  
v If your system application requires that you use the Telnet program, see  
additional information.  
Chapter 5. Configuring the GbE switch module 27  
Enabling management over external ports  
To access and manage your GbE switch module through external interfaces,  
you must enable the external ports and the ability to manage them. Use the  
information in the following table to configure your ports.  
External management  
External ports  
The switch must be managed  
through the management  
module. No traffic is allowed  
on external ports.  
The switch must be managed  
through the management  
module. Data traffic is allowed  
on external ports.  
The switch can be managed  
through the management  
module or a blade server. No  
traffic is allowed on external  
The switch can be managed  
through the management  
module, a blade server, or a  
management station connected  
through an external port. Data  
traffic is allowed on external  
To enable management over external ports, complete the following steps:  
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or  
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. If  
necessary, obtain the IP address of the management module from your  
system administrator. The management-module window opens.  
2. Click I/O Module Tasks Configuration and click the bay number that  
corresponds to the location of the GbE switch module that you installed.  
3. Click Advanced Configuration and ensure that the external management is  
4. Click I/O Module Tasks Admin/Power/Restart and ensure that the ports  
are enabled for the GbE switch module that you installed.  
Configuring the GbE switch module using Telnet  
Your GbE switch module supports a command line interface (CLI) that you can  
use to configure and control the GbE switch module over the network using  
the Telnet program. You can use the CLI to perform many basic network  
management functions. In addition, you can configure the GbE switch module  
28 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
for management using an SNMP-based network management system. The  
following sections describe how to use the Telnet interface to access the GbE  
switch module, change its settings, and monitor its operation.  
Connecting to the GbE switch module  
If you know the IP address for your GbE switch module and you have an  
existing network connection, you can use the Telnet program from an external  
management station or the management module to access and control the GbE  
switch module. The management station and your GbE switch module must be  
on the same IP subnet. If you need to obtain the IP address for your GbE  
switch module or establish a network connection, contact your system or  
network administrator. Be sure to use the correct IP address in the required  
command, as specified in “Accessing the main menu.”  
Accessing the main menu  
To connect to the GbE switch module using Telnet, complete the following  
1. From a DOS command line prompt, type telnet x and press Enter.  
where x is the IP address for your GbE switch module.  
2. If you do not have an assigned initial password, in the Password field, type  
the default password (admin) and press Enter.  
Important: The apply command changes the currently active configuration. If  
you want your change to persist beyond the next reboot of the switch, you  
must enter the save command. This command stores the current switch  
configuration and all changes in non-volatile memory.  
For more information about configuring using the CLI, see the Nortel 10 Gigabit  
Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Command Reference guide.  
Configuring the GbE switch module using the serial-port  
The serial port provides basic communication RS-232 serial-data-transfer using  
a terminal emulation program (such as Hyperterminal). Since messages from  
the Power On Self Test (POST) and all initialization information is routed  
through the serial port, you can use the serial port to log into the GbE switch  
module and access and configure the internal switching software.  
To log into the GbE switch module, complete the following steps  
1. Plug one end of the specifically designed serial cable that came with your  
device into the RS-232 port and plug the other end into the management  
Chapter 5. Configuring the GbE switch module 29  
2. On the management station, open a console window and make sure that  
the serial port is configured with the following settings:  
v 9600 baud  
v 8 data bits  
v No parity  
v 1 stop bit  
v No flow control  
3. Type the user name and password. The default user name is admin. The  
default password is admin.  
The serial port is compatible with the standard 16550 Universal Asynchronous  
Receiver/Transmitter (UART) protocol. The RS-232 serial port is enabled by  
Configuring the GbE switch module using the switch-module  
Browser Based Interface  
This section describes how to use the GbE switch module Browser Based  
Interface (BBI) to access and configure the internal switching software. For  
more information on the BBI, see the Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch  
Module for IBM BladeCenter Browser Based Interface Quick Guide.  
This section also describes some of the Web interface switch-module  
management features.  
The GbE switch module offers an embedded HTML, browser-based interface  
that you can use to manage the switch through Netscape Navigator and  
Communicator, or Microsoft® Internet Explorer. This interface is enabled by  
default. The browser-based interface acts as an access tool and can  
30 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
communicate directly with the switch using HTTP. Your computer might have  
to access and install a Java plug-in (JRE 1.4.0) to run without errors. Later  
versions of the JRE might work but are not officially supported.  
Note: This interface does not accept Chinese language input (or other  
double-byte character-set languages).  
Before you can access and start the Browser Based Interface, make sure that  
you have completed the following procedures:  
v Install the GbE switch module in the BladeCenter unit  
v Verify that the GbE switch module software is installed on the GbE switch  
v Configure at least one IP interface on the GbE switch module  
v Enable the frames and the JavaScriptprogram in your Web browser  
v The following hardware and software are required for the Web interface:  
– A frame-capable Web-browser program, such as Internet Explorer (version  
6.0 or later) or Netscape Navigator (version 4.7 or later)  
– A computer or workstation with network access to the GbE switch  
To start the Browser based interface, complete the following steps:  
1. Start a Web browser. The Web-browser window opens.  
2. In the URL field, enter the IP address of the GbE switch module, in the  
following format The login window opens.  
3. Enter your user ID and password and click OK. The default user ID is  
admin. The default password is admin.  
Note: The passwords used to access the GbE switch module are case-sensitive.  
To increase system security, change the password after you log on for  
the first time.  
Initial configuration  
The operating software on the GbE switch module contains default  
configuration files that are installed during in the software installation. These  
initial configuration settings are not located in a separate configuration file, but  
are components of the software. When you restore the management module to  
factory defaults, the user defined configuration file is deleted and the original  
configuration is reloaded. For more information about configuring and  
managing the GbE switch module through the management module, see the  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module Command Reference guide.  
Chapter 5. Configuring the GbE switch module 31  
Logging in to the GbE switch module  
The GbE switch module supports user-based security that allows you to  
prevent unauthorized users from accessing the switch or changing its settings.  
To log in to the GbE switch module, complete the following steps:  
1. At the prompt, type your user ID and press Enter. The default user ID is  
2. Type your password (default is admin) and press Enter. The default  
password is admin. The main-menu window opens.  
After you log on to the GbE switch module, you must set the date and time.  
See the Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Module Command Reference guide to  
perform this task and others as needed.  
32 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 6. Updating the software  
This chapter describes how to determine the level of the software that is  
installed on the GbE switch module, how to obtain the latest level of switch  
software, how to upgrade the software, and how to reset the GbE switch  
module to activate the software upgrade.  
