HP Hewlett Packard Network Cables B5426 90001 User Manual

HP -P B 100VG-An yLAN Netw or k Ad a p ter  
In sta lla tion a n d Ser vice  
HP 3000 MP E/iX Com p u ter System s  
Ed ition 1  
Printed in: U.S.A. August 1997  
Con ten ts  
HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter Installation at a Glance 9  
Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Product Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Tools and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Observe Antistatic Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14  
a. Access the adapter slot(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18  
d. Switch on the power to the computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19  
4. Attach the Adapter to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20  
5. Configure the Adapter into the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21  
6. Verify Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22  
Field Replaceable Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24  
Exchange Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24  
Troubleshooting Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25  
Card LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25  
Con ten ts  
Removal/Replacement of the Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  
Reshipment Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29  
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30  
Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  
Glossa r y  
Figu r es  
Figure 1-1 . Address Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15  
Figure 1-2 . Inserting and Securing Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19  
Figure 1-3 . Port Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20  
Figure 2-1 . Declaration of Conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31  
Figu r es  
Ta bles  
Table 1-1. LED Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22  
Table 2-1. Troubleshooting Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26  
Table 2-2. 100VG Network Adapter Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . .30  
Ta bles  
HP -P B 100VG-An yLAN Netw or k  
Ad a p ter In sta lla tion a t a Gla n ce  
The following figure shows how to install the HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN  
Network Adapter.  
In sta lla tion Over view  
The installation procedure includes the following major steps:  
1. Prepare to install the adapter.  
2. Shut down the operating system and switch off the power to the  
3. Install the adapter.  
4. Attach the adapter to the network.  
5. Configure the adapter.  
6. Verify operation.  
P r od u ct Descr ip tion  
The HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter provides the hardware  
needed to interface an HP-PB backplane to a 100VG-AnyLAN Network.  
The HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter has the following  
one built-in connector: an RJ -45 connector, for attachment to the hub  
10 or 100-Mbit per second operation  
single-high form factor  
P r od u ct Con ten ts  
HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter — A3496-60001  
Installation and Service Manual — B5426-90001  
Tools a n d Accessor ies  
Before installation, gather these tools and accessories:  
screwdrivers necessary for opening your computer and installing  
grounding wrist strap  
cable for attachment to hub, UTP category 3 or 5  
In Th is Book  
This book is the installation and service manual for the HP-PB  
100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter that connects an HP 3000 computer  
using the HP-PB backplane to a 100VG-AnyLAN network.  
The installation procedure section contains the installation instructions.  
It explains in detail the steps necessary to install the adapter into your  
The service information section defines the steps and procedures to  
follow if you experience trouble with the adapter. It explains diagnostics  
to be used for troubleshooting, removal/replacement instructions,  
reshipment guidelines, and technical specifications.  
This manual is limited to installation of the HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN  
Network Adapter only. It is assumed network hubs and cabling are in  
place and the appropriate HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN network software and  
operating system have already been installed on the computer.  
In sta lla tion P r oced u r e  
This section contains installation instructions for the HP-PB  
100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter. The instructions are organized into  
six primary steps listed below. Each step is described in detail in this  
section. If the adapter has already been installed at the factory, you may  
proceed directly to step 4.  
1. Prepare to install the adapter.  
2. Shut down the operating system and switch off the computer.  
3. Install the adapter.  
4. Attach the adapter to the network.  
5. Configure the adapter into the system.  
6. Verify operation.  
Installation Procedure  
1. Prepare to Install the Adapter  
1. P r ep a r e to In sta ll th e Ad a p ter  
Before installing the adapter, you should perform the following steps:  
1. Observe antistatic precautions.  
2. Verify product contents.  
3. Record adapter identification information.  
4. Gather tools and accessories.  
Obser ve An tista tic P r eca u tion s  
This product contains electronic components that can easily be damaged  
by small amounts of static electricity. To avoid damage, follow these  
Store adapters in their conductive plastic bags until you are ready to  
install them.  
If possible, work in a static-free area.  
Handle adapters only by the edges. Do not touch electronic  
components or electrical traces. We strongly recommend that you use  
a grounding wrist strap that is connected to the metallic chassis of  
the computer. If you do not have a wrist strap, touch the chassis  
before handling adapters, and frequently or continuously thereafter,  
to equalize any static charge.  
