Compaq Network Router OSI APLMGR D43 User Manual

OSI/FTAM Responder  
This manual describes the operation of the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File  
Transfer, Access and Management (OSI/FTAM) responder and its virtual filestore (VFS). It is  
for programmers and users who are working with or writing remote FTAM applications that use  
the services of the Compaq responder. It is also useful to those with access to the Compaq  
system who are diagnosing and solving problems involving the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Product Version  
Supported Releases  
D48 and above  
G06.01 and above  
Part Number  
February 2000  
6. Responder Manager  
Tables (continued)  
Tables (continued)  
Type 4-8  
Responder 4-13  
What’s New in This Manual  
Manual Information  
This manual describes the operation of the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File  
Transfer, Access and Management (OSI/FTAM) responder and its virtual filestore  
(VFS). It is for programmers and users who are working with or writing remote FTAM  
applications that use the services of the Compaq responder. It is also useful to those  
with access to the Compaq system who are diagnosing and solving problems involving  
the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Product Version  
Supported Releases  
D48 and above  
G06.01 and above  
Part Number  
February 2000  
Document History  
Part Number  
Product Version  
August 1992  
September 1993  
February 2000  
New and Changed Information  
This manual has been updated to support the G-series releases.  
What’s New in This Manual  
New and Changed Information  
About This Manual  
The OSI/FTAM Responder Manual provides instructions and reference information  
needed to write application programs, or to use interactive applications, that use the  
services of the Compaq OSI/File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) responder  
process. This manual has the following objectives:  
Introduce the Compaq FTAM responder and how it fits into the Compaq FTAM  
Describe conformance and interoperability issues for the Compaq FTAM responder  
Provide information about the Compaq FTAM responder needed by the programmer  
writing FTAM applications (or the user using interactive FTAM applications) on a  
remote system, which may or may not be a Compaq system  
Provide information about the Compaq FTAM responder and its virtual  
filestore (VFS) needed for problem solving on the Compaq system  
The descriptions that follow provide you with an overview of the content of each section  
and appendix in this manual.  
Section 1, “Introduction to Compaq OSI/FTAM,” provides a general introduction to  
the Compaq FTAM software from the point of view of programmers writing remote  
FTAM applications that use the services of the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Section 2, “Conformance and Interoperability,” presents information about  
standards conformance and interoperability of the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Section 3, “Compaq FTAM Responder Operation,” describes the architecture of the  
Compaq FTAM responder and the way messages flow to and from the responder.  
Section 4, “Compaq FTAM Responder Support of ISO FTAM Functions,” describes  
the ISO FTAM functions supported by the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Section 5, “Suggestions for Development of Remote Applications,” provides  
suggestions for how to write your remote FTAM applications in order to take best  
advantage of the features of the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Section 6, “Responder Management,” discusses considerations that are related to the  
configuration and management of the responder process and its VFS on the Compaq  
system, but that you might need to know when writing or using FTAM applications  
on the remote system.  
Appendix A, “Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages,” provides cause,  
effect, and recovery information for all diagnostic messages that originate in the  
Compaq FTAM responder or VFS.  
About This Manual  
Supported Standards  
Supported Standards  
This manual and the other Compaq FTAM manuals are written on the assumption that  
you are familiar with the ISO standards and the National Institute of Standards and  
Technology (NIST) FTAM Phase 2 agreements to which Compaq FTAM and the  
underlying Compaq OSI products conform. These standards include the following:  
Standard Number Standard Name  
ISO 8326  
ISO 8327  
ISO 8571-1  
Basic Connection Oriented Session Service Definition  
Basic Connection Oriented Session Protocol Specification  
File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 1: General  
ISO 8571-2  
ISO 8571-3  
ISO 8571-4  
ISO 8571-5  
File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 2: Virtual Filestore  
File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 3: File Service  
File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 4: File Protocol  
File Transfer, Access and Management—Part 5: Protocol  
Implementation Conformance Statement  
ISO 8649  
ISO 8650  
ISO 8822  
ISO 8823  
ISO 8824  
ISO 8825  
Service Definition for the Association Control Service Element  
Protocol Specification for the Association Control Service Element  
Connection Oriented Presentation Service Definition  
Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Specification  
Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)  
Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax  
Notation One (ASN.1)  
ISO/IEC ISP 10607 Information Technology—International Standardized Profiles  
AFTnn—File Transfer, Access and Management, Parts 1-6  
NIST 500-162  
Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems  
Interconnection Protocols (Special Publication), Part 9—FTAM  
Phase 2  
About This Manual  
Related Manuals  
Related Manuals  
This manual is one in a set of Compaq FTAM manuals.  
OSI/FTAM Programming Guide. This manual explains important programming  
concepts pertaining to the Compaq FTAM application programmatic interface and  
describes sequences of procedure calls to use to perform common FTAM  
programming operations. This manual also provides an overview of FTAM  
concepts for those who have not recently read the ISO 8571 specification.  
OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual. This is the companion manual to the  
Compaq OSI/FTAM Programming Guide and provides reference information on the  
programmatic interface provided by Compaq FTAM for application programs that  
run on a Compaq host using the FTAM initiator. It discusses product conformance  
to standards and interoperability, provides information on the FTAM initiator, and  
provides reference material for all procedure calls in the FTAM API (application  
programmatic interface), including descriptions of diagnostic and error messages.  
OSI/FTAM Responder Manual. This manual provides information for programmers  
writing applications on remote systems using the services of the Compaq FTAM  
responder. This manual discusses the Compaq FTAM responder’s conformance to  
standards and interoperability, describes the operation of the responder, and  
provides reference information on diagnostic messages.  
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual. This manual provides task-  
oriented information necessary for the installation and management of the Compaq  
FTAM responder and virtual filestore (VFS) and the associated APLMGR process.  
This manual also includes information on monitoring and adjusting your subsystem  
to optimize performance and on diagnosing and fixing problems.  
SCF Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR. This manual describes the  
interactive interface that allows operators to manage and monitor the configuration  
and operation of FTAM responder and APLMGR processes, and to monitor FTAM  
subdevices, using SCF commands. It also describes the formats of trace records  
generated by responder and APLMGR processes.  
Operator Messages Manual . This manual describes Compaq operator messages in  
general and describes the operator messages that can be generated by various  
Compaq subsystems, including their causes, effects, and recovery actions. The  
“OSI/APLMGR Messages” and “OSI/FTAM Messages” sections describe the  
operator messages generated by Compaq FTAM.  
If you are writing applications using a remote initiator that interoperates with the  
Compaq FTAM responder, your main source of information is the documentation for the  
FTAM initiator you are using. If your initiator is running on a system other than a  
Compaq system, you need whatever documentation is provided for the remote  
If your FTAM initiator is on a Compaq system, you need the following manuals in the  
Compaq FTAM manual set: the OSI/FTAM Programming Guide and the OSI/FTAM  
Programming Reference Manual.  
About This Manual  
Your Comments Invited  
If you are diagnosing and solving FTAM problems using tools on the Compaq system  
where your responder resides, you also need to refer to the following manuals: the  
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual and the SCF Reference Manual for  
If you need to understand the meaning of event messages and additional information on  
displaying trace records for problem diagnosis, you need to refer to the following  
PTrace Reference Manual provides general information on how to select and  
interpret information in trace files created using the SCF TRACE command. This  
information serves as background for the trace-record information in the SCF  
Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR.  
Operator Messages Manual.  
If you need to understand how files are stored in the Compaq responder’s VFS or if you  
are diagnosing problems in the VFS, the following manuals are also likely to be of  
Enscribe Programmers Guide describes the four types of Enscribe disk files on the  
Compaq system (unstructured, key-sequenced, entry-sequenced, and relative).  
NonStop SQL Installation and Management Manual explains how to install  
NonStop SQL, the Compaq relational database management system, and how to  
plan, create, and manage NonStop SQL databases. This manual is useful to you if  
your applications access SQL tables as FTAM-2 files.  
NonStop SQL Messages Manual describes messages produced by the NonStop SQL  
relational database management system and file-system messages that pertain only  
to NonStop SQL files. This manual is useful to you if your applications access SQL  
tables as FTAM-2 files.  
Your Comments Invited  
After using this manual, please take a moment to send us your comments. You can do  
this by returning a Reader Comment Card or by sending an Internet mail message.  
A Reader Comment Card is located at the back of printed manuals and as a separate file  
on the User Documentation disc. You can either fax or mail the card to us. The fax  
number and mailing address are provided on the card.  
Also provided on the Reader Comment Card is an Internet mail address. When you  
send an Internet mail message to us, we immediately acknowledge receipt of your  
message. A detailed response to your message is sent as soon as possible. Be sure to  
include your name, company name, address, and phone number in your message. If  
your comments are specific to a particular manual, also include the part number and title  
of the manual.  
Many of the improvements you see in manuals are a result of suggestions from our  
customers. Please take this opportunity to help us improve future manuals.  
About This Manual  
Notation Conventions  
Notation Conventions  
General Syntax Notation  
The following list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this  
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words; enter  
these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:  
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items that you supply.  
Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:  
[ ] Brackets. Brackets enclose optional syntax items. For example:  
TERM [\system-name.]$terminal-name  
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or  
none. The items in the list may be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on  
each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by  
vertical lines. For example:  
FC [ num ]  
[ -num]  
[ text]  
K [ X | D ] address-1  
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to  
choose one item. The items in the list may be arranged either vertically, with aligned  
braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated  
by vertical lines. For example:  
LISTOPENS PROCESS { $appl-mgr-name }  
{ $process-name }  
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in  
brackets or braces. For example:  
… Ellipsis. An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you  
can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times. For example:  
M address-1 [ , new-value ]...  
[ - ] {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}...  
About This Manual  
General Syntax Notation  
An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that  
syntax item any number of times. For example:  
Punctuation. Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described  
must be entered as shown. For example:  
error := NEXTFILENAME ( file-name ) ;  
LISTOPENS SU $process-name.#su-name  
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a  
required character that you must enter as shown. For example:  
"[" repetition-constant-list "]"  
Item Spacing. Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a  
punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For example:  
CALL STEPMOM ( process-id ) ;  
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In the following  
example, there are no spaces permitted between the period and any other items:  
Line Spacing. If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation  
line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.  
This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of  
selections. For example:  
ALTER [ / OUT file-spec / ] CONTROLLER  
[ , attribute-spec ]...  
!i and !o. In procedure calls, the !i notation follows an input parameter (one that passes data  
to the called procedure); the !o notation follows an output parameter (one that returns  
data to the calling program). For example:  
, error  
) ;  
!i,o. In procedure calls, the !i,o notation follows an input/output parameter (one that both  
passes data to the called procedure and returns data to the calling program). For  
error := COMPRESSEDIT ( filenum ) ;  
!i:i. In procedure calls, the !i:i notation follows an input string parameter that has a  
corresponding parameter specifying the length of the string in bytes. For example:  
error := FILENAME_COMPARE_ ( filename1:length  
, filename2:length ) ;  
About This Manual  
Notation for Messages  
!o:i. In procedure calls, the !o:i notation follows an output buffer parameter that has a  
corresponding input parameter specifying the maximum length of the output buffer in  
bytes. For example:  
error := FILE_GETINFO_ ( filenum  
, [ filename:maxlen ] ) ;  
Notation for Messages  
The following list summarizes the notation conventions for the presentation of displayed  
messages in this manual.  
Bold Text. Bold text in an example indicates user input entered at the terminal. For example:  
The user must press the Return key after typing the input.  
Nonitalic text. Nonitalic letters, numbers, and punctuation indicate text that is displayed or  
returned exactly as shown. For example:  
Backup Up.  
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items whose values are  
displayed or returned. For example:  
[ ] Brackets. Brackets enclose items that are sometimes, but not always, displayed. For  
Event number = number [ Subject = first-subject-value ]  
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list of all possible items that can be displayed,  
of which one or none might actually be displayed. The items in the list might be  
arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally,  
enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For example:  
proc-name trapped [ in SQL | in SQL file system ]  
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list of all possible items that can be  
displayed, of which one is actually displayed. The items in the list might be arranged  
About This Manual  
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces  
either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in  
a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example:  
obj-type obj-name state changed to state, caused by  
{ Object | Operator | Service }  
process-name State changed from old-objstate to objstate  
{ Operator Request. }  
{ Unknown.  
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in  
brackets or braces. For example:  
Transfer status: { OK | Failed }  
% Percent Sign. A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The  
%þnotation precedes an octal number. The %Bþnotation precedes a binary number.  
The %Hþnotation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example:  
P=%p-register E=%e-register  
Notation for Management Programming Interfaces  
The following list summarizes the notation conventions used in the boxed descriptions  
of programmatic commands, event messages, and error lists in this manual.  
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate names from definition files; enter these  
names exactly as shown. For example:  
lowercase letters. Words in lowercase letters are words that are part of the notation,  
including Data Definition Language (DDL) keywords. For example:  
!r. The !r notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is  
required. For example:  
token-type ZSPI-TYP-STRING.  
!o. The !o notation following a token or field name indicates that the token or field is  
optional. For example:  
token-type ZSPI-TYP-FNAME32.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM  
This manual describes the Compaq Open Systems Interconnection/File Transfer, Access  
and Management (OSI/FTAM) responder and its virtual filestore (VFS). Compaq  
OSI/FTAM is the Compaq implementation of the FTAM standard ISO 8571, developed  
by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).  
File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) is a set of Application Layer services  
and an Application Layer protocol to support file handling on Open Systems  
Interconnection (OSI) networks. Using this standard FTAM protocol across an OSI  
network, different computer systems can transmit and receive file contents and file-  
management-related messages.  
The information in this manual is useful to you if you are doing either of the following:  
Developing FTAM applications, or using interactive FTAM applications, that run  
on remote systems and use the services of the Compaq FTAM responder  
Solving problems involving a Compaq FTAM responder or its virtual filestore  
While this manual is designed to be as complete as possible with regard to the Compaq  
FTAM implementation of the responder, it is not intended to duplicate or replace the  
ISO standards and National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) FTAM Phase 2  
agreements. The preface to this manual, called “About This Manual,” lists the relevant  
ISO and NIST documents that you may want to review.  
In this manual, ISO FTAM refers to the FTAM specification as defined in ISO 8571,  
and Compaq FTAM refers to the Compaq OSI/FTAM product.  
Functional Overview  
ISO FTAM provides the following file-handling functions across the network:  
Creating files  
Deleting files  
Erasing part or all of the contents of files  
Reading from files  
Writing to files  
Reading file attributes  
Changing file attributes  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Compaq FTAM Services  
FTAM users communicate with the FTAM service provider by way of primitives, the  
smallest units of interaction between the FTAM user and the FTAM service provider. An  
operation like any of those mentioned above requires the exchange of multiple  
primitives, which the FTAM software encodes as protocol data units (PDUs).  
FTAM file handling is defined in terms of initiator and responder functions. The  
initiator provides application programs with access to the FTAM protocol so that you  
can request services to be performed by a responder across the network. The remote  
responder acts as a file server and performs the requested services.  
Compaq FTAM Services  
Compaq FTAM provides most of the FTAM services specified in ISO 8571.  
The Compaq FTAM implementation separates the initiator and responder functions into  
two processes. The Compaq FTAM initiator process implements the initiator function,  
while the Compaq FTAM responder process implements the responder function.  
Note. The initiator and responder functions of remote FTAM implementations are not  
necessarily performed by separate processes. In this manual, the term “remote initiator” refers  
to the entity in the remote implementation that performs the initiator function.  
The initiator and responder processes provide the FTAM functions required for your  
applications. These processes manage the FTAM communications among your  
application and other FTAM applications on the local or remote computer systems on an  
OSI network.  
Compaq FTAM can handle the following types of files, where the corresponding FTAM  
document types are listed parenthetically:  
Unstructured text files (FTAM-1)  
Structured text files (FTAM-2)  
Binary files (FTAM-3)  
Directory files (NBS-9)  
FTAM Applications  
This manual focuses on the FTAM services available to remote ISO FTAM applications  
through the Compaq FTAM responder. There is no programmatic interface to the  
Compaq responder; you request the services of the responder by means of the FTAM  
interface on your remote system, which may or may not be a Compaq system.  
ISO FTAM protocol defines a common model of the file system (the virtual filestore,  
described later in the manual), which allows all computer systems on an open network  
to share the same file-handling conventions. Because the Compaq FTAM responder  
manages its own local file system, you do not need to learn how to program file  
handling for the Compaq NonStop Kernel (the operating system) or the Guardian  
environment (the application program interface and the Compaq NonStop tools) when  
using the Compaq responder. In writing FTAM applications that use the services of the  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
FTAM Applications  
responder, you use the standard FTAM file-handling conventions to perform remote file-  
handling tasks, by means of the FTAM interface on your remote system.  
Each FTAM service, or file operation, requires that multiple FTAM protocol operations  
be performed, in sequence, to complete the service. For example, to open a file, an  
FTAM application must first send an initialize request, and then a file-select request and  
a file-open request, to the responding system in the communication. The responding  
FTAM node receives the requests as indications and sends responses back to the  
requesting node. The requesting node receives these responses as confirms. Thus, four  
primitives—request, indication, response, and confirm—are used to complete most  
services, as shown in Figure 1-1. Section 4 identifies the FTAM services supported in  
the Compaq FTAM implementation.  
Figure 1-1. An FTAM Service Using Four Primitives  
F-XXX request  
F-XXX indication  
F-XXX response  
F-XXX confirm  
CDT 203.CDD  
The ISO standard provides flexibility in the level of FTAM function that must be  
implemented in an ISO-conformant system. This flexibility implies that, as you write  
and test your application, you need to consider the specifications for the other FTAM  
implementations with which your application will interoperate. Refer to Section 2 for  
information about the factors to consider in assessing the interoperability of the  
Compaq FTAM product with other FTAM implementations.  
If your remote FTAM application also runs on a Compaq system, you use the Compaq  
FTAM application program interface (API), a set of procedures that interact with the  
Compaq FTAM initiator process, to request FTAM services. The initiator, in turn, sends  
requests for file-handling services to remote responders. The FTAM API is described in  
detail in the OSI/FTAM Programming Reference Manual and the OSI/FTAM  
Programming Guide.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Management Interfaces  
Management Interfaces  
For those people with access to the Compaq system who are responsible for configuring  
and managing FTAM responder processes and for solving FTAM problems, Compaq  
FTAM supports the Distributed Systems Management (DSM) management interfaces,  
which include the following:  
Subsystem Control Facility (SCF)  
PTrace utility  
Operator message facility of the Event Management Service (EMS)  
The use of these management utilities with Compaq FTAM is described in the  
OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.  
In addition, system managers and problem solvers on the Compaq system use the File  
Utility Program (FUP) to perform many functions on Compaq disk files, including  
copying and resecuring files. This utility is described in the File Utility Program (FUP)  
Reference Manual.  
Architectural Overview  
FTAM services facilitate communication between different computer systems in an OSI  
network. The communication link (at the FTAM level) created between two systems is  
called an association. Each system is further defined in terms of its function in the  
association. The system that creates and controls the association is called the initiating  
system. The system that responds to the initiating system is called the responding  
system. In Compaq FTAM, the initiating and responding functions are performed by  
separate processes.  
The Compaq FTAM responder process services FTAM requests initiated from remote  
systems on the network, such as a request to read a file. The responder acts as an FTAM  
file server, mapping FTAM requests into file operations and providing a translation  
between Guardian file structures and FTAM file structures.  
The Responder and Underlying Subsystems  
To communicate over OSI networks, Compaq FTAM uses the services of the Compaq  
OSI/AS and OSI/TS subsystems, and either the Compaq LAN access method (TLAM)  
(or PAM for G06 and above releases), or the X.25 access method (X25AM), or TCP/IP.  
In turn, X25AM and TLAM depend on hardware controllers to provide the 802.3  
communications protocol (for TLAM) and the X.25 communications protocol (for  
Figure 1-2 provides an overview of the Compaq FTAM responder and these underlying  
Compaq products. The figure illustrates how the Compaq FTAM responder and the  
underlying Compaq OSI subsystems support the layers of the OSI Reference Model  
for both LANs and WANs:  
The Compaq FTAM responder provides FTAM responder functions at the  
Application Layer.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
The Responder and Underlying Subsystems  
Compaq application, presentation, and session service provider (TAPS) processes  
perform the services of the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) in the  
Application Layer, plus the services of the Presentation Layer and the Session  
Layer. TAPS processes are provided by the OSI/AS subsystem.  
Transport service provider (TSP) processes perform the services of the Transport  
Layer. These processes are provided by the OSI/TS subsystem.  
Network service provider (NSP) processes perform the services of the Network  
Layer and/or the Data Link Layer. These processes are provided by the X25AM  
and TLAM (or PAM for G06 and above releases) and TCP/IP subsystems.  
The figure also shows the hardware used to implement Data Link Layer and Physical  
Layer OSI communications through TLAM (or PAM) or X25AM.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
The Responder and Underlying Subsystems  
Figure 1-2. Compaq FTAM Responder Architectural Overview  
User Application  
Application Layer  
Tandem FTAM  
Presentation Layer  
Session Layer  
Transport Layer  
Network Layer  
Data Link Layer  
(TLAM or PAM)  
(TLAM or PAM)  
Physical Layer  
X.21, V.35  
X.21, V-35  
CDT 204.CDD  
PDUs from a remote FTAM initiator are received by the Compaq system at the Physical  
Layer and are transmitted up through the appropriate communications controller (or  
adapter), NSP process, TSP process, and TAPS process to the FTAM responder process.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
The Responder and the File System  
The Responder and the File System  
Figure 1-2 also shows the file system used by the Compaq responder to access files.  
When a remote FTAM initiator requests access to files, the Compaq FTAM responder  
provides that service via its virtual filestore (VFS) component, which acts as an interface  
to the file system. The set of files accessible via the VFS includes all files on the  
Expand network to which the Compaq FTAM responder process’ system belongs.  
The responder’s VFS maps the FTAM requests into file requests and translates between  
FTAM and Guardian file structures and attributes. For more information on the VFS  
and how it maps particular file structures and attributes, refer to Sections 3 and 4.  
Introduction to the Compaq FTAM Responder  
The Responder and the File System  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
This section presents information about the conformance to standards and the  
interoperability of the Compaq FTAM responder.  
Conformance is the satisfaction of the requirements of the applicable standards,  
consistent with the capabilities stated in the protocol implementation conformance  
statement (PICS) for the implementation. Interoperability is the ability of an  
implementation of a standard to work with other implementations of the same standard  
to deliver services.  
A list of the supported standards and agreements that apply to Compaq FTAM is  
provided in “About This Manual” at the beginning of this manual.  
To be ISO FTAM-conformant, an FTAM implementation must comply with the  
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) FTAM standard for communication  
between different FTAM implementations. Conformance to the ISO FTAM standard is  
tested in the areas of the support of services, functional units, service classes, and file  
Conformance testing increases the probability that an implementation is able to  
interwork with other implementations. Two or more implementations are more likely to  
work together if they conform to the same set of standards.  
The Compaq OSI/FTAM product has been tested to conform with ISO 8571, NIST  
Special Publication 500-162 (Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems  
Interconnection Protocols) Part 9—FTAM Phase 2, and US GOSIP version 1.0.  
The interoperability, or interworking, of two FTAM implementations is the ability of  
these implementations to communicate using FTAM primitives in a useful and  
meaningful way. While conformance to ISO FTAM is necessary, it does not by itself  
guarantee that two implementations will interwork. Even if the two implementations  
conform to the same OSI protocol standard, they may be incapable of interworking with  
each other for reasons outside the scope of that standard (see ISO IS 9646-1, section  
5.7.2). In addition, the FTAM standard is very complex. Two implementations may  
contain disjoint subsets of the standard that do not allow for interoperability but are fully  
conformant to the ISO specification. For example, two systems cannot interoperate if  
each supports only an initiator, or if a document type supported by an initiator is not  
included among the document types supported by the responder.  