Determining the level of GbE switch module software  
After you install the GbE switch module in the BladeCenter unit, make sure  
that the latest software is installed on the GbE switch module. To determine  
the level of the software that is installed, complete the following steps:  
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or  
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. If  
necessary, obtain the IP address of the management module from your  
system administrator. The login window opens.  
2. From the Monitors menu, click Firmware VPD. The Firmware VPD  
window opens.  
3. Locate the I/O Module Firmware VPD section.  
4. Locate the I/O module-bay number that contains the GbE switch module  
that you installed; then, note the corresponding level of the software for the  
GbE switch module.  
Obtaining the latest level of switch software  
The switch module might have features that are not described in the  
documentation that comes with the switch, and the documentation might be  
updated occasionally to include information about those features or technical  
updates. If firmware and documentation updates are available you can locate  
them at For firmware updates, click  
Downloads and drivers.  
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The procedure for  
locating firmware and documentation might change from what is  
described in this document.  
The GbE switch module can contain two operating-system images. You can  
revert to the previous image if the current download process fails.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
Upgrading the GbE switch module software  
The GbE switch-module software can be upgraded using a TFTP server  
application. Typically, this software runs as an application under your  
operating system. Make sure that this software is installed on your server;  
then, download the software images from the IBM Web site into a directory on your TFTP server. Enable  
the TFTP server and set its default directory to the one where the image is.  
To transfer the software image files from the TFTP server to the switch, you  
can establish a Telnet session through the management module. Ping the TFTP  
server to make sure that you have a connection. The Telnet session performs  
optimally if all three network entities (TFTP server, management module, and  
switch IP addresses) are on the same subnet. Otherwise, you must use a router  
and configure a gateway address on the switch. Use the management-module  
interface to configure the IP addresses of the management module external  
interface (eth0) and the GbE switch module so that they are both on the same  
subnet as the TFTP server.  
The IP addresses and masks used are described in the following table.  
Network entity  
IP address  
TFTP server  
Management module (eth0)  
GbE switch module current  
IP configuration  
Note: With this configuration, you can ping the GbE switch module from the  
TFTP server.  
Use the management module interface to start a Telnet session, as described in  
the following steps. The requirements for running a Telnet session are  
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or  
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. The  
login window opens.  
2. From the I/O Module Tasks menu, click Configuration Bay X →  
Advanced Configuration. The Advanced Configuration window opens.  
3. To start a Telnet session, click Start Telnet/Web Session.  
To upgrade the GbE switch-module software, complete the following steps:  
1. Log into the GbE switch module.  
2. At the CLI prompt, type the following command and press Enter.  
34 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
/boot/gtimg imageX TADDR zzzzz  
Where imagex is the image to install and zzzzz is the operating-system  
image file name.  
3. Reset and restart the GbE switch module as described in “Resetting and  
4. At the CLI prompt, type the following command and press Enter.  
/boot/gtimg boot TADDR yyyy  
Where yyyy is the boot image file name.  
5. Repeat step3.  
Resetting and restarting the GbE switch module  
To activate the new image or images, you must reset the GbE switch module.  
To reset the GbE switch module, complete the following steps:  
1. From the I/O Module Tasks menu, click Admin/Power/Restart. The  
management module window opens.  
2. Select the I/O module bay on which the software update was just installed.  
3. Click Power Off Module(s).  
4. Select the I/O module bay on which the software update was just installed.  
5. Click Power On Module(s). Wait 60 seconds for POST to be completed.  
6. Click Monitors, and select Firmware VPD. The Firmware VPD window  
7. In the Firmware VPD window, locate the I/O Module Firmware VPD  
section. Page down to the number of the I/O module bay that contains the  
GbE switch module that you just installed; then, note the corresponding  
level of the software for the GbE switch module. Confirm that the software  
build ID and revision reflect the correct software release.  
Chapter 6. Updating the software 35  
36 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 7. Parts listing  
Replaceable components are of three types:  
v Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is  
your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be  
charged for the installation.  
v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit (CRU): You may install a Tier 2 CRU  
yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type  
of warranty service that is designated for your server.  
v Field replaceable unit (FRU): FRUs must be installed only by trained service  
For information about the terms of the warranty, see Appendix A, “IBM  
Note: These customer replaceable units (CRUs) can be replaced by the  
CRU Number  
Nortel GbE Uplink Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter  
Serial console cable  
IBM Gb small-form-factor pluggable module, SR (850 nm) 32R1883  
IBM Gb small-form-factor pluggable module, LR (1310  
1.5 m IBM BladeCenter CX4 cable  
3.0 m IBM BladeCenter CX4 cable  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
38 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 8. Solving problems  
This section provides basic troubleshooting information to help you solve some  
problems that might occur while you are setting up the GbE switch module.  
The Nortel 10 Gb Uplink Ethernet Switch Modules for IBM Bladecenter Application  
Guide provides more details about troubleshooting the GbE switch module.  
If you cannot locate and correct the problem using the information in this  
Running POST  
To ensure that it is fully operational, the GbE switch module processes a series  
of tests during power-up or a restart (power-on self-test, or POST). These tests  
take approximately 1 minute to complete. The management module reads the  
test results and displays them for you. During normal operation, these tests are  
completed without error, and the green OK LED is lit. However, if the GbE  
switch module fails POST, the amber error (fault) LED and the system-error  
LED on the BladeCenter unit is lit. An event is stored in the event log in the  
System Status panel of the management module. The specific failure is  
displayed on the System Status I/O Module panel of the management module.  
Note: For the location and description of the GbE switch module LEDs, see  
POST errors  
There are two types of errors: noncritical and critical. Noncritical errors apply  
to one port, and the GbE switch module is operational. You can continue to  
operate the GbE switch module; however, if necessary, you must replace it as  
soon as possible. When critical errors occur, the GbE switch module does not  
operate. If a critical error occurs, the switch will try complete the startup  
sequence and initialization process. To view POST results, complete the  
following steps:  
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or the  
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. If  
necessary, obtain the IP address of the management module from your  
system administrator. The login window opens.  