Ver ify P r od u ct Con ten ts  
Unpack and identify all items supplied with the products:  
Pa r t Nu m ber s  
HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter  
Installation and Service Manual  
Installation Procedure  
1. Prepare to Install the Adapter  
Recor d Ad a p ter In for m a tion  
Record the relevant information from the card here for future reference.  
If your adapter requires service in the future this information will be  
needed by HP service personnel.  
Ca r d  
In for m a tion  
In for m a tion to Recor d  
Exa m p le  
Motherboard Model and Revision number  
__________________ H05000-003, REVB02  
Daughter Card Model and Revision number __________________ H04522-001, REVC00  
Daughter Card Serial number  
Daughter Card Station Address  
__________________ 615385  
__________________ 0060B0D52EFC  
This information is provided on stickers affixed to various locations on  
the adapter cards. Use Figure 1-1, for the locations of the relevant  
Figu r e 1-1  
Ad d r ess Loca tion  
Chapter 1  
Installation Procedure  
1. Prepare to Install the Adapter  
Ga th er Tools a n d Accessor ies  
Check the hardware installation manual of your computer model for  
special tools and accessories required to access the I/O adapter slot(s).  
The following common tools are helpful:  
screwdrivers necessary for opening your computer and installing  
grounding wrist strap  
You should have all of your system and peripheral device manuals  
available for reference. There may be special system or device dependent  
requirements that are not noted here.  
Installation Procedure  
2. Shut Down the Operating System and Switch Off the Computer  
2. Sh u t Dow n th e Op er a tin g System a n d  
Sw itch Off th e Com p u ter  
1. Before installing the HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter,  
ensure that the operating system is shut down. Refer to your  
computer system manuals for proper shutdown procedures to avoid  
corruption or loss of data.  
2. Ensure that power to the host computer is switched off and  
disconnected from the source power supply.  
Un less oth er w ise n oted in you r com p u ter system m a n u a ls,  
fa ilu r e to p r op er ly sh u t d ow n th e system a n d r em ove p ow er m a y  
cr ea te a p er son n el h a za r d , or m a y r esu lt in h a r d w a r e d a m a ge or  
d a ta cor r u p tion .  
Chapter 1  
Installation Procedure  
3. Install the Adapter  
3. In sta ll th e Ad a p ter  
To install the adapter in the host computer, perform the following steps:  
a. Access the adapter slot(s).  
b. Select an available adapter slot.  
c. Insert the adapter into the slot.  
d. Switch on the power to the computer.  
a . Access th e a d a p ter slot(s)  
Because computer models vary, there may be different procedures to  
access and select an adapter slot. Before you install the adapter, you  
should refer to the manuals that apply to your particular computer for  
instructions. Identify the following information:  
authorized or recommended adapter configurations and limitations,  
if any  
how to access the computers adapter slot(s)  
proper orientation of the adapter in its slot  
b. Select a n a va ila ble slot  
Select an available HP-PB adapter slot. Remove the slot cover for that  
slot. Refer to your computer system administrators documentation.  
Retain the cover for possible future use.  
Verify you can see an adapter connector at the back of the slot.  
Record the slot number for future reference. If there are no other  
adapters to install, reassemble the computer.  
c. In ser t th e a d a p ter in to th e slot  
Insert the adapter into the adapter slot connector and press in firmly  
until the adapter is fully seated into the connector. Refer to Figure 1-2.  
1. With both hands, grasp the adapter by its edges or faceplate. Do not  
touch electronic components or electrical traces.  
Installation Procedure  
3. Install the Adapter  
2. Insert the adapter into the slot. Be sure the contacts and adapter  
guides are properly aligned.  
3. Fold in the extractor levers.  
4. Press the adapter firmly until you feel the connector mate fully.  
5. Secure the adapter in its slot by securing the retaining screws.  
Figu r e 1-2  
In ser tin g a n d Secu r in g Ad a p ter  
d . Sw itch on th e p ow er to th e com p u ter.  
1. Reconnect the source power supply to the computer.  
2. Switch on the computer power switch.  
Chapter 1  
Installation Procedure  
4. Attach the Adapter to the Network  
4. Atta ch th e Ad a p ter to th e Netw or k  
Use the RJ -45 connector for connecting a UTP category 3 or 5 cable  
(not supplied) to a 100VG-AnyLAN hub or 10Base-T hub/switch. Refer to  
Figure 1-3..  