The Compaq FTAM product has been tested to conform with the standards and profiles  
mentioned in the above subsection, “Conformance.” It has also been tested to  
interoperate with a number of other vendors according to the NISTIR 4435 document,  
“FTAM Interoperability Tests,” which most vendors use as a basis for writing FTAM  
interoperability tests.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Basic Characteristics of FTAM Implementations  
When evaluating interoperability between Compaq FTAM and another FTAM  
implementation, consider the following aspects in which FTAM implementations can  
vary. Section 4 of this manual provides you with additional details about the Compaq  
FTAM implementation that you need to determine whether another implementation can  
interoperate with the Compaq FTAM product.  
Basic Characteristics of FTAM Implementations  
To determine whether another FTAM implementation can interoperate with Compaq  
FTAM, you must first consider the following basic characteristics of the two  
Roles of Initiator and Responder  
Initiator and responder roles must be compatible to interoperate successfully. For two  
implementations to interoperate, there must be an initiator and a responder that can send  
and receive data between the two. For more information, see Section 4.  
Roles of Sender and Receiver  
The sender is the entity that sends data. The receiver is the entity receiving data. In  
Compaq FTAM, both the initiator and the responder have sender and receiver  
capabilities. For example, an initiator sending a read request is the receiver, and an  
initiator sending a write request is the sender.  
Service Classes Supported  
The service classes supported are defined in terms of combinations of functional units.  
At least one common service class must be supported for two implementations to  
interoperate. Compaq FTAM supports four service classes: file transfer, file  
management, file transfer and management, and file access.  
Underlying Services  
Compaq FTAM uses Compaq OSI/AS, which is an implementation of version 1 of the  
Association Control Service Element (ACSE), as stated in ISO IS 8649 and 8650;  
version 1 of the Presentation Layer, as stated in ISO IS 8822 and 8823; and version 2  
of the Session Layer, as stated in ISO IS 8326 and 8327. To interoperate with Compaq  
FTAM, other FTAM implementations must support compatible versions of ACSE,  
Presentation, and Session, as well as the services underlying the Session Layer.  
Functional Units  
Both implementations must support the functional units required for any services the  
pair will perform together. Compaq FTAM supports seven functional units: kernel,  
read, write, file access, limited file management, enhanced file management, and  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Limitations on Value of Future-Filesize Attribute  
Aspects of attributes that can affect interoperability include the optional groups of  
attributes, the level of support for each individual attribute (see Table 4-4) and its  
optional components, and the range of values supported for each attribute. The Compaq  
FTAM implementation supports three attribute groups: kernel, storage, and security.  
For more information on attributes and attribute support for the Compaq FTAM  
responder, see Section 4.  
FTAM Parameters  
Aspects of FTAM parameters that can affect interoperability include the supported  
optional parameters and the range of values for all parameters. If they are to  
interoperate, both implementations must support all parameters and ranges required by  
the services to be performed. For more information on the optional parameters and  
parameter value ranges supported by the Compaq FTAM responder, see Section 4.  
Limitations on Value of Future-Filesize Attribute  
Because of file-size limitations imposed by the Guardian file system, the Compaq  
FTAM responder cannot support all possible values of the future-filesize attribute sent  
in create and change-attribute requests. The Compaq responder creates files with a  
maximum future-filesize value of 1 GB. If a value greater than 1 GB is requested, the  
responder returns an informative diagnostic message and creates the file with a future-  
filesize value of 1 GB.  
The smallest file the Compaq responder can create has a future-filesize value of 64 KB.  
If a smaller future-filesize value is requested, the responder creates the file with a future-  
filesize value of 64 KB. (Note, however, that the entire 64K is not necessarily allocated;  
only as many extents as needed are allocated.)  
In addition, the maximum size of files is limited by the physical storage capacity of the  
Compaq disk device being used.  
Document Types and Related Parameters  
Both implementations must support one or more common document types to  
interoperate. Compaq FTAM supports the following document types: FTAM-1, FTAM-  
2, FTAM-3, and NBS-9. In addition, both implementations must be aware of how the  
parameters associated with document type (the maximum-string-length, string-  
significance, and universal-class parameters) are used in the FTAM software with  
which they wish to interoperate.  
The NBS-9 document type allows reading of directory information using an attribute bit  
For more information on Compaq FTAM document types and related parameters, see  
Section 4.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Data-Transfer Considerations  
Maximum-String-Length Parameter  
Compaq FTAM supports unbounded strings. The limitations of the maximum-string-  
length parameter are described in detail in Section 4.  
String-Significance Parameter  
The Compaq FTAM responder supports all three values (fixed, variable, and not-  
significant) for the string-significance parameter in FTAM-1 documents. For the  
FTAM-3 document type, it supports the values not-significant, fixed, and variable.  
Universal-Class Parameter  
The default universal-class parameter value used by the Compaq FTAM responder for  
FTAM-1 and FTAM-2 files is GraphicString, as specified in ISO 8571.  
Simplification and Relaxation  
Simplification is the act of reading a file of a specific FTAM document type as a  
less structured, or simpler, FTAM document type. Compaq FTAM supports  
the simplification of FTAM-2 Enscribe relative files to FTAM-1 files, but does not  
support simplification of Structured Query Language (SQL) tables.  
Relaxation, or the process of deriving one document from another by making the  
parameters describing it less restrictive, is not supported at all by Compaq FTAM.  
Mapping of Contents-Type Parameters  
The Compaq FTAM virtual filestore (VFS) supports the Compaq FTAM responder by  
providing an interface to the Guardian file system. It maps FTAM file structures and  
attributes to Guardian file structures and attributes, and vice versa. Section 4 describes  
the mappings of FTAM document types to Guardian file types.  
Note that the Compaq responder does not keep a permanent record of the contents-type  
parameter values used on creation of a file in the VFS. These values are directly  
available only during the life of the FTAM association in which the file was created.  
When a remote initiator makes a create request followed by an open request and the  
open request specifies a contents type of unknown, the responder uses the contents-type  
parameter values specified in the create request. However, this information is lost when  
the association is terminated. On subsequent accesses to the file via a select request  
followed by an open request with a contents type of unknown, the responder uses its  
default values based on the file structure, as described in Section 4.  
Data-Transfer Considerations  
This subsection briefly describes the aspects of Compaq FTAM data handling that might  
affect interoperability between the Compaq FTAM responder and another FTAM  
implementation. For complete information, see Section 4.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Data-Transfer Considerations  
Limits on Small String-Length Values With Large PDUs  
When the Compaq FTAM responder receives data from a remote initiator, it decodes the  
data and stores it, as a sequence of strings, in an internal buffer with a maximum size of  
25 KB. According to the NIST FTAM Phase 2 agreements, P-DATA carrying encoded  
FTAM PDUs or data elements cannot exceed 16 KB; however, string-header  
information in the buffer can cause the data in the buffer to be much larger than the  
maximum size of the encoded data. Because each string in the buffer includes a fixed  
number of bytes of header information, packing small strings into a large PDU can cause  
the 25 KB buffer size to be exceeded.  
During data decoding, the responder checks the length of the data. If the decoded data  
cannot be accommodated in the 25 KB buffer, the responder generates a provider  
To avoid exceeding the buffer-size limit for writes to the Compaq responder, you can  
either send a smaller number of strings per PDU or send larger strings, as described in  
Section 4.  
Handling of Escape Sequences  
When writing data to the Guardian file system from a remote initiator, the responder  
first removes any escape sequences contained in each string it receives before enforcing  
the maximum-string-length limitation. When sending data to the remote initiator, it  
does not check for escape sequences, but simply counts all bytes and packages them into  
Use of Format Effectors  
Format effectors are characters such as carriage returns and line feeds, which control  
the formatting of information on character-imaging devices. To interoperate  
successfully, application programmers must understand what an implementation expects  
as an end-of-line symbol and how it interprets format effectors. For example, some  
implementations use the FTAM-1 document type to transfer binary data as opposed to  
text. Some implementations recognize carriage returns and line feeds as format  
effectors and discard them if binary data, not text, is being transferred. Others see the  
format effectors as data and transfer them as such.  
In the Compaq FTAM responder’s virtual filestore (VFS), FTAM-1 files are treated as  
documents and are implemented as Guardian EDIT files, which have a maximum record  
length of 239 characters. The responder interprets carriage return-line feed  
combinations (CR/LFs) as end-of-line indicators. If a file being written to the  
responder’s VFS does not contain CR/LFs, the file is written in 239-character records.  
Character Sets  
The Compaq FTAM responder does no character-set verification. For FTAM-1 and  
FTAM-2 files, to ensure that the file being transferred contains the correct character-  
string type as specified in the universal-class parameter, your remote application should  
verify characters as it sends or receives the data.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data  
For FTAM-3 files, keep in mind that the native character sets (ASCII, EBCDIC, and  
so on) might be incompatible on the sending and receiving systems. For example,  
Compaq systems use the 7-bit ASCII character set, whereas some other vendors’  
systems use 8-bit EBCDIC. If you decide to send or receive text characters as FTAM-3  
binary data, some conversion of the native character set might be necessary.  
Some files might contain multiple character sets. The file system provides no means of  
storing information on the location of character-set transitions within a file residing in it.  
Because the Compaq responder removes escape sequences when enforcing maximum-  
string-length limitations on data being written to the VFS, indications of transitions  
between character sets are lost.  
Writing of FTAM-2 Files  
FTAM-2 files that are SQL tables must be written using the flat all data units (FA)  
access context, since each incoming data element represents a single SQL field and node  
descriptors are needed to delineate rows. Attempting to write to an SQL table using the  
unstructured all data (UA) access context causes the responder to return a cancel request  
that includes a diagnostic message indicating a poorly specified FADU. The file is left  
in an unknown state.  
FTAM-2 files that are not SQL tables may be written using either the FA or UA access  
context. When FTAM-2 files are written using the FA access context, the responder  
expects each text data element transferred to be preceded by a node-descriptor data  
element. If the node descriptor element is omitted, the responder returns a cancel  
request that includes a diagnostic message indicating an FTAM protocol error  
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data  
As described in ISO 8823, clause 8, there are several options for encoding FTAM PDUs  
as presentation data. Presentation data is encoded as a SEQUENCE OF PDV-list. Each  
PDV list contains one or more presentation data values (PDVs). PDV lists are encoded  
as single-ASN1-type, octet-aligned, or arbitrary. If only a single Abstract Syntax  
Notation-1 (ASN.1) data element (that is, a single PDV) is to be encoded, then a single  
PDV list encoded as single-ASN1-type may be used. However, if multiple ASN.1 data  
elements (that is, multiple PDVs) are to be encoded (as with grouped requests,  
concatenated PDUs, and most F-DATA requests), there are several options:  
Place the PDVs in a single PDV list encoded as octet-aligned.  
Place the PDVs in multiple PDV lists, each containing one ASN.1 data element (one  
PDV), encoded as single-ASN1-type.  
Place the PDVs in multiple PDV lists, some containing multiple data elements  
encoded as octet-aligned and others containing a single data element encoded as  
Any of these three options is valid if all data elements have the same presentation  
context. If different presentation contexts are needed (as would be the case, for  
example, with FTAM-2 data using the FA access context), a separate PDV list must be  
used for each different presentation context, and the third option applies.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data  
When receiving PDUs, Compaq FTAM supports all three options listed above. When  
sending PDUs, Compaq FTAM follows these rules:  
If single FTAM PDUs are to be sent, they are placed in a single PDV list encoded as  
If multiple FTAM PDUs are to be sent (grouped requests or responses), they are sent  
in a single PDV list encoded as single-ASN1-type.  
When F-DATA requests are sent by the Compaq responder, the method of encoding  
depends on the number of data elements to be encoded. If only a single data  
element is to be sent, it is placed in a single PDV list encoded as single-ASN1-type.  
If more than one data element is to be sent, the data elements are placed in a single  
PDV list, encoded as octet-aligned.  
For FTAM-2 files, node-descriptor data elements are placed in their own PDV lists as  
single-ASN1-type. Consecutive file-contents data elements are placed in a single PDV  
list as either single-ASN1-type or octet-aligned, depending on whether one or more  
consecutive data elements exist.  
Conformance and Interoperatility  
Presentation Encoding of FTAM PDUs and Data  
Compaq FTAM Responder Operation  
The Compaq responder receives an FTAM request from an initiating system, processes  
it, performs the appropriate action, and returns an FTAM response to the initiating  
system. It performs file-handling operations through its virtual filestore (VFS), which  
acts as an interface to the Guardian file system.  
This section explains the major components of the Compaq responder process and  
describes the flow of communication between an initiating system and the Compaq  
Responder Structure  
The Compaq responder process can be broken down into several components that  
perform services for FTAM applications.  
Figure 3-1 outlines the components of the responder that process FTAM requests,  
perform the requested FTAM operations, and respond to the remote FTAM user. It  
focuses on the responder components specific to performing FTAM services and does  
not reflect the parts of the responder that format data or process management messages,  
for example.  
Figure 3-1 shows the following responder components:  
The protocol state machine receives requests for new FTAM associations and for  
FTAM services, in the form of indications, from the TAPS process in the OSI/AS  
subsystem. It checks the FTAM requests for protocol errors, and if it finds none,  
takes the action necessary to perform the requested service. This action may require  
access to the file system through the responder VFS component.  
Once any operations involving the file system are complete, the protocol state  
machine updates the state information for the association and sends a response to  
the remote FTAM initiator via the underlying OSI network.  
The virtual filestore (VFS) acts as an interface to the file system. Files accessible  
via the file system can also be accessed via the VFS component of the Compaq  
responder. The VFS is responsible for translating file structures and attributes into  
FTAM file structures and attributes, and vice versa. This translation is described  
further in Section 4 under “File-Attribute Mappings.”  
The responder communicates with underlying Compaq OSI/AS processes through  
the OSI/AS API.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Operation  
Responder Data Flow  
Figure 3-1. Compaq FTAM Responder Process  
FTAM Responder  
State Machine  
File System  
Communications Network  
CDT 208.CDD  
Responder Data Flow  
Protocol and user data generally flows to and from the Compaq responder in the steps  
described below. Note that the responder sends primarily responses, although cancel  
and abort requests—and data indications during a data transfer—are also possible. For  
the purposes of this subsection, assume that the remote initiator sends an FTAM request  
and the responder returns a response to that request. This sequence of steps assumes  
that you have already established an association.  
The numbers shown in Figure 3-1 correspond to the sequence of steps outlined below.  
1. An FTAM application, typically on a remote system, issues an FTAM request to the  
FTAM initiator supporting it.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Operation  
Responder Data Flow  
2. The FTAM initiator follows the OSI protocol established on the initiating system to  
send the outgoing FTAM protocol data unit (PDU) over the network to the Compaq  
responding system, where it is received as an indication.  
3. Once on the Compaq responding system, the incoming FTAM indication is sent  
through the NSP, TSP, and TAPS processes, where it is formatted and processed as  
required by each OSI layer.  
4. After processing the indication, the TAPS process sends the PDU through the  
OSI/AS API to the protocol state machine of the responder.  
5. The protocol state machine decodes and checks the validity of the indication and, if  
the indication is valid, performs the requested action, communicating with the VFS  
where file-system access is required.  
6. .The VFS accesses the file system via standard procedure calls and informs the  
protocol state machine when the requested file-system actions are completed.  
7. Based on the outcome of the file-system actions, the protocol state machine encodes  
and sends a response PDU to the TAPS process for transmission to the FTAM  
initiator. This response contains any diagnostic messages resulting from its  
checking of FTAM protocol or from VFS communication with the file system.  
8. .The TAPS process formats the PDU and forwards it to the TSP process. The TSP  
process, in turn, formats the PDU and sends it to the NSP process. The NSP  
process, depending on the network protocol that it supports, formats the PDU and  
forwards it via the appropriate controller (or adapter) over the network to the  
initiating system, where it is received as a confirm.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Operation  
Responder Data Flow  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
This section provides detailed information on the Compaq FTAM responder’s support of  
ISO FTAM functions. It includes the following information:  
FTAM functions supported by the Compaq responder  
Virtual filestore (VFS) mapping considerations for FTAM document types  
VFS mapping considerations for FTAM file and activity attributes  
Support for optional parameters in request and response PDUs  
VFS file-access and security considerations  
Supported Functions  
The functional scope of an FTAM association depends on which FTAM functions are  
supported both by the Compaq FTAM responder and the remote FTAM initiator with  
which it is interoperating. The following four tables identify the FTAM service classes,  
functional units, attribute groups, and attributes that the Compaq responder process  
For a listing and explanation of these FTAM functions as specified by ISO, refer to  
ISO 8571, parts 2 and 3.  
Service Classes  
Table 4-1 identifies the FTAM service classes that the Compaq responder process  
supports. The Compaq responder supports all ISO-defined service classes except the  
unconstrained class.  
Table 4-1. Service Classes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Service Class  
File transfer  
File access  
File management  
File transfer and  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Functional Units  
Functional Units  
Table 4-2 identifies the FTAM functional units that the Compaq responder process  
supports. The Compaq responder supports all ISO-defined functional units except the  
FADU locking, recovery, and restart-data-transfer functional units.  
Table 4-2. Functional Units Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Functional Unit  
File access  
Limited file  
Enhanced file  
FADU locking  
Restart data transfer  
Attribute Groups  
Table 4-3 identifies the FTAM attribute groups that the Compaq responder process  
supports. The Compaq responder supports all ISO-defined attribute groups except the  
private group.  
Table 4-3. Attribute Groups Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Attribute Support  
Table 4-4 identifies the FTAM attributes that the Compaq responder supports and the  
type of support given—full or partial. In the case of fully supported attributes, the  
responder returns the current attribute value on a read-attribute request. When a  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Attribute Support  
responder partially supports an attribute, it recognizes the attribute name as valid, but  
provides no value for it. In this case, any reference to that attribute yields the result that  
no value is available, and any attempt to change the attribute fails. For more  
information on levels of attribute support, refer to ISO 8571-2, clause 9.4. Note that  
Compaq files protected by the Compaq Safeguard system software security package  
have fewer fully supported attributes than files protected by the Guardian environment.  
Table 4-4. Attributes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder  
File Attribute  
Level of Support  
Permitted actions  
Contents type  
Storage account  
Date and time of  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security  
Full if protected by Guardian enviornment  
Date and time of last  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security  
Full if protected by Guardian enviornment  
Date and time of last  
read access  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security  
Full if protected by Guardian environment  
Date and time of last  
attribute modification  
Identity of creator  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security  
Full if protected by Guardian environment  
Identity of last  
Identity of last reader Partial  
Identity of last  
attribute modifier  
File availability  
Future filesize  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Document Types  
Table 4-4. Attributes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder (continued)  
File Attribute  
Level of Support  
Access control  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security  
Legal qualifications  
Private use  
Not supported  
* In this context, full support applies to the contents type as a whole; it does not imply the support of all document  
types or all possible values of the parameters (maximum-string-length, universal-class, and string-significance) that  
further define the contents type.  
Document Types  
Table 4-5 identifies the FTAM document types that the Compaq responder supports and  
provides all supported values for associated contents-type parameters. The parameter  
values listed here are those directly supported; for information on the default values of  
these parameter values, see Table 4-7, later in this section.  
Document types can be simplified to other document types with simpler structures.  
Simplification is the process of reading a file of a specific document type as a simpler  
document type. Relaxations—specifications that change the parameter values of a  
document type—are not permitted by Compaq FTAM. For more information on  
simplification and relaxation, see the subsection “Contents-Type Attribute,” later in this  
The NBS-9 parameter value < filename > shown in Table 4-5 is the syntax notation for  
representing the value of a bit string. In this case, only the filename attribute bit is set.  
Table 4-5. Document Types and Parameters Supported by the Compaq FTAM  
Parameter Values  
22, 25-27  
universal class  
1 - 7148 (in bytes)  
not-significant or  
Fixed or Variable  
universal class  
22, 25-27  
1 - 4072* (in bytes)  
1 - 4096 (in bytes)  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Mapping Between FTAM Contents Types and  
Compaq File Structures  
Table 4-5. Document Types and Parameters Supported by the Compaq FTAM  
Responder (continued)  
Parameter Values  
1-4072 (in bytes)  
fixed or variable**  
Not applicable  
FTAM-2 files are relative (sequential) files, and each logical record of a relative file can be a maximum of 4072  
bytes. Each string is stored as a logical record in a relative file. Therefore, the practical size limit of a string during  
data transfer is 4072.  
If the string-significance parameter is set to fixed or variable, the file is an entry-sequenced file and is subject to the  
maximum logical record length of 4072 bytes. However, if a DEFINE by the name  
_ZOSF_FIXED_AS_UNSTRUCT exists when the FTAM processes are started then with the string-significance set  
to FIXED, the file will be an unstructured file with a maximum-string-length of 4096 bytes.  
This value represents the Compaq FTAM responder default for NBS-9 files. If you open an NBS-9 file without  
specifying the file attributes to return, the Compaq responder defaults the parameter setting to the filename attribute  
only. If you do specify file attributes, the Compaq responder returns the specified file attributes.  
Mapping Between FTAM Contents Types and  
Compaq File Structures  
The FTAM virtual filestore (VFS) supports the Compaq responder by providing an  
interface to the Guardian file system. The Compaq implementation of the VFS maps  
Compaq FTAM file structures and attributes to Guardian file structures and attributes,  
and vice versa. Tables 4-6 and 4-7 show mappings of FTAM document types to file  
Create Mappings  
Table 4-6 shows the Guardian file structures created when you use the F-CREATE  
service to create FTAM files, provided either the file does not exist or the override  
parameter is set to delete and create with new attributes. (If the file exists and the  
override parameter is set either to select the old file or to create a new file with the old  
attributes, the existing file attributes are not checked and are left unchanged.) The table  
also shows the default parameter values for the FTAM-1, FTAM-2, and FTAM-3  
document types. This table indicates the default parameter values for the document  
types that Compaq supports, whereas Table 4-5, earlier in this section, indicates the full  
range of parameter values for these document types.  
For the create service to succeed, the maximum-string-length parameter is optional,  
because the ISO FTAM default value for this parameter, unbounded, is supported by the  
Compaq responder. Further, the value of the maximum-string-length parameter must  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Create Mappings  
fall within the range supported by the Compaq responder for that document type and  
string-significance value, as follows:  
Maximum-String-Length Value  
not significant  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 7148  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 7148  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 7148  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 4072  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 4096  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 4072  
1<= maximum-string-length <= 4072  
not significant  
not significant  
If the maximum-string-length parameter is not specified or if the specified value does  
not fall within the defined range, the responder returns a negative confirm containing  
diagnostic message 1001, indicating unsupported parameter values.  
Note that the Compaq responder does not keep a permanent record of the contents-type  
parameter values used on creation of a file in the VFS. These values are directly  
available only during the life of the FTAM association in which the file was created.  
When a remote initiator makes a create request followed by an open request and the  
open request specifies a contents type of unknown, the responder uses the contents-type  
parameter values specified in the create request. However, this information is lost when  
the association is terminated. On subsequent accesses to the file via a select request  
followed by an open request with a contents type of unknown, the responder uses its  
default values based on the Guardian file structure, as described in the next subsection,  
“Select-Open Mappings.”  
Although Compaq FTAM supports the NBS-9 document type, it does not appear in  
Table 4-6 because Compaq FTAM cannot create NBS-9 files. The “NBS-9 Documents”  
subsection, later in this section, describes NBS-9 files in more detail. The Compaq  
responder also supports the NonStop Structured Query Language (NonStop SQL) table  
files for reading and writing. Compaq FTAM provides no support for creating SQL  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Select-Open Mappings  
Table 4-6. Create Mappings: FTAM Contents Type to Compaq File Structure  
Contents Type  
Compaq File Structure  
Default Parameter Values  
universal-class = 25 (Graphic String)  
maximum-string-length = none***  
string-significance = not-significant  
Standard edit  
101**** Not  
universal-class = 25 (GraphicString)  
maximum-string-length = none***  
string-significance = not-significant  
relative file  
maximum-string-length = none***  
string-significance = fixed  
sequenced file  
maximum-string-length = none***  
string-significance = variable  
sequences file  
maximum-string-length = none***  
string-significance = not-significant  
(defaults to not-significant if omitted)  
The following values are possible for file type:  
U = Enscribe unstructured  
R = Enscribe relative  
E = Enscribe entry-sequenced  
This is the standard Guardian file attribute that stands for the maximum record length.  