2. Turn off the power to the GbE switch module; then, turn it on again.  
3. After POST is completed, the management module displays the results.  
Refresh the window to view the POST results. If a critical error occurs,  
replace the GbE switch module. If a non-critical error occurs, see the GbE  
switch module error log for additional details.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
The following table describes the basic critical and noncritical failures. This  
abbreviated list is representative; it is not intended as an exhaustive list. An  
error code is associated with each failure. Error codes appear on the  
Management Module Switch Information window. Be sure to note the  
applicable error code and corresponding failure. You might have to provide  
this information when you call the IBM HelpCenter®. For details, see  
Diagnostic indicator (in  
Failing functional area  
Failure criticality  
00 - 7F  
80 - 9F  
A0 - AF  
B0 - FE  
Base internal functions  
Internal interface failures  
External interface errors  
GbE switch module “good” Operation  
40 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Chapter 9. Getting help and technical assistance  
If you need help, service, or technical assistance or just want more information  
about IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from  
IBM to assist you. This appendix contains information about where to go for  
additional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if you  
experience a problem with your BladeCenter product or optional device, and  
whom to call for service, if it is necessary.  
Before you call  
Before you call, make sure that you have taken these steps to try to solve the  
problem yourself:  
v Check all cables to make sure that they are connected.  
v Check the power switches to make sure that the system and any optional  
devices are turned on.  
v Use the troubleshooting information in your system documentation, and use  
the diagnostic tools that come with your system. Information about  
diagnostic tools is in the Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting  
Guide or Problem Determination and Service Guide on the IBM Documentation  
CD that comes with your system.  
v Go to and click Support to check for  
information to help you solve the problem.  
You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the  
troubleshooting procedures that IBM provides in the online help or in the  
documentation that is provided with your IBM product. The documentation  
that comes with BladeCenter systems also describes the diagnostic tests that  
you can perform. Most BladeCenter systems, operating systems, and programs  
come with documentation that contains troubleshooting procedures and  
explanations of error messages and error codes. If you suspect a software  
problem, see the documentation for the software.  
Using the documentation  
Information about your IBM BladeCenter system and preinstalled software, if  
any, or optional device is available in the documentation that comes with the  
product. That documentation can include printed documents, online  
documents, readme files, and help files. See the troubleshooting information in  
your system documentation for instructions for using the diagnostic programs.  
The troubleshooting information or the diagnostic programs might tell you that  
you need additional or updated device drivers or other software. IBM  
maintains pages on the World Wide Web where you can get the latest technical  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
information and download device drivers and updates. To access these pages,  
go to, click Support, and follow the  
instructions. Also, some documents are available through the IBM Publications  
Getting help and information from the World Wide Web  
On the World Wide Web, the IBM Web site has up-to-date information about  
IBM BladeCenter systems, optional devices, services, and support at For service information, click Support.  
Software service and support  
Through IBM Support Line, you can get telephone assistance, for a fee, with  
usage, configuration, and software problems with BladeCenter products. For  
information about which products are supported by Support Line in your  
For more information about Support Line and other IBM services, see  
support telephone numbers. In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV  
Hardware service and support  
You can receive hardware service through IBM Services or through your IBM  
reseller, if your reseller is authorized by IBM to provide warranty service. See for support telephone numbers, or in the  
U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378).  
In the U.S. and Canada, hardware service and support is available 24 hours a  
day, 7 days a week. In the U.K., these services are available Monday through  
Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  
42 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty  
Z125-4753-08 04/2004  
Part 1 - General Terms  
Part 1 - General Terms  
This Statement of Limited Warranty includes Part 1 - General Terms, Part 2 -  
Country-unique Terms, and Part 3 - Warranty Information. The terms of Part 2  
replace or modify those of Part 1. The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement  
of Limited Warranty apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for  
resale. The term “Machine” means an IBM machine, its features, conversions,  
upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them. The term “Machine”  
does not include any software programs, whether pre-loaded with the Machine,  
installed subsequently or otherwise. Nothing in this Statement of Limited  
Warranty affects any statutory rights of consumers that cannot be waived or  
limited by contract.  
What this Warranty Covers  
IBM warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials and  
workmanship and 2) conforms to IBM’s Official Published Specifications  
(“Specifications”) which are available on request. The warranty period for the  
Machine starts on the original Date of Installation and is specified in Part 3 -  
Warranty Information. The date on your invoice or sales receipt is the Date of  
Installation unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise. Many features,  
conversions, or upgrades involve the removal of parts and their return to IBM.  
A part that replaces a removed part will assume the warranty service status of  
the removed part. Unless IBM specifies otherwise, these warranties apply only  
in the country or region in which you purchased the Machine.  
What this Warranty Does not Cover  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
This warranty does not cover the following:  
any software programs, whether pre-loaded or shipped with the Machine,  
or installed subsequently;  
failure resulting from misuse (including but not limited to use of any  
Machine capacity or capability, other than that authorized by IBM in  
writing), accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating  
environment, or improper maintenance by you;  
failure caused by a product for which IBM is not responsible; and  
any non-IBM products, including those that IBM may procure and provide  
with or integrate into an IBM Machine at your request.  
The warranty is voided by removal or alteration of identification labels on the  
Machine or its parts.  
IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.  
Any technical or other support provided for a Machine under warranty, such  
as assistance with “how-to” questions and those regarding Machine set-up and  
installation, is provided WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service  
If the Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period,  
contact IBM or your reseller to obtain warranty service. If you do not register  
the Machine with IBM, you may be required to present proof of purchase as  
evidence of your entitlement to warranty service.  
What IBM Will Do to Correct Problems  
When you contact IBM for service, you must follow the problem determination  
and resolution procedures that IBM specifies. An initial diagnosis of your  
problem can be made either by a technician over the telephone or electronically  
by access to an IBM website.  
The type of warranty service applicable to your Machine is specified in Part 3 -  
Warranty Information.  
You are responsible for downloading and installing designated Machine Code  
(microcode, basic input/output system code (called “BIOS”), utility programs,  
device drivers, and diagnostics delivered with an IBM Machine) and other  
software updates from an IBM Internet Web site or from other electronic  
media, and following the instructions that IBM provides.  
If your problem can be resolved with a Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”)  
(e.g., keyboard, mouse, speaker, memory, hard disk drive), IBM will ship the  
CRU to you for you to install.  
44 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
If the Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period and  
your problem cannot be resolved over the telephone or electronically, through  
your application of Machine Code or software updates, or with a CRU, IBM or  
your reseller, if approved by IBM to provide warranty service, will either, at its  
discretion, 1) repair it to make it function as warranted, or 2) replace it with  
one that is at least functionally equivalent. If IBM is unable to do either, you  
may return the Machine to your place of purchase and your money will be  
IBM or your reseller will also manage and install selected engineering changes  
that apply to the Machine.  
