Graco Car Seat 8403 User Manual

Infant Car Bed  
Child Restraint  
Model 8403  
Your child’s safety depends on you installing and  
using this car bed correctly. READ THIS MANUAL!  
Return this manual to the storage pocket provided on  
the underside of the car bed for quick reference.  
© 1999 Graco 403-9-99 IS1904  
6. Cleaning and Maintenance ............................................. 30-33  
7. Registering Your Car Bed ................................................. 34  
Contacting Graco  
Our goal is to make every product the best it can be! We are also committed to  
supporting our products after purchase. If you would like to speak to Graco about  
your product, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-224-6549  
ready to answer any questions you may have concerning parts, use or maintenance.  
When you call, please have the model and serial numbers ready so your call may  
be processed quickly and efficiently.  
Keep this manual in the storage pocket  
located on the underside of the car bed.  
1. Important Safety Information  
No child restraint can guarantee protection from injury. However, proper use  
of this car bed reduces the risk of serious injury or death to your child in the  
event of a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.  
Do not install or use this car bed until you read and understand the instructions  
in this manual and in your vehicle owner’s manual. Do not let others install  
or use the car bed unless they understand how to use it.  
1.1 About Your Child  
Premature and/or low birth weight infants usually have special medical  
needs. Consult your doctor about how to transport your child and about  
their need for supervision.  
This car bed is designed for use only by children who weigh 9 lbs.  
(4.1 kg) or less and whose height is 20 inches (51 cm) or less. Using this  
car bed with a child who is heavier than 9 lbs. or more than 20 inches in  
height may increase the risk of serious injury or death. Once your child  
outgrows the car bed, consult with your physician about transferring the  
child into a rear-facing safety seat or another special needs product for a  
larger child.  
1.2 About Using this Car Bed in Your Vehicle  
Your child can be injured in a vehicle even if you are not in a crash.  
More common events such as sudden braking and sharp turns can injure  
your child if the car bed is not properly installed or if your child is not  
properly secured in the car bed.  
Do not place apnea monitors, oxygen tanks, or other medical equipment  
inside the car bed. Keep this equipment outside of the car bed, secured  
under the seat or on the floor. If not secured, it can be thrown around and  
may injure occupants in the event of a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.  
There are many kinds of vehicles, seat belt systems, and occupant  
protection systems. As a result, it is not possible for this manual to tell  
you everything you need to know about putting this car bed in your  
vehicle. You must carefully follow the instructions provided by the  
vehicle owner’s manual as well as the information in this manual.  
Some vehicles do not have any safe location for this car bed, and many  
vehicles have seat belt systems that must not be used with the car bed  
because those systems will not safely hold the car bed in place. Again,  
you must refer to both this manual and your vehicle owner’s manual.  
This car bed conforms to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.  
This Restraint is certified for use in Motor Vehicles. This Restraint is not  
certified for use in aircraft.  
1.3About Airbags  
With some child restraint systems, such as rear-facing infant seats, an  
inflating airbag can strike the child restraint and kill or seriously injure  
a child.  
With regard to this car bed and airbags, our tests and investigations indicate  
that an inflating airbag will not strike a properly installed car bed and result in  
serious injury or death. Presently, Graco is not aware of any airbags that will  
strike a properly installed car bed and injure a child. However, airbags offer no  
benefit to children in car beds. Also, airbag designs are changing rapidly, and  
it is impossible to say that new designs will not present a risk of injury or death  
to a child in a car bed.  
As a result, before placing the car bed in a seating location that has an airbag,  
consider the following:  
- Most rear seats do not have airbags, and according to accident statistics,  
children are safer when properly restrained in rear vehicle seating  
positions rather than front seating positions.  
- Always follow the recommendations of your vehicle manufacturer. See your  
vehicle owner’s manual and/or contact your vehicle manufacturer for more  
information about using this car bed in a seating location that has an airbag.  
- To avoid any possibility of injury from an inflating airbag, place the car bed  
in a seating location that does not have one.  
1.4 When the Car Bed is Not Occupied  
The surface of the car bed can become very hot if the car bed is left in  
the sun. Contact with these parts can burn your child’s skin. Cover the  
car bed with a blanket if it will be exposed to the sun, and always check  
the surface of the car bed before putting your child in it.  
Never leave a car bed unsecured in your vehicle. An unsecured car bed  
can be thrown around and may injure occupants in the event of a sharp  
turn, sudden stop or crash.  
1.5 About the Life and Condition of this Car Bed  
Replace this car bed with a new car bed after an accident of any kind.  
