Creek Audio Stereo Amplifier Wyndsor User Manual

Instruction Manual  
Thank you forpurchasingCreek’s Wyndsor phono pre-amplifier.  
To enable a signal from a turntable's pick-up cartridge to be heard through a modern hi-fi stereo system, it is first  
necessary to boost its level. In addition, since vinyl discs are recorded with a form of compression to squeeze all  
the dynamic information onto the disc, it is necessary to expand it again before it can be listened to. This  
frequency compression is known as RIAA equalisation. RIAA stands for Recording Industry Association of America  
and was formed in 1952. Although an American administration, it created a world technical standard that  
regulated the way in which vinyl discs were made. Frequency curves were devised to reduce the excursion of low  
frequencies and increase those of high frequencies, to enable all the information to be squeezed onto a  
microgrooverecordingand to reducetheinherent noisegeneratedbythevinylitself.  
To correct the frequency levels to the original pre-recorded ones, the Phono pre-amp incorporates filters that are  
theoppositeof those used intherecordingstudio, to flattenthefrequencyresponse.  
The Wyndsor Phono Pre-amp is Creek Audio's finest quality Phono pre-amp, incorporating user selectable gain  
and cartridge matching capabilities. It is housed in an attractive new case with a simple control interface and  
displayenablingeverything from thefrontpanel, without degradingtheperformance.  
To power the Wyndsor Phono Pre-amp, Creek developed a new power supply, with +/-20V and +12V outputs to  
power both the critical analogue and digital circuitry. The Wyndsor Power Supply contains two separate, over  
rated, mains transformers and separate high quality regulators to maintain maximum isolation from the analogue  
and digitalsupplies.  
It isconnected to thepre-amp viaa custom 5pin powerplug and socket, enablingthe pre-amp to operatewithlow  
levels of 50/60Hz interference, since the noisy power supply transformer is situated in another case, which can be  
locatedup to itscablelength apart.  
Left and right channels are on completely separate multi-layer printed circuit boards fitted with solid high-grade  
RCA sockets for the input and output, and a 3-way connector as an alternative input. For the more adventurous,  
there is also a balanced input capability. Both styles of input connector canbe used, however it must be noted that  
both sets of connectors CANNOT be used at the same time. When using balanced mode this requires the pick-up  
cartridgenot to begrounded.  
This semiconductor circuit is split into 3 separate stages, with precision RIAA equalisation, in each stage. A gain  
selectable balanced to unbalanced conversion stage precedes a passive 75us de-emphasis filter; active 318us and  
3180us EQ is performed in a high grade op-amp and passive IEC low frequency roll-off follows. Finally another op-  
amp gain stage drives the output with 50 Ohm output impedance, so long interconnects to the main amplifier are  
not a problem. In addition, the pre-amp is completely DC coupled to eliminate sonically detrimental capacitors in  
the signal path and is monitored and controlled, in case of unwanted offsets, by a DC servo circuit. If a DC  
condition exceeds the servo’s ability to correct an offset, a muting relay will stop any harmful DC from exiting the  
pre-amp. Adual voltagepowersupply allows thepre-ampto output up to 10VoltsRMSbeforeclipping.  
Moving coil and moving magnet cartridges from low to high output are catered for, together with the more  
unusual high gain moving coil types, which have characteristics similar to a low output moving magnet type.  
Matching of cartridges is an often overlooked fact in retrieving the best performance from your system. The pre-  
amp canselecta widerangeof valuesto bettermatch your chosen cartridge.  
The vacuum fluorescent user interface clearly indicates the gain, matching and other options - displayed in  
English. The displayhas 4adjustablelevelsof brightness and canbecompletelyturned off for minimumnoise.  
You can edit parameters in the following order. Rotate the encoder to see the available settings and press to  
confirm and move on to the next one  
Cartridge type  
Load resistance  
Arm wiring  
There are some limitations to prevent DC offset occurring. If a low or medium MC cartridge is selected the load  
resistancewillbelimitedto max 1k. Forothergainsettings, allload resistancesareavailable.  