Figu r e 1-3  
Por t Con n ection  
Attach the cable to the RJ -45 connector by following these steps:  
a. Plug the cable into the RJ -45 connector.  
b. Secure the other end of the cable to the 100VG-AnyLAN hub or  
10Base-T hub/switch.  
c. If necessary, reconfigure the hub/switch port to operate at the desired  
speed and duplex settings.  
All of the LEDs on the adapter (except the Power LED) are initialized by  
software when the link is started on the system. Therefore, until  
software initializes the adapter, the state of the LEDs cannot be reliably  
Installation Procedure  
5. Configure the Adapter into the System  
5. Con figu r e th e Ad a p ter in to th e System  
On MPE systems you will need to configure the adapter into the system.  
In particular you must specify link speed and duplex settings to match  
those of the network hub/switch port to which you attached the adapter.  
For more information on MPE systems, refer to:  
NS3000/ iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual (36922-61003)  
HP3000/ iX Network Planning and Configuration Guide  
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual  
Chapter 1  
Installation Procedure  
6. Verify Operation  
6. Ver ify Op er a tion  
Verify proper operation of the HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter  
by checking the LEDs on the card. When the computer is switched on,  
the Power LED will come on. At this point, the rest of the LEDs are in an  
uninitialized state, and cannot be used until the driver on the system has  
been started. After the driver has been started, the following Table 1-1,  
may be used to interpret the LED patterns.  
Ta ble 1-1  
LED Pa tter n s  
LED on  
LED off  
Driver has detected a  
fatal condition and is no  
longer operating.  
Adapter is functioning  
Adapter is operating at  
Adapter is not operating at  
Adapter is operating at  
Adapter is not operating at  
Adapter is correctly  
receiving a link signal  
from the hub/switch.  
Adapter is not receiving a  
link signal from the  
Adapter is sending or  
receiving a packet to/from  
the hub/switch.  
No packet is currently being  
transferred to/from the  
Adapter is receiving  
power from the system.  
The system is not supplying  
power, or the adapter is not  
seated properly in the slot.  
Ser vice In for m a tion  
This section provides the following service information:  
Field Replaceable Units  
Troubleshooting Tools  
Removal/Replacement Instructions  
Reshipment Guidelines  
Technical Specifications  
Service Information  
Field Replaceable Units  
Field Rep la cea ble Un its  
Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) are assemblies or components that are  
authorized for field replacement.  
There are no FRUs on this adapter. If there should be a problem the  
entire adapter is replaceable.  
Exch a n ge Assem bly  
The HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter may be replaced under  
the HP board exchange program. Adapter part numbers are listed below:  
New Adapter  
Exchange Adapter  
Service Information  
Troubleshooting Tools  
Tr ou blesh ootin g Tools  
Troubleshooting tools are used to identify faulty adapters. For this  
product, the following tools are available:  
troubleshooting checklist (see Table 2-1)  
VGPBA online diagnostic (has online help)  
Ca r d LEDs  
The 6 LEDs on the back of the card can be used to determine the state of  
the adapter while the driver on the system is running.  
All of the LEDs on the card (except the Power LED) are initialized by the  
driver when the link is started on the system. Therefore, until the driver  
initializes the card, the state of the LEDs cannot be reliably interpreted.  
The Power LED will be on at any time power is applied to the system. To  
interpret the other LEDs, the driver must be running. The following  
Table 2-1, can be used to determine a possible problem.  
Chapter 2  
Service Information  
Troubleshooting Tools  
Ta ble 2-1  
LED sta te  
Tr ou blesh ootin g Ch eck list  
Possible ca u se  
Solu tion  
Power LED off  
No power applied to card  
Check power to HP-PB bus/system,  
verify adapter is properly seated in  
its slot.  
Blown fuse  
Replace the adapter  
Test LED on  
Link LED off  
Driver has detected a fatal  
hardware or software condition  
Consult console and/or log files for  
error messages. Retry the  
operation. If necessary, contact HP  
or replace the adapter.  