The maximum-string-length parameter must be specified.  
is automatically increased (in increments, up to the system limit) and the lines renumbered.  
Line numbers are not preserved. If the value specified for the max-extents attribute is exceeded, max-extents  
The maximum number of lines allowed for file type 101 is 10,000,000. For more information, see the Guardian  
Procedure Calls Reference Manual.  
Note. If a DEFINE by the name of _ZOSF_FIXED_AS_UNSTRUCT exists when the FTAM  
processes are started, and the string-significance parameter is set to FIXED in the request, the  
file created or selected will be an unstructured file with maximum-string-length of 4096 bytes.  
Note. Though a default value for each parameter is proposed, if there are any user-defined  
default values available for particular combinations on a file type and file code, then that will  
override the system-defined default parameter values.  
Select-Open Mappings  
Table 4-7 shows the FTAM document types that correspond to each Compaq file type  
that can be selected, opened, and read. This table indicates the default parameter values  
for the document types that Compaq supports, whereas Table 4-5, earlier in this section,  
indicates the full range of parameter values for these document types.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Select-Open Mappings  
When you issue a file-open request, you specify a contents-type parameter that provides  
the document type of the file and, optionally, parameter values that further define the  
document type. When a remote initiator sends a file-open request to the Compaq  
responder and specifies a contents type of unknown on the open request, the contents  
type returned by the responder yields the appropriate FTAM document type according to  
the requirements of the file system and as outlined in Table 4-7. If the file-open request  
indicates an FTAM document type (rather than unknown) for the contents type, the  
document type must generally be consistent with the mapping of Guardian file types to  
FTAM document types shown in Table 4-7. If the document type is not consistent with  
the values shown in Table 4-7, the responder returns a negative confirm that includes  
diagnostic message 5036, contents type inconsistent.  
If the maximum-string-length parameter of the contents type is specified, the responder  
checks the proposed value before performing the select or open service. For the select  
or open to succeed, the value of the maximum-string-length parameter must fall within  
the range supported by the Compaq responder for that document type and string-  
significance value, as follows (where record length is the standard Guardian file attribute  
that stands for the maximum record length):  
Valid Maximum-String-Length  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 7148  
maximum-string-length <= record length  
1 <= maximum-string-length <= 4096  
maximum-string-length = record length  
maximum-string-length <= record length  
If the proposed maximum-string-length value does not fall within the defined range, the  
responder returns a negative confirm containing diagnostic message 5036.  
In addition, the contents type is an FTAM file attribute. When a remote FTAM initiator  
sends a read-attribute request, the value of the contents-type attribute that the Compaq  
responder returns is one of the FTAM document types listed in Table 4-7.  
Table 4-7. Select-Open Mappings: Compaq File Structure to FTAM Contents  
Compaq File Structure  
Contents Type  
Default Parameter Values  
universal-class = 25 (Graphic String)  
maximum-string-length = 7148  
Standard edit  
101**** FTAM-1  
string-significance = not-significant  
universal-class = 25 (Graphic String)  
maximum-string-length = record length**  
string-significance = not-significant  
universal-class = 25 (Graphic String)  
maximum-string-length = record length**  
string-significance = not significant  
relative file  
SQL table,  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Select-Open Mappings  
Table 4-7. Select-Open Mappings: Compaq File Structure to FTAM Contents  
Type (continued)  
Compaq File Structure  
Contents Type  
maximum-string-length = record length**  
string-significance = fixed  
binary file  
maximum-string-length = record length**  
string-significance = variable  
length binary  
Default Parameter Values  
maximum-string-length =2048  
string-significance = not significant  
All file  
maximum-string-length =2048  
string-significance = not significant  
Non-SQL key-  
sequenced file  
maximum-string-length =512  
string-significance = not significant  
sequenced file  
All file  
891, 892  
(selected by  
supplying a  
file name of  
SQL table, not K or E  
Notsupported; Not applicable  
diagnostic =  
The following values are possible for file type:  
U = Enscribe unstructured  
R = Relative  
E = Entry-sequenced  
K = Key-sequenced  
This is the standard Guardian file attribute that stands for the maximum record length.  
This value represents the Compaq responder default for NBS-9 files on an open. If you open an NBS-9 file without  
specifying the file attributes to return for the files in the directory, the Compaq responder defaults the parameter setting to the  
filename attribute only. If you do specify file attributes, the Compaq responder returns the specified file attributes for the files in  
the directory.  
Line numbers are not preserved. If the value specified for the max-extents attribute is exceeded, max-extents is  
automatically increased (in increments, up to the system limit) and the lines renumbered.  
The maximum number of lines allowed for file type 101 is 10,000,000. For more information, see the Guardian Procedure  
Calls Reference Manual.  
Note. If a DEFINE by the name of _ZOSF_FIXED_AS_UNSTRUCT exists when the FTAM  
processes are started, and the string-significance parameter is set to FIXED in the request, the  
file created or selected will be an unstructured file with maximum-string-length of 4096 bytes.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Maximum-String-Length Checking of Data Values  
Note. Though a default value for each parameter is proposed, if there is a user-defined default  
value for a particular combination of a file type and file code, that user-defined value will over-  
ride the system default.  
Maximum-String-Length Checking of Data Values  
The responder enforces strict rules on maximum-string-length checking. Every data  
value received or sent by the responder is checked according to the rules described  
Write Operations  
When writing data to the Guardian file system from the remote initiator, the responder  
checks the length of each string against the maximum-string-length value established for  
the file (the value proposed in the contents-type parameter of the open request or  
returned in the open confirm). The responder first removes any escape sequences  
contained in each string it receives before enforcing the maximum-string-length  
If the string length is greater than the proposed maximum-string-length value, or if the  
string significance is fixed and the string length is less than the proposed value, the  
responder returns a cancel request containing diagnostic message 1007, indicating an  
unspecific FTAM protocol error.  
Read Operations  
The responder does no escape-sequence checking on the data it retrieves from the VFS  
and sends to the remote initiator; it simply counts all bytes and packages them into  
strings. For read operations on FTAM-3 files with a string-significance value of fixed,  
the responder does check for strings whose length is smaller than the maximum-string-  
length value. If any such strings are found, the responder returns a cancel request  
containing diagnostic message 5027, indicating a bad read.  
Limits on Small String-Length Values With Large PDUs  
When the Compaq responder receives data from a remote initiator, it decodes the data  
and stores it, as a sequence of strings, in an internal buffer with a maximum size of  
25 KB. According to the NIST FTAM Phase 2 agreements, P-DATA carrying encoded  
FTAM PDUs or data elements cannot exceed 16 KB; however, string-header  
information in the buffer can cause the data in the buffer to be much larger than the  
maximum size of the encoded data. Because each string in the buffer includes a fixed  
number of bytes of header information, packing small strings into a large PDU can cause  
the 25 KB buffer size to be exceeded.  
During data decoding, the responder checks the length of the data. If the decoded data  
cannot be accommodated in the 25 KB buffer, the responder generates a provider abort.  
To avoid exceeding the buffer-size limit for writes to the Compaq responder, you can  
either send a smaller number of strings per PDU or send larger strings. Sending larger  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
File-Attribute Mappings  
strings may require you to increase the value of the maximum-string-length parameter in  
your requests. The following formula defines the conditions under which decoded data  
will fit into the buffer:  
Σ ((ZLEN) )+ ((26 + PAD) * NS) <= 25600 bytes  
NS = number of character strings  
ZLEN = length in bytes of a given character string  
PAD = pad byte following string; if string length is even,  
PAD = 0; otherwise, PAD = 1  
26 = maximum data-header overhead per character string  
When the responder retrieves data from the VFS in response to a read request, it  
automatically packages it into PDUs small enough to fit into its buffer. Therefore, no  
similar adjustments are necessary on read requests.  
The formula for calculating the size of the encoded data is given below. This formula  
applies only to PDUs that contain primitive strings; PDUs containing constructed strings  
have additional overhead. As mentioned above, the encoded data limit is 16 KB.  
SIGMA((ZLEN) )+ ((TAG + LEN) * NS) <= 16384 bytes (16 KB)  
NS = number of character strings  
ZLEN = length in bytes of a given character string  
TAG = number of bytes used to encode the data tag  
LEN = number of bytes used to encode length of string  
Note. When the Compaq responder encodes data, the maximum encoded-data header  
overhead (TAG + LEN) is always 4 bytes per string. (The same is true for data encoded by the  
Compaq initiator.) An FTAM configurable file cannot be opened by the responder.  
File-Attribute Mappings  
The following subsection maps FTAM virtual filestore file attributes to specific  
Guardian and NonStop SQL file attributes. File attributes provide information for  
various aspects of a file, such as file name, file size, date and time of file creation, and  
so on.  
Kernel Group File Attributes  
Every FTAM implementation must fully support kernel file attributes. The kernel group  
includes the filename, permitted-actions, and contents-type attributes.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Kernel Group File Attributes  
Filename Attribute  
The filename attribute maps directly from the Compaq external file name to the FTAM  
VFS, with the exception of specifying NBS-9 files. For an explanation of the  
relationship between the filename attribute and NBS-9 files, see “NBS-9 Documents”  
later in this subsection.  
Permitted-Actions Attribute  
The permitted-actions attribute is a fixed list that specifies the actions that can be  
performed on an FTAM file. No Compaq file attribute corresponds to permitted-actions.  
When a remote initiator creates an FTAM file in the Compaq VFS, the Compaq  
responder always sets permitted-actions to fixed values. The fixed values selected  
depend on document type, as listed in Table 4-8. Although the remote application can  
specify permitted-actions in its file-create request, the values in Table 4-8 always  
override these values.  
Table 4-8. Actions Permitted for FTAM Document Type  
Permitted Actions  
Read, replace, extend, erase, read-attribute, change-  
attribute, delete-file  
Read, insert, erase, read-attribute, change-attribute,  
delete-file, traversal, reverse-traversal, random-  
Read, replace, extend, erase, read-attribute, change-  
attribute, delete-file  
Read, read-attribute  
Contents-Type Attribute  
The contents-type attribute maps directly to Compaq file structures. Table 4-6, earlier in  
this section, lists the Compaq file structures (including file type and file code) created  
when you use the file-open service with any supported contents type except NBS-9.  
Table 4-7 shows how the responder maps Compaq files to the FTAM contents type  
when you open them with a contents-type value of unknown, or when you read the file  
attributes of the Compaq file.  
When you open an existing file to read it, you can specify as part of the contents-type  
parameter a document type that is a simplification of the FTAM document type normally  
expected for that file. Document types can be simplified to other document types with  
simpler structures.  
You can simplify document types only on read operations. This means that you must  
issue a read request immediately after your open request. If you issue a write request  
after an open request that requires a simplification, the responder returns a diagnostic  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Kernel Group File Attributes  
The responder allows for the simplification of FTAM-2 document types to FTAM-1  
document types only. In addition, FTAM-2 simplification is allowed only on Compaq  
Enscribe relative files, not on SQL tables. Per the ISO 8571-2 provisions, the responder  
allows no simplification of FTAM-1 or FTAM-3 files.  
Compaq FTAM does not permit the relaxation of document type parameters to less  
restrictive values. The VFS component of the responder keeps no record of the  
universal-class value associated with files created on the Guardian file system. In the  
case of the maximum-string-length parameter, the VFS records the maximum-string-  
length value for all FTAM-2 documents, and for FTAM-3 documents with a string-  
significance value of fixed or variable. For FTAM-1 documents, and for FTAM-3  
documents with a string-significance value of not significant, the VFS has no memory of  
the associated maximum-string-length value.  
Table 4-9 shows the simplification of document types that the responder allows.  
Table 4-9. Simplification of Document Types Supported by the Compaq FTAM  
Document Type Simplifications  
Not applicable  
FTAM-1 (Enscribe relative files only)  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
NBS-9 Documents  
NBS-9 documents are files that have been created by listing Guardian directories. If the  
remote initiator sends an F-SELECT primitive with a filename attribute of DIRLIS (all  
in uppercase), the Compaq responder returns a file of directory entries (an NBS-9 file)  
for the volume and subvolume specified in the filename attribute. The read and read-  
attribute actions are the only file actions that you can perform on an NBS-9 file. If a  
volume and subvolume are not specified, the responder uses the default volume and  
subvolume of the user specified in the initiator-identity parameter of the F-INITIALIZE  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Kernel Group File Attributes  
You can specify DIRLIS with volume or subvolume in any of the following ways:  
Note. Because using ‘DIRLIS’ (uppercase) in the F-SELECT primitive returns the directory file,  
and Guardian file names are not case-sensitive, you should use “dirlis” (lowercase) in the F-  
SELECT primitive to select an actual file by this name rather than the directory file.  
Each NBS-9 document has an attributes bit-string parameter. Each bit in this bit string  
identifies an individual file attribute. Table 4-10 shows the attributes that correspond to  
each bit.  
Table 4-10. Bit String for NBS-9 File Attributes  
Permitted actions  
Contents type  
Storage account  
Date and time of creation  
Date and time of last modification  
Date and time of last read access  
Date and time of last attribute modification  
Identity of creator  
Identity of last modifier  
Identity of last reader  
Identity of last attribute modifier  
File availability  
Future filesize  
Access control  
Legal qualifications  
Private use  
To control which attributes the responder returns when you read an NBS-9 file, set the  
bit string in the file-attributes field of the contents-type parameter on the F-OPEN  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Storage Group File Attributes  
request primitive. This allows you to specify all or a subset of the attributes listed  
above. (Likewise, to control which attributes the responder returns when you read the  
attributes of an NBS-9 file, you set the bit string in the attribute-names parameter of the  
read-attribute request.) When you read the NBS-9 file, the responder returns only the  
attributes you select. If you do not specify this parameter, the responder returns only the  
filename attribute. For more information on the definition of the bit string in an NBS-9  
directory file, refer to the NIST FTAM Phase 2 agreements, Part 9, Clause A.8.2.  
Note. On Compaq systems, an NBS-9 file does not correspond to an actual physical Compaq  
file; therefore, the read-attribute action does not provide much useful information for NBS-9  
files. The Compaq responder provides this service for NBS-9 files for interoperability, to  
support applications that perform a fixed sequence of services (for example, select, read-  
attribute, open, read) on any document type.  
Storage Group File Attributes  
Storage attributes are negotiated between a remote initiator and the local responder. The  
responder fully supports some storage attributes and partially supports others. If a  
partially supported attribute is referenced, the Compaq responder indicates that no value  
is available. You cannot change a partially supported attribute.  
In the case of all four date-and-time attributes and the identity-of-creator attribute, if the  
file under consideration is protected by the Safeguard security software, the attribute in  
question is partially supported. The attribute is fully supported if the file is not protected  
by the Safeguard security software. The date-and-time attributes are maintained by the  
local file system.  
The ISO 8571 standard defines two possible values for the file-availability attribute:  
immediate or deferred availability. The Compaq responder supports only immediate  
Filesize corresponds to the Guardian file attribute EOF (end-of-file), which returns the  
number of bytes in the file. Filesize is a read-only attribute and cannot be set.  
The future-filesize attribute corresponds to a Guardian calculation—max-filesize—  
based on the Guardian file attributes primary extent size and secondary extent size. If  
the remote application reads the future-filesize attribute, the Compaq responder returns  
the max-filesize value. If the application writes the attribute, the responder changes the  
Guardian file attribute max-extents.  
The formula for calculating max-filesize from the Guardian file attributes is as follows:  
max-filesize = [primary extent size + ((max-extents - 1) *  
secondary extent size)] * 2048  
where 2048 is the number of bytes in a page. (The primary and secondary extent sizes  
are expressed in pages, whereas max-filesize is expressed in bytes.)  
When a file is created through the FTAM create service, the Guardian max-extents  
attribute is set to 16 if the future-filesize value is less than 1 MB, or to 512 if the future-  
filesize value is greater than or equal to 1 MB. Then the primary and secondary extent  
sizes are both set to the smallest integral multiple of 2 pages (4096 bytes) that will make  
the max-filesize value greater than or equal to the future-filesize value. If the future-  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Storage Group File Attributes  
filesize parameter is not specified in a create request, the responder creates a file with a  
future-filesize value of 8 MB.  
Subsequent change-attribute requests can change the value of max-extents. In all cases,  
the minimum value of max-extents is 16, and the maximum value is 978. The extent  
size cannot be changed.  
Because of file-size limitations imposed by the Guardian file system, the Compaq  
responder cannot support all possible values of the future-filesize attribute sent in create  
and change-attribute requests. The Compaq responder creates files with a maximum  
future-filesize value of 1 GB. If a value greater than 1 GB is requested, the responder  
returns an informative diagnostic message and creates the file with a future-filesize  
value of 1 GB.  
The smallest file the Compaq responder can create has a future-filesize value of 64 KB.  
If a smaller future-filesize value is requested, the responder creates the file with a future-  
filesize value of 64 KB. (Note, however, that the entire 64K is not necessarily allocated;  
only as many extents as needed are allocated.) No diagnostic message is returned in this  
Note that the maximum size of files is limited by the physical storage capacity of the  
Compaq disk device being used. If an application attempts to write to a Compaq  
responder a file larger than 1 GB or larger than the disk device can hold, a file-system  
error 43 (unable to obtain disk space for file extent) will eventually occur in a WRITE  
call, and the Compaq responder will send a cancel to the application.  
Table 4-11 summarizes the Compaq support for the storage attributes.  
Table 4-11. FTAM Storage Attributes and Corresponding Compaq File  
Level of Support  
Compaq File Attributes  
Storage account  
Date and time of  
Partial if protected by  
creation date-time for files other than  
Safeguard security software; NBS-9; current time for NBS-9  
Full if protected by Guardian  
Date and time of  
last modification  
Partial if protected by  
last modification date-time for files other  
Safeguard security software; than NBS-9; current time for NBS-9  
Full if protected by Guardian  
Date and time of  
last read access  
Partial if protected by  
last open date-time for files other than  
Safeguard security software; NBS-9; current time for NBS-9  
Full if protected by Guardian  
Date and time of  
last attribute  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Security Group File Attributes  
Table 4-11. FTAM Storage Attributes and Corresponding Compaq File  
Attributes (continued)  
Level of Support  
Compaq File Attributes  
Identity of creator Partial if protected by  
Safeguard security software  
or if document  
type is NBS-9;  
Full if protected by Guardian  
Identity of last  
Identity of last  
Identity of last  
attribute modifier  
File availability  
always available  
Full for files other than  
Partial for NBS-9  
Future filesize  
Full for files other than  
Partial for NBS-9  
max-filesize (read attribute)  
max-extents (change attribute)  
Security Group File Attributes  
The remote responder and local initiator negotiate security attributes. The responder  
fully supports some security attributes while only partially supporting others. If a  
partially supported attribute is referenced, the Compaq responder indicates that no value  
is available. You cannot change a partially supported attribute. Table 4-12 shows  
Compaq support for security attributes.  
Table 4-12. Security Attributes Supported by the Compaq FTAM Responder  
Security Attributes  
Level of Support  
Access control  
Partial if protected by Safeguard security software;  
Full if protected by Guardian environment  
Legal qualifications  
In accordance with ISO 8571-2, clause 12.16, the Compaq responder supports only a single action list for the  
access-control attribute.  
Access-Control Attribute  
The ISO FTAM access-control attribute is a set of access-control elements, with each  
element consisting of an action-list field and, optionally, concurrency-access, identity,  
passwords, and location fields. The access-control attribute defines the conditions under  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Security Group File Attributes  
which access to a file is allowed. ISO 8571-2 provides a complete description of the  
ISO FTAM access-control attribute.  
Within the access-control attribute, the Compaq responder uses only the action-list field  
of the first access-control element; the concurrency-access, identity, passwords, and  
location fields are ignored, as are all access-control elements after the first.  
Further, for Safeguard protected files, the access-control attribute is partially rather than  
fully supported. For these files, no mapping to Guardian security is attempted, and the  
responder indicates that no value is available when it reads the access-control attribute.  
In this case, attempts to change the attribute fail.  
The following subsections explain how the Compaq FTAM responder uses the access-  
control attribute in three tasks requested by a remote initiating system: creating files,  
changing file attributes, and reading file attributes.  
Creating Files. For files created through FTAM, the access-control attribute provided  
by the initiating system with the initial-attributes parameter in the F-CREATE request  
maps to Compaq file security (R W E P—Read Write Execute Purge). This mapping is  
as follows:  
The Compaq responder uses only the first access-control element. If more than one  
access-control element is present, the responder ignores all elements other than the  
first. The responder uses only the action-list field of the access-control element and  
returns a diagnostic message if the access-control element contains any other  
information (such as concurrency-access and identity).  
If the read access-control bit of the action list is set, the Compaq responder sets  
READ access to N, indicating that any user on the Expand network can read the file.  
Otherwise, the responder sets READ access to –, indicating that only the super ID  
user can read the file.  
If any of the insert, replace, extend, change-attribute, or erase access-control bits of  
the action list are set, the responder sets WRITE access to N, indicating that any user  
on the Expand network can write to the file. Otherwise, the responder sets WRITE  
access to –, indicating that only the super ID user can write to the file.  
EXECUTE access is set to –, indicating that only the super ID user can execute the  
If the delete-file access-control bit of the action list is set, the responder sets PURGE  
access to N, indicating that any user on the Expand network can purge the file.  
Otherwise, the responder sets PURGE access to –, indicating that only the super ID  
user can purge the file.  
The mapping of FTAM action-list settings to Guardian security is summarized in Table  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Security Group File Attributes  
Table 4-13. Mapping From FTAM Action List to Guardian Security  
If action list is set to…  
Guardian security is modified to…  
Set READ access to N  
Set WRITE access to N  
Set WRITE access to N  
Set WRITE access to N  
Set WRITE access to N  
(no change)  
Read attributes  
Change attributes  
Delete file  
Set WRITE access to N  
Set PURGE access to N  
If the access-control attribute is not present in the F-CREATE indication, the Compaq  
responder sets Compaq file security to the default security allowed for the FTAM  
association, as defined by the initiator-identity parameter sent in the F-INITIALIZE  
request or by the default user (DEFUSER) attribute specified in the VFS profile  
configured for this responder.  
Changing File Attributes. The access-control attribute can be modified through FTAM  
using the F-CHANGE-ATTRIB primitive. On the basis of the information a remote  
initiator sends in the F-CHANGE-ATTRIB request, the Compaq responder modifies the  
Guardian security of a file according to the functions it supports and returns a new value  
for the access-control attribute in the F-CHANGE-ATTRIB response. The Compaq  
responder access-control attribute is limited to a single access-control element.  
In the F-CHANGE-ATTRIB request sent by the initiating system, the values for access  
control consist of insert-values or delete-values (or both), each of which can be zero,  
one, or more access-control elements. The Compaq responder, however, processes only  
the first access-control element sent for insert-values and for delete-values.  
The Compaq responder also ignores all but the first component of the insert-values or  
delete-values information, using only the action-list information to modify Guardian  
security (R W E P) for the file. If the initiating application attempts to change any other  
components of access control (such as concurrency-access, location, or identity), the  
Compaq responder returns a diagnostic message.  
Insert-values and delete-values turn access to the actions in the action list on and off,  
respectively. Because the access-control attribute can indicate both insert-values and  
delete-values, you might unintentionally specify the same action in both values. If this  
occurs, the delete-values action overrides the insert-values action.  
The following rules apply to changing the access-control attribute:  
For insert-values:  
If the read access-control bit of the action list is set, the responder sets READ access  
to N, indicating that any user on the Expand network can read the file.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Security Group File Attributes  
If any of the insert, replace, extend, change-attribute, or erase access-control bits of  
the action list are set, the responder sets WRITE access to N, indicating that any user  
on the Expand network can write to the file.  