Exchange of a Machine or Part  
When the warranty service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the  
item IBM or your reseller replaces becomes its property and the replacement  
becomes yours. You represent that all removed items are genuine and  
unaltered. The replacement may not be new, but will be in good working order  
and at least functionally equivalent to the item replaced. The replacement  
assumes the warranty service status of the replaced item.  
Your Additional Responsibilities  
Before IBM or your reseller exchanges a Machine or part, you agree to remove  
all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under warranty  
You also agree to:  
1. ensure that the Machine is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that  
prevent its exchange;  
2. obtain authorization from the owner to have IBM or your reseller service a  
Machine that you do not own; and  
3. where applicable, before service is provided:  
a. follow the service request procedures that IBM or your reseller  
b. backup or secure all programs, data, and funds contained in the  
c. provide IBM or your reseller with sufficient, free, and safe access to  
your facilities to permit IBM to fulfill its obligations; and  
d. inform IBM or your reseller of changes in the Machine’s location.  
4. (a) ensure all information about identified or identifiable individuals  
(Personal Data) is deleted from the Machine (to the extent technically  
possible), (b) allow IBM, your reseller or an IBM supplier to process on  
your behalf any remaining Personal Data as IBM or your reseller considers  
necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Statement of Limited Warranty  
(which may include shipping the Machine for such processing to other IBM  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 45  
service locations around the world), and (c) ensure that such processing  
complies with any laws applicable to such Personal Data.  
Limitation of Liability  
IBM is responsible for loss of, or damage to, your Machine only while it is 1)  
in IBM’s possession or 2) in transit in those cases where IBM is responsible for  
the transportation charges.  
Neither IBM nor your reseller are responsible for any of your confidential,  
proprietary or personal information contained in a Machine which you return  
to IBM for any reason. You should remove all such information from the  
Machine prior to its return.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on IBM’s part or other  
liability, you are entitled to recover damages from IBM. In each such instance,  
regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from IBM  
(including fundamental breach, negligence, misrepresentation, or other contract  
or tort claim), except for any liability that cannot be waived or limited by  
applicable laws, IBM is liable for no more than  
1. damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property  
and tangible personal property; and  
2. the amount of any other actual direct damages, up to the charges (if  
recurring, 12 months’ charges apply) for the Machine that is subject of the  
claim. For purposes of this item, the term “Machine” includes Machine  
Code and Licensed Internal Code (“LIC”).  
This limit also applies to IBM’s suppliers and your reseller. It is the maximum  
for which IBM, its suppliers, and your reseller are collectively responsible.  
Governing Law  
46 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Both you and IBM consent to the application of the laws of the country in  
which you acquired the Machine to govern, interpret, and enforce all of your  
and IBM’s rights, duties, and obligations arising from, or relating in any  
manner to, the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty, without  
regard to conflict of law principles.  
All of our rights, duties, and obligations are subject to the courts of the country  
in which you acquired the Machine.  
Part 2 - Country-unique Terms  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Ordinary Commercial Court of the city of Buenos Aires.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the courts of the city of La Paz.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the court of Rio de Janeiro, RJ.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Civil Courts of Justice of Santiago.  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 47  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Judges of the Republic of Colombia.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Judges of Quito.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Federal Courts of Mexico City, Federal District.  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the courts of the city of Asuncion.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added at the end of this section:  
In accordance with Article 1328 of the Peruvian Civil Code the limitations and  
exclusions specified in this section will not apply to damages caused by IBM’s  
willful misconduct (“dolo”) or gross negligence (“culpa inexcusable”).  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the City of Montevideo Court’s Jurisdiction.  
48 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Jurisdiction: The following is added after the first sentence:  
Any litigation arising from this Statement of Limited Warranty will be settled  
exclusively by the Courts of the Metropolitan Area Of the City of Caracas.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service: The following is added to this Section:  
To obtain warranty service from IBM in Canada or the United States, call  
1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378).  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 1 of this section:  
1. damages for bodily injury (including death) or physical harm to real  
property and tangible personal property caused by IBM’s negligence; and  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws in the Province of Ontario.  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you may  
have under the Trade Practices Act 1974 or other similar legislation and are  
only limited to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
Where IBM is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the Trade  
Practices Act 1974 or other similar legislation, IBM’s liability is limited to the  
repair or replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods. Where  
that condition or warranty relates to right to sell, quiet possession or clear title,  
or the goods are of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or  
household use or consumption, then none of the limitations in this paragraph  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 49  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws of the State or Territory.  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York, United States of America.  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in  
Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of Singapore International  
Arbitration Center (“SIAC Rules”) then in effect. The arbitration award shall be  
final and binding for the parties without appeal and shall be in writing and set  
forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the SIAC.  
Other vacancies shall be filled by the respective nominating party. Proceedings  
shall continue from the stage they were at when the vacancy occurred.  
If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within 30  
days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator shall  
be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and properly  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in such  
proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of this  
Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces items 1 and 2 of this section:  
50 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
1. liability for bodily injury (including death) or damage to real property and  
tangible personal property will be limited to that caused by IBM’s  
negligence; and  
2. as to any other actual damage arising in any situation involving  
nonperformance by IBM pursuant to, or in any way related to the subject  
of this Statement of Limited Warranty, the charge paid by you for the  
individual Machine that is the subject of the claim. For purposes of this  
item, the term “Machine” includes Machine Code and Licensed Internal  
Code (“LIC”).  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in  
Bangalore, India in accordance with the laws of India then in effect. The  
arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without appeal and  
shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the Bar  
Council of India. Other vacancies shall be filled by the respective nominating  
party. Proceedings shall continue from the stage they were at when the  
vacancy occurred.  
If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within 30  
days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator shall  
be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and properly  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in such  
proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of this  
Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Governing Law: The following sentence is added to this section:  
Any doubts concerning this Statement of Limited Warranty will be initially  
resolved between us in good faith and in accordance with the principle of  
mutual trust.  
Limitation of Liability: The word SPECIALin item 3 of the fifth paragraph is  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 51  
What this Warranty Covers: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The warranties specified in this section are in addition to any rights you may  
have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which  
cannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not  
apply in respect of any goods which IBM provides, if you require the goods  
for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
Where Machines are not acquired for the purposes of a business as defined in  
the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the limitations in this section are subject to  
the limitations in that Act.  
Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquired  
the Machine” in the first sentence:  
laws of the State of New York, United States of America (except when local  
law requires otherwise).  
Limitation of Liability: Item 3 in the fifth paragraph is replaced by the following:  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Statement of Limited  
Warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in Metro  
Manila, Philippines in accordance with the laws of the Philippines then in  
effect. The arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without  
appeal and shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the  
conclusions of law.  