Card is not receiving link signals  
from hub/switch  
Verify link has been started by the  
operator. If so, verify proper  
configuration of the link and the  
hub/switch port. Check/replace the  
Activity LED off Card is not sending or receiving  
data to/from the hub/switch  
This condition is normal when the  
link LED is off or when the hub is  
not sending or receiving data  
to/from the adapter. If you believe  
data is being sent/received, check  
the hub/switch port configuration,  
and also the network and/or MAC  
address configuration for the link.  
Service Information  
Removal/Replacement Instructions  
Rem ova l/Rep la cem en t In str u ction s  
This section describes removal and replacement for the  
HP-PB 100VG-AnyLAN Network Adapter.  
Un less oth er w ise n oted in you r system m a n u a ls, r em ova l of th e  
n etw or k a d a p ter sh ou ld on ly be d on e w ith p ow er r em oved fr om  
th e h ost com p u ter. Fa ilu r e to com p ly m a y r esu lt in a n electr ica l  
sh ock h a za r d , or in d a m a ge to th e h a r d w a r e.  
The adapter contains electronic components that can be damaged by  
static electricity. To avoid damage, follow these guidelines:  
Store adapters in their conductive plastic bags.  
If possible, work in a static-free area.  
Handle adapters only by the edges. Do not touch electronic  
components or electrical traces. We strongly recommend that you use  
a grounding wrist strap that is connected to the metallic chassis of  
the computer. If you do not have a wrist strap, touch the chassis  
before handling adapters, and frequently or continuously thereafter,  
to equalize any static charge.  
Chapter 2  
Service Information  
Removal/Replacement Instructions  
Rem ova l/Rep la cem en t of th e Ad a p ter  
For adapter removal, follow the procedures below:  
1. Before removing the card, ensure that the operating system is shut  
down and power to the host computer is switched off. Consult your  
computer documentation for proper shutdown procedures to avoid file  
corruption or loss of data.  
2. Disconnect all cabling from the adapter.  
3. Consult your computer documentation for instructions on the best  
method for accessing the adapter slots.  
4. Unscrew the two retaining screws and pull extractor levers out.  
5. While holding extractor levers, slide the adapter out of its slot.  
6. Place adapter in an antistatic bag.  
7. Install a slot cover for proper cooling and RFI suppression.  
To install a replacement adapter, follow the procedures described in the  
installation section.  
Service Information  
Reshipment Guidelines  
Resh ip m en t Gu id elin es  
If any item of the product is to be returned to Hewlett-Packard for any  
reason, contact your HP Sales and Support Office to coordinate the  
When returning the item, attach a tag that identifies the owner and  
indicates the reason for shipment. Include all relevant information,  
which includes model, serial, station, and revision numbers.  
Pack the item in the original factory packaging material if available, or a  
suitable substitute. Provide antistatic protection to applicable  
components or assemblies.  
Chapter 2  
Service Information  
Technical Specifications  
Tech n ica l Sp ecifica tion s  
The network adapter technical specifications are provided in Table 2-2.  
Ta ble 2-2  
100VG Netw or k Ad a p ter Tech n ica l Sp ecifica tion s  
UL 1950, 2nd Edition  
CSA 22.2 No 950, 2nd Edition  
IEC 950 (1991)/EN 60950 (1992)  
IEEE 802.12 (1995) 100 Mb/s Ethernet framing  
IEEE 802.3 Type 10Base-T 10 Mb/s  
ESD: IEC 801-2: 1991 4kV CD, 8 kV AD  
Radiated Immunity: IEC 801-3: 10 V/m  
EFT/Burst: IEC 801-4: (1988) 0.5 kV signal lines,  
1.0 kV power line  
Characteristics: 3.30 A @ 5 V typical; 3.40 A @ 5 V maximum  
18 cm. by 8.9 cm. (7.4 in. by 3.5 in.)  
290 g. (10.2 oz.)  
Environmental Temperature  
Operating: 0˚C (32˚ F) to 55˚C (131˚F)  
Storage: -40˚C (-40˚F) to 70˚C (158˚F)  
Operating: 15% to 80% Relative, non-condensing  
Storage: 5% to 95% Relative, non-condensing  
Operating: 3,050 meters (10,000 feet)  
Storage: 4,600 meters (15,000 feet)  
FCC Class A  
CISPR 22 (1993) Class A  
VCCI Class A  
Service Information  
Declaration of Conformity  
Decla r a tion of Con for m ity  
A declalaration of conformity is shown in .  