If the delete-file access-control bit of the action list is set, the responder sets PURGE  
access to N, indicating that any user on the Expand network can purge the file.  
For delete-values:  
If the read access-control bit of the action list is set, the responder sets READ access  
to –, indicating that only the super ID user can read the file.  
If all of the insert, replace, extend, change-attribute, or erase access-control bits of  
the action list are set, the responder sets WRITE access to –, indicating that only the  
super ID user can write to the file. If only some of these access-control bits are set,  
there is no change.  
If the delete-file access-control bit of the action list is set, the responder sets PURGE  
access to –, indicating that only the super ID user can purge the file.  
Note. EXECUTE access is always set to –, indicating that only the super ID user can execute  
the file.  
Reading File Attributes. When the Compaq responder reads FTAM file attributes for  
document types other than NBS-9, it maps the values for access control from Guardian  
security based on the user ID for the association, as defined by the initiator-identity  
parameter sent in the F-INITIALIZE request or by the DEFUSER attribute specified in  
the VFS profile configured for this responder. This mapping shows which actions that  
user can perform. (For NBS-9 files, the action list on a read-attribute action is always  
[read, read-attribute]).  
The user has specific access (READ, WRITE, EXECUTE, or PURGE) to a file if one of  
the following applies:  
User is super ID, and file is on the same Expand node as the responder.  
Guardian security is N.  
Guardian security is A, and file is on the same Expand node as the responder.  
Guardian security is C, and user is in the same group as the owner of the file.  
Guardian security is G, and user is in the same group as the owner of the file, and  
file is on the same Expand node as the responder.  
Guardian security is U, and user is the owner of the file.  
Guardian security is O, user is the owner of the file, and file is on the same Expand  
node as the responder.  
The Compaq responder sets the individual bits of the action list according to the  
Guardian access allowed for the user. Table 4-14 shows how Guardian security maps to  
FTAM action-list settings.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
Private Group File Attributes  
Table 4-14. Mapping From Guardian Security to FTAM Action List  
Guardian Access  
Action-List Bits Set  
Insert, Replace, Extend, Erase, Change-attribute  
No effect on access control  
The read-attribute bit is always set.  
Legal-Qualifications Attribute  
The legal-qualifications attribute conveys information about the legal status of the file  
and its use. This attribute is partially supported.  
Private Group File Attributes  
Compaq FTAM does not support private group file attributes.Supported and  
Unsupported Optional ParametersSupported and Unsupported Optional Parameters  
Supported and Unsupported Optional Parameters  
Table 4-15 indicates the level of support provided by the Compaq responder for the  
optional parameters received in request PDUs. It shows what action the Compaq  
responder performs on the optional parameters received from a remote initiator.  
Table 4-15. Compaq Support of Optional Parameters Received  
in Request PDUs  
Level of Compaq Support  
Decoded and ignored.  
Shared ASE information  
Contents type list  
Decoded and ignored.  
Supported. Only the following document types are accepted on  
the response: FTAM-1, FTAM-2, FTAM-3, NBS-9. Only the  
abstract syntaxes required for those document types are  
Initiator identity  
Supported. Used to set the Compaq user. Either the user name  
(group_name.user_name), or user ID (group_no, user_no) form  
is allowed.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Filestore password  
Supported. Used in conjunction with initiator-identity parameter  
to authenticate the Compaq user.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
File-Access and Security Considerations  
Table 4-15. Compaq Support of Optional Parameters Received  
in Request PDUs (continued)  
Level of Compaq Support  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Decoded and ignored.  
Access passwords  
Concurrency control  
Create password  
Activity identifier  
Remove contexts  
Define contexts  
FADU lock  
Table 4-16 shows which optional parameters the Compaq responder can return in a  
response PDU.  
Table 4-16. Compaq Support of Optional Parameters Sent in Response PDUs  
Level of Compaq Support  
Implementation information Not returned.  
Shared ASE information  
Contents type list  
Not returned.  
Returned with list reduced to document types supported by  
Always returned when action-result parameter is not equal to  
zero. Sometimes returned (informative diagnostic messages)  
when action-result parameter equals zero.  
Not returned.  
See “File-Attribute Mappings,” earlier in this section, for  
details of support.  
FADU identity  
Not returned.  
File-Access and Security Considerations  
The VFS controls access to files through normal Guardian security mechanisms. Each  
FTAM association has a Compaq user ID associated with it. This user ID can assume  
two values, depending on whether the initiator-identity parameter is supplied in the F-  
INITIALIZE request primitive. If the initiator-identity parameter is supplied, this  
parameter provides the user ID value. If the initiator-identity parameter is omitted, the  
user ID becomes the default user configured via the DEFUSER attribute for the VFS  
profile used by the responder. In either case, the password can be used. The filestore-  
password parameter of the F-INITIALIZE request primitive supplies the password  
used to authenticate the initiator identity. DEFUSER includes both the user ID and the  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
File-Access and Security Considerations  
password. For details on configuring a default user, refer to the OSI/FTAM  
Configuration and Management Manual.  
The VFS actions allowed by the FTAM responder depend on the Guardian security (R  
W E P) for a file and the user ID for the association. For example, if you have Compaq  
purge access to a given file, the responder allows the FTAM delete-file action. Table  
4-17 shows the Guardian access required for each FTAM VFS action.  
Table 4-17. Guardian Access Required to Perform FTAM Actions  
Guardian File Access  
FTAM VFS Action Required  
Exclusion Mode  
WRITE (READ also  
required for EDIT files)  
WRITE (READ also  
required for EDIT files)  
Read attributes  
Change attributes  
Delete file  
Note. The Compaq EXECUTE access for a file has no bearing on FTAM access.  
Refer to the Compaq File Utility Program (FUP) Reference Manual, the Compaq  
Enscribe Programmers Guide, and, if your files are Safeguard protected, the Compaq  
Safeguard Reference Manual for information about setting READ, WRITE, and PURGE  
access to a file.  
Because the Compaq responder runs under the user ID for an association, Guardian  
security and Safeguard security are both enforced. The responder cannot translate  
Safeguard security attributes into the FTAM access-control attribute. Therefore, when a  
remote application reads the attributes of a file that the Safeguard software protects, the  
access-control attribute indicates that no value is available. However, the Safeguard  
software still protects FTAM access to the file. Note that for such a file, the read-  
attribute action does not tell you which file-access actions you may perform.  
If a file-access request is rejected because the user ID does not meet the Guardian  
security requirements of the file, the responder sends a diagnostic message to the  
application, and also generates an EMS event message indicating a security violation on  
a file-access attempt.  
Table 4-17 shows the exclusion mode that applies to each FTAM VFS action. Files  
open for read actions are open for SHARED access, allowing more than one user to  
open a file concurrently for reading. Files open for insert, replace, extend, and erase  
Compaq FTAM Responder Support of  
ISO FTAM Functions  
File-Access and Security Considerations  
actions are open for EXCLUSIVE access; only one user at a time can open a file for  
writing. Where a combination of VFS actions are performed on a file, that file’s  
exclusion mode is EXCLUSIVE if any one of the actions qualify the file’s exclusion  
mode as EXCLUSIVE. If a file access is attempted on a file already opened for  
EXCLUSIVE access, the responder returns a diagnostic message to the remote  
application in the F-OPEN confirm.  
Suggestions for Development of Remote  
When you write an FTAM application that uses the services of the Compaq responder,  
how you design, code, and debug it depends largely on the interface you are using on the  
remote system. However, there are some general things you should consider to make  
the most effective use of the Compaq FTAM responder. This section briefly discusses  
application development considerations for the design and programming phases of your  
project and for the troubleshooting phase.  
Design and Programming  
In designing your application, you should first consider interoperability with the other  
FTAM implementation you are using. In the coding phase, build error handling into  
your application, taking advantage of the information provided by the Compaq  
responder in diagnostic messages.  
Before writing your application, you should read Section 2 of this manual,  
“Conformance and Interoperability,” which describes certain aspects of the Compaq  
FTAM responder that can affect its ability to interoperate with other FTAM  
implementations. Compare the information in Section 2 to the characteristics of the  
remote FTAM implementation. Pay special attention to the following:  
Service classes, functional units, and attributes supported  
Future-filesize limitations  
Maximum-string-length limitations  
String-significance values supported  
Use of format effectors, including carriage return/line feed pairs  
Character sets  
Existing applications being adapted to use the Compaq responder might need some  
modifications in these areas.  
Error Handling  
To ensure that you receive as much information as possible about application problems  
if they occur, your applications should follow a good error-handling strategy. In  
general, you should check for status and error information after each FTAM operation  
you request in your program, and then provide some means of reporting errors.  
Suggestions for Development of Remote  
The Compaq FTAM responder returns diagnostic messages to your application as  
specified by the ISO 8571 standard. In many cases, more information is returned than is  
required by the standard. Appendix A, “Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic  
Messages,” provides cause, effect, and recovery information about all diagnostic  
messages returned by the responder.  
Some responder diagnostic messages also contain text of up to 256 characters in the  
Further Details field, providing additional information on the nature of the problem. For  
example, if you attempt to create a file and receive diagnostic message 3006 (file cannot  
be created), the Further Details text provides the file-system error number returned by  
Guardian when the file creation attempt failed. A Compaq problem solver or someone  
else with access to the Compaq system can look up this number in the Guardian  
Procedure Errors and Messages Manual to obtain information on what occurred and  
how to correct the problem.  
As another example, if you attempt to open a file and receive diagnostic message 5036  
(contents type inconsistent), the Further Details text “illegal MSL value” indicates that  
you attempted to open a file with a maximum-string-length parameter value outside the  
range supported by the Compaq FTAM responder, as described under “Mapping  
Between FTAM Contents Types and Compaq File Structures” in Section 4.  
It is recommended that you check Further Details whenever you receive a diagnostic  
message. The Further Details text for many messages is self-explanatory and is not  
described in Appendix A.  
To detect and eliminate problems in your remote application, you need to use whatever  
debugging tools are available on the remote system. However, there are also  
troubleshooting tools available on the Compaq system where the responder runs that can  
provide additional information about a problem. If you encounter interoperability  
problems or other problems that appear to originate on the Compaq system, you should  
work with a Compaq problem solver who has access to these tools.  
The Compaq troubleshooting tools include the following:  
The Event Management Service (EMS) log  
Subystem Control Facility (SCF) interactive interface  
The PTrace utility  
The Event Management Service (EMS) on Compaq systems enables the Compaq  
problem solver to monitor problems and other significant events that occur during the  
operation of Compaq FTAM and other Compaq software. The FTAM responder and the  
APLMGR process that manages it generate event messages when they detect  
significant events, as do the processes in the underlying OSI/AS, OSI/TS, X25AM, and  
TLAM (or PAM for G06 and above releases) and TCP/IP subsystems. Event messages  
are logged to the console or displayed on a terminal as operator messages, which are  
described in the Operator Messages Manual.  
Suggestions for Development of Remote  
The Compaq problem solver can use SCF commands to display configuration, status,  
and statistics information about the responder and APLMGR processes on the Compaq  
system. This information can sometimes provide clues to the cause of a problem,  
especially if an association is not yet established or if there are problems with system  
capacity or performance. In addition the STATUS SU command, which provides  
information about an FTAM association once it is established, can be especially useful  
in troubleshooting.  
The PTrace (print trace) utility allows the Compaq problem solver to look at trace data  
generated with the SCF TRACE command. The TRACE command provides a log of  
message traffic between the various processes running on the Compaq system; PTrace  
displays the contents of these messages, including the types and contents of protocol  
data units (PDUs). Problems that can be detected using TRACE and PTrace include  
interoperability problems and various application protocol problems.  
Additional guidance for the Compaq problem solver is provided in the troubleshooting  
section of the OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.  
Suggestions for Development of Remote  
Responder Manager  
This section discusses considerations that are related to the configuration and  
management of the responder process and its VFS on the Compaq system, but that you  
might need to know when writing or using FTAM applications on the remote system. It  
covers the following topics:  
Notes on configuration  
Fault tolerance  
Event messages  
Full details on FTAM configuration, management, and troubleshooting on the Compaq  
system are provided in the OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.  
Notes on Configuration  
Compaq FTAM (responder and APLMGR processes), the OSI/AS subsystem, the  
OSI/TS subsystem, and TLAM (or PAM for G06 and above releases) or X25AM or  
TCP/IP must be configured and running on the Compaq system before your application  
can communicate with the Compaq responder.  
Because of the flexibility, and resultant complexity, of the configuration of underlying  
Compaq OSI layers, configuration errors are a common cause of problems in Compaq  
FTAM applications. The Compaq problem solver should pay special attention to  
checking the configuration of Compaq FTAM and the configuration of the underlying  
OSI layers (via Compaq OSI/AS).  
The following aspects of configuration are important to writers and users of remote  
FTAM applications:  
OSI address of responder  
Initiator-identity and filestore-password parameters  
Protocol error counter  
Ways to increase responder capacity  
Ways to increase responder performance  
OSI Address of Responder  
The assigned OSI address of each responder process is configured on the Compaq  
system. Remote applications must refer to this address when requesting the services of  
the responder. Several responders can be assigned to the same address.  
Responder Manager  
Initiator-Identity and Filestore-Password Parameters  
Initiator-Identity and Filestore-Password Parameters  
The initiator-identity and filestore-password parameters in the F-INITIALIZE request  
correspond, respectively, to the Guardian user ID and password on the Compaq system.  
Optionally, a default user ID and password can be set up in the Compaq FTAM  
configuration, allowing remote applications access to the responder and its VFS without  
sending a user ID and password across the network.  
If defaults are not configured, your application must specify a Guardian user ID that  
allows access to the files in the VFS, along with its associated password.  
Protocol-Error Counter  
A protocol-error counter, whose value is configurable, specifies how many FTAM  
protocol errors must occur before an event message is generated on the Compaq system.  
These event messages can alert the Compaq problem solver to interoperability problems.  
Increasing Responder Capacity  
The Compaq system manager can increase responder capacity by doing one of the  
Increasing the maximum number of associations or attaches per responder process  
Adding more responder processes  
Increasing Responder Performance  
The system manager can often increase system performance or throughput by doing one  
or more of the following:  
Configuring responder processes to run in different Compaq CPUs  
Specifying a less fully occupied disk as the process swap volume  
Adjusting the execution priority of various processes  
Adjusting some of the parameters in the underlying OSI/AS configuration  
Fault Tolerance  
Compaq FTAM provides some fault tolerance if responder processes are configured to  
run as NonStop process pairs, consisting of a primary process and a backup process.  
When processes run as NonStop process pairs, the startup configuration information for  
the primary process is checkpointed. If a hardware or software component fails, the  
backup process takes over.  
If the primary responder process fails, all outstanding Compaq FTAM associations, as  
well as the associated OSI/AS connections, are aborted. The remote initiator receives  
an F-P-ABORT indication. After a delay, the remote FTAM application can retry  
establishing the association.  
Responder Manager  
Event Messages  
If the Compaq FTAM responder process is running as a NonStop process pair, the  
backup Compaq FTAM responder process takes over, and your remote application must  
reinitiate its Compaq FTAM associations. You or your application should then check  
and verify all previous work performed using the Compaq responder, correct  
inappropriate file states left from the component failure, and proceed as appropriate to  
the needs of your application.  
The process of verifying work performed before a hardware or software component  
failure and recovering from unknown file states is different for every application. The  
main recovery strategies depend on the type of activity in progress during component  
Reading from a file  
Writing to a file that your application created  
Writing to a file that already existed  
In the case of reading a file, no recovery is necessary. The Compaq responder does not  
modify files opened for reading only.  
In the case of writing to a file, you should probably consider the file unusable. If you  
created the original file, the best recovery might be to delete the unusable file and  
recreate it. If you were writing to a file that you did not create and whose contents you  
cannot retrieve—from a file backup, for example—recovery might not be possible. You  
should design your application (making backups where necessary) with this in mind.  
FTAM configurable files cannot be opened by the responder.  
Event Messages  
The Event Management Service (EMS) on Compaq systems enables the Compaq  
problem solver to monitor problems and other significant events that occur during the  
operation of Compaq FTAM and other Compaq software.  
Whenever a Compaq process such as the FTAM responder detects an event that might  
affect its operation, it generates an event message describing the event. Such event  
messages can be related to hardware or software malfunctions, or to important changes  
in the state of a system component. Text (readable) versions of these event messages  
can be displayed as operator messages: for example, in an operator console log or on a  
terminal running the ViewPoint operations console application. For detailed  
information on the event messages sent by Compaq FTAM processes, see the OSIFTAM  
and OSIAPLMGR sections of the Operator Messages Manual.  
Event messages generated by FTAM responder and APLMGR processes can alert the  
Compaq problem solver to the following kinds of problems:  
System problems such as CPU failures, process failures, and unavailability of  
system resources such as LCBs  
Interoperability problems that cause protocol-error thresholds to be exceeded  
Configuration problems, such as mismatches between the common names and OSI  
addresses configured in the APLMGR MIB and those in the OSI manager MIB  
Responder Manager  
Event Messages  
Failure to establish an association with a Compaq responder due to an invalid  
initiator ID or password  
Compaq responder virtual filestore (VFS) file-access failures due to file-system  
errors or security violations  
The responder also returns an event message whenever it starts or completes a file  
transfer, indicating whether or not the transfer was successful. This event can be  
monitored to verify completion of a transfer, so that your application can be notified  
when it can proceed with the next operation.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic  
The Compaq FTAM responder diagnostic messages can be returned in indications and  
confirms to an initiating FTAM implementation that requested the Compaq FTAM  
responder to execute a service that it cannot perform. They can also be returned to  
provide additional information on a successful action. Those troubleshooting FTAM  
applications using the Compaq responder can use these diagnostic messages to  
understand why a requested action has failed or to qualify a successful action. This  
appendix gives a detailed explanation of each diagnostic message, including cause,  
effect, and recovery information.  
This appendix is intended for those who are writing, using, or troubleshooting an FTAM  
application running over a remote initiator that interoperates with the Compaq FTAM  
responder. In some cases, the problem lies on the initiating system; in other cases, the  
problem is on the Compaq system (for example, in the responder configuration). The  
recovery-action descriptions indicate whether an action is to be taken by the application  
or interactive FTAM user on the initiating system, or by the Compaq problem solver on  
the Compaq system. For problems that lie on the initiating system, it may be useful to  
notify the remote initiator site when error conditions occur in case the remote  
application does not check for returned diagnostics.  
A table listing the diagnostic messages of a particular group precedes the detailed  
explanations. Each table lists the messages numerically by error identifier and includes  
information about the type, or severity of the error, and the observer and source of the  
error. Table A-1 lists the diagnostic message types and indicates the severity of each;  
Table A-2 lists valid error observer and error source values.  
Table A-1. Diagnostic Message Types  
Informative: requires no recovery, and the current state of the file service is not  
affected. Message provides information to qualify a successful action.  
Transient: can reoccur if the sequence of events is repeated and implies the failure  
of the operation being performed.  
Permanent: occurs every time the sequence of events is repeated and implies the  
failure of at least the present operation being performed.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
General FTAM Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-2. Sources and Observers of Errors  
Source of the error cannot be identified. This identifier is not valid for  
the observer.  
Initiating file-service user (initiating application).  
Initiating file protocol machine.  
Service supporting the protocol machines. This identifier is not valid  
for the observer.  
Responding file protocol machine.  
Responding file-service user (VFS or file system).  
The detailed descriptions of the diagnostic messages that follow each summary table are  
also listed numerically by the error identifier. In addition to the information provided in  
this appendix, responder diagnostic messages might also contain text of up to 256  
characters in the Further Details fields, providing additional information on the nature of  
the problem.  
General FTAM Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-3 displays the general error identifiers returned by the Compaq FTAM  
Table A-3. General FTAM Diagnostic Messages  
Unspecific responder error  
Unspecific initiator error  
Subsequent error  
Temporal insufficiency of  
Unspecific responder error  
Cause. Either the combination of a small maximum-string-length value and a large  
PDU size caused the incoming data to exceed the responder’s data buffer capacity, or an  
internal software error has occurred in the responder.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
General FTAM Diagnostic Messages  
Effect. The responder aborts the association. If the data buffer capacity was exceeded  
for the reason given under “Cause,” the Further Details field contains the message  
smaller PDU or larger MSL needed.  
Recovery. If the Further Details field indicates that a smaller PDU or a larger MSL is  
needed, the application or FTAM user should decrease the number of strings sent in one  
PDU. This can be done either by sending a smaller number of strings per PDU or by  
sending larger strings. Sending larger strings may require increasing the value of the  
maximum-string-length parameter in the application’s requests. For further information,  
refer to “Limits on Small String-Length Values With Large PDUs” in Section 4.  
Otherwise, the application or FTAM user should retry the operation. This can be a  
transient condition. If the condition persists, the Compaq problem solver should trace  
the responder and follow the standard procedures at the Compaq site for contacting the  
appropriate support personnel. These procedures might involve contacting the local  
Compaq support analyst. For details on how to trace the responder, refer to the SCF  
Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR and the Compaq PTrace Reference Manual.  
Unspecific initiator error  
Cause. The responder received a change-attribute indication containing a null proposed  
change-attribute list.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The service is completed; no  
attributes are changed.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Subsequent error  
Cause. In a grouped request, one of the requests after the one on which the responder  
returns this diagnostic message has encountered an error condition.  
Effect. The responder rejects the grouped request.  
Recovery. The application programmer or FTAM user should determine which request  
in the group failed and correct the problem.  
Temporal insufficiency of resources  
Cause. The responder has attempted to allocate memory for a data control block, but  
the memory table does not have sufficient space to satisfy the request.  
Effect. The responder aborts the association.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry the operation. This can be a  
transient condition. If the condition persists, the Compaq problem solver can start  
another FTAM responder process to balance the load across multiple responder  
processes. For details on how to configure and start additional responders, refer to the  
SCF Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR and the OSI/FTAM Configuration and  
Management Manual.  
Access request violates local security  
Cause. A file has been selected with requested access that violates the file system  
security. A file-system security violation (48) was detected.  
Effect. The responder rejects the select or create request and generates a security-fail  
event (event number 21).  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user can either retry with the correct select-request  
or create-request parameters, or use initiator-ID and filestore-password values that  
support the requested access; or the Compaq problem solver can change the local  
Compaq security for the file.  
Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic  
Table A-4 displays the diagnostic error identifiers caused by protocol errors or improper  
requests for supporting services.  
Table A-4. Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Unsupported parameter values  
Mandatory parameter not set  
Unspecific FTAM protocol error  
FTAM protocol error, functional  
unit error  
Lower-layer failure  
Illegal grouping sequence  
Grouping threshold violation  
Specific PDU request  
inconsistent with current  
requested access  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic  
Unsupported parameter values  
Cause. A request contained a parameter value that the Compaq FTAM responder did  
not support: for example, the override parameter did not equal one of the values  
supported by the Compaq responder, the maximum-string-length value was not in the  
range expected by the Compaq responder or was not specified (the ISO FTAM default,  
unbounded, is not supported by the Compaq responder), or the protocol version  
specified in the initialize request was not version 1.  
Effect. The responder does not perform the requested operation.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry the request providing parameter  
values that the responder supports. For information about parameters that the Compaq  
FTAM responder supports, see Section 4.  
Mandatory parameter not set  
Cause. The responder received a request PDU that did not contain all the required  
parameters, or the request was malformed. Any request PDU that has mandatory  
parameters can cause the responder to return this diagnostic message.  
Effect. The responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry the request with all mandatory  
parameters. To determine which parameters are mandatory, refer to the FTAM PDU  
definitions for FTAM in ISO 8571-4.  
Unspecific FTAM protocol error  
Cause. The responder detected a protocol error. One possible error on a write is a data  
value that does not conform to the maximum-string-length value established for the file.  