An accident can cause damage to the car bed that you cannot see.  
After your child has outgrown the car bed, or has moved on to a rear-  
facing infant restraint, discard the car bed. Never give this car bed to  
someone else. Destroy the car bed and place it in a garbage bag to assure  
that it will not be reused.  
Do not use the car bed after the expiration date stamped on the bottom of  
the car bed shell.  
Do not modify your car bed or use any accessories or parts supplied by  
other manufacturers.  
Never use the car bed if it has damaged or missing parts. Do not use a  
cut, frayed or damaged car bed harness. You can order a new harness by  
calling 1-888-224-6549.  
1.6 When the Car Bed is Not in the Vehicle  
To avoid injury or death from suffocation, falls and other hazards:  
Always secure child in harness straps whenever  
child is in the car bed.  
When carrying the car bed, use the handles at  
both ends of the car bed as shown.  
Always place the car bed on a firm and level  
surface. Never place the car bed on soft or plush  
surfaces that may allow the car bed and infant to  
roll over. If the car bed tips over, your child  
can suffocate.  
Do not place car bed near the edge of surfaces such as tables or counters.  
To prevent falls, stay within arm’s reach whenever the car bed is not on  
Never leave child unattended while child is in car bed.  
2. Choosing a Suitable Location for the Car Bed  
Some seating positions in your vehicle are not safe locations for this  
car bed. For example, none of the seats on the driver’s side of the  
vehicle are safe for this car bed.  
In addition, there may be some vehicles that do not have any seating  
positions that can be used safely. Improper placement of the car bed  
increases the risk of serious injury or death.  
Follow the instructions in this section and in your vehicle owner’s  
manual to select a location for the car bed. If you are not sure where  
to place the car bed in your vehicle, contact your vehicle manufacturer  
or Graco Children’s Products Inc., 1-888-224-6549.  
2.1 Some Basic Requirements  
To reduce the risk of head and neck injuries in the event of a crash, your  
child’s head must be positioned as close to the center of the car as possible,  
and never next to a door or the side of the vehicle.  
Never place the car bed on the driver’s  
side of a vehicle (seats A and B) Ê.  
Only the center and passenger side  
seating positions (C, D, E, F and G)  
are potential locations for this car bed  
if all other requirements are met.  
The car bed must be positioned so that  
the child’s head is near the center of the  
This means that when the car bed is  
properly installed, your child’s feet will  
always be toward the passenger side of  
the vehicle Ë.  
Whenever possible, keep the seat next to  
the child’s head clear of passengers or any  
objects, such as child restraints, boxes,  
groceries, monitors, etc.  
Feet toward  
passenger side  
of vehicle  
2.2 Be Sure Your Vehicle Seat Meets All of  
These Requirements  
FORWARD. Do not place car bed in a  
rear-facing vehicle seat Ì or a side-facing  
vehicle seat Í.  
Only use this car bed on vehicle seats with seat  
backs that lock in an upright position. Do not  
use seats that can fold down without having to  
release a lock or latch of some kind. These seats  
can fly forward and strike the child in a sudden  
stop or crash.  
See your vehicle owner’s manual or contact the vehicle manufacturer to  
make sure the vehicle manufacturer permits child restraint use in the  
location that you select.  
2.3Consider Accident Statistics and  
Information about Airbags  
According to accident statistics, children are safer when properly  
restrained in rear vehicle seating positions, rather than in front seating  
Before placing the car bed in a seating location with an airbag, read  
section 1.3 on page 6.  
2.4 Be Sure Your Vehicle Seat Belt is Safe to Use  
Many seat belt systems are NOT safe to use with this car bed, even  
though they can easily be routed around the car bed and look similar  
to other seat belts that are safe to use.  
Carefully read this section for information on seat belt systems and  
also refer to your vehicle owner's manual and any labels on your  
vehicle’s seat belt. If you are unsure whether your seat belts are safe  
to use with the car bed, contact the vehicle manufacturer or call Graco  
at 1-888-224-6549.  
A. Seat Belt Systems that are NOT Safe for Use  
with the Car Bed  
DO NOT use the following types of vehicle belt systems with your car bed.  
They will not hold the car bed securely in place. The metal locking clip  
provided with this product will NOT make any of these seat belts safe.  
DO NOT use a lap belt that stays loose and can  
move until it locks in a crash or sudden stop. This  
belt has an Emergency Locking Retractor, E.L.R.  