Figu r e 2-1  
Decla r a tion of Con for m ity  
Chapter 2  
Service Information  
Declaration of Conformity  
Glossa r y  
Nu m ber s  
100VG-An yLAN Refers to the  
100Mbit/s network technology over  
voice grade cable that is  
compatible with the IEEE 802.12  
standard. This technology  
CAT Ca tegor y A cable quality  
rating. 100VG-AnyLAN supports  
CAT-3 or 5 UTP cable. See LAN  
guarantees access to any end node  
that request to transmit, which  
ensuring priority access to end  
nodes that require consistent,  
continuous access for application  
such as full-motion video or video  
conferencing. See also: Demand  
Priority Protocol.  
collision The result of two or  
more nodes on an 802.3 network  
transmitting at the same time,  
producing a garbled transmission.  
Dem a n d P r ior ity P r otocol A  
request-based protocol that is  
deterministic—a network end node  
connected to a 100VG hub makes a  
request (or demand) to transmit,  
and then can transmit only when  
authorized by the hub. Under hub  
control, the Demand Priority  
Protocol guarantees network  
access for any end node that  
a d a p ter An add-on computer  
interface card and circuitry that  
provides the physical connection  
and data translation between the  
host computerss I/O bus and  
external devices or networks.  
requests to transmit data.  
a d a p ter slot The location where  
d r iver A portion of system code  
that allows communication  
between the operating system and  
the network card.  
adapters attach to the backplane.  
ba ck p la n e For an I/O bus. The  
computers circuitry and  
connectors to which adapter cards  
Eth er n et A LAN that uses the  
CSMA/CD method of access and  
transmits at 10Mbit/s on a bus or  
Glossa r y  
star topology. The IEEE 802.3  
standard evolved from Ethernet,  
but they are not exactly the same.  
Network devices based on both  
standards can co-exist on the same  
medium, but they cannot exchange  
data directly without special  
bilingual” software that can  
decode packets of both types. The  
drivers for the HP3000 network  
cards fit this requirement if  
Ethernet, but the two networks are  
not fully compatible with each  
IEEE 802.5 sta n d a r d Part of the  
institute of Electrical and  
Electronics Engineers 802 family  
of LAN standards. The 802.5  
standard defines the physical layer  
(layer 1) and the Medium Access  
Control (MAC) portion of the data  
link layer (layer 2). Used with  
Token Ring networks.  
configured correctly.  
Eth er n et a d d r ess See station  
IEEE 802.12 sta n d a r d Part of  
the institute of Electrical and  
Electronics Engineers 802 family  
of LAN standards. The 802.12  
standard defines the physical layer  
(layer 1) and the Medium Access  
Control (MAC) portion of the data  
link layer (layer 2).  
HP -P B HP Precision Bus. Refers  
to the hardware I/O architecture.  
The precision bus is the bus thru  
which these cards communicate  
with the CPU and memory.  
LAN See local area network.  
IEEE 802.3 sta n d a r d Part of the  
institute of Electrical and  
LAN ca ble The medium through  
which data moves in a LAN, LAN  
cables come in many types. For  
example, thick (10 mm) coaxial  
cable, thin (5 mm) coaxial cable,  
fiber-optic cable, and shielded or  
unshielded twisted-pair cable. The  
100VG-AnyLAN cables are  
Electronics Engineers 802 family  
of LAN standards. The 802.3  
standard defines the physical layer  
(layer 1) and the Medium Access  
Control (MAC) portion of the data  
link layer (layer 2). The IEEE  
802.3 standard evolved from  
typically UTP CAT-3 or CAT-5.  
Glossa r y  
LED See light emitting diode.  
cables (fiber-optic or copper),  
although radio and other broadcast  
media are possible.  
ligh t em ittin g d iod e A small  
light on a device that is often used  
to provide status information.  
lin k bea t A periodic signal  
transmitted in Ethernet and  
IEEE 802.3 Type 10Base-T  
n od e A station; a physical device  
that allows for the transmission of  
data within a network.  
networks to inform one station of  
device of the presence of another. It  
also helps verify the integrity of  
the network link between them.  