Effect. The responder aborts the association. If the protocol error threshold (a value set  
via the THRESHOLD attribute during responder configuration) has been exceeded, the  
responder generates a protocol-error-threshold event (event number 22). If the problem  
was an attempt to write a data value that does not conform to the maximum-string-  
length value for the file, the Further Details field contains the message string length  
violates the MSL.  
Recovery. This can be an interoperability problem. Verify that the initiator is issuing a  
valid request to the responder. The Compaq problem solver can do this by tracing the  
responder and verifying the protocol. For information on tracing, refer to the SCF  
Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR and the OSI/FTAM Configuration and  
Management Manual.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Protocol and Supporting Service-Related Diagnostic  
FTAM protocol error, functional unit error  
Cause. The responder received a service request that requires a functional unit that was  
not negotiated when the association was established.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should establish a new association and  
negotiate the required functional units.  
Lower-layer failure  
Cause. The responder detected an error in communicating with a TAPS process.  
Effect. The responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should discard the association context,  
reestablish the association, and retry the operation. If the problem persists, the Compaq  
problem solver should verify that the TAPS process is configured properly and trace the  
responder. The Compaq problem solver should examine the status, error code, error  
subcode, and original error information displayed in the trace record. This information  
should help identify the problem being detected by the TAPS process.  
For information on configuration and on tracing the responder, refer to the OSI/FTAM  
Configuration and Management Manual and the SCF Reference Manual for FTAM and  
Illegal grouping sequence  
Cause. The grouped service contains an illegal primitive, or this particular grouping is  
not allowed for the negotiated service class.  
Effect. The responder does not perform the grouped service, no services are performed,  
and the responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry using a valid group for the  
negotiated service class.  
Grouping threshold violation  
Cause. The threshold—the number of primitives that must be completed successfully  
before the group can be considered successful—is greater than the number of services in  
the group, or the threshold for a group associated with any service class other than file  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
access is less than the number of services in the group. (Only the file-access service  
class allows a threshold of less than the number of services in the group, allowing a  
group of primitives to provide some service even if one of the primitives fails.)  
Effect. The responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should discard the association context,  
reestablish the association, and retry the operation with a group having the proper value  
for the threshold parameter.  
Specific PDU request inconsistent with the current requested access  
Cause. A service has been attempted that is inconsistent with the current requested  
Effect. The responder does not perform the service.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should reselect the file with the required  
requested access and retry. If the problem persists, the Compaq problem solver can use  
the SCF TRACE command and the PTrace utility to troubleshoot the problem. For more  
information on tracing and troubleshooting, refer to the OSI/FTAM Configuration and  
Management Manual.Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-5 displays the diagnostic error identifiers related to managing associations.  
Table A-5. Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Unsupported service class  
Unsupported functional unit  
Checkpoint window error  
Communications ftam-quality-  
of-service not supported  
Initiator identity unacceptable  
Context management refused  
Contents type list cut by  
Invalid file store password  
Incompatible service classes  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Unsupported service class  
Cause. The responder received an initialize request for the unconstrained service class.  
The Compaq FTAM implementation does not support the unconstrained service class.  
Effect. The association is not established.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should specify a supported service class on  
the initialize request. For a list of service classes that Compaq FTAM supports, see  
Section 4.  
Unsupported functional unit  
Cause. Requested functional units were inconsistent with the service class negotiated.  
Effect. The association is not established.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should specify functional units that are  
consistent with the proposed service class on the initialize request.  
Checkpoint window error (unsupported)  
Cause. The checkpoint-window parameter of the initialize request was set to a value  
that the responder does not support. The responder expects a value of 1.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message returned in the initialize  
response. The association is established.  
Recovery. No action is required.  
Communications ftam-quality-of-service not supported  
Cause. The responder does not support the value of the FTAM quality-of-service  
parameter on the initialize request. The responder supports only a value of  
“no recovery” for this PDU parameter.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message returned in the initialize  
response. The association is established.  
Recovery. No action is required.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Association-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Initiator identity unacceptable  
Cause. The initiator-identity parameter in the initialize request was invalid, or it was  
omitted and there was no default user ID/password configured for the responder.  
Effect. The association is not established. The responder generates the password-  
failure event (event number 20).  
Recovery. Either the application or FTAM user should retry with a valid initiator  
identity, or the Compaq problem solver should configure the responder to have a default  
user ID/password. Change the VFS profile for the responder to define a DEFUSER  
attribute. Refer to the ALTER PROFILE command description in the SCF Reference  
Manual for FTAM and APLMGR.  
Context management refused  
Cause. The remote initiator has set the presentation-context-management parameter to  
true on the F-INITIALIZE service. The Compaq responder does not support the  
presentation-context-management parameter.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The association is established.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Contents type list cut by responder  
Cause. The responder detected one or more inconsistent or unsupported presentation  
contexts in the contents-type-list on the initialize service.  
Effect. This message is a warning. The responder disregards the contents types that it  
does not support or are not valid and retains those that are. The association is  
established with a partial contents-type-list.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should investigate the resulting list to  
determine if needed contents types are still included. If not, interoperability of the two  
FTAM implementations is limited and might prevent you from using FTAM to  
accomplish your purpose. The responder supports only the FTAM-1, FTAM-2,  
FTAM-3, and NBS-9 document types.  
Invalid filestore password  
Cause. The password on the initialize request is invalid, or an invalid default password  
is configured for the Compaq responder.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Effect. The association is not established. The responder generates the password-fail  
event (event number 20).  
Recovery. For the first cause, the application or FTAM user should retry the request  
using a valid password; for the second cause, the Compaq problem solver should correct  
the default password by reconfiguring the DEFUSER attribute in the responder’s VFS  
profile on the Compaq system.  
Incompatible service classes  
Cause. The responder can return this diagnostic message in two conditions:  
In examining the initiate indication, the responder detected either a value of  
unconstrained for the service class or no value at all for the service class.  
The remote initiator requested services requiring the management service class, but  
the management service class was not negotiated on the F-INITIALIZE request.  
Effect. For the first cause, the association is not established. For the second cause, the  
responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should reestablish the association negotiating  
values for service class and functional units that are valid for the responder and that  
support the requests being made.  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-6 displays the diagnostic error identifiers generated while selecting a file or  
negotiating a service.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-6. Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
File name not found  
Initial attributes not possible  
Non-existent file  
File already exists  
File cannot be created  
File cannot be deleted  
File busy  
File not available  
Access control inconsistent  
Initial attributes altered  
Override selected existing file  
Override deleted and recreated  
file with old attributes  
Create override deleted and  
recreated file with new attributes  
Bad attribute value  
Requested access violates  
permitted actions  
Functional unit not available for  
requested access  
File created but not selected  
File name not found  
Cause. The file requested on the select service could not be found. File-system error 11  
was returned.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should try again using a correct file name or  
the name of an existing, accessible file.  
Initial attributes not possible  
Cause. The responder did not support an attribute specified on a create request.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application programmer or FTAM user should check the attribute values  
and determine which attribute the responder does not support, and then retry the request  
without specifying the unsupported attribute in the create request. If the problem  
persists, the Compaq problem solver can use the SCF TRACE command and the PTrace  
utility to troubleshoot the problem. For more information on tracing and  
troubleshooting, refer to the OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.  
Non-existent file  
Cause. A file has ceased to exist after being selected. The VFS has received an  
operating system error 11 in attempting to access a previously selected file.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should either retry the operation specifying a  
file that exists, or try again after the Compaq problem solver has replaced the file.  
File already exists  
Cause. A create request has been sent with the override parameter set so that file  
creation fails if the file already exists, and the file already exists in the file system. The  
CREATE procedure returns an error indicating that the file already exists and cannot be  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should purge the file before attempting to  
create it, or change the override parameter in the create request to any valid value other  
than the one specifying that file creation fails if the file already exists.  
File cannot be created  
Cause. The application or FTAM user attempted to create a directory list (NBS-9), the  
CREATE procedure has failed to create a file, or one or more of the contents-type  
parameters specified in the create request is not supported on the responder (for  
example, the application or FTAM user might have specified a string-significance value  
that is invalid for the document type).  
Effect. The file is not created. The Further Details field identifies the related file-  
system error number.  
Recovery. For an interpretation of the file-system error number, refer to the Compaq  
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
File cannot be deleted  
Cause. The application or FTAM user attempted to delete a directory list (NBS-9), or  
the PURGE procedure has failed.  
Effect. The file is not deleted. The Further Details field identifies the related file-  
system error number.  
Recovery. For an interpretation of the file-system error number, refer to the Compaq  
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual.  
File busy  
Cause. An operating system file-in-use error (12) has occurred.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should wait until the file is accessible and  
retry the operation.  
File not available  
Cause. An unexpected operating system error has occurred, or the application or FTAM  
user tried to access an SQL table that is not organization relative.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. There is no recovery. The specified file cannot be accessed.  
Access control inconsistent  
Cause. The application or FTAM user specified an access-control element containing  
more than an action list in the initial-attributes parameter of a create request. The  
responder uses only the action-list field of an access-control element.  
Effect. The service fails, and the responder aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should reestablish the association and retry  
the create operation, specifying only an action list in the access-control element.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Initial attributes altered  
Cause. The application or FTAM user attempted to create a file with a future-filesize  
value greater than one gigabyte. The Compaq FTAM responder does not support files  
larger than one gigabyte.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The file is created with a  
future-filesize value of one gigabyte.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Override selected existing file  
Cause. The override parameter on the create request was set so that an existing file is to  
be selected, and the responder received a create request for a file that already exists.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The service is completed, and  
the old file is selected.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Override deleted and recreated file with old attributes  
Cause. The responder received a create request naming a file that already exists, with  
the override parameter set so that the existing file is to be deleted and a new file created  
using the attributes of the deleted file.  
Recovery. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The service is completed,  
and the file is created with old attributes. The file creation date is updated.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Create override deleted and created file with new attributes  
Cause. The responder received a create request for a file that already exists, with the  
override parameter set so that the existing file is deleted and a new file created using the  
attributes specified in the initial-attributes parameter.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The service is completed. The  
old file is deleted and a new file is created with a new set of attributes.  
Recovery. No action is necessary.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Bad attribute value  
Cause. An invalid value was detected in an attribute on the create or select service.  
This message is caused if the filename attribute cannot be decoded or is invalid for the  
file system.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should correct the value for that attribute and  
retry. For possible limitations on attribute values that the Compaq FTAM responder  
supports, see Section 4.  
Requested access violates permitted actions  
Cause. The requested access specified on a select request was inconsistent with the  
contents-type attribute specified when the file was created. The responder can return  
this error in two cases:  
nAny file other than an FTAM-2 file was selected for insert access. Insert access is  
allowed only on FTAM-2 files.  
nAn FTAM-2 file was selected for replace or extend access, or both. Replace and  
extend access is not allowed on FTAM-2 files.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry with requested-access values that  
are valid for the contents type.  
Functional unit not available for requested access  
Cause. The negotiated functional units were inconsistent with the requested access type  
specified on the select or create service.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should establish a new association providing  
the required functional units.  
File created but not selected  
Cause. The create request succeeded in creating a Guardian file, but the select regime  
has not been established because the requested access was not correct.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
File-Management-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Effect. The file is created, but not selected. The state-result parameter of the create  
confirm returns a failure indication.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a select request specifying the  
correct requested access.  
File-Management-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-7 displays the diagnostic error identifiers that result from either file system  
errors or improper management of read-attribute or change-attribute requests.  
Table A-7. File-Management-Related Diagnostic Message  
Attribute cannot be read  
Attribute cannot be changed  
Attribute not supported  
Bad attribute value  
Attribute partially supported  
Attribute cannot be read  
Cause. A file-system error occurred during an attempt to read the attributes of a file.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry the service.  
Attribute cannot be changed  
Cause. A change-attribute request has been attempted on a directory file (NBS-9), the  
application or FTAM user specified an access control element containing information  
other than the action list (such as concurrency-access and identity) in the attributes  
parameter of a change-attribute request, or a file-system error occurred while the  
application or FTAM user attempted to change the attribute of a file.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. For the first cause, the application or FTAM user should not attempt to  
change the attributes of a directory file (NBS-9). For the second cause, the application  
or FTAM user should retry the change-attribute request specifying only the action list in  
the access control element. For the third cause, the application or FTAM user should  
retry the operation.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Attribute not supported  
Cause. Either a read-attribute request including the private attributes was issued, or an  
attempt was made to change an attribute that cannot be changed. Compaq FTAM does  
not support private attributes.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Recovery. No recovery is possible in the case of the read-attribute service. The  
Compaq FTAM responder does not support private attributes.  
In the case of the change-attribute service, the application or FTAM user should restrict  
requests for change to the following attributes: filename, future-filesize, and access-  
Bad attribute value  
Cause. The responder has received a change-attribute request with an invalid attribute  
value, or the file name was invalid for the Guardian 90 operating system.  
Effect. The service fails.  
Effect. The application or FTAM user should retry the service with a valid attribute  
Attribute partially supported  
Cause. The responder received a change-attribute request that includes the storage-  
account attribute. The Compaq FTAM responder only partially supports this attribute.  
Effect. This is an information-only diagnostic message. The request is completed.  
Recovery. No action is required.  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-8 displays the diagnostic error identifiers that can occur during the execution of  
file-type or processing-mode requests.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-8. Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Bad FADU (unspecific)  
Bad FADU - size error  
Bad FADU - poorly specified  
Bad FADU - bad location  
FADU does not exist  
FADU not available for writing  
FADU cannot be inserted  
FADU cannot be replaced  
Operation not available  
Processing mode unsupported  
Processing mode inconsistent  
Access context not available  
Bad write (unspecific)  
Bad read (unspecific)  
Local failure (unspecific)  
Local failure - data corrupted  
Future filesize exceeded  
Contents type inconsistent  
FADU locking not available on  
Bad FADU (unspecific)  
Cause. The FADU-ID parameter on a read or write request is invalid.  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is left in a data-transfer  
idle state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response, and then  
reissue the read or write request with a valid FADU ID.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Bad FADU - size error  
Cause. The application or FTAM user tried to access a nonexistent column in an SQL  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is left in a data-transfer  
idle state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response and then  
reissue the request, verifying that the number of data elements in the FADU sent is less  
than or equal to the number of columns in the table.  
Bad FADU - poorly specified  
Cause. The responder has received an erase request for an FTAM-2 document type and  
the FADU-ID parameter was not begin, or in the case of an FTAM-1 or FTAM-3  
document type, the FADU-ID parameter was not first. The responder can also return  
this diagnostic message if an invalid data type was specified for the data to be written to  
an SQL table, or if an attempt was made to write to an SQL table using the UA access  
context instead of the FA access context.  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, the association is left in the file-open regime,  
and the file is left in an unknown state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response, close the file,  
and reissue the erase request with the valid FADU ID.  
Bad FADU - bad location  
Cause. The responder has received a read or write request with an invalid FADU-ID  
parameter. The responder returns this diagnostic message when the application or  
FTAM user attempts to access an empty file or locate a FADU corresponding to a record  
before the beginning or after the end of the file; or when, while reading a file, the  
responder receives an unexpected end-of-file message (specific to SQL tables and  
Enscribe relative files). The responder can also generate this diagnostic message if it  
receives an SQL error of -5 or if, while attempting to locate the current position in the  
file, it receives a file-system error.  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is left in a data-transfer  
idle state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response, and then  
reissue the read or write request with a valid FADU ID.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
FADU does not exist  
Cause. The responder received a read or erase request for an empty FTAM-2 relative  
Effect. In the case of a read, the responder cancels the service. In the case of an erase,  
the responder issues a negative erase confirmation.  
Recovery. This is an information-only diagnositic message. Nothing happened.  
FADU not available for writing  
Cause. A write request has been sent to a directory file (NBS-9).  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is in a data-transfer idle  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response. Do not retry;  
you cannot write to an NBS-9 file.  
FADU cannot be inserted  
Cause. The responder received an open request with a processing mode of insert, and  
the requested access on the select service did not include insert, or the processing mode  
of insert is not allowed for the document type selected.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should either open the file with a processing  
mode compatible with the services selected, or reselect the file so that it will allow  
FADU insertion.  
FADU cannot be replaced  
Cause. The responder received an open request with a processing mode of replace, and  
the requested access on the select service did not include replace; or the processing  
mode of replace is not allowed for the document type selected.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should either open the file with a processing  
mode compatible with the services selected, or reselect the file so that it will allow  
FADUs to be replaced.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Operation not available  
Cause. Either the VFS has attempted to open a file, but the operating system OPEN  
procedure has failed, or a write request has been issued without the FADU operation set  
to insert, replace, or extend.  
Effect. In the case of an open, the responder rejects the request. In the case of a write,  
the responder cancels the service.  
Recovery. If an open failed, the application or FTAM user should check the other  
diagnostic messages returned to determine why the open failed. If a write failed, the  
application or FTAM user should send a cancel response and retry the data transfer using  
the correct FADU operation value.  
Processing mode unsupported  
Cause. The responder received a write request after simplifying an FTAM-2 document  
type to an FTAM-1 document type in response to an open request.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request and aborts the association.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should discard the association context,  
reinitialize an association, and proceed with the intended operation. The responder  
simplifies document types only on read operations. Therefore, applications must issue  
only a read request after an open request that simplifies the document type.  
Processing mode inconsistent  
Cause. The responder received an open request specifying a processing mode that is  
inconsistent with the requested access from the select request.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should either reissue the open request with a  
processing mode consistent with the requested access specified on the select, or reselect  
the file specifying a requested access that allows the requested processing mode.  
Access context not available  
Cause. The responder received a read request specifying an access context that it does  
not support. The responder supports only flat all data units (FA), for FTAM-2 files, and  
unstructured all data units (UA), for FTAM-1 and FTAM-3 files.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is left in a data-transfer  
idle state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response and then  
reissue the read request with the correct FADU operation. Make sure the document type  
opened supports the access context. Refer to Table A-9 for valid access contexts.  
Table A-9. Access Contexts by Document Typ  
FA, UA  
and NBS-9  
Bad write (unspecific)  
Cause. A local file-system error other than an end-of-file message has occurred on the  
write service.  
Effect. The responder cancels the service, and the association is left in a data-transfer  
idle state.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response and then retry  
the application. If the error persists, the file is probably corrupt and cannot be accessed.  
In this case, the Compaq problem solver should perform the file recovery operations  
normally used at the site; then the application or FTAM user can retry the application.  
Bad read (unspecific)  
Cause. A local file-system error other than an end-of-file message has occurred on the  
read service. One possible cause of this error is that one of the records in an FTAM-3  
file with a string-significance value of fixed contained a string whose length was smaller  
than the maximum-string-length value. This could occur because the file was created  
outside FTAM, because it was corrupted in some way, or because the wrong file was  
Effect. The responder cancels the service.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response. The  
application or FTAM user should ensure that the correct file is specified; the file must  
satisfy the string-length rules described under “Maximum-String-Length Checking of  
Data Values” in Section 4. If the application specified the correct file, the application or  
FTAM user should retry the application; if the error persists, the file is probably corrupt  
and cannot be accessed. In this case, the Compaq problem solver should perform the  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
file recovery operations normally used at the site; then the application or FTAM user can  
retry the application.  
Local failure (unspecific)  
Cause. A local file-system error occurred as a result of one of the following actions:  
F-ERASE error occurred while the responder was attempting to erase data from a  
F-LOCATE error occurred while the responder was attempting to locate a FADU.  
F-CLOSE error occurred while the responder was attempting to close a file.  
F-READ error occurred while the responder was attempting to locate the FADU to  
be read in an FTAM-2 file.  
F-WRITE error occurred while the responder was attempting to locate the FADU to  
which to write in an FTAM-2 file, or while attempting to erase data from an FTAM-  
1 or FTAM-3 file with a FADU operation of replace.  
Effect. If the failure occurs during a read or write service, the responder cancels the  
service, and the file is left in an unknown state. If the failure occurs during any other  
action, the responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. If a failure occurs during a read or write service, the application or FTAM  
user should issue a cancel response and retry the operation. If the failure occurs during  
any other action, the application or FTAM user should retry the operation.  
Local failure - data corrupted  
Cause. The VFS attempted to open a corrupted EDIT file.  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry the request using a different file,  
delete the file and create a new one, or notify the Compaq problem solver of the file  
condition and find out if an alternative file can be used to access the information. If an  
alternative file is available, the application or FTAM user should retry the request using  
that file.  
Future filesize exceeded  
Cause. The VFS attempted to write data to a file and exceeded the maximum file size.  
Effect. The responder issues a cancel request and cancels the data transfer.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Access-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should send a cancel response, close the file,  
and use the change-attribute service to increase the value of the future-filesize attribute  
of the file.  
Contents type inconsistent  
Cause. A service has been attempted without specifying a valid document type (for  
example, if the application or FTAM user tries to perform an FTAM-2 simplification of  
an SQL file); the contents type was inconsistent with the Guardian file structure,  
specifically the file type value; the application or FTAM user attempted to open a file  
specifying a maximum-string-length value outside the supported range; or the  
application or FTAM user specified an unsupported value of the universal-class  
Effect. The responder rejects the request.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should retry specifying a valid document  
type—one that is consistent with the file type of the Guardian file being accessed—and  
a supported universal-class value.  
For information about document types and contents types, refer to Section 4. Refer to  
Table A-10 for FTAM contents type and Guardian file structure equivalents:  
Table A-10. FTAM Contents Types and Equivalent Guardian File Structures  
Guardian File Structure  
File Type  
SQL table  
Fixed-length binary  
Variable-length binary  
Non-SQL key-sequenced  
Non-SQL entry-sequenced  
∗ ∗  
Directory ( . .DIRLIS)  
The following values are possible for file type:  
U = Enscribe unstructured  
R = Relative  
E = Entry-sequenced  
K = Key-sequenced  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Recovery-Related Diagnostic Messages  
FADU locking not available on file  
Cause. The Compaq FTAM responder received a request with a FADU-lock parameter  
on a read or write service. The Compaq FTAM responder does not support the FADU-  
lock parameter.  
Effect. The responder cancels the request. The association is left in a data-transfer idle  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should issue a cancel response, and then  
retry the read and write service omitting the FADU-lock parameter.  
Recovery-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Table A-11 displays the diagnostic error code that may be generated during recovery  
Table A-11. Recovery-Related Diagnostic Messages  
Recovery mode not available  
Recovery mode not available  
Cause. Recovery has not been set to none (0) on the open request to the responder.  
Effect. The responder rejects the open request because none (0) is the only recovery  
value Compaq supports.  
Recovery. The application or FTAM user should set recovery to none (0) and retry the  
open operation.  
Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages  
Recovery-Related Diagnostic Messages  
The following glossary defines terms used both in this manual and in the other Compaq  
FTAM manuals. Not all terms listed here are used in this particular manual.  
abstract syntax. A standardized method of describing data structures that is  
independent of the way they are represented in data transmission. An abstract syntax  
uses a set of primitive elements defined by an abstract syntax notation such as ASN.1,  
defines ranges of values for the primitive elements, and defines ways of combining these  
elements. See also transfer syntax and ASN.1.  
Abstract Syntax Notation-1. See ASN.1.  
access-context parameter. A parameter used for read transfers within the data-transfer  
regime to specify the file structure by which information in the file is accessed. Possible  
structures for Compaq FTAM are flat all data units (for FTAM-2 files) and unstructured  
all data units (for FTAM-1, FTAM-2, and FTAM-3 files). See UA and FA.  
access-control attribute. A file attribute that contains the information to determine  
whether file access is allowed or denied. The attribute value is set when the file is  
created. You can alter the access-control attribute using the change-attribute action.  
ACSE (Association Control Service Element). An application service element (ASE)  
in the Application Layer of the OSI Reference Model. The ACSE exists within an  
application entity and enables other ASEs to establish and release associations. It is  
accessible to users of OSI/AS through the APS procedures. See also ASE or  
Application Layer.  
action-result parameter. In effect, a summary of the ISO FTAM diagnostic parameter.  