It is often seen in combination with a motorized  
shoulder belt. Since these lap belts will loosen  
if pulled on slowly, the car bed may shift to an  
unsafe position. This seat belt will NOT safely  
restrain the car bed Ê. However, you may be  
able to convert your E.L.R. belt to one that is  
safe to use. See your vehicle owner’s manual  
for more information or contact your vehicle  
DO NOT use a lap/shoulder combination belt  
where each strap has a retractor at one end and is  
attached to the latchplate at the other end of the  
belt. This seat belt will NOT safely restrain the  
car bed Ë.  
DO NOT use a seat belt that is attached to the door  
in any way. This type of belt is designed to open  
with the door and automatically surround the  
passenger when the door is closed. This seat belt  
will NOT safely restrain the car bed  
DO NOT use a seat belt that is anchored forward  
of the seat crease. This seat belt will NOT safely  
restrain the car bed  
DO NOT use a shoulder belt that moves along a  
track to automatically surround the passenger when  
the door is closed. This seat belt will NOT safely  
restrain the car bed  
If you have one of the above seat belt systems, do not  
use it to secure the car bed. Look for a vehicle seat  
location that has a suitable seat belt (see the next  
section) or contact your vehicle manufacturer about  
installing a seat belt system that can be used to secure  
the car bed.  
B. Seat Belt Systems that are Suitable for Use  
with the Car Bed  
The following vehicle belt systems can be used with your car bed, if the  
seat location meets all other requirements of these instructions and the  
requirements in your vehicle owner’s manual.  
Lap belt that is manually adjusted and stays  
tight. This type of seat belt is tightened by  
pulling on the excess belt once it is buckled.  
This type of seat belt is most often found in  
rear center seating positions  
Lap belt that cannot lengthen once it is  
buckled. This belt has an automatic locking  
retractor (A.L.R.) that does not allow the seat  
belt to lengthen without unbuckling the belt  
and starting over  
Lap/shoulder combination belt with a lock-  
ing latchplate. Once it is buckled, this type of  
belt has a latchplate that will not allow the lap  
portion of the belt to loosen. This seat belt does  
not require a locking clip  
Lap/shoulder combination belt with a latch-  
plate that can slide freely along the belt.  
This type of belt MUST be converted to prevent  
movement of the lap portion of the belt. You  
must use the locking clip provided with the  
car bed, unless your vehicle’s seat belt can be  
converted in another way that is described in  
your vehicle owner’s manual. Failure to use  
the locking clip or convert the seat belt in  
another way will allow the car bed to move out  
of position. See your vehicle owner’s manual  
or contact your vehicle manufacturer for more  
Locking clip  
3. Features and Components of the Car Bed  
Rear of car bed  
(low side)  
Front of car bed  
(high side)  
belt guides  
Locking Clip  
The locking clip is stored at the rear of the car bed.  
You will need to use it with certain types of vehicle  
seat belts.  
4. Positioning and Securing Your Child  
in the Car Bed  
Premature and/or low birth weight infants have special medical needs that will  
influence how your child should lay in the car bed. This car bed is designed so  
babies can lay on their backs or on their sides. Under certain circumstances, it  
may be preferable to have babies lie on their stomachs. Consult your doctor  
about how your child should be positioned for travel. If it is necessary for your  
child to lie on their stomach, never use additional padding or blankets in the  
head area or near the baby’s face. Always watch your baby closely.  
Failure to properly position and secure your child in the car bed increases  
the risk of serious injury or death in the event of a sharp turn, sudden stop  
or crash. Even when the car bed is not in a vehicle, secure your child with  
the harness.  
In a crash, the car bed provides NO protection for your child unless the  
harness straps are properly secured.  
Follow these instructions carefully to properly position and secure your child.  
1. Make sure that your child is dressed in appropriate  
clothing which:  
a. Allows the crotch strap to pass through your child’s  
a. legs.  
b. Keeps the shoulder straps on your child’s shoulders.  
If a blanket is used for additional warmth, it must be  
placed outside the harness straps and tucked around  
your child. Make sure no blankets or other articles  
cover the ventilation holes in the pad.  
Lying on back  
2. If your child is to lie on their back or stomach, slide the  
harness along the harness slots toward the low side of car  
bed . If your child is to lie on their side, slide harness  
to the high side . In either position, adjust harness  
straps so the bottom of the “U” where shoulder straps  
join is at the edge of the harness slot  
Lying on side  
3. Inspect the harness straps to be sure they are clean.  
Dirty, lint-filled harness straps may not hold your  
child securely. See the Cleaning and Maintenance  
section (page 30) for more information on  
cleaning the harness.  
