HP Hewlett Packard Calculator a4552 90016 User Manual

HP VISUALIZE fxe Gr a p h ics Ca r d  
In sta lla tion Gu id e  
HP VISUALIZE Wor k sta tion s  
HP Pa r t No. A4552-90016  
Ed ition : E1099  
©copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.  
©copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
©copyright 1985-86, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  
©copyright 1989-93 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.  
©copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corporation.  
©copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.  
©copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University  
©copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland  
©copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University  
Tr a d em a r k Notices: UNIX is a registered trademark in the United  
States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open  
Company Limited.  
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of  
MS-DOS and Microsoft are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft  
OSF/Motif is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. in the  
U.S. and other countries.  
1 In tr od u ction  
This manual covers the installation of HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics cards into workstations  
released after September of 1999, including the B180, B1000, B2000, C3000, J 5000, and  
J 7000 workstation models.  
It describes the basic prerequisites and procedures for installing the HP VISUALIZE  
fxe (HP product number A4982A) graphics card into the supported workstations.  
The HP VISUALIZE fxe 2D/3D graphics accelerator card is an entry-level graphics  
card. It installs in a PCI 2X(64 bits wide 33Mhz/66Mhz) slot in an HP-UX  
workstation backplane. It uses a standard 15-pin miniature D-Sub receptacle  
connector to connect to a video monitor cable. It supports resolutions of:  
Ta ble 1-1.  
Resolu tion  
Fr equ en cy  
75Hz VESA  
75Hz VESA  
75Hz VESA  
76Hz VESA  
See your workstation Owner's Guide for specific installation instructions for your  
particular workstation.  
Related Documentation  
Rela ted Docu m en ta tion  
For more information, refer to the following related documentation:  
Owner's Guide for your workstation  
Common Desktop Environment User's Guide  
HP Visual User Environment User's Guide  
Using the X Window System  
Graphics Administration Guide  
http:/ / www.hp.com/ visualize is the general website for workstation information  
http:/ / www.software.hp.com is the software depot website for HP-UX  
http:/ / www.docs.hp.com is the website for documents regarding HP-UX systems  
http:/ / us-support.external.hp.com is the website for software and firmware  
Chapter 1  
P r er equ isites  
To support the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card, your workstation must meet the  
following prerequisites.  
Your workstation must be running one of the following revisions of the HP-UX  
operating system and have the appropriate Additional Core Enhancement (ACE)  
software bundle and Workstation Quality Pack installed:  
HP-UX revision 10.20 with the 9909 ACE software bundle (September 1999)  
HP-UX revision 11.00 with the 9911 ACE software bundle (November 1999)  
To verify that the proper ACE software bundle is installed on your workstation,  
perform the following steps:  
1. At a command prompt, type the following  
/usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle | grep ACE  
2. Scan the output for either of the following, as appropriate for your workstations  
HP-UX operating system revision:  
The HP-UX 10.20 B6193DA ACE software bundle with the description:  
Workstation ACE for HP-UX 10.20 (September 1999)  
This line indicates that the September 1999 ACE software bundle is installed.  
The HP-UX 11.00 B3782FA ACE software bundle with the description  
Workstation ACE for HP-UX 11.00 (November 1999)  
This line indicates that the November 1999 ACE software bundle is installed  
Because the ACE software bundles are updated occasionally, the ACE  
revision date that is listed in the output may be later than the one  
shown above. For example, if the ACE revision date listed for HP-UX  
10.20 is later than September 1999, then the proper ACE software  
bundle is installed on your workstation.  
If your workstation is not running HP-UX revision 10.20 or 11.0 with the appropriate  
ACE software bundle, you need to update your operating system software before  
installing your graphics card. Contact your designated service representative for  
information on receiving an update. The ACE software bundles and Quality Packs  
are also available for downloading from the http:/ / software.hp.com website. The  
bundles will require approximately 133 Mb of disk space.  
Your workstation must have either an HP-supported monitor running at 75 Hz with  
a 1280 X 1024 resolution, or a full multi-mode color monitor. Monitors with Enhanced  
Video Connector (EVC), D-Sub connector, or 5 BNC connectors (RGB, vertical sync,  
horizontal sync) will work.  
The HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card will not function with older HP monitor types  
that use a sync on green signal. This includes monitors such as the HP 1097A/B/ C/D,  
A2088A, and A2828A/B which only have 3 RGB connectors.  
See your workstation Owner's Guide for information on using the /opt/graphics/  
common/bin/setmon command to produce a list of supported monitors for your  
workstation, such as the following sample list:  
Ta ble 1-2. HP VISUALIZE fxe Su p p or ted Mon itor s  
Resolu tion  
Fr equ en cy  
75Hz VESA  
75Hz VESA  
75Hz VESA  
76Hz VESA  
Your list of monitors may differ from the list shown above, depending on  
your workstations setup.  