The action-result value success (ZFTM-VAL-ACTION-SUCCESS for the FTAM API)  
indicates that the requested service was performed successfully. The action-result value  
failure (ZFTM-VAL-ACTION-FAILURE for the FTAM API) indicates that the service  
was not performed successfully. If any one of the diagnostic messages returned  
indicates a failure, the value of action-result must be failure. See also state-result  
activity attributes. Dynamic attributes specific to an individual FTAM association.  
These attributes are both created and discarded during the life of an association and may  
change as the status of the association changes. See also file attributes.  
AE title. See application entity title.  
APDU (application protocol data unit). See PDU.  
API. See application program interface (API).  
APLMGR (Compaq OSI/Application Manager). The Compaq subsystem that performs  
management functions for Compaq FTAM. The APLMGR subsystem consists of two  
entities: the APLMGR process and the management information base (MIB). There is  
only one APLMGR per FTAM subsystem.  
application. A user program that uses services provided by products such as Compaq  
FTAM. The program accesses layers of the OSI Reference Model through the top layer  
(Application Layer) to manipulate files on remote computer systems. For Compaq  
FTAM, applications can be written in C or TAL.  
application entity. The part of an application process that interacts with its peer entity  
in a remote application process. In an OSI application, the application entity is the part  
that represents the communication functionality necessary for interoperation.  
application entity title (AE title). The structured identifier that identifies an application  
entity to the OSI network. The AE title is passed as a parameter in the ACSE  
A-ASSOCIATE request and returned in the A-ASSOCIATE response. See application  
Application Layer. Layer 7 of the OSI Reference Model. This layer provides the  
interface between user programs (application processes) and the OSI network. Layer 7  
includes the standards for services such as file transfer, electronic mail, and terminal  
Application Manager. See APLMGR.  
application name. The Compaq OSI/AS term for a reference name used to look up an  
OSI address in the local OSI/AS management information base (MIB). In Compaq  
FTAM terminology, this name is called the common name. See common name.  
application program interface (API). The set of functions or procedures that permits  
user programs to communicate with the Compaq NonStop Kernel. For Compaq FTAM,  
the API consists of FTM, APS, and MFM procedures used in FTAM programming. The  
Compaq FTAM API also includes the data definitions provided in the ZFTMDDL file  
and all language-specific files derived from ZFTMDDL. See also APS procedures,  
FTM procedures, and MFM procedures.  
application service element. See ASE.  
APS (application, presentation, and session) procedures. A set of procedure calls,  
provided by Compaq as part of the OSI/AS subsystem, providing application programs  
with access to the services of ACSE (in the Application Layer), the Presentation Layer,  
and the Session Layer. The names of the APS procedures all begin with the letters APS.  
The APS procedures are defined in the EXTDECS0 and CEXTDECS files. The APS  
procedures, together with the definitions in the ZAPSDDL file, constitute the OSI/AS  
API. A subset of the APS procedures is accessible from, and must be used with, the  
FTAM API. See also API.  
arc. A directed link between two nodes in a hierarchical file.  
arc length. The number of node levels in a file hierarchy from the root node to a given  
node. For example, the arc length of an FTAM-2 document is always 1.  
ASE (application service element). A set of functions to be performed—such as file  
transfer, mail service, or transaction processing—along with all the elements necessary  
to perform that kind of work, to support a particular application.  
ASI (additional service information). An internal data format used by Compaq FTAM.  
ASI format is displayed in some of the USER and ASN1 trace records. The Compaq  
initiator and responder processes transform ASI into the transfer syntax negotiated for  
the association, and vice versa.  
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation-1). The type and value syntax or notation language  
for representing semantics of protocol that is described in ISO 8824. The Basic  
Encoding Rules (ISO 8825) standard defines a set of encoding rules that can be applied  
to values of types defined using the notation specified in ISO 8824. See also abstract  
association. A connection between Application Layer entities. See connection.  
Association Control Service Element. See ACSE.  
attach. An operation performed by a Compaq OSI subsystem, on behalf of an  
application, to wait for an incoming associate or connect indication from a remote entity.  
attribute. An identifiable characteristic of an object. For example, two attributes of an  
FTAM file are its name and its date and time of creation. In DSM, two attributes of a  
process are the location of its code file and its execution priority. See also file attributes  
and activity attributes.  
attribute group. One of the four groups of file attributes defined by ISO FTAM. They  
are the kernel group, which must be supported by all FTAM implementations; the  
security group and the storage group, which are negotiated during association  
establishment; and the private-use group, which is also negotiated but whose definition  
is outside the scope of ISO FTAM.  
backup CPU. The central processing unit (CPU) number of the Compaq processor on  
which the backup process will run. See backup process.  
backup opener. The backup process that has an open to an FTAM initiator or responder  
process. See backup process.  
backup process. In a Compaq NonStop system, a process that is identical to the primary  
process and is created at the same time as the primary process. These two processes act  
as a NonStop process pair. The backup process takes over if the primary process fails.  
See primary process.  
basic data types. First-level and second-level DDL data types, which can either stand  
alone as data types or be used to create higher-level DDL structures.  
called address. The OSI address of the responder called by the initiator that supports an  
FTAM application. Contrast with calling address and responding address.  
calling address. The OSI address of the initiator that calls a responder in an FTAM  
application. Contrast with called address and responding address.  
calling user. The initiator that calls a responder in an FTAM application. Contrast with  
responding user.  
CEPI (connection endpoint identifier). An internally generated identification code  
used to track associations. In Compaq FTAM, an identifier of a connection endpoint for  
a given FTAM association. Use of the CEPI for an association allows transfer of  
information to a remote FTAM entity.  
checkpoint. On a Compaq NonStop system, a snapshot of process activity that can be  
used in the event of a takeover to allow a backup process to maintain fault-tolerant  
operation. See backup process.  
code file. A Guardian file containing the object code that you must run to create the  
specified process.  
collector An EMS process that accepts event messages from subsystems and logs them  
in the event log. See EMS. Compare distributor.  
command file. A text file containing a series of commands that you can run by issuing  
the OBEY command in TACL or SCF, followed by the name of the text file.  
common name. A reference name used to look up an OSI address in the local OSI/AS  
management information base (MIB) when establishing an association. Using common  
names simplifies addressing for applications and allows you to subsequently change the  
addresses without changing your applications. In OSI/AS terminology, the common  
name is called the application name.  
Compaq FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Management). The Compaq  
implementation of the ISO FTAM standard that provides the ability to manipulate files  
between local and remote file stores on a network.  
Compaq NonStop Kernel. The operating system, which consists of the core and system  
services. The operating system does not include any application program interfaces.  
Compaq NonStop Tools. The utility programs that perform everyday activities,  
including editing, formatting, restoring, backing up, sorting, spooling, binding,  
compiling, and installing.  
Compaq OSI/AS. See OSI/AS.  
Compaq OSI/FTAM. See Compaq FTAM.  
Compaq OSI/TS. See OSI/TS.  
compatibility distributor. An EMS distributor process that filters event messages  
according to fixed (rather than user-specified) criteria, obtains text for these messages  
and writes the text to the standard operating system destinations. See also distributor.  
conditional parameter. (1) In a protocol data unit (PDU), a parameter that is present  
under certain circumstances, for example, if another parameter has a given value. (2) In  
the Compaq FTAM API, a procedure-call parameter that must be specified under certain  
circumstances. Contrast with optional parameter and required parameter.  
confirm primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) is to be informed  
about its request. This is one of four types of service primitives. See service primitive.  
confirm procedure. A procedure called to retrieve the confirm data after a confirm  
primitive has been received. See confirm primitive.  
confirmed service. A service in which the initiating application sends a request, and the  
responding application entity (for example, an FTAM responder) returns a response that  
is received as a confirm primitive by the initiating application. The confirm primitive  
acknowledges the success or failure of the requested action. Contrast with unconfirmed  
conformance. The satisfaction, by an implementation of an OSI standard, of both static  
and dynamic conformance requirements, consistent with the capabilities stated in the  
protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS). Static conformance  
requirements are constraints specified in the standards or related profiles to facilitate  
interworking. Dynamic conformance requirements determine what observable behavior  
is permitted by the standards or profiles in instances of communication. The PICS is a  
statement, made by the supplier of an OSI implementation, describing the capabilities  
and options that have been implemented for a given OSI protocol. See also profile.  
connection. A link between a service access point (SAP) on one protocol stack and a  
corresponding point on a different protocol stack (either in the same system or in  
another local or remote system). See also association.  
connection endpoint identifier. See CEPI.  
constraint set. A specification placing restrictions and refinements on the FTAM  
general file model. These restrictions and refinements define a more specific model that  
reflects the needs of a particular class of applications.  
contents-type attribute. A file attribute that indicates either the document type of a file  
or its abstract syntax name and constraint-set name. The value of this attribute is set at  
file creation and cannot be changed by the change-attribute action. See also contents-  
type parameter.  
contents-type parameter. A parameter that indicates the document type of a file and,  
optionally, parameter values that further define the document type. The contents-type  
must either match the document type of the file being opened or be an allowed  
simplification of the document type. If you are using the Compaq FTAM initiator, and  
you do not specify contents-type in a call to FTM_OPEN_REQ_ , it will default to  
indicate that the contents type is unknown. You can then retrieve the valid file contents-  
type by calling FTM_OPEN_CNF_ , which returns information from the confirm  
received from the responder. This parameter must also be specified in calls to  
FTM_CREATE_REQ_. Document types supported by Compaq FTAM are FTAM-1,  
FTAM-2, FTAM-3, and NBS-9. See document type.  
contents-type-list parameter. A parameter used for negotiating the document types and  
abstract syntaxes that will be available on the association. For Compaq FTAM, the  
default document types requested are FTAM-1, FTAM-2, FTAM-3, and NBS-9.  
D-series system. A system running any Dxx version of the Compaq NonStop Kernel,  
such as D10 or D20.  
Data Definition Language. See DDL.  
Data Link Layer. Layer 2 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer packages data for  
transmission across the network and ensures that the data arrives at the next layer  
without any errors.  
data-transfer regime. The regime established after successfully gaining read or write  
access to an FTAM file. In the data-transfer regime, you can send or receive data, and  
you can abort the association. See also FTAM regime, file-selection regime, and  
file-open regime.  
DDL (Data Definition Language). A Compaq language for defining data. DDL builds  
a dictionary from the definitions, translates the definitions into File Utility Program  
(FUP) commands, and generates object-definition source code in a variety of  
programming languages.  
default user (DEFUSER). An attribute of a Compaq virtual filestore (VFS) profile that  
allows access to files in the Compaq responder’s VFS in cases where the initiator  
identity and filestore password are not provided when an association is established. The  
default user specifies the default Guardian user ID and password to be used.  
diagnostic parameter. An optional parameter providing information that qualifies the  
success or explains the failure of a requested FTM procedure call. For applications  
using the FTAM API, this parameter primarily returns whatever diagnostic messages  
have been received from the remote responder or the local initiator. In addition, you  
can use this parameter to send diagnostic messages to a remote responder using the  
procedures. See also ISO FTAM diagnostic messages.  
Distributed Systems Management. See DSM.  
distributor. An EMS process that distributes event messages from event logs to  
requesting management applications, to Compaq NonStop Kernel destinations, or to a  
collector. Contrast collector.  
document type. An FTAM definition, defining the structure of and method of access to  
a file. Compaq FTAM supports four document types: FTAM-1, FTAM-2, FTAM-3, and  
NBS-9. An FTAM-1 document is an unstructured text file that cannot be broken into  
smaller segments by the protocol. An FTAM-2 document is a structured text file  
divided into FADUs, which cannot be broken down. An FTAM-3 document is an  
unstructured binary file. An NBS-9 document is a read-only directory as defined by the  
NIST FTAM Phase 2 agreements.  
DSM (Distributed Systems Management). A set of tools provided by Compaq to  
manage NonStop systems, Expand networks, and Compaq communications products.  
These tools include the ViewPoint console application, the Subsystem Control Facility  
(SCF) for data communications subsystems, the Subsystem Programmatic Interface  
(SPI), the Event Management Service (EMS), the PTrace (print trace) utility, token-  
oriented programmatic interfaces to the management processes for various Compaq  
subsystems, and other products.  
EMS (Event Management Service). A facility provided by Compaq for event  
collection, event logging, and event distribution on Compaq NonStop systems. It  
includes different forms of event description for interactive and programmatic  
interfaces, lets an operator or application select specific event-message data, and allows  
for flexible distribution of event messages within a system or network. The FTAM and  
APLMGR subsystems generate event messages that are displayed as operator messages;  
however, the programmatic interface to FTAM and APLMGR event messages is not  
available for customer use. See also event message.  
end-of-file marker. See EOF.  
enhanced-file-management functional unit. A functional unit that adds the  
modification of file attributes to the capabilities of the limited-file-management  
functional unit. See limited-file-management functional unit.  
Enscribe. The Compaq database file-management software provided as part of the  
Guardian file system. The Enscribe software provides access to—and manipulation  
of—records in a database on a Compaq system. Files on a Compaq NonStop system can  
be either Enscribe files or NonStop SQL tables. See also NonStop SQL.  
entry. A DSM object type representing a routing table or directory entry in the OSI  
manager MIB. ENTRY objects are used to register local and remote OSI addresses and  
locally defined application names (common names) with the OSI manager process.  
ENTRY objects are of four types: application (APPL), TSEL, NSAP, and SNPA.  
EOF (end of file). A marker placed at the end of a file to indicate that the file contains  
no additional information.  
error. (1) A condition that causes a command or other operation to fail. Contrast with  
warning. (2) A code that indicates the outcome of a procedure call. For the procedures  
in the FTAM API, this value can be either a negative error code defined by Compaq  
FTAM or a positive Compaq file-system error number.  
error code. A Compaq code returned on an APS_STATUS_ procedure call that  
indicates the current error condition, if any, for the CEPI specified in the  
APS_STATUS_ call. If a procedure-call error is indicated, you can call APS_STATUS_  
to determine what occurred. APS_STATUS_ returns error-code and error-subcode  
values that provide more detail about the nature of the problem. See error subcode.  
error identifier. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that identifies a  
diagnostic error.  
error observer. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that identifies  
the entity that detected the diagnostic error.  
error source. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message to identify the  
presumed entity that caused the reported error.  
error subcode. A Compaq subcode qualifying error-code returned on an  
APS_STATUS_ procedure call. If a procedure call error is indicated, call  
APS_STATUS_ to determine what occurred. APS_STATUS_ returns error-code and  
error-subcode values that provide more detail about the nature of the problem. See error  
error type. An ISO-defined code included in a diagnostic message that indicates the  
diagnostic error type: informative message, permanent error, or transient error.  
See informative message, permanent error, and transient error.  
event. (1) In Compaq OSI terms, an indication or confirm primitive that an application  
using the FTAM or OSI/AS API retrieves by calling the APS_EVENT_RECEIVE_  
procedure. See also indication primitive or confirm primitive. (2) In DSM terms, a  
significant change in some condition in the system or network. Events can be  
operational errors, notifications of limits exceeded, requests for action needed, and  
so on. See also EMS and event message.  
Event Management Service. See EMS.  
event message. On Compaq NonStop systems, a message triggered when a subsystem  
or system component using the Event Management Service (EMS) detects the  
occurrence of a condition that might affect its operation. Event messages are collected  
centrally and distributed to files, processes, and terminals that are programmed to  
receive them. They are displayed in text form as operator messages.  
execution priority. A numeric-valued attribute of a Compaq process that determines  
whether the Compaq NonStop Kernel will preempt execution of the process in favor of  
other processes running in the same CPU. The NonStop Kernel always executes the  
highest-priority process that is ready to run. In SCF, the execution priority of an FTAM  
initiator or responder process is determined using the PRIORITY attribute of the  
PROCESS object.  
Expand network. A network of up to 255 Compaq NonStop systems, interconnected  
using the Expand network operating software. Compaq NonStop systems on an Expand  
network are referred to as nodes.  
extend (write action). To append the data being written to the end of a file.  
external process name. See Guardian process name.  
FA (flat all data units). An access context for which data is transferred as a sequence of  
node-descriptor data elements and file-contents data elements. The transfer begins with  
the node-descriptor data elements, which mark the beginning of data for each node in  
the structure. This methodology preserves the structural semantics of the file. In  
Compaq FTAM, the only document type that uses FA is FTAM-2. See access context;  
contrast with UA.  
FADU (file-access data unit). A unit of the file-access structure on which the transfer,  
delete, extend, replace, and insert actions can be performed. A FADU contains zero or  
more data units.  
FADU-locking functional unit. A functional unit that allows concurrency control locks  
to be invoked on FADUs.  
fault tolerance. The ability of a computer system to continue performing its designated  
functions when any part of the system fails.  
file-access data unit. See FADU.  
file-access functional unit. A functional unit that provides for access to an individual  
FADU in the file-access structure and allows the FADU to be manipulated within the  
file-access structure.  
file-access service class. The service class that allows access to remote files, and  
includes data manipulation and file management capabilities.  
file-attribute group. See attribute group.  
file attributes. Information about a file such as file name, storage account, and date and  
time of (file) creation. File attributes are present from one file access to another,  
although the actual values of a file attribute may change. See also activity attributes.  
file-availability attribute. An attribute that indicates whether a file is available for  
immediate or deferred access. For example, a file on a nondemountable device might be  
classified as having immediate availability, whereas a file on a demountable device  
might be classified as having deferred availability, because a significant delay could be  
encountered in accessing the file on the demountable device. The attribute value is set  
when a file is created.  
file-management service class. A service class that permits control of the virtual  
filestore through a series of independent confirmed service exchanges, but does not  
include file-transfer mechanisms. The file-management service class permits the ability  
to read and change file attributes, and create and delete files.  
file number. A unique number generated by the Compaq NonStop Kernel to be used in  
file-system calls. The number is assigned to a file when an application accesses that file,  
and it is discarded when the application is finished with the file. You can display a file  
number by issuing the SCF LISTOPENS command to the appropriate object.  
file-open regime. The regime entered when you successfully open an FTAM file. In  
this regime, you can locate a part of the file to be worked on, erase the file, or request  
access to read or write information in the file. You can also close the file, and you can  
abort the association. See also data-transfer regime, file-selection regime, and FTAM  
file protocol machine. The protocol state machine for FTAM. See protocol state  
file-selection regime. The regime entered after you successfully select or create an  
FTAM file. In this regime you can read file attributes, change the attributes, or open the  
file. You can also deselect the file or delete the file, and you can abort the association.  
See also data-transfer regime, file-open regime, and FTAM regime.  
filestore-password parameter. The password used by an FTAM responder to  
authenticate the initiator identity. For Compaq FTAM applications, if this parameter is  
not supplied by the application, no password is sent to the remote responder.  
file-system request. A request to the file system by or on behalf of a process. Several  
different file-system requests are monitored for a process. You can view the number of  
these requests that have occurred by issuing the SCF STATS PROCESS command.  
file storage system. An organized collection of files, including attributes and names,  
residing on a computer system. On Compaq systems, the file storage system used is the  
Guardian file system.  
File Transfer, Access and Management. See FTAM.  
file-transfer-and-management service class. A service class that combines the services  
of the file-transfer and file-management service classes. See file-transfer service class  
and file-management service class.  
file-transfer service class. The service class that supports the movement of files or  
partial files between independent computer systems on the network. The protocol for  
the file-transfer class uses grouped operations that simplify data transfer.  
File Utility Program. See FUP.  
filter. A Compaq file containing a list of criteria against which incoming EMS event  
messages can be compared so as to pass a given message (if it met all criteria) or not  
pass it (if it failed one or more criteria). See event message.  
first-level data types. The lowest-level DDL structures, which serve as building blocks  
on which DDL parameter structures are based.  
format effectors. A class of control characters mainly intended for layout and  
positioning of information on character-imaging devices, such as printers and video  
display terminals.  
FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Management). A set of Application Layer services  
and protocols used for manipulating files across an OSI network, as defined by the  
ISO-8571 specification.  
FTAM initiator errors. Locally generated errors returned when the return value on a  
Compaq FTAM procedure call (shown in the Compaq FTAM manuals as status or error,  
depending on the procedure) indicates an error. The value of status or error indicates  
what occurred and how to proceed.  
FTAM regime. The regime entered when you successfully establish an FTAM  
association. In the FTAM regime, you can attempt to select or create a file, and you can  
terminate or abort an association. See also data-transfer regime, file-selection regime,  
and file-open regime.  
FTAM-1 file. An unstructured text file that can be accessed only as a single data unit.  
See also document types.  
FTAM-2 file. A sequential text file that can be accessed either as a single data unit or as  
multiple data units. See also document types.  
FTAM-3 file. An unstructured binary file that can be accessed only as a single data unit.  
See also document types.  
FTC profile. A Compaq FTAM profile used as a template to configure an alternate  
event collector. See also VFS profile.  
FTM procedures. The set of procedure calls whose names begin with “FTM”, provided  
with Compaq FTAM to support the FTAM protocol. The FTM procedures are defined in  
the EXTDECS0 and CEXTDECS files. The FTAM API consists of the FTM procedures  
plus the MFM procedures, a subset of the APS procedures, and associated definition  
files. See also API.  
functional unit. In OSI terms, a collection of service primitives needed to provide one  
of the major optional styles of working, such as file access or enhanced file  
management. Functional units are negotiated at association establishment. Functional  
units determine which sets of FTAM services are available for an association, depending  
on which service class is negotiated.  
FUP (File Utility Program). A Compaq utility program that can be used to perform  
many functions on disk files and peripheral devices such as tape drives. For example,  
you can use FUP to create and purge files, duplicate and display files, alter file  
characteristics such as security attributes, and load data into files.  
future-filesize attribute. A file attribute that specifies the size limit (in octets) for  
modification or extension of the file. The future-filesize attribute is related to the  
Compaq max-extents attribute: modifying the future-filesize attribute changes the max-  
extents attribute, and vice versa.  
GeneralString. The character-string type of strings containing any of the characters for  
all G sets and all C sets (as defined by ISO 2022), the space character, and the delete  
character. These strings contain format effectors.  
GraphicString. The character-string type of strings containing any of the characters for  
all G sets (as defined by ISO 2022) and the space character. These strings do not  
contain format effectors.  
grouped procedure. An FTM procedure that allows an application to perform several  
file operations as a grouped service. The grouped procedure FTM_FILE_OPEN_REQ_  
allows you to create, select, and open an FTAM file as a grouped service. The grouped  
procedure FTM_FILE_CLOSE_REQ_ allows you to close and either deselect or delete  
an FTAM file as a grouped service. See grouped service.  
grouped service. A sequence of confirmed services that are requested in one FTAM  
event, and for which the responses are received as one event. The request primitives for  
these services are bracketed with the F-BEGIN-GROUP and F-END-GROUP request  
primitives. See also grouping control.  
grouping control. A mode of operation that allows your application to perform a  
sequence of confirmed services in one FTAM event. The request primitives for these  
services are bracketed with the F-BEGIN-GROUP and F-END-GROUP request  
primitives. The grouped request primitives are concatenated and sent in a single request  
PDU. The responder analyzes and retains its response to each of these requests until the  
group is complete or until a state failure occurs. The responder then returns its  
responses as a group.  
grouping functional unit. A functional unit that provides for the combination of several  
independent primitives in order to establish several regimes in one exchange.  
Guardian . The original application program interface (API) to the Compaq NonStop  
Guardian environment. The Guardian API and the Compaq NonStop tools. Referred  
to as “personality” in marketing literature.  
Guardian process name. The external name by which the Compaq NonStop Kernel  
identifies a process. This name is assigned when a process is created using the NAME  
attribute. To operate on a Compaq Expand network, this name must be a maximum of  
five ASCII characters, including the initial dollar sign ($).  
hierarchical file model. A file structure with the following characteristics:  
The file-access structure is an ordered tree.  
Each node within the structure is assigned zero or one data unit.  
Each node provides access to its subtree.  
A node can, optionally, be named.  
There are no restrictions on the number of levels, on the arc lengths, or on the  
number of arcs originating from each node.  