Bottom of “U”  
4. Place your child in the car bed so child’s head is at the end with the  
ventilation slots. Refer to label on the front of the car bed.  
(The illustrations below show child laying on back. Your child may need  
to lay in a different position depending on your doctor’s instructions.)  
5. Position your child’s shoulders at harness slot opening  
6. Bring the crotch strap between your child’s legs . Check that crotch  
strap does not extend into baby’s neck and chin area. If it does, reposition  
the harness according to step 2.  
7. Wrap one shoulder strap over your child’s shoulder . Press the shoulder  
strap and crotch strap together. Then wrap second strap over the other  
shoulder, and press onto first shoulder strap and crotch strap  
at slot  
8. Check that harness straps are not twisted. Twisted straps can create slack  
in the harness and reduce the protection provided by the car bed.  
9. To be sure the straps are secure, pull up on the harness where the crotch and  
shoulder straps meet  
10. Check that harness is snug on your child’s shoulders. You should not be able to  
insert more than one finger between the harness and your child’s shoulders  
Failure to keep the harness straps flat (not twisted) and snug on your  
child’s shoulders increases the risk of serious injury or death.  
5. Securing the Car Bed in Your Vehicle  
There are many kinds of vehicles, seat belts, and occupant protection systems. As  
a result, it is not possible for this manual to tell you everything you need to know  
about putting this car bed in your vehicle. You must carefully follow the instruc-  
tions provided by your vehicle manufacturer, as well as the information in this  
manual. Before proceeding, be sure you have read and understood section 2.4  
(page 13) about safe and unsafe seat belt systems.  
Failure to properly secure the car bed within the vehicle increases  
the child’s risk of serious injury or death in the event of a sharp turn,  
sudden stop or crash.  
Carefully follow these instructions and those in your vehicle owner’s  
manual to be sure your car bed is properly located, positioned, and  
held tightly at all times.  
Preparation and Initial Safety Checks  
1. Make sure you have selected a suitable location for the car bed as  
explained in section 2 (page 9). Remember not to place child on the  
driver’s side, and remember to position child so feet are toward the  
passenger side of the vehicle.  
2. If a front passenger seat is used, slide the vehicle seat rearward as far as  
possible from the dashboard.  
3. Be sure that the vehicle seat back is locked in position. Do not use seats  
that can fold down without having to release a lock or latch of some kind.  
4. Place the car bed on the vehicle  
Top of car bed  
seat so that:  
should be slanted  
a. All four of the car bed’s  
feet are resting on the vehicle  
seat Ê, and  
Feet of  
car bed  
b. The car bed is against the  
vehicle seat back.  
5. Thread the seat belt through all three guides as shown for a  
lap-only belt  
and for a lap/shoulder belt . There is no need to thread  
the shoulder portion of the belt through the three guides.  
6. Buckle the seat belt. Make sure the buckle  
Use this buckle  
tongue goes into the correct buckle, and not the  
adjacent one . The seat belt should not be  
twisted or turned.  
7. Some seat belts in the center rear seating position may be too short to fit  
around the car bed. DO NOT use a belt extender. Move the car bed to  
another seating position on the passenger side of the vehicle.  
8. Now the vehicle seat belt must be tightened.  
When tightening the seat belt around the car  
bed, make sure there is no slack on either side  
of the car bed or along the belt path.  
To create a very tight installation, first remove  
your child from the car bed. Push down hard with  
one hand in the middle of the car bed while  
pulling on the vehicle belt with the other hand  
to tighten it Ê.  
If you have a lap-only belt, go to step 9.  
If you have a lap/shoulder combination belt, go  
to step 10.  
9. Tightening a lap-only belt:  
An automatically adjusted lap belt is tightened  
by feeding the seat belt back into its retractor while  
pushing down hard on the car bed. Make sure that  
the seat belt is locked in place and very tight.  
A manually adjusted lap belt  
is tightened  
by pulling on the excess belt while pushing  
down hard on the car bed. However, you may  
have trouble tightening the belt because of the  
upright angle at which you must pull. You may  
have to unbuckle the seat belt, estimate a seat  
belt length that will make the seat belt very  
tight, then buckle it again.  
10. Tightening a lap/shoulder combination belt:  
A lap/shoulder combination belt with a  
locking latchplate  
is tightened by pulling  
hard on the shoulder portion of the seat belt  
while pushing down hard on the car bed.  
However, you may have trouble tightening the  
belt because of the upright angle at which you  
must pull. You may have to unbuckle the seat  
belt, estimate a seat belt length that will make  
the seat belt very tight, then buckle it again.  