You may also need the following adapter to connect your graphics cards D-Sub  
connector to an Enhanced Video Connector (EVC) monitors receptacle connection:  
Ta ble 1-3. EVC Ad a p ter  
Product Number  
HP A4167A  
EVC receptacle to 15-pin  
Miniature D-Sub Plug Adapter  
Chapter 1  
Ma k in g Softw a r e a n d Device-Sp ecific Ch a n ges  
System Con figu r a tion  
For important information on configuring your system for your HP VISUALIZE fxe  
graphics card, refer to your workstation Owner's Guide and your HP-UX  
documentation. If you are installing a multiple-display system and you will be using  
the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), refer to the Common Desktop  
Environment User's Guide for important configuration information. If you will be  
using HP VUE instead, refer to the HP Visual User Environment User's Guide.  
Sp ecia l Con sid er a tion s  
To ensure that your workstation has the most up-to-date core operating system  
software, it is recommended that the most recent release of the Additional Core  
Enhancement (ACE) software bundle be installed. In addition, if your applications  
are based on HP's implementation of OpenGL runtime libraries, it is highly  
recommended that you update your HP implementation of the OpenGL runtime  
libraries from the September 1999 (or later) application release, or from the  
Hewlett-Packard web-site.  
If you do not have the CD-ROMs that contain the latest release of ACE and the  
Quality Pack or HP's implementation of the OpenGL runtime libraries, you can  
download them from the Hewlett-Packard website at this URL:  
For information on installing ACE and HP's implementation of the OpenGL runtime  
libraries, read the documents provided with those products.  
Step s for Ma k in g Softw a r e Ch a n ges  
Each step is described below.  
1. Rea d th is En tir e Docu m en t  
Read all of this document. It contains information for product installation.  
2. Ch eck th e Ava ila ble File System Sp a ce  
Before installing this product, make sure there is enough available space in your  
file system in /opt/graphics. Your workstation needs at least 133 MB of  
available disk space for all filesets and patches.  
3. In sta ll th e La test Ver sion of th e Wor k sta tion ACE Softw a r e Bu n d le  
To install the ACE software bundle, execute the following command as root  
Choose the ACE software bundle and select Ma tch Wh a t Ta r get Ha s in the  
Action s menu. Follow the standard procedure to load that software.  
4. In sta ll th e La test Ver sion of th e Wor k sta tion Softw a r e Qu a lity Pa ck  
To install the Workstation Quality Pack, execute the following command as root:  
Choose the Quality Pack bundle and select Ma tch Wh a t Ta r get Ha s in the  
Action s menu. Follow the standard procedure to load that software.  
5. In sta ll 3D Gr a p h ics AP Is  
If you are using or planning to use any of the following 3D Graphics Application  
Programming Interface (API) products, you must install what you need from the  
HP-UX Developers CD.  
Starbase Developers Kit  
HP PEX lib Developers Kit  
OpenGL Developers Kit  
The OpenGL runtime libraries are available from the latest DART Release or  
by searching for OpenGL at the http://www.software.hp.comwebsite  
To determine whether these products are properly installed, try compiling and  
running an application on your system that uses one of the above APIs.  
Check: /var/adm/sw/swinstall.log  
Once you have completed the installation process, look at the contents of the  
file /var/adm/sw/swinstall.log. This file identifies the filesets loaded,  
identifies the customize scripts that ran during the installation process, and  
includes informative messages. Error messages that resulted from attempts to  
write across an NFS mount point will appear in this file and may be ignored.  
6. Ver ify th a t th e Softw a r e In sta lla tion is Com p lete  
An easy way to verify that your installation is complete is to compile, link, and run  
one of your existing Application Programming Interface (API) programs (that is,  
Chapter 1  
programs created using HP's implementation of OpenGL, Starbase, or HP PEX). If  
you do not have an existing program, then make sure that you install the  
demonstration filesets that come with your API. When these filesets have been  
properly installed by you or your system administrator, one or more of the  
following demo directories will be created:  
You can run any of the texture-mapping programs in these directories to verify  
that the installation is complete.  
Installing the Hardware  
In sta llin g th e Ha r d w a r e  
Before you install an HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card, you must read  
the Graphics Administration Guide and workstation Owner's Guide for  
important system configuration information.  
Unplug the AC power cord from the workstation before opening the  
cabinet and performing any installation inside the workstation.  
Graphics cards are susceptible to electrostatic shock. When handling  
your graphics card, always wear a properly grounded wrist strap and  
handle the card carefully.  