The number of arbitrators shall be three, with each side to the dispute being  
entitled to appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators appointed by the parties  
shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as chairman of the proceedings.  
Vacancies in the post of chairman shall be filled by the president of the  
Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. Other vacancies shall be filled by the  
respective nominating party. Proceedings shall continue from the stage they  
were at when the vacancy occurred.  
52 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
If one of the parties refuses or otherwise fails to appoint an arbitrator within 30  
days of the date the other party appoints its, the first appointed arbitrator shall  
be the sole arbitrator, provided that the arbitrator was validly and properly  
All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents presented in such  
proceedings, in the English language. The English language version of this  
Statement of Limited Warranty prevails over any other language version.  
Limitation of Liability: The words SPECIAL” and “ECONOMICin item 3 in  
the fifth paragraph are deleted.  
The terms of this Statement of Limited Warranty apply to Machines purchased  
from IBM or an IBM reseller.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service:  
Add the following paragraph in Western Europe (Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,  
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,  
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco,  
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,  
Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican State, and any country subsequently  
added to the European Union, as from the date of accession):  
The warranty for Machines acquired in Western Europe shall be valid and  
applicable in all Western Europe countries provided the Machines have been  
announced and made available in such countries.  
If you purchase a Machine in one of the Western European countries, as  
defined above, you may obtain warranty service for that Machine in any of  
those countries from either (1) an IBM reseller approved to perform warranty  
service or (2) from IBM, provided the Machine has been announced and made  
available by IBM in the country in which you wish to obtain service.  
If you purchased a Personal Computer Machine in Albania, Armenia, Belarus,  
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary,  
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Former Yugoslav  
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak  
Republic, Slovenia, or Ukraine, you may obtain warranty service for that  
Machine in any of those countries from either (1) an IBM reseller approved to  
perform warranty service or (2) from IBM.  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 53  
If you purchase a Machine in a Middle Eastern or African country, you may  
obtain warranty service for that Machine from the IBM entity within the  
country of purchase, if that IBM entity provides warranty service in that  
country, or from an IBM reseller, approved by IBM to perform warranty service  
on that Machine in that country. Warranty service in Africa is available within  
50 kilometers of an IBM approved service provider. You are responsible for  
transportation costs for Machines located outside 50 kilometers of an IBM  
approved service provider.  
Governing Law:  
The phrase “the laws of the country in which you acquired the Machine” is replaced  
1) “the laws of Austria” in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,  
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan,  
Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia,  
Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and FR Yugoslavia;  
2) “the laws of France” in Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape  
Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo Republic, Djibouti,  
Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, French Guiana, French  
Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Lebanon,  
Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, New Caledonia,  
Niger, Reunion, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, Tunisia, Vanuatu, and Wallis &  
Futuna; 3) “the laws of Finland” in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania; 4) “the  
laws of England” in Angola, Bahrain, Botswana, Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea,  
Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Malawi, Malta,  
Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Saudi  
Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, the  
United Kingdom, West Bank/Gaza, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; and 5)  
“the laws of South Africa” in South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland.  
Jurisdiction: The following exceptions are added to this section:  
1) In Austria the choice of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of this  
Statement of Limited Warranty and relating thereto, including its existence,  
will be the competent court of law in Vienna, Austria (Inner-City); 2) in  
Angola, Bahrain, Botswana, Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan,  
Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman,  
Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia,  
Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, West Bank/Gaza, Yemen, Zambia,  
and Zimbabwe all disputes arising out of this Statement of Limited Warranty  
or related to its execution, including summary proceedings, will be submitted  
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts; 3) in Belgium and  
Luxembourg, all disputes arising out of this Statement of Limited Warranty or  
related to its interpretation or its execution, the law, and the courts of the  
54 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
capital city, of the country of your registered office and/or commercial site  
location only are competent; 4) in France, Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso,  
Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo  
Republic, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,  
French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,  
Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte,  
Morocco, New Caledonia, Niger, Reunion, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, Tunisia,  
Vanuatu, and Wallis & Futuna all disputes arising out of this Statement of  
Limited Warranty or related to its violation or execution, including summary  
proceedings, will be settled exclusively by the Commercial Court of Paris; 5) in  
Russia, all disputes arising out of or in relation to the interpretation, the  
violation, the termination, the nullity of the execution of this Statement of  
Limited Warranty shall be settled by Arbitration Court of Moscow; 6) in South  
Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland, both of us agree to submit all  
disputes relating to this Statement of Limited Warranty to the jurisdiction of  
the High Court in Johannesburg; 7) in Turkey all disputes arising out of or in  
connection with this Statement of Limited Warranty shall be resolved by the  
Istanbul Central (Sultanahmet) Courts and Execution Directorates of Istanbul,  
the Republic of Turkey; 8) in each of the following specified countries, any  
legal claim arising out of this Statement of Limited Warranty will be brought  
before, and settled exclusively by, the competent court of a) Athens for Greece,  
b) Tel Aviv-Jaffa for Israel, c) Milan for Italy, d) Lisbon for Portugal, and e)  
Madrid for Spain; and 9) in the United Kingdom, both of us agree to submit  
all disputes relating to this Statement of Limited Warranty to the jurisdiction of  
the English courts.  
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:  
In Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria,  
Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia,  
Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan,  
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and FR Yugoslavia all disputes arising  
out of this Statement of Limited Warranty or related to its violation,  
termination or nullity will be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration and  
Conciliation of the International Arbitral Center of the Federal Economic  
Chamber in Vienna (Vienna Rules) by three arbitrators appointed in accordance  
with these rules. The arbitration will be held in Vienna, Austria, and the official  
language of the proceedings will be English. The decision of the arbitrators will  
be final and binding upon both parties. Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 598  
(2) of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, the parties expressly waive the  
application of paragraph 595 (1) figure 7 of the Code. IBM may, however,  
institute proceedings in a competent court in the country of installation.  
In Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all disputes arising in connection with this  
Statement of Limited Warranty will be finally settled in arbitration that will be  
held in Helsinki, Finland in accordance with the arbitration laws of Finland  
then in effect. Each party will appoint one arbitrator. The arbitrators will then  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 55  
jointly appoint the chairman. If arbitrators cannot agree on the chairman, then  
the Central Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki will appoint the chairman.  
The warranty for Machines acquired in EU countries is valid and applicable in  
all EU countries provided the Machines have been announced and made  
available in such countries.  
How to Obtain Warranty Service: The following is added to this section:  
To obtain warranty service from IBM in EU countries, see the telephone listing  
in Part 3 - Warranty Information.  