The access unit, or subtree, of a node in this model is called a file-access data unit  
(FADU). FTAM-2 files have a two-level hierarchy of one root node and many second-  
level nodes. FTAM-1 and FTAM-3 files have only a single root FADU. See FADU and  
root FADU.  
IA5String. The character-string type of strings containing any of the 32 control  
characters, 94 displayable characters, the space character, and the delete character, as  
defined by CCITT Recommendation T.50. These strings contain format effectors.  
indication primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) is to be informed  
about an event. This is one of four types of service primitives. See service primitive.  
indication procedure. A procedure called to retrieve the indication data after an  
indication primitive has been received. See indication primitive.  
indirect-process-name. A variable that represents the name of a Compaq initiator or  
responder process as it is known to APLMGR. It consists of three parts: $appl-mgr-  
name, #proc-type, and internal-name, which are separated by periods (.). An SCF  
command that uses this form of process name is sent to the APLMGR process, which  
looks up the specified process in its MIB and then routes the command to the process.  
Contrast with $process-name.  
informative message. An ISO-defined type of diagnostic error code that does not  
require recovery and does not affect the current state of the file service. An informative  
message provides information to qualify a successful action. See also error type,  
permanent error, and transient error.  
initiator. The file-service user that requests the establishment of the FTAM regime.  
In Compaq FTAM, the initiator is a process that allows FTAM applications on a  
Compaq NonStop system to access FTAM protocol and to request services of a  
responder on a remote computer system. It operates by establishing an association with  
the remote responder over the OSI network. The initiator then sends and receives  
FTAM protocol messages to and from the remote responder. The FTAM application  
programmatic interface (API) is the application program’s interface to the initiator  
process. See also FTAM API; contrast with responder.  
initiator-identity parameter. A parameter that identifies the calling user on an FTAM  
association. For Compaq FTAM applications, if this parameter is not sent by the  
application, no initiator identity is supplied to the remote responder. See calling user.  
Inspect. The Compaq interactive symbolic debugger, which enables you to isolate  
errors in programs running on Compaq NonStop systems. Inspect features include  
interactive control of program execution with breakpoints, distributed debugging across  
a network, concurrent debugging of all parts of an application, saving and examining  
process states, and local system and personal customization.  
interactive interface. A set of rules by which a human operator is allowed to perform  
functions at a terminal in response to system prompts. Contrast with programmatic  
intermediate state. See state transition.  
internal process name. The name by which APLMGR recognizes a Compaq initiator or  
responder process. This name is assigned when the process is created and can be a  
maximum of eight ASCII characters.  
International Organization for Standardization. See ISO.  
International Standard. See IS.  
interoperability. The ability of an FTAM implementation to work with other FTAM  
implementations to deliver FTAM services.  
IS (International Standard). A final specification standard issued by ISO.  
ISO (International Organization for Standardization). A worldwide federation of  
national standards bodies established to promote the development of standards to  
facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to develop mutual  
cooperation in areas of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity.  
ISO FTAM. Generic FTAM as specified in the ISO 8571 standard.  
ISO FTAM diagnostic messages. Diagnostic messages typically returned from the  
remote responder, although in certain cases they may be returned locally. ISO  
diagnostic messages are defined in the ISO 8571 standard for FTAM, and apply  
generically to any FTAM application. Diagnostic messages can be retrieved by some  
indication and confirm procedures. In addition, programs using the FTAM API can send  
diagnostic messages to the remote responder using the FTM_CANCEL_REQ_ ,  
FTM_DATA_END_REQ_ , and FTM_U_ABORT_REQ_ procedures. See also  
diagnostic parameter.  
ISO Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. See OSI Reference Model.  
ISO646String. See VisibleString.  
kernel functional unit. A functional unit that is required of all service classes used in  
the establishment and release of the FTAM and file-selection regimes. This is not to be  
confused with the Compaq NonStop Kernel, which is the operating system.  
kernel group. File attributes that must be supported by all FTAM implementations.  
You do not negotiate attributes in the kernel group. This is not to be confused with the  
Compaq NonStop Kernel, which is the operating system.  
layer. There are seven layers in the OSI Reference Model. See Application Layer,  
Presentation Layer, Session Layer, Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data Link Layer,  
and Physical Layer.  
leaf. A node in a hierarchical file structure that has no child nodes: that is, no nodes  
that terminate outbound arcs of the node in question.  
limited-file-management functional unit. The functional unit that supports the creation  
and deletion of files and the reading of file attributes.  
local application. An FTAM application that runs on a Compaq NonStop system and  
uses the FTAM API.  
Management Information Base. See MIB.  
management interface. An interface available to the system manager for use in  
configuring, monitoring, and controlling subsystems and relationships between  
Manager process. A Compaq subsystem process with which the Subsystem Control  
Point (SCP) management process communicates to control a particular subsystem. The  
APLMGR process is the manager process for Compaq FTAM; the OSI manager process  
is the manager process for OSI/AS; and the TSP process is the manager process for  
maximum-string-length parameter. An optional parameter of contents-type that  
indicates the maximum number of octets (excluding escape-sequence octets) that can be  
transmitted in a character string during the data-transfer regime. See also contents-type  
MFM (module file management) procedures. A set of procedure calls, used with  
Compaq FTAM and Compaq OSI/AS, that allow you to complete I/O operations  
performed in nowait mode and to cancel a nowait operation. The names of the MFM  
procedures begin with the letters MFM. The MFM procedures are defined in the  
EXTDECS0 and CEXTDECS files. These procedures are part of the FTAM API. See  
also API.  
MIB (Management Information Base). (1) A database used by the OSI manager  
process to store and retrieve configuration information and information about  
applications. (2) A database used by APLMGR to store and retrieve FTAM  
configuration information.  
module file management procedures. See MFM procedures.  
named values. DDL variables that specify values or sets of values that can be assigned  
to FTAM procedure parameters or parameter fields.  
National Institute of Science and Technology. See NIST.  
NBS (National Bureau of Standards). Former name of the National Institute of  
Science and Technology (NIST). See NIST.  
NBS-9. A file that is a read-only directory as defined by the NIST FTAM Phase 2  
agreements. See also document types.  
negotiation. The act of defining parameter values to be used on an FTAM association.  
For example, in the initialize request (the FTM_INITIALIZE_REQ_ procedure call  
when using the FTAM API), you propose a list of the attribute groups (storage and/or  
security) that you want to be available for the association, using the attrib-groups  
parameter. The responder inspects the attributes you propose and may reduce the list to  
what it can support; it cannot add to the list you propose. When attribute groups have  
been negotiated, you can use the attributes from those groups along with the associated  
Network Layer. Layer 3 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer routes data by  
establishing, maintaining, and terminating communication between systems. It sets up a  
path, both physical and logical, between communicating systems; routes messages  
through intervening systems to their destination; and controls the flow of messages  
between systems.  
Network service access point. See NSAP.  
network service provider. See NSP.  
NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology). A U.S. government institution,  
formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), that sets standards and  
promotes their acceptance.  
node. (1) The basic building block of the FTAM hierarchical file structure.  
(2) A Compaq NonStop system that is part of an Expand network.  
node descriptor. The part of an FTAM-2 FADU that contains information identifying  
the node within the FTAM hierarchical file structure.  
node name. The part of a node descriptor that names the node. See node descriptor.  
nonsensitive command. An SCF command that can be issued by any user or program  
allowed access to the target subsystem—that is, a command on which the subsystem  
imposes no further security restrictions. For Compaq data communications subsystems,  
the nonsensitive commands are all those that cannot change the state or configuration of  
objects (usually information commands). Contrast with sensitive command.  
NonStop process pair. See process pair.  
NonStop SQL (Structured Query Language). The Compaq product that provides  
configuration and management of relational databases that conform to the SQL  
(structured query language) standard. See SQL.  
nowait mode. In Guardian file-system operations and in some APS operations, the  
mode in which the called procedure initiates an I/O operation but does not wait for it to  
complete before returning control to the caller. The application calls a separate  
procedure (MFM_AWAITIOX_) to wait for the completion of the operation. Contrast  
with wait mode.  
NSAP (network service access point). The logical point at which Network Layer  
services are provided by the Network Layer entity to the Transport Layer entity.  
NSP (network service provider) process. A process in the Compaq OSI implementation  
that performs service and protocol functions for the Network Layer and, for LANs, some  
functions of the Data Link Layer. NSP processes are provided by the underlying  
X25AM and TLAM subsystems. See also TSP process and TAPS process.  
null object type. A Compaq term used to represent the absence of an object type in an  
SCF command. If a command supports the null object type, you can issue it without  
specifying an object type. For Compaq FTAM, the NAMES and VERSION commands  
support the null object type. The NAMES null command refers to a collection of object  
types; for the VERSION null command, the object type is irrelevant.  
object. (1) A well-defined piece of information, definition, or specification that requires  
a name. Also called information object. (2) In general Compaq terms, one or more of  
the devices, lines, processes, and files in a Compaq subsystem: any entity subject to  
independent reference or control by one or more subsystems. An object typically has a  
name and a type known to the controlling subsystem.  
object identifier. A value, distinguishable from all other such values, that is associated  
with an ISO information object. A standard representation of an object identifier is a set  
of numbers representing a directed path through a standards-based tree hierarchy, often  
shown as a sequence of two or more values enclosed in braces ({}). Examples of  
objects represented by object identifiers are document type names, constraint sets,  
abstract syntaxes, transfer syntaxes, and AE titles.  
object state. See state.  
object state transition. See state transition.  
octet. A byte of data; eight bits.  
OctetString. The string type consisting of a string of octets. See octet.  
open. An established line of communication between two processes. You can display  
the number of opens a process has by issuing the SCF STATUS PROCESS command.  
open network. A communications network that is able to communicate between  
systems using standardized procedures and functions.  
Open Systems Interconnection. See OSI.  
operator message. A message, describing a significant event on a Compaq NonStop  
system, that is intended to be seen by an operator. An operator message is the  
displayed-text form of an EMS event message. See event message.  
optional parameter. (1) In a protocol data unit (PDU), a parameter that is sometimes  
but not always present. (2) In the Compaq FTAM API, a procedure-call parameter that  
can be included in a given procedure call or command, but is not required for use with  
the procedure or command. Contrast with conditional parameter and required  
original-error-info parameter. A parameter in the APS_STATUS_ procedure call that  
provides a code identifying the first error detected in Compaq FTAM or an underlying  
OSI layer. Using the service ID, which indicates the source of the error, and the value  
returned by original-error-info, you can refer to Compaq manuals for further  
information about the problem. See also service ID.  
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection). A set of standards used for the interconnection  
of heterogeneous computer systems designed for universal connectivity.  
OSI address. The address of an object on an OSI network. An OSI address consists of  
four components: the transport selector (TSEL), session selector (SSEL), presentation  
selector (PSEL), and network service access point (NSAP).  
OSI/AS (Application Services). The Compaq implementation of the Session Layer, the  
Presentation Layer, and part (ACSE) of the Application Layer of the OSI Reference  
Model. The OSI/AS subsystem manages the communication of messages between a  
local Compaq system and a remote system on a network. This subsystem manages the  
lower-layer services provided by Compaq OSI/TS, X25AM, and TLAM.  
OSI manager process. A process in the OSI/AS subsystem that performs subsystem  
management functions. There is one OSI manager process per OSI/AS subsystem.  
OSI Reference Model. A communications architecture, adopted by the ISO in 1984,  
that includes seven layers that define the functions involved in communications between  
two systems, the services required to perform these functions, and the protocols  
associated with these services. See also layer.  
OSI subsystems. The Compaq subsystems that support the various layers and  
application service elements of the OSI Reference Model, including the FTAM  
subsystem, APLMGR, OSI/AS, OSI/TS, and TLAM or X25AM.  
OSI/TS (Transport Services). The Compaq subsystem that manages the  
communication of messages from the Transport Layer on a local Compaq system to the  
Transport Layer on a remote system in an OSI network.  
owner ID. The identity (Guardian user ID) of the owner of a process on a Compaq  
NonStop system.  
parallel associations. Multiple associations running concurrently within a Compaq  
FTAM process.  
parameter structures. DDL structures that define some of the reference parameters for  
the FTM, APS, and MFM procedures.  
partially supported file attribute. A virtual filestore (VFS) file attribute, in a supported  
storage or security attribute group, for which any reference by the FTAM responder  
yields the result that no value is available, and any attempt to change the attribute fails.  
In summary, the VFS recognizes the attribute name but provides no value for it.  
Contrast with supported file attribute.  
PDU (protocol data unit). The encoded message transferred across the OSI network  
between peer entities—for example, between an FTAM initiator and responder. Data,  
such as a block of information being transferred or a protocol primitive, is encoded into  
a PDU for transfer across the network. The PDU is decoded when it arrives at its  
destination. Types of PDUs include the following:  
APDU (application PDU): information exchanged between Application Layer  
entities—this includes ACSE and presentation PDUs created to support the FTAM  
protocol (FTAM PDUs, or FPDUs)  
PPDU (presentation PDU): information exchanged between Presentation Layer  
SPDU (session PDU): information exchanged between Session Layer entities  
TPDU (transport PDU): information exchanged between Transport Layer entities  
permanent error. An ISO-defined type of diagnostic error that occurs every time the  
sequence of events that caused the error is repeated, and implies the failure of at least the  
present operation being performed. See also error type, informative message, and  
transient error.  
permitted-actions attribute. A file attribute that can be returned in an F-READ-  
ATTRIB indication or confirm or set in an F-CREATE request. It specifies the actions  
that can be performed on the file or the mode of access to FADUs in the file. During the  
F-CREATE service, the initiator proposes a set of values. The responder can either  
accept the proposed values or change them to any set of values it can handle: for  
example, a default set of permitted actions that is always used for a specific document  
type regardless of what is proposed. The responder implements the set of permitted  
actions in some way that maps them onto the underlying real system.  
Physical Layer. Layer 1 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer establishes the actual  
physical connection between the network and the computer equipment. Protocols at the  
Physical Layer include rules for the transmission of bits across the physical medium and  
rules for connectors and wiring.  
PID (process identifier). The combination of the central processing unit (CPU) number  
and the process identification number (PIN) for a process running on the Compaq  
NonStop Kernel.  
port address. For X25AM lines, the logical port number used with the X.25 network;  
for TLAM, the address used to communicate with a LAN controller.  
PPDU (presentation PDU). See PDU.  
presentation address. An unambiguous name used to identify a set of presentation  
service access points (PSAPs) that are all located at a boundary between a Presentation  
Layer implementation and an Application Layer implementation in the same open  
presentation context. The combination of an abstract syntax and a transfer syntax on a  
Presentation Layer connection. In Compaq FTAM, you have programmatic control over  
the choice of presentation context related to document types, but not over the required  
abstract syntaxes associated with the protocol control information (PCI) for FTAM,  
ACSE, and the Presentation Layer.  
Presentation Layer. Layer 6 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer provides a means  
to resolve the differences of varying data formats between systems of different vendors.  
It transfers data in a system-independent manner, performing appropriate conversions at  
each system as necessary.  
presentation selector. See PSEL.  
presentation service access point. See PSAP.  
primary process. The currently operating process of a process pair on a Compaq  
NonStop system. See backup process.  
primitive. An abstract, implementation-dependent representation of an interaction  
between a user of OSI services and a service provider. Examples of FTAM primitives  
are an F-OPEN request, an F-P-ABORT indication, an F-CREATE response, and an  
F-READ-ATTRIB confirm.  
PrintableString. The character-string type of strings containing only printable  
characters and the space character, as defined in ISO 8824. These strings do not contain  
format effectors.  
printing distributor. An EMS process that obtains formatted text for selected event  
messages and distributes it to a file, a printer, or another display device.  
priority. See execution priority.  
private group. A free-standing group of FTAM attributes that are outside the scope of  
OSI standardization.  
process. A running entity, managed by the Compaq NonStop Kernel, that is created by  
taking a program from a file on a disk and running it in a processor.  
process identification number (PIN). An unsigned integer that identifies a process in a  
processor module. Internally, a PIN is used as an index into the process control block  
(PCB) table. PIN numbers from 0 through 254 are low PINs and are supported on both  
C-series and D-series systems. PIN numbers from 256 through 65535 are high PINs and  
are supported only on D-series systems. PIN 255 is in neither subrange; it is called a  
synthetic process ID and allows an unconverted D-series system server process to  
communicate with a high-PIN requester process.  
process pair. A primary process and its backup process, created as a pair to provide  
fault tolerance on a Compaq NonStop system. The backup process takes over if the  
primary process fails.  
profile. (1) A complete set of self-consistent parameters specifying which options in  
one or more OSI standards will be supported by a group of implementations for a  
particular purpose. For example, the U.S. Government Open Systems Interconnection  
Profile (GOSIP) is a profile to which implementations must conform to be eligible for  
certain government contracts. (2) For Compaq FTAM, a type of object defining a  
template that contains configuration parameters for Compaq FTAM responder processes.  
When a profile is specified for a process, the configuration parameters in the profile take  
precedence over any corresponding parameters specified for the process. (3) Also for  
Compaq FTAM, a type of object defining a template that contains configuration  
parameters for an alternate collector for event messages. (4) For Compaq OSI/AS, a  
type of object defining a template that contains configuration parameters for OSI/AS  
dynamic subdevices. When a profile is specified for a connection, the configuration  
parameters in the profile take precedence over any corresponding parameters specified  
for the service as a whole.  
profile type. A particular type of Compaq FTAM or OSI/AS profile. The only valid  
profile type for Compaq FTAM is the virtual filestore (VFS) profile.  
programmatic interface. A set of procedures and accompanying definitions that enable  
programs to request services or operations. Contrast with interactive interface.  
protocol. The set of rules governing the format and meaning of the frames, packets, or  
messages exchanged by the peer entities within an OSI layer. See also service.  
protocol data unit. See PDU.  
protocol state machine. The part of a data communications process, such as an FTAM  
initiator or responder process, that acts upon occurrences according to the current state  
of the protocol.  
provider abort. An association abort initiated by the service provider (for example,  
FTAM). An abort leaves the status of any interrupted operations undefined. Contrast  
with user abort.  
PSAP (presentation service access point). The point at which a Presentation Layer  
implementation provides presentation services to an Application Layer implementation.  
The PSAP is highly system-dependent and generally refers to the way interlayer  
communication is accomplished. See also SAP.  
PSAP address. A presentation address that is used to identify a single PSAP.  
PSEL (presentation selector). A logical address in the Presentation Layer through  
which presentation services are made available to Application Layer implementations.  
On a Compaq system, the PSEL is a number that uniquely links a TAPS process with a  
process that implements Application Layer services—for example, an FTAM initiator or  
PTrace (print trace). A Compaq utility that you can use to select, format, and display  
unstructured trace data generated when you issue the SCF TRACE command.  
read functional unit. A functional unit that allows the following activities on an  
Establishing the file-open regime  
Transferring data from the responder to the initiator  
Releasing the file-open regime  
receiver. The entity that receives a communication from a remote sender. See sender.  
recovery functional unit. An ISO FTAM functional unit that allows the initiator process  
to recreate a previously destroyed regime.  
regime. A protocol state that reflects the programming status in an FTAM program  
sequence. Compaq FTAM and ISO FTAM have four regimes: FTAM regime, file-  
selection regime, file-open regime, and data-transfer regime.  
register request. (1) For Compaq FTAM, a request made by the FTAM API to the  
APLMGR process, on behalf of an application, to establish an FTAM association.  
Processing an FTAM register request includes selecting an available initiator process to  
service the association. (2) For Compaq OSI/AS, a request made by the API to the OSI  
manager process, on behalf of an application, either to establish an association  
(or connection) or to wait for an incoming association (or connection).  
relaxation. The process of deriving one document from another by making the  
parameters describing it less restrictive. In particular, the legal modification of values  
for the maximum-string-length, string-significance, or universal-class parameters for a  
specific FTAM document type. String-length relaxation allows a document of with a  
given maximum-string-length value to be opened and read using a larger maximum-  
string-length value or no maximum-string-length value (unbounded string). Character-  
set relaxation allows a document of a given universal-class number to be opened and  
read using a different universal-class number as long as the new universal-class number  
permits all characters from the original universal-class number.  
request primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) wants the service to  
do some work. This is one of four types of service primitives. See service primitive.  
request procedure. A procedure called to cause the initiating process to send a request  
primitive to a responding process. See request primitive.  
required parameter. (1) In a protocol data unit (PDU), a parameter that is always  
present. (2) In a Compaq programmatic or interactive interface, a parameter to a  
procedure (for example, a procedure in the FTAM API) or to an interactive command  
(such as an SCF command) that must be specified when the procedure is called or the  
command is issued. Contrast with conditional parameter and optional parameter.  
reset time. In SCF, the date and time that the statistical counters for an object were last  
reset. The STATS command for the object displays the reset time.  
responder. The file-service user that accepts an initiator’s request to establish an FTAM  
regime. In Compaq FTAM, the responder is a process that services FTAM requests  
initiated from remote systems on an OSI network. The Compaq responder acts as an  
FTAM file server, mapping FTAM requests into Guardian file operations and providing  
a translation between Guardian file structures and FTAM file structures. The Compaq  
responder has no programmatic interface. Contrast with initiator.  
responding address. The OSI address of the responder that responds to an association  
request from an initiator in an FTAM application. Contrast with called address and  
calling address.  
responding user. The responder that responds to an association request from an initiator  
in an FTAM application. Contrast with called address and calling address.  
response primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) wants to respond to  
an event (for confirmed services only). This is one of four types of service primitives.  
See service primitive.  
response procedure. A procedure called by your application to send response primitives  
to indications from the FTAM responder. See response primitive.  
restart-data-transfer functional unit. An ISO FTAM functional unit that allows the  
transfer of data to be interrupted and immediately restarted in a current transfer.  
reverse traversal. Traversal through the nodes of an FTAM file in reverse order (last to  
root FADU. The first-level FADU in an FTAM file. In the case of FTAM-1 and  
FTAM-3 files, the complete file is one FADU and so can be considered the root FADU.  
FTAM-2 files consist of two levels of FADUs in a hierarchical structure. The root  
FADU provides access to the complete file. See FADU.  
root node. The first-level node in a hierarchical file. See root FADU.  
Safeguard. The Compaq system-software security package that implements three  
security features: user authentication, object-access authorization, and auditing.  
sample time. In SCF, the date and time that the currently displayed statistics for an  
object were gathered. The sample time is displayed by the STATS command along with  
the statistics.  
SAP (service access point). The point at which an implementation of a given OSI layer  
provides its services to an implementation of the layer above it. The SAP is highly  
system-dependent and generally refers to the way interlayer communication is  
SCF (Subsystem Control Facility). A utility that provides a common, interactive  
management interface for configuring, controlling, and collecting information from  
Compaq data communications products.  
SCP (Subsystem Control Point). The process used to provide the focal point for all  
Compaq data communications subsystems. There can be several instances of this  
process. Applications using SPI send all commands for data communications  
subsystems to an instance of this process, which in turn sends the commands on to the  
manager processes of the target subsystems. SCP also processes a few commands itself.  
It provides security features, version compatibility, support for tracing, and support for  
applications implemented as NonStop process pairs.  
second-level data types. DDL data types made up of one or more first-level data types.  
See first-level data types.  
security group. File attributes that pertain to security and access control. These  
attributes are negotiated at association establishment. The security group attributes are  
access control and legal qualifications.  
sender. The entity that initiates and sends a communication to a remote receiver.  