(Also called link test pulse.)  
p a ck et A bit stream consisting of  
predefined fields that contain data,  
addresses, and control  
information. In the IEEE 802.3  
environment this structure is often  
referred to as the MAC frame.  
Packet is the more commonly used  
term, and originated in the  
loca l a r ea n etw or k A general-  
purpose communications network  
that interconnects a variety of  
devices within a limited  
geographical area. A LAN might  
connect computers on adjacent  
desks, within a building, or within  
several buildings of a campus.  
Ethernet environment.  
P r ecision Bu s See HP-PB.  
p r otocol The set of rules  
governing the operation of  
functional units of a  
communication system that must  
be followed if communication is to  
be achieved.  
MAC a d d r ess See station  
Mbits/ Megabits per second  
defined as (1,000,000 bits per  
m ed iu m , m ed ia The  
transmission connection between  
nodes. Most current LANs use  
Glossa r y  
to that node only. The first 6 digits  
are the same for all cards from a  
particular manufacturer. Each  
manufacturer is assigned a  
different 6-digit value. Then each  
card produced by that  
manufacturer has a different last  
6 digits. This ensures that all cards  
from all manufacturers have a  
unique station address. HP  
manufactures cards with the first  
6 digits being 080009 or 0060B0. A  
default value is permanently coded  
into each card, but this default can  
be overridden by the configuration.  
r in g n etw or k A network  
configuration where a series of  
attaching devices are connected by  
unidirectional links to form a  
closed path.  
r in g top ology A logically circular,  
unidirectional transmission path  
without defined ends. Control can  
be distributed or centralized. See  
RJ -45 A standard defining the pin  
assignments for an 8-pin modular  
plug for 4-pair twisted wire  
network cable.  
tok en r in g A network with a ring  
topology that uses a token for the  
purpose of establishing control.  
Control of the network is passed  
with the token from one network  
device to another.  
slot The physical place in the back  
of the computer where a card plugs  
in. Each slot has a number.  
top ology Topology can be physical  
or logical. Physical topology is the  
configuration of network nodes and  
links; a description of the physical  
geometric arrangement of the links  
and nodes. Logical topology is a  
description of the possible logical  
connections between network  
nodes indicating which pairs of  
nodes are able to communicate  
whether or not they have a direct  
physical connection.  
sta r top ology A logically star-  
shaped network layout where all  
traffic is passed through a single  
point (usually a hub). Hubs can  
then be connected to form multiple  
Sta tion a d d r ess A 12-digit  
hexadecimal number that  
identifies a specific network node,  
and allows messages to be directed  
Glossa r y  
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair. See  
LAN cable.  
VG See 100VG-AnyLAN.  
Glossa r y  
In d ex  
Nu m er ics  
100VG-AnyLAN hub, 20  
10Base-T hub/switch, 20  
16, 27  
removal/replacement of adapter,  
reshipment guidelines, 23, 29  
retaining screws, 19  
RFI suppression, 28  
adapter configurations and  
limitations, 18  
Network Adapter, 10  
hub/switch, 20, 21, 22, 26  
adapter slot connector, 18  
antistatic precautions, 14, 27,  
select adapter slot, 18  
serial number, 15  
attach adapter to network, 20  
service information, 23  
shutdown procedures, 17, 28  
station address, 15  
inserting and securing adapter,  
install the adapter, 9, 10, 13, 14,  
switch/hub, 20, 21, 22, 26  
before installing, 14, 17  
before removing, 28  
technical specifications, 23, 30  
troubleshooting, 23, 25, 26  
Network Adapter Local  
Area Network, 10  
LED patterns, 22  
LEDs, 20, 22, 25, 26  
category 3 or 5 cable, 20  
configurations and limitations,  
configure adapter to system, 21  
verify operation, 22  
daughter card model and  
revision number, 15  
MAC address, 15, 26  
motherboard model and revision  
number, 15  
declaration of conformity, 31  
exchange assembly, 24  
extractor levers, 19  
connecton to, 20  
faulty adapters, 25  
Field Replaceable Units, 23, 24  
part numbers, 14, 24  
port connection, 20  
Field Replaceable Units, 23  
product contents, 10, 14  
product description, 10  
product numbers, 14, 24  
FRUs, 24  

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