You may contact IBM at the following address:  
IBM Warranty & Service Quality Dept.  
PO Box 30  
Spango Valley  
Scotland PA16 0AH  
Consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing  
the sale of consumer goods. Such rights are not affected by the warranties  
provided in this Statement of Limited Warranty.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law:  
1. IBM’s liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a consequence  
of the fulfillment of its obligations under or in connection with this  
Statement of Limited Warranty or due to any other cause related to this  
Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of only those  
damages and losses proved and actually arising as an immediate and direct  
consequence of the non-fulfillment of such obligations (if IBM is at fault) or  
of such cause, for a maximum amount equal to the charges you paid for  
the Machine. For purposes of this item, the term “Machine” includes  
Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code (“LIC”).  
56 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
The above limitation shall not apply to damages for bodily injuries  
(including death) and damages to real property and tangible personal  
property for which IBM is legally liable.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law:  
1. IBM’s liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a consequence  
of the fulfillment of its obligations under or in connection with this  
Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of only those  
damages and losses proved and actually arising as an immediate and direct  
consequence of the non-fulfillment of such obligations (if IBM is at fault),  
for a maximum amount equal to the charges you paid for the Machine that  
has caused the damages. For purposes of this item, the term “Machine”  
includes Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code (“LIC”).  
The above limitation shall not apply to damages for bodily injuries  
(including death) and damages to real property and tangible personal  
property for which IBM is legally liable.  
The provisions of this Statement of Limited Warranty replace any applicable  
statutory warranties.  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 57  
What this Warranty Covers: The following replaces the first sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
The warranty for an IBM Machine covers the functionality of the Machine for  
its normal use and the Machine’s conformity to its Specifications.  
The following paragraphs are added to this section:  
The limitation period for consumers in action for breach of warranty is the  
statutory period as a minimum. In case IBM or your reseller is unable to repair  
an IBM Machine, you can alternatively ask for a partial refund as far as  
justified by the reduced value of the unrepaired Machine or ask for a  
cancellation of the respective agreement for such Machine and get your money  
The second paragraph does not apply.  
What IBM Will Do to Correct Problems: The following is added to this section:  
During the warranty period, IBM will reimburse you for the transportation  
charges for the delivery of the failing Machine to IBM.  
Limitation of Liability: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warranty  
will not apply to damages caused by IBM with fraud or gross negligence and  
for express warranty.  
The following sentence is added to the end of item 2:  
IBM’s liability under this item is limited to the violation of essential contractual  
terms in cases of ordinary negligence.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces item 2 in this section:  
as to any other actual direct damages, IBM’s liability will be limited to the total  
amount you paid for the Machine that is the subject of the claim. For purposes  
of this item, the term “Machine” includes Machine Code and Licensed Internal  
Code (“LIC”).  
Applicability of suppliers and resellers (unchanged).  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
58 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
In such instances, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim  
damages from IBM, IBM is liable for no more than: (items 1 and 2 unchanged).  
What this Warranty Covers: The following replaces the first sentence of the first  
paragraph of this section:  
The warranty for an IBM Machine covers the functionality of the Machine for  
its normal use and the Machine’s conformity to its Specifications.  
The following paragraphs are added to this section:  
The minimum warranty period for Machines is twelve months. In case IBM or  
your reseller is unable to repair an IBM Machine, you can alternatively ask for  
a partial refund as far as justified by the reduced value of the unrepaired  
Machine or ask for a cancellation of the respective agreement for such Machine  
and get your money refunded.  
The second paragraph does not apply.  
What IBM Will Do to Correct Problems: The following is added to this section:  
During the warranty period, transportation for delivery of the failing Machine  
to IBM will be at IBM’s expense.  
Limitation of Liability: The following paragraph is added to this section:  
The limitations and exclusions specified in the Statement of Limited Warranty  
will not apply to damages caused by IBM with fraud or gross negligence and  
for express warranty.  
The following sentence is added to the end of item 2:  
IBM’s liability under this item is limited to the violation of essential contractual  
terms in cases of ordinary negligence.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added at the end of this section:  
The limitation and exclusion specified herein shall not apply to liability for a  
breach of contract damaging life, physical well-being, or health that has been  
caused intentionally, by gross negligence, or by a criminal act.  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 59  
The parties accept the limitations of liability as valid provisions and state that  
the Section 314.(2) of the Hungarian Civil Code applies as the acquisition price  
as well as other advantages arising out of the present Statement of Limited  
Warranty balance this limitation of liability.  
What this Warranty Covers: The following is added to this section:  
Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, all statutory  
conditions, including all warranties implied, but without prejudice to the  
generality of the foregoing all warranties implied by the Sale of Goods Act  
1893 or the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 are hereby  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
For the purposes of this section, a “Default” means any act, statement,  
omission, or negligence on the part of IBM in connection with, or in relation to,  
the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty in respect of which  
IBM is legally liable to you, whether in contract or tort. A number of Defaults  
which together result in, or contribute to, substantially the same loss or  
damage will be treated as one Default occurring on the date of occurrence of  
the last such Default.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a Default, you are entitled to  
recover damages from IBM.  
This section sets out the extent of IBM’s liability and your sole remedy.  
1. IBM will accept unlimited liability for death or personal injury caused by  
the negligence of IBM.  
2. Subject always to the Items for Which IBM is Not Liable below, IBM will  
accept unlimited liability for physical damage to your tangible property  
resulting from the negligence of IBM.  
3. Except as provided in items 1 and 2 above, IBM’s entire liability for actual  
damages for any one Default will not in any event exceed the greater of 1)  
EUR 125,000, or 2) 125% of the amount you paid for the Machine directly  
relating to the Default.  
Items for Which IBM is Not Liable  
Save with respect to any liability referred to in item 1 above, under no  
circumstances is IBM, its suppliers or resellers liable for any of the following,  
even if IBM or they were informed of the possibility of such losses:  
1. loss of, or damage to, data;  
2. special, indirect, or consequential loss; or  
60 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
3. loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to the end of the last paragraph:  
The limitations apply to the extent they are not prohibited under §§ 373-386 of  
the Slovak Commercial Code.  
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this section:  
IBM’s entire liability to you for actual damages arising in all situations  
involving nonperformance by IBM in respect of the subject matter of this  
Statement of Warranty will be limited to the charge paid by you for the  
individual Machine that is the subject of your claim from IBM.  