To install the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card hardware, do the following  
1. Power off the workstation and unplug the AC power cord from the workstation.  
2. Follow the instructions in your workstation Owner's Guide to open the  
workstations cabinet.  
3. Follow the instructions in your workstation Owner's Guide to install the graphics  
card in the appropriate PCI slot. To determine which is the appropriate PCI slot,  
see the following subsection, Supported Graphics Slot Configurations.” Ensure  
that you align the Bulkhead Pin, Board Connector, and Board Guide Extender  
when installing the graphics card in the PCI slot.  
Note that you will need to have a PCI Extension Clip attached to the  
corresponding slot on the PCI Retainer for an HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card.  
The location of the PCI Extension Clip is shown in Figure 1 on the next page. The  
PCI Extension Clip will bridge the gap between the graphics card and the PCI  
Chapter 1  
Installing the Hardware  
4. Follow the instructions in your workstation Owner's Guide to reinstall the  
workstations cabinet.  
5. Refer to your workstation Owner's Guide for important information on defining  
the boot console and monitor type. Note that you must do this step before  
powering on your workstation.  
6. Plug the AC power cord into the workstation and power on the workstation.  
7. Refer to your workstation Owner's Guide for instructions on using the HP-UX  
System Administration Manager (SAM) utility to verify your graphics  
Su p p or ted Gr a p h ics Slot Con figu r a tion s  
The following four figures show the supported graphics slot configurations for the  
workstation models that support the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card. Refer to the  
appropriate figure for your particular workstation model.  
Installing the Hardware  
B180 Gr a p h ics Slots  
PCI slot 1 32 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 2 32 bits wide/33Mhz  
Su p p or ted B180 Con figu r a tion s:  
1 built-in Visualize EG and Visualize fxe  
1 built-in Visualize EG and Visualize fx2  
1 built-in Visualize EG and Visualize fx4  
B1000 a n d C3000 Gr a p h ics Slots  
PCI slot 1 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 2 64 bits wide/66Mhz - Primary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 3 64 bits wide/33 Mhz  
PCI slot 4 64 bits wide/33Mhz - Secondary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 5 32 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 6 32 bits wide/33Mhz  
Use the Primary Graphics Slot for the highest performance graphics card. Use the  
Secondary Graphics Slot for the second graphics card and then the remaining 64 bit  
wide slots for any additional supported graphics cards.  
Chapter 1  
Installing the Hardware  
Su p p or ted B1000 a n d C3000 Gr a p h ics Con figu r a tion s:  
4 Visualize EG cards or  
4 Visualize fxe or  
1 Visualize fx2 or  
1 Visualize fx4 with texture Mapping  
B2000 Gr a p h ics Slots  
PCI slot 1 64 bits wide/33Mhz - Secondary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 2 64 bits wide/33Mhz - Tertiary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 3 32 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 4 32bits wide/33MHz  
Use the Secondary Graphics Slot for the highest performance graphics card. Use the  
Tertiary Graphics Slot for the second graphics card and then any of the remaining 32  
bit slots for the third PCI graphics card.  
Su p p or ted B2000 Gr a p h ics Con figu r a tion s:  
3 Visualize fxe and built-in Visualize fxe  
1 Visualize fx4 with Texture Mapping and built-in Visualize fxe  
Installing the Hardware  
J 5000 a n d J 7000 Gr a p h ics Slots  
PCI slot 1 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 2 64 bits wide/33Mhz - Tertiary Graphics Slot  
PCI clot 3 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 4 64 bits wide/66Mhz - Secondary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 5 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 6 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
PCI slot 7 64 bits wide/66Mhz - Primary Graphics Slot  
PCI slot 8 64 bits wide/33Mhz  
Use the Primary Graphics Slot for the highest performance graphics card. Use the Secondary  
Graphics Slot for the second graphics card and then the remaining slots for any additional  
supported graphics card. Do n ot u se Slot 1 for a n y oth er I/O ca r d excep t a s a sou r ce of  
p ow er on ly.  
Su p p or ted J 5000 a n d J 7000 Gr a p h ics Con figu r a tion s:  
4 Visualize EGs or  
4 Visualize fxe or  
1 Visualize fx2 or  
1 Visualize fx6 with Texture Mapping or  
2 Visualize fx6 with texture mapping or  
3 Visualize fx6 without Texture Mapping  
Chapter 1  
Fixing Common Installation Problems  
Fixin g Com m on In sta lla tion P r oblem s  
This section describes how to fix some common problems you may encounter while  
installing the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card.  
Note that there are several system utilities that you can use to display or set the  
graphics configuration for your workstation:  
/opt/graphics/common/bin/graphinfoallows you to display the current  
graphics configuration and the graphics drivers that are being used.  
opt/graphics/common/bin/setmonallows you to reconfigure the monitor type.  