After the last dialogue you will be prompted to save the new settings as a profile. If you choose YES, the name  
editing screen will appear. Refer to Editing Profile Names for this information. If you do not choose to save the  
parameters as a profile, theywillbestoredas current settings.  
To save the current settings as a profile later, go through the EDIT PARAMS menu again without changing any  
settings. While editing the name of a new profile, hold the BACK button for 1 second to cancel creating a new  
profileand returnto themainmenu.  
While inside this menu, press BACK to go one step back. If you are on the first dialogue and press BACK, you will  
bepromptedto cancelthechanges.  
When entering the name use the encoder to scroll through the alphabet from A to Z,  
then symbols ! “ # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . /  
then digits 0 – 9  
then symbols : ; < = > ? .  
You can enter a space by rotating the encoder one position anti clockwise from A.  
Press the encoder button briefly to enter a symbol. Press BACK to erase a symbol. Hold the encoder for 1 second  
to finish editingthenameand saveit. Hold theBACKbutton for 1secondto cancelanychangesto thename.  
In this menu you can edit the name or parameters of an existing profile. Use the encoder to scroll through the  
list of available profiles. Use short click prompts to edit the name; long click prompts to edit the parameters.  
Hold the encoder button to edit the chosen parameters. The current name will be displayed and all normal  
name editing options are available. Hold the encoder button to confirm the changes. New parameters are  
stored in the same profile. Hold the BACK button to cancel all the changes and return to the list of profiles. Note  
that if you change the parameters of a profile that is not active, any changes will not become active until you  
You can delete a profile by holding the BACK button for one second. You cannot delete a profile that is currently  
active. PresstheBACKbutton to returnto mainmenuat anytime.  
This function allows you to erase all profiles and reset current settings to factory defaults. If selected, a message  
DELETED willbedisplayed. Nopresetswillbedeleteduntilyou selectYESinthis dialogue.  
Page 3  
This displays the current version of the software in the device. Updates, as theybecomeavailable, canbe installed  
viaareplaceableelectronicchipinsidethecase. Pressanybutton to gobackto themainmenu.  
A DIN plug is provided to enable the correct cable to be produced for balanced input connection. The wiring  
configuration is noted on the rear panel. Please consult your dealer if in any doubt. Additional information can be  
accessedfrom theFAQsectionof theCreekAudio website.  
Gain 5 steps in dBs  
40, 45, 53, 61, 70  
IEC roll-off (7950us)  
Noise in dBs in 5 gain settings  
0.5Hz100kHz (+/- 0.5dB)  
-3dB @ 20 Hz -6dB @ 10Hz  
-92, -81, -79, -72, -62.5  
< 93dB  
DC Offset  
Input Capacitance  
< +/- 10mV  
100pF, 440pF, 1.1nF, 1.4nF  
91R, 100R, 1k, 33k, 47k  
2 toroidal mains transformers and low noise regulators  
115/230V AC External  
Input Resistance  
Wyndsor Power Supply Unit  
Switchable Mains Voltage Selector  
Specification subject to change without notice  
If within two years of the purchase date your Wyndsor phono pre-amplifier product proves to be defective for any  
reason other than accident, misuse, neglect, unauthorised modification or fair wear and tear, Creek Audio Ltd  
will, at its discretion, replace the faulty parts without charge for labour or return carriage within the U.K. This  
warranty is valid only within the U.K. and given in addition to statutory rights. Service enquiries outside the U.K.  
should be addressed first to the supplying dealer and or Creek distributor/importer. Warranties granted in these  
countriesareentirelyat thediscretionof thedistributor.  
Creek Audio Limited  
12 Avebury Ct, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TA England  
Telephone: +44 (0) 1442 260146 Fax: +44 (0) 870 622 0846  

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