See receiver.  
sensitive command. An SCF command that can be issued only by a restricted set of  
Guardian users, such as process owners and super-group users. For Compaq data  
communications subsystems, the sensitive commands are those that can change the state  
or configuration of objects, start or stop tracing, or change the values of statistics  
counters. Contrast with nonsensitive command.  
sequential flat file. An unstructured file whose data must be accessed sequentially.  
service. The functions and features provided by a given layer to the layer above it in the  
OSI Reference Model. Also, the functions and features provided to the application  
programmer by the Compaq FTAM process. See also protocol.  
service class. A set of functional units negotiated at association establishment. ISO  
FTAM specifies five levels of service classes.  
service ID. A value identifying the Compaq OSI service that is the source of an error  
condition being reported. The APS_STATUS_ procedure returns service ID values in  
the service-id parameter and within the structure returned in the original-error-info  
parameter. See also original-error-info parameter.  
service primitive. An abstract, implementation-independent interaction between a  
service user and a service provider. Service primitives describe the sequences of events  
between adjacent layers that occur through the service access point (SAP). There are  
four types of service primitives. See also request primitive, indication primitive,  
response primitive, and confirm primitive.  
service provider. An entity that provides services for a higher-layer entity. For  
example, the FTAM initiator is a service provider, providing FTAM services to an  
FTAM application program. Contrast service user.  
service user. An entity that uses services provided to it by a lower-layer entity. For  
example, the FTAM initiator is a service user of ACSE and presentation services  
provided by OSI/AS. Contrast service provider.  
session address. See SSAP.  
Session Layer. Layer 5 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer allows the setup and  
termination of communication sessions between systems on the network.  
session selector. See SSEL.  
session service access point. See SSAP.  
simplification. The process of deriving one document from another document of a  
different type by discarding structural information. In particular, the act of reading a file  
of a specific FTAM document type as a less structured, or simpler, FTAM document  
SPDU (session protocol data unit). See PDU.  
SPI (Subsystem Programmatic Interface). A set of procedures and associated  
definition files used on Compaq NonStop systems to define common message-based  
interfaces for communication between requesters and servers—for example, in a  
management application. The SPI interface to Compaq FTAM is not available for  
customer use.  
SQL (structured query language). A fourth-generation-language standard that provides  
a means to access and associate data in a relational database.  
SSAP (session service access point). A network-unique address in the Session Layer  
through which connections are established and maintained; also called session address.  
SSEL (session selector). A logical address in the Session Layer through which session  
services are made available.  
state. (1) The condition at a particular point in the OSI protocol. See also protocol  
state machine. (2) In DSM, the current condition of an object that indicates its  
readiness to do work. States for PROCESS objects include STARTED, STOPPED,  
SUSPENDED, and UNKNOWN. The only state for SU objects is STARTED; the only  
state for SUBSYS objects is DEFINED. See also state transition; also called summary  
state machine. See protocol state machine.  
state-result parameter. A parameter, returned in indications and confirms for primitives  
that establish a regime, that indicates whether or not the remote responder has  
established the requested regime. The valid values are success (ZFTM-VAL-STATE-  
SUCCESS in the FTAM API) and failure (ZFTM-VAL-STATE-FAILURE in the FTAM  
API). Note that this parameter is not returned for primitives that cannot fail, such as F-  
DELETE, F-CLOSE, and F-DESELECT. For such primitives, only action-result is  
returned. See action-result parameter.  
state transition. In DSM, a condition that exists when a process is in transition from  
one state to another. State transitions for PROCESS objects include ABORTING,  
STARTING, STOPPING, and SUSPENDING. Also called summary-state transition.  
status. A Compaq procedure completion code that indicates the outcome of a call.  
This code can assume one of nine values.  
storage group. File attributes that provide information about a file and the data stored in  
it. These attributes are negotiated at association establishment. The storage-group  
attributes include the following:  
Storage account  
Date and time of creation  
Date and time of last modification  
Date and time of last read access  
Date and time of last attribute modification  
Identity of creator  
Identity of last modifier  
Identity of last reader  
Identity of last attribute modifier  
File availability  
File size  
Future file size  
string-significance parameter. A parameter of contents-type. This parameter applies to  
the semantics of the file transfer. The values of this parameter are fixed, variable, and  
not-significant. See also maximum-string-length parameter, relaxation, and contents-  
type parameter.  
structured query language. See SQL.  
subdevice. A logical entity maintained by a Compaq subsystem to provide access to a  
physical connection—that is, to a communications line. There may be one or many  
subdevices associated with a given line or process. Exactly what constitutes a subdevice  
differs depending on the subsystem. In OSI subsystems, a subdevice allows  
communication between a process at a particular OSI layer, such as an FTAM initiator  
or responder, and the local Compaq OSI server process (TAPS, TSP, or NSP) that  
provides the services of the next lower layer. Each initiator subdevice handles one  
association or (at layers below ACSE) one connection. Each responder subdevice  
handles one attach, which is used to establish an association requested by a remote  
A Compaq FTAM initiator subdevice is created dynamically when an association is  
established and usually lasts only as long as the association exists. A Compaq FTAM  
responder subdevice is created when the responder issues an attach.  
subsystem. (1) A term that generally defines the Compaq software or hardware  
facilities that provide users with access to a set of services and other resources.  
(2) In the context of DSM, a program or set of processes that manages a cohesive set of  
objects. Each subsystem has a process through which applications can request services  
by issuing commands defined by that subsystem; in some cases, this process is the entire  
subsystem. Many subsystems also have interactive interfaces.  
Subsystem Control Facility. See SCF.  
Subsystem Control Point. See SCP.  
Subsystem Programmatic Interface. See SPI.  
subtree. A part of a tree comprising an arbitrary node as the subtree root node and all  
the other nodes that can be reached by a path from this subtree root node. See tree.  
summary state. A DSM state. See state (definition 2).  
summary-state transition. See state transition.  
super group. The set of Compaq NonStop Kernel users whose group ID is 255. User  
IDs within the super group confer implicit authorizations not available to other users,  
including the ability to execute sensitive SCF commands.  
super ID. The Guardian user ID represented by the pair of numbers (255,255). The  
local super ID is the group manager for the super group. By default, the super ID can  
execute any command without restriction.  
supported file attribute. A virtual filestore (VFS) file attribute that can be referenced or  
modified. Contrast with partially supported file attribute.  
swap disk. See swap volume.  
swap volume. An optional disk volume used as an additional memory source during the  
operation of any process under the Compaq NonStop Kernel.  
TACL (Tandem Advanced Command Language). The standard command interpreter  
and tool set for the Compaq NonStop Kernel.  
tag parameter. An optional procedure-call parameter you can use in nowait applications  
on Compaq NonStop systems to match nowait I/O requests with completions. If there  
are multiple I/O requests outstanding in your application, the tag indicates which one  
has completed.  
TAL (Transaction Application Language). A high-level, block-structured language  
used to write systems software and routines that support transaction-oriented  
applications on Compaq NonStop systems. The TAL compiler translates source  
programs written in TAL into executable object programs.  
Tandem Advanced Command Language. See TACL.  
Tandem application, presentation, and session process. See TAPS process.  
Tandem LAN Access Method. See TLAM.  
TAPS (Tandem application, presentation, and session) process. A process in the  
OSI/AS subsystem that performs service and protocol functions for ACSE (in the  
Application Layer), the Presentation Layer, and the Session Layer. The TAPS process  
also performs some management services in the DSM environment. See also NSP  
process and TSP process.  
TAPS subdevice. A subdevice, maintained by OSI/AS, that enables communication  
between an FTAM initiator or responder and the TAPS process. See subdevice.  
TeletexString. The character-string type of strings conforming to CCITT  
Recommendation T.61. These strings do not contain format effectors.  
TLAM (Tandem LAN access method). A Compaq product that implements, for LANs,  
the services of the Data Link Layer and layers below.  
TPDU (transport protocol data unit). See PDU.  
trace file. The file in which the SCF trace facility collects trace information while a  
trace is in progress.  
Transaction Application Language. See TAL.  
transfer syntax. In the Presentation Layer, the definition of the exact bit patterns to be  
used to convey specified kinds of information in a communication. See also abstract  
transient error. An ISO-defined type of diagnostic error that may not recur if the  
sequence is repeated but does indicate the failure of the operation being performed. See  
also error type, informative message, and permanent error.  
transition state. See state transition.  
transport address. See TSAP.  
Transport Layer. Layer 4 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer provides reliable  
data transfer.  
transport selector. See TSEL.  
transport service access point. See TSAP.  
transport service provider. See TSP.  
traversal. An ordering of the nodes in a tree such that each node occurs only once, and  
which is determined by an algorithm applicable to all possible trees.  
tree. A connected hierarchical file structure in which each node is linked to other nodes  
by directed arcs in such a way that one node has no inbound arcs, and all other nodes  
have exactly one inbound arc. See also subtree.  
TSAP (transport service access point). A network-unique address in the Transport  
Layer through which connections are established and maintained. Also called transport  
TSEL (transport selector). A logical address in the Transport Layer through which  
transport services are made available.  
TSP (transport service provider) process. A process in the Compaq OSI end system  
that performs service and protocol functions for the Transport Layer and for the internet  
protocol (IP) of the Network Layer. TSP processes are provided by the underlying  
OSI/TS subsystem. See also NSP process and TAPS process.  
UA (unstructured all data units). An access context for which data is transferred as  
file-contents data elements; that is, only the data contents of the file are transferred.  
See access context; contrast with FA.  
unconfirmed service. A subsystem service in which the initiating application sends a  
request to a responding application without a response being returned to the initiating  
application. Contrast with confirmed service.  
unconstrained class. An ISO FTAM service class consisting of the kernel functional  
unit and (optionally) any other functional unit.  
universal-class number. (1) The ASN.1-specified tag for the character-string type used  
on a data transfer. (2) A parameter of contents-type that specifies a code for this tag.  
See also relaxation and contents-type parameter.  
unstructured file. The structure of FTAM-1 and FTAM-3 files, in which the complete  
file is treated as one FADU.  
user abort. An association abort initiated by the application. An abort leaves the  
status of any interrupted operations undefined. FTAM provides the F-U-ABORT  
service to allow applications to request a user abort. Contrast with provider abort.  
VFS (virtual filestore). A virtual interface for FTAM requests to a file storage system.  
The Compaq FTAM responder implements a VFS that translates requests into Guardian  
file-system operations. Files accessible via the Guardian file system can also be  
accessed via the VFS component of the Compaq FTAM responder. This includes all  
files on the Expand network to which the responder process’ system belongs. The  
Compaq FTAM responder uses the VFS to access the Guardian file system in servicing  
requests from a remote FTAM initiator.  
VFS profile. A Compaq FTAM profile used as a template to configure multiple  
responder processes. See also FTC profile.  
VideotexString. The character-string type of strings conforming to CCITT  
Recommendation T.100. These strings contain format effectors.  
ViewPoint operations console application. An extensible interactive application for  
operators of Compaq NonStop systems. The ViewPoint application allows a system or  
network to be controlled from a single terminal. It includes several block-mode display  
screens for event messages, a block-mode display for system or network status, a  
conversational TACL screen, and a facility called Define Process to maintain sessions  
with multiple subsystems at the same time.  
virtual filestore. See VFS.  
VisibleString. The character-string type of strings containing any of the 94 graphic  
characters and the space character, as defined in ISO 646. These strings do not contain  
format effectors. Also called ISO646String.  
wait mode. In Guardian file-system operations and some APS operations, the mode in  
which the called procedure waits for the completion of an I/O operation and then returns  
a condition code to the caller. Contrast with nowait mode.  
warning. An information-only message returned by the system, indicating a possible  
problem. A warning can be significant, but does not cause the command or operation to  
fail. A warning is less serious than an error. Contrast with error.  
write functional unit. A functional unit that allows the following activities on an  
Establishing the file-open regime  
Transferring data from the initiator to the responder  
Releasing the file-open regime  
X25AM (X.25 Access Method). A Compaq product that implements the services of the  
Network Layer and the Physical Layer for WANs.  
X.25 network. Any network or subnetwork linked using X.25 standards. X.25  
standards are CCITT standards that define packet-switching carrier communication in  
the Network Layer over wide area networks (WANs).  
$process-name. A variable that represents the Guardian process name of a Compaq  
initiator or responder process. An SCF command that uses this form of process name is  
sent directly to the specified initiator or responder process, rather than to the APLMGR  
process. Contrast with indirect-process-name.  
bad value (message 4005) A-17  
Access context, not available (message  
5024) A-21  
initial, altered (message 3018) A-14  
initial, not possible (message  
3002) A-11  
Access contex, for writing FTAM-2  
files 2-6  
Access control inconsitent (message  
3016) A-13  
interoperability 2-1  
Access request violates ... (message 11) A-4 B  
Accessing files  
Bad attribute value (message 3027) A-15  
Bad attribute value (message 4005) A-17  
Bad FADU (message 5000) A-18  
Bad FADU - bad location (message  
5004) A-19  
diagnostic messages (5000 -  
5040) A-18  
Access-control attribute 4-17  
Access-passwords parameter 4-22  
Adapters, hardware to support OSI  
layers 1-5  
Bad FADU - poorly specified (message  
5003) A-19  
Bad FUAD - size error (message  
5001) A-19  
Bad read (message 5027) A-22  
Bad write (message 5026) A-22  
Buffer-size limit, exceeding 4-10  
Application Control Service Element  
(ACSE) 1-5  
Application layer services 1-4  
designing remote 5-1  
program interface (FTAM API) 1-3  
troubleshooting 5-2  
Capacity, increasing 6-2  
Changing file attributes 4-19  
Character sets 2-5  
Architecture, Compaq FTAM  
responder 1-4, 3-1  
ASCII character set 2-6  
ASN.1 data element 2-6  
Association Control Service Element 2-2  
Association, definition of 1-4  
Attribute cannot be changed (message  
4002) A-16  
Attribute not supported (message  
4003) A-17  
Attribute partially supported (message  
4006) A-17  
Charging parameter 4-22  
Checkpoint window error (message  
2013) A-8  
Classes supported 4-1  
Communications FTAM-quality-of-service  
not supported (message 2014) A-8  
Compaq FTAM  
application overview 1-2, 1-4  
definition 1-1  
document types and file structures 4-5  
DSM interface 1-4  
file attributes and Guardian file  
attributes 4-11  
Compaq FTAM (continued)  
Guardian file system 1-7  
Create-password parameter 4-22  
Creating files, access control 4-17  
Creation-attribute 4-16  
applications 6-1  
interfaces 1-4  
calculating decoded data size 4-10  
calculating encoded data size 4-11  
corrupted (message 5030) A-23  
flow to and from responder 3-2  
presentation encoding 2-6  
Data-and-time attributes 4-16  
Data-transfer considerations 2-4  
Decoded data, calculating size 4-10  
Default user attribute  
services provided 1-2  
standards supported viii  
troubleshooting 5-2  
underlying subsystems 1-4  
Compaq Nonstop Kernel 1-2  
Concurrency control parameter 4-22  
Configuration considerations 6-1  
Confirm primatives 1-3  
definition of 2-1  
ISO standards 2-1  
5036) A-24  
2018) A-9  
Define-context parameter 4-22  
DEFUSER attribute 4-19, 4-20  
Diagnostic messages, responder  
association (2002-2021) A-8  
designing remote applications 5-1  
file-access (500-5040) A-18  
file-management (4001-4006) A-16  
general FTAM (1-11) A-2  
observer and source values A-2  
protocol and service (1001-1017) A-5  
recovery (6010) A-25  
selection (3000-3030) A-11  
types of A-1  
Diagnostic parameter 4-22  
DIRLIS filename attribute value 4-14  
Distributed Systems Management (DSM)  
components 1-4  
Contents types  
associated file structures, table of 4-7  
associated Guardian file structures A-24  
Contents-type attribute 4-12  
Contents-type list parameter 4-21  
Contents-type parameters 2-4  
Contents-type-list parameter 4-22  
layers 1-5  
Controlling Compaq FTAM  
troubleshooting tools 5-2  
Create mappings 4-5  
Document types  
(message 3022) A-14  
access context, table of A-22  
associated parameters, table of 4-4  
interoperability 2-3  
supported by Compaq FTAM 1-2  
File (continued)  
types of 4-22  
handling, overview 1-1  
(4001-4006) A-16  
size 4-15  
size limitations 2-3  
types 4-5  
EBCDIC character set 2-6  
Encoding data 2-5, 2-6  
EOF (end-of-file) attribute, Guardian 4-15  
Error handling 5-1  
types, supported 1-2  
File already exists (message 3005) A-12  
File attributes  
Escape sequences 2-5  
Event Management Service (EMS)  
DSM component 1-4  
event messages 6-3  
kernel group 4-11  
private group 4-21  
reading 4-20  
security group 4-17  
storage group 4-15  
troubleshooting tools 5-2  
Event messages  
supported by responder 4-2  
File availability attribute 4-17  
File busy (message 3012) A-13  
File cannot be created (message 3006) A-12  
File cannot be deleted (message 3007) A-13  
5011) A-20  
3030) A-15  
5012) A-20  
File name not found (message 3000) A-11  
File non-existent (message 3004) A-12  
File not available (message 3013) A-13  
3030) A-11  
File size exceeded (message 5032) A-23  
File size, FTAM-1 files 4-7, 4-8  
File Utility Program (FUP) 1-4  
Filename attribute 4-12  
FADU diagnostic messages A-17  
FADU does not exist (message 5005) A-20  
5040) A-25  
FADU not available for writing A-20  
FADU-identity parameter 4-22  
FADU-locking functional unit 4-2  
Fault tolerance considerations 6-2  
Filesize attribute 4-15, 4-17  
Filestore-password parameter 4-21, 4-22  
File-access functional unit 4-2  
File-access service class 4-1  
File-transfer-and-management service  
class 4-1  
5040) A-18  
Guardian EXCLUSIVE 4-23  
Guardian SHARED 4-23  
security considerations 4-22  
File-type attribute, Guardian 4-8  
Format effectors 2-5  
Functional units  
interoperability 2-2  
supported by responder 4-2  
Functions supported by responder  
attribute groups 4-2  
encoding as presentation data 2-6  
limits on string-length values 2-5, 4-10  
size limit 4-10  
attribute support 4-2  
document types 4-4  
FTAM protocol data units  
functional units 4-2  
FUP (file utility program) 1-4  
5032) A-23  
FTAM-1 files  
Future-filesize attribute 2-3, 4-15, 4-16  
F-CHANGE-ATTRIB primitive 4-19  
F-CREATE service 4-5  
F-INITIALIZE primitive 4-20  
F-SELECT primitive 4-13  
data-transfer considerations 2-4  
maximum file size 4-6, 4-8  
parameters supported by responder 4-4  
permitted actions, table of 4-12  
structure, table of 4-8  
FTAM-2 files  
table of 4-7  
parameters supported by responder 4-4  
permitted actions, table of 4-12  
structure, table of 4-8  
GOSIP 2-1  
Grouping functional unit 4-2  
1016) A-6  
environment, overview 1-2  
actions 4-23  
types A-24  
simplification 4-13  
table of 4-7  
permitted actions, table of 4-12  
string-length checking on reads 4-10  
FTAM-3 files  
parameters supported by responder 4-4  
permitted actions, table of 4-8  
Functional unit error (message 1009) A-6  
3029) A-15  
2003) A-8  
Hardware controllers 1-5  
layers 1-6  
1015) A-6  
2021) A-10  
Indication primitives 1-3  
Kernel functional unit 4-2  
3018) A-14  
Kernel group file attributes 4-11  
3002) A-11  
Initial attributes parameter 4-17  
Initiating system, definition of 1-4  
Last-attribute-modification attribute 4-16  
Last-attribute-modifier attribute 4-17  
Last-modification attribute 4-17  
Last-reader attribute 4-17  
Compaq FTAM and FTAM API 1-3  
definition of 1-2  
role in architecture 1-2  
Last-read-access attribute 4-16  
Legal-qualifications attribute 4-17  
5030) A-23  
Lower OSI layers, Compaq products for 1-4  
Lower-layer failure (message 1011) A-6  
2015) A-9  
Initiator, remote  
interoperability with 2-1  
file system 3-1  
management 1-2  
programmatic interface  
configuration considerations 6-1  
event messages considerations 6-3  
fault tolerance considerations 6-2  
Management interfaces 1-4  
International Organization for  
Standardization (ISO)  
Managing files, diagnostic messages  
(messages 4001-4006) A-16  
1002) A-5  
Interoperability 5-1  
data-transfer considerations 2-4  
definition of 2-1  
Maximum-string-length parameter  
interoperability 2-3  
2020) A-9  
NBS-9 files  
definition 1-1  
data-transfer considerations 2-3  
file-attributes bit string, table of 4-14  
interoperability 2-3  
functional overview 1-1  
standards supported viii  
parameters supported by responder 4-4  
permitted actions, table of 4-12  
support by responder 4-6, 4-13  
Kernel attribute group 4-2  
Network layer services 1-5  
NIST FTAM agreement 2-1  
Nonstop SQL 4-11  
(message 2016) A-9  
definition of 1-2  
NSP process 1-5  
types 1-3  
Procedures, in FTAM API 1-3  
Process pairs 6-2  
5023) A-21  
5022) A-21  
Process, initiator  
Process, responder  
Programmatic application interface  
Open mappings 4-7  
Operating system  
5015) A-21  
Operator messages  
Optional parameters, support for 4-21  
for 1-4  
OSI/AS subsystem  
API 3-1  
interaction with 1-4  
interoperability 2-2  
OSI/TS subsystem 1-4  
3021) A-14  
3020) A-14  
Protocol data units (PDUs)  
Protocol-error counter 6-2, 6-3  
(messages 1001-1017) A-4  
PTrace utility 5-2  
(message 2014) A-8  
interoperability 2-3  
optional, responder support for 4-21  
Password invalid (message 2020) A-9  
Passwords 4-22  
READ file access 4-22  
Read functional unit 4-2  
Reading file attributes 4-20  
Read, bad (message 5027) A-22  
Receiver 2-2  
encoding as presentation data 2-6  
functional overview 1-2  
size limit 4-10  
Performance, increasing 6-2  
6010) A-25  
Recovery strategies 6-2  
3028) A-15  
Presentation layer services 1-5  
Relaxation of parameters 2-4, 4-4  
Remote initiator  
definition of 1-2  
interoperability with 2-1  
Remove-contexts parameter 4-22  
Request primitives 1-3  
supported 4-22  
3028) A-15  
Responder, Compaq FTAM  
3030) A-10  
Sender 2-2  
SEQUENCE OF PDV-list 2-6  
2002) A-8  
2021) A-10  
security 4-19  
architectural overview 1-4  
attributes supported, table of 4-3  
configuration notes 6-1  
designing remote applications for 5-1  
document types and file structures 4-6  
event messages 6-3  
Service classes, interoperability 2-2  
Services provided by Compaq FTAM 1-3  
1017) A-4  
Session layer services 1-4  
Simplification 2-4  
fault tolerance 6-2  
attributes 4-11  
(message 1017) A-7  
SQL files  
file-access and security  
considerations 4-22  
functional overview 1-1  
functions supported by 4-1  
services provided to applications 1-2  
structure 3-1  
support for optional parameters 4-21  
troubleshooting 5-2  
Standards supported by Compaq FTAM viii  
STATUS SU command, SCF 5-3  
String length  
limits on values 2-5  
String-significance parameter 2-3  
Subsequent error (message 8) A-3  
Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) 5-2  
Subsystems, Compaq, underlying 1-4  
virtual filestore (VFS) 1-1, 2-4  
responder, Compaq FTAM  
interoperability 2-1  
Responding system, definition of 1-4  
Response primitives 1-2, 1-3  
Tools, troubleshooting 5-2  
Troubleshooting 5-2  
supported 4-22  
Unconstrained service class 4-1  
Universal-class parameter 2-4  
1007) A-5  
Unspecific initiator error (message 7) A-3  
Unspecific responder error (message 1) A-2  
2003) A-8  
1001) A-5  
2002) A-8  
Viewpoint application 6-3  
Virtual filestore (VFS) 3-1  
Expand network 1-7  
attributes 4-11  
file-access and security  
considerations 4-22  
interface to file system 3-1  
profiles 4-19, 4-20, 4-22  
removal of escape sequences 2-5  
role in architecture 1-7  
use in responder 2-4  
use of format effectors 2-5  
WRITE file access 4-22  
Write functional unit 4-2  
Write, bad (message 5026) A-22  
X25AM subsystem 1-4  

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