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its  
For the purposes of this section, a “Default” means any act, statement,  
omission, or negligence on the part of IBM in connection with, or in relation to,  
the subject matter of this Statement of Limited Warranty in respect of which  
IBM is legally liable to you, whether in contract or tort. A number of Defaults  
which together result in, or contribute to, substantially the same loss or  
damage will be treated as one Default.  
Circumstances may arise where, because of a Default, you are entitled to  
recover damages from IBM.  
This section sets out the extent of IBM’s liability and your sole remedy.  
1. IBM will accept unlimited liability for:  
a. death or personal injury caused by the negligence of IBM; and  
b. any breach of its obligations implied by Section 12 of the Sale of Goods  
Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, or  
any statutory modification or re-enactment of either such Section.  
2. IBM will accept unlimited liability, subject always to the Items for Which  
IBM is Not Liable below, for physical damage to your tangible property  
resulting from the negligence of IBM.  
3. IBM’s entire liability for actual damages for any one Default will not in any  
event, except as provided in items 1 and 2 above, exceed the greater of 1)  
Pounds Sterling 75,000, or 2) 125% of the total purchase price payable or  
the charges for the Machine directly relating to the Default.  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 61  
These limits also apply to IBM’s suppliers and resellers. They state the  
maximum for which IBM and such suppliers and resellers are collectively  
Items for Which IBM is Not Liable  
Save with respect to any liability referred to in item 1 above, under no  
circumstances is IBM or any of its suppliers or resellers liable for any of the  
following, even if IBM or they were informed of the possibility of such losses:  
1. loss of, or damage to, data;  
2. special, indirect, or consequential loss; or  
3. loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings.  
Part 3 - Warranty Information  
This Part 3 provides information regarding the warranty applicable to your  
Machine, including the warranty period and type of warranty service IBM  
Warranty Period  
The warranty period may vary by country or region and is specified in the  
table below.  
Note: “Region” means either Hong Kong or Macau Special Administrative  
Region of China.  
A warranty period of 3 years on parts and 1 year on labor means that IBM  
provides warranty service without charge for:  
1. parts and labor during the first year of the warranty period; and  
2. parts only, on an exchange basis, in the second and third years of the  
warranty period. IBM will charge you for any labor provided in  
performance of the repair or replacement(s) in the second and third year of  
the warranty period.  
Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter  
Country or Region of  
Warranty Period  
Type of Warranty Service*  
1 year  
* See “Types of Warranty Service” for the legend and explanations of warranty-service  
Types of Warranty Service  
62 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
If required, IBM provides repair or exchange service depending on the type of  
warranty service specified for your Machine in the above table and as  
described below. Warranty service may be provided by your reseller if  
approved by IBM to perform warranty service. Scheduling of service will  
depend upon the time of your call and is subject to parts availability. Service  
levels are response time objectives and are not guaranteed. The specified level  
of warranty service may not be available in all worldwide locations, additional  
charges may apply outside IBM’s normal service area, contact your local IBM  
representative or your reseller for country and location specific information.  
1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service  
IBM provides replacement CRUs to you for you to install. CRU information  
and replacement instructions are shipped with your Machine and are  
available from IBM at any time on your request. Installation of Tier 1 CRUs  
is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will  
be charged for the installation. You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or  
request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of  
warranty service designated for your Machine. IBM specifies in the  
materials shipped with a replacement CRU whether a defective CRU must  
be returned to IBM. When return is required, 1) return instructions and a  
container are shipped with the replacement CRU, and 2) you may be  
charged for the replacement CRU if IBM does not receive the defective  
CRU within 30 days of your receipt of the replacement.  
2. On-site Service  
IBM or your reseller will either repair or exchange the failing Machine at  
your location and verify its operation. You must provide suitable working  
area to allow disassembly and reassembly of the IBM Machine. The area  
must be clean, well lit and suitable for the purpose. For some Machines,  
certain repairs may require sending the Machine to an IBM service center.  
3. Courier or Depot Service*  
You will disconnect the failing Machine for collection arranged by IBM.  
IBM will provide you with a shipping container for you to return your  
Machine to a designated service center. A courier will pick up your  
Machine and deliver it to the designated service center. Following its repair  
or exchange, IBM will arrange the return delivery of the Machine to your  
location. You are responsible for its installation and verification.  
4. Customer Carry-In or Mail-In Service  
You will deliver or mail as IBM specifies (prepaid unless IBM specifies  
otherwise) the failing Machine suitably packaged to a location IBM  
designates. After IBM has repaired or exchanged the Machine, IBM will  
make it available for your collection or, for Mail-in Service, IBM will return  
it to you at IBM’s expense, unless IBM specifies otherwise. You are  
responsible for the subsequent installation and verification of the Machine.  
5. CRU and On-site Service  
This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 (see  
6. CRU and Courier or Depot Service  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 63  
This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 3 (see  
7. CRU and Customer Carry-In or Mail-In Service  
This type of Warranty Service is a combination of Type 1 and Type 4 (see  
When a 5, 6 or 7 type of warranty service is listed, IBM will determine  
which type of warranty service is appropriate for the repair.  
* This type of service is called ThinkPad® EasyServ or EasyServ in some  
servers/support/machine_warranties/ provides a worldwide overview of  
IBM’s Limited Warranty for Machines, a Glossary of IBM definitions,  
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Support by Product (Machine) with  
links to Product Support pages. The IBM Statement of Limited Warranty is  
also available on this site in 29 languages.  
To obtain warranty service contact IBM or your IBM reseller. In Canada or the  
United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378). In the EU countries, see the  
telephone numbers below.  
EU Country Telephone List  
Phone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the warranty service  
contact telephone number in a country subsequently added to the EU and not  
yet reflected in the list below, contact IBM in that country or visit the website  
above for a current telephone listing.  
Austria -- +43-1-24592-5901  
Belgium -- +32-70-23-3392  
Cyprus -- +357-22-841100  
Czech Republic -- +420-2-7213-1316  
Denmark -- +45-4520-8200  
Estonia -- +386-61-1796-699  
Finland -- +358-8001-4260  
France -- +33-238-557-450  
Germany -- +49-1805-253553  
Greece -- +30-210-680-1700  
Hungary -- +36-1-382-5720  
Ireland -- +353-1-815-4000  
Latvia -- +386-61-1796-699  
Lithuania -- +386-61-1796-699  
Luxembourg -- +352-298-977-5063  
Malta -- +356-23-4175  
Netherlands -- +31-20-514-5770  
Poland -- +48-22-878-6999  
Portugal -- +351-21-892-7147  
Slovakia -- +421-2-4954-1217  
Slovenia -- +386-1-4796-699  
Spain -- +34-91-714-7983  
Sweden -- +46-8-477-4420  
United Kingdom -- +44-0870-550-0900  
64 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Italy -- +39-800-820-094  
Appendix A. IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Z125-4753-08 04/2004 65  
66 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Appendix B. Notices  
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.  