A lap/shoulder combination belt with a latchplate that can slide  
freely along the belt  
requires the locking clip, unless your vehicle’s  
seat belt can be converted in another way, described in your vehicle  
owner’s manual. See your vehicle owner’s manual  
to find out if your seat belt can be converted to  
prevent movement of the lap portion of the belt.  
Otherwise, the locking clip MUST be used.  
To install the locking clip:  
a. Tighten the buckled seat belt by pushing down hard on the car bed  
and pulling hard on the shoulder belt.  
b. While continuing to push down on the car bed, let go of the shoulder  
strap and pinch the two straps together just behind the buckle tongue.  
c. While still pinching the straps together, unbuckle  
the seat belt. Do not allow the straps to slip.  
d. Connect the lap belt to the shoulder belt by  
placing the locking clip on the belts about  
½ inch from the buckle tongue as shown  
e. Re-buckle and pull hard on the lap belt to be  
sure it does not move.  
f. Repeat this procedure if the lap belt is loose or lengthens when pulled.  
Final Safety Checks  
11. Make sure child is secured with the harness according to section 4,  
“Positioning and Securing Your Child in the Car Bed” (page 19).  
12. Make sure that apnea monitors, oxygen tanks, or other medical equipment  
are not placed inside the car bed. Keep this equipment outside of the car  
bed, secured under the seat or on the floor.  
13. Make sure that the car bed is properly secured by the vehicle seat belt  
system by performing the following checks EVERY TIME YOU  
a. Make sure all four feet of the car bed are resting on the vehicle seat.  
b. PULL SLOWLY BUT FIRMLY on the side  
handles of the car bed to make sure the vehicle  
seat belt does not lengthen at all and that the seat  
belt is fastened very tightly around the car bed.  
It should not move side-to-side or front-to-back.  
If you find that your vehicle seat belt becomes  
loose, make sure you have followed steps 1-10  
correctly, or see section 2, “Choosing a Suitable  
Location for the Car Bed” (page 9). DO NOT  
use this seating location if the seat belt does  
not hold the car bed very tightly.  
6. Cleaning and Maintenance  
To clean the car bed pad:  
1. Remove the seat pad. DO NOT USE CAR BED without the seat pad.  
2. Machine wash on delicate cycle and drip-dry.  
3. Reinstall the car bed pad according to the instructions on pages 31-33.  
Car bed plastic shell may be cleaned by wiping with a mild soap and  
water solution. DO NOT USE BLEACH or household detergents.  
Use of bleach or detergents may weaken plastic parts, which may break  
in a crash.  
Harness straps must be kept clean. The straps may be hand washed with  
soap and warm water and drip dry. DO NOT machine wash the harness.  
Doing so may weaken the harness straps or clog the hook/loop fastener  
so that the harness may not hold your child in a sharp turn, sudden stop  
or crash. If the harness cannot be cleaned, order a new one from Graco  
at 1-888-224-6549.  
Reinstalling Pad and Harness  
If pad and harness have been removed for washing or replacement, it is very  
important to properly reinstall them in your car bed. Ventilation slots in pad  
must be at the same end as ventilation slots in plastic car bed shell, and harness  
must be positioned to properly hold your child. Follow these instructions.  
1. Turn the car bed upside down. With fuzzy side of harness facing UP (see  
illustration on page 32), thread both ends of the harness into the slots in  
the car bed as shown. The double shoulder straps MUST be inserted  
in the harness slot next to the ventilation slots. Make sure straps are not  
2. Turn the car bed right side up. With printed side of pad facing UP, line  
up the side of the pad that has ventilation holes with the ventilation slots  
in the car bed. See illustration on page 33.  
3. Lower pad into the car bed. Thread the harness straps through the slots  
in the pad.  
Fuzzy side of  
harness UP  
Printed side  
Low side  
High side  
7. Registering Your Car Bed  
Model No.  
Serial No.  
Purchase Date  
Dear Customer,  
Please fill in the above information. The model and serial numbers can be  
found on a label underneath your car bed.  
Fill out the prepaid registration postcard attached to the pad and mail it today.  
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons. You must register this  
restraint to be reached in a recall. Send your name, address and serial number  
Graco Children’s Products Inc.  
P.O. Box 100  
Elverson, PA, 19520-9974  
or call 1-888-224-6549.  
For recall information, call the U.S. Government’s Auto Safety Hotline at  
1-800-424-9393 (202-366-0123 in D.C. area).  
Graco Children’s Products Inc.  
Elverson, PA 19520  

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