The Display menu of the HP-UX System Administration Manager (SAM) utility  
allows you to configure the X-server and set the monitor type  
Mon itor Does Not Disp la y  
Older monitors that have only 3 RGB connectors will not function with  
the HP VISUALIZE fxe graphics card because these monitors have no  
sync input except by sync on green. For more information, see the  
Prerequisites” section earlier in this manual.  
If the monitor is not displaying on powering up, the system console may not yet  
recognize the new graphics card. Perform the following steps to reconfigure the  
system console so that it recognizes the new card:  
1. Force the system to set the default console to a serial terminal on com1 by  
disconnecting the keyboard from the system and recycling power.  
2. Interrupt the boot up sequence and wait until the Boot Console Handler prompt is  
displayed, then move to the configuration menu by typing co.  
3. Display what graphics cards the system console recognizes by typing:  
mo graphics list  
4. Select the monitor type by typing:  
mo graphics(N) # type  
Fixing Common Installation Problems  
where N = card slot, and # = monitor type  
5. Set the console path to the graphics card by typing:  
pa co graphics(N)  
6. Reconnect the keyboard to the system and cycle the systems power. The system  
console should now display.  
System s X-ser ver or CDE Does Not Com e Up or Recogn ize th e  
Gr a p h ics Ca r d  
If the systems X-server or CDE will not come up or recognize the new graphics card,  
HP-UX device files may not yet be set up. If you added a new graphics card or moved  
a current one to a new slot location, you may need to reconfigure some device files.  
Follow these steps in order for HP-UX to recognize the new graphics card or new card  
1. Place the new card in the new slot location and boot to HP-UX. It will not boot into  
CDE or HP VUE, but it will allow you to login at the command line level as root.  
2. Delete the old device files by typing:  
rm /dev/crt*  
3. Create the new device files by typing:  
insf -ev  
4. Finish booting to CDE or HP VUE by typing:  
init 3  
Chapter 1  
Fixing Common Installation Problems  
A Regu la tor y In for m a tion  
Regulatory Information  
F CC  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and the Canadian Department of  
Communications. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful  
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate  
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more  
of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver  
is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions:  
This device may not cause harmful interference.  
This device must accept interference received, including interference that may cause  
undesired operation  
Cables used with this device must be properly shielded to comply with the requirement of  
the FCC.  
Regulatory Information  
You a r e ca u tion ed th a t a n y ch a n ges or m od ifica tion s n ot exp r essly  
a p p r oved in th is m a n u a l cou ld void you r a u th or ity to op er a te th is  
equ ip m en t.  
Appendix A  
Regulatory Information  
Declaration of Conformity  
Decla r a tion of Con for m ity  
according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014  
Ma n u fa ctu r er :Hewlett-Packard Company  
3404 East Harmony Road  
Fort Collins, CO 80528  
Decla r es th a t th e:  
Product Name: HP VISUALIZE fxe Graphics Card  
Model Number: A4982A  
Product Cards: all  
con for m s to th e follow in g sp ecifica tion s:  
Safety IEC 950:1991+A1+A2+A3+A4 / EN 60950:1992+A1+A2+A3+A4  
EMC CISPR 22: 1995 / EN 55022: 1998 Class B  
EN 50082-1:1992  
IEC 1000-4-2: 1995 / EN 61000-4-2: 1995 - 4kV CD, 8 kV AD  
IEC 1000-4-3: 1995 / EN 61000-4-3: 1996 - 10 v/m  
IEC 1000-4-4: 1995 / EN 61000-4-4: 1995 - 2 kV Signal,  
4 kV Power Lines  
US FCC Part 15, Level B  
Japan VCCI, Class B  
a n d is cer tified by: HP FC HTC TCOM report #99-40ES-021-I  
TUV Certified to EN60950, Certificate # AL990824148018  
Australia/New Zealand AS/NZS 3548:1995  
Su p p lem en ta r y in for m a tion :  
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the following Directives and carries the CE  
marking accordingly:  
- the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC  
- the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC  
This product was tested in a typical Hewlett Packard workstation configuration.  
Original signed copy available on file:  
Ruth Lutes, Site Quality Manager Fort Collins, CO, USA  
For Com p lia n ce In for m a tion ONLY, con ta ct:  
Regulatory Information  
Declaration of Conformity  
European Contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH,  
Department HQ-TRE Standards Europe, Herrenberger Straße 130, D-71034 Böblingen (FAX:  
Americas Contact: Hewlett-Packard, Fort Collins Site Quality Manager, mail stop 46, 3404 E. Harmony  
Rd., Ft. Collins, CO 80525, USA  
Appendix A  

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