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this  
document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for  
information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any  
reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or  
imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any  
functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any  
IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s  
responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product,  
program, or service.  
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter  
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you  
any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:  
IBM Director of Licensing  
IBM Corporation  
North Castle Drive  
Armonk, NY 10504-1785  
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of  
express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement  
may not apply to you.  
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be  
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements  
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this  
publication at any time without notice.  
Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for  
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those  
Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this  
IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.  
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it  
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines  
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:  
Active Memory  
Active PCI  
Active PCI-X  
Alert on LAN  
Tivoli Enterprise  
Update Connector  
Wake on LAN  
IBM (logo)  
Predictive Failure  
System x  
e-business logo  
Intel, Intel Xeon, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered  
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and  
other countries.  
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft  
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.  
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and  
other countries.  
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun  
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.  
Adaptec and HostRAID are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc., in the United States,  
other countries, or both.  
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or  
Red Hat, the Red Hat “Shadow Man” logo, and all Red Hat-based trademarks  
and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., in the  
United States and other countries.  
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks  
of others.  
68 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Important notes  
Processor speeds indicate the internal clock speed of the microprocessor; other  
factors also affect application performance.  
CD drive speeds list the variable read rate. Actual speeds vary and are often  
less than the maximum possible.  
When referring to processor storage, real and virtual storage, or channel  
volume, KB stands for approximately 1000 bytes, MB stands for approximately  
1 000 000 bytes, and GB stands for approximately 1 000 000 000 bytes.  
When referring to hard disk drive capacity or communications volume, MB  
stands for 1 000 000 bytes, and GB stands for 1 000 000 000 bytes. Total  
user-accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environments.  
Maximum internal hard disk drive capacities assume the replacement of any  
standard hard disk drives and population of all hard disk drive bays with the  
largest currently supported drives available from IBM.  
Maximum memory may require replacement of the standard memory with an  
optional memory module.  
IBM makes no representation or warranties regarding non-IBM products and  
services that are ServerProven®, including but not limited to the implied  
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. These  
products are offered and warranted solely by third parties.  
IBM makes no representations or warranties with respect to non-IBM products.  
Support (if any) for the non-IBM products is provided by the third party, not  
Some software may differ from its retail version (if available), and may not  
include user manuals or all program functionality.  
Product recycling and disposal  
This unit must be recycled or discarded according to applicable local and  
national regulations. IBM encourages owners of information technology (IT)  
equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed.  
IBM offers a variety of product return programs and services in several  
countries to assist equipment owners in recycling their IT products.  
Information on IBM product recycling offerings can be found on IBM’s Internet  
site at  
Appendix B. Notices 69  
Notice: This mark applies only to countries within the European Union (EU)  
and Norway.  
This appliance is labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC  
concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The Directive  
determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as  
applicable throughout the European Union. This label is applied to various  
products to indicate that the product is not to be thrown away, but rather  
reclaimed upon end of life per this Directive.  
Remarque: Cette marque s’applique uniquement aux pays de l’Union  
Européenne et à la Norvège.  
L’etiquette du système respecte la Directive européenne 2002/96/EC en  
matière de Déchets des Equipements Electriques et Electroniques (DEEE), qui  
détermine les dispositions de retour et de recyclage applicables aux systèmes  
utilisés à travers l’Union européenne. Conformément à la directive, ladite  
étiquette précise que le produit sur lequel elle est apposée ne doit pas être jeté  
mais être récupéré en fin de vie.  
In accordance with the European WEEE Directive, electrical and electronic  
equipment (EEE) is to be collected separately and to be reused, recycled, or  
recovered at end of life. Users of EEE with the WEEE marking per Annex IV of  
the WEEE Directive, as shown above, must not dispose of end of life EEE as  
unsorted municipal waste, but use the collection framework available to  
customers for the return, recycling, and recovery of WEEE. Customer  
participation is important to minimize any potential effects of EEE on the  
environment and human health due to the potential presence of hazardous  
substances in EEE. For proper collection and treatment, contact your local IBM  
70 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Battery return program  
This product may contain a sealed lead acid, nickel cadmium, nickel metal  
hydride, lithium, or lithium ion battery. Consult your user manual or service  
manual for specific battery information. The battery must be recycled or  
disposed of properly. Recycling facilities may not be available in your area. For  
information on disposal of batteries outside the United States, go to  
contact your local waste disposal facility.  
In the United States, IBM has established a return process for reuse, recycling,  
or proper disposal of used IBM sealed lead acid, nickel cadmium, nickel metal  
hydride, and battery packs from IBM equipment. For information on proper  
disposal of these batteries, contact IBM at 1-800-426-4333. Have the IBM part  
number listed on the battery available prior to your call.  
In the Netherlands, the following applies.  
For Taiwan: Please recycle batteries.  
Electronic emission notices  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement  
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for  
a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when  
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment  
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful  
Appendix B. Notices 71  
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a  
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user  
will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order  
to meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television  
interference caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors or  
by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized  
changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,  
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Industry Canada Class A emission compliance statement  
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada  
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du  
Australia and New Zealand Class A statement  
Attention: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product  
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take  
adequate measures.  
United Kingdom telecommunications safety requirement  
Notice to Customers  
This apparatus is approved under approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for  
indirect connection to public telecommunication systems in the United  
European Union EMC Directive conformance statement  
This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EU Council  
Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States  
relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for  
any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a  
nonrecommended modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM  
option cards.  
72 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A  
Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22/European Standard  
EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for commercial and  
industrial environments to provide reasonable protection against interference  
with licensed communication equipment.  
Attention: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product  
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take  
adequate measures.  
Taiwanese Class A warning statement  
Chinese Class A warning statement  
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI)  
Appendix B. Notices 73  
74 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
external ports  
case-sensitive data fields  
fiber-optic cables  
CX4 cable  
enable management  
IP address  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006  
login window  
MAC address  
main menu  
management module  
serial console cable  
SFP module  
small form-factor pluggable module  
switch module  
switch software  
password rules  
76 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
78 Nortel 10 Gigabit Uplink Ethernet Switch Module: Installation Guide  
Part Number: 31R1719  
Printed in USA  
(1P) P/N: 31R1719  

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