Compaq Computer Accessories AA RH8RD TE User Manual

Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A  
Part Number: AA-RH8RD-TE  
June 2001  
Product Version:  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A  
This manual describes the documentation for the Compaq Tru64 UNIX  
operating system. It also describes the structure of the documentation  
kits and provides information about ordering them.  
Compaq Computer Corporation  
Houston, Texas  
About This Manual  
1 Finding the Documentation You Need  
Introduction to the Documentation Set ...........................  
Core Documentation .............................................  
Supplementary Documentation ................................  
Layered Products .................................................  
Changes to the Version 5.1A Documentation Set ................  
Structural Changes ..............................................  
Revised Documentation .........................................  
New Documentation .............................................  
Removed Documentation .......................................  
Device Driver Documentation ..................................  
What You Get ..........................................................  
Online Documentation ...............................................  
The Documentation CD–ROM .................................  
Documentation on the World Wide Web ......................  
Printed Documentation ..............................................  
End User Documentation Kit ..................................  
Developer’s Documentation Kit ................................  
Additional Documentation in the Media Kit .................  
Documentation for Layered Products ..............................  
TruCluster Server Software ....................................  
Other Products Packaged with Tru64 UNIX .................  
Tru64 UNIX Alpha Online Documentation Library ........  
Device Driver Documentation ..................................  
2 General User Documentation  
Printed and Online Documentation ................................  
CDE Companion .................................................  
Cluster Release Notes (revised) .................................  
Cluster Technical Overview (revised) ..........................  
Command and Shell User’s Guide (revised) .................  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A (revised) ........  
Master Index (revised) ...........................................  
Contents iii  
Programming Support Tools ...................................  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A (revised) ......................  
Security (revised) .................................................  
Technical Overview for Version 5.1A (revised) ...............  
Printed-Only Documentation .......................................  
Quick Reference Card (revised) ................................  
How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation (revised) ......  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs (revised) ..............  
Online-Only Documentation ........................................  
New and Changed Features from Previous Releases  
(revised) ...........................................................  
Advanced Printing Software User Guide ....................  
Common Desktop Environment: User’s Guide ...............  
Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and  
System Administrator’s Guide .................................  
How to Order Tru64 UNIX Documentation ..................  
Safety & Comfort Guide .........................................  
3 System and Network Management Documentation  
Printed and Online Documentation ................................  
AdvFS Administration (revised) ...............................  
Cluster Administration (revised) ..............................  
Cluster Hardware Configuration (revised) ...................  
Cluster Highly Available Applications (revised) .............  
Cluster Installation (revised) ...................................  
Cluster LAN Interconnect (new) ...............................  
Guide to Prestoserve .............................................  
Installation Guide (revised) ....................................  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics (revised) ............  
Kernel Debugging ................................................  
Logical Storage Manager (revised) ............................  
Managing Online Addition and Removal (new) .............  
Network Administration: Connections (new) ................  
Network Administration: Services (new) .....................  
Security (revised) .................................................  
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network (revised) ......  
Software License Management .................................  
System Administration (revised) ...............................  
System Configuration and Tuning ............................  
System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms .......  
X Window System Environment (revised) ....................  
iv Contents  
Printed-Only Documentation .......................................  
Full Installation Quick Start (revised) ........................  
Update Installation Quick Reference Card (revised) ........  
X Window System Administrator’s Guide ....................  
Online-Only Documentation ........................................  
BIND Configuration File Guide ................................  
DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility ................  
Performance Manager (revised) ................................  
sendmail Installation and Operation Guide .................  
4 Programming Documentation  
Printed and Online Documentation ................................  
Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide ...................  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode ..................................  
Calling Standard for Alpha Systems .........................  
Cluster Highly Available Applications (revised) .............  
Compaq C Language Reference Manual (revised) ...........  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits (revised) ...................  
Guide to Realtime Programming ..............................  
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library .........................  
Network Programmer’s Guide (revised) ......................  
Programmer’s Guide ............................................  
Programming Support Tools ...................................  
Programming with ONC RPC ..................................  
Security (revised) .................................................  
Writing Kernel Modules ........................................  
Writing Software for the International Market ..............  
Printed-Only Documentation .......................................  
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide ..............................  
OSF/Motif Style Guide .........................................  
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS .............................  
Online-Only Documentation ........................................  
Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder  
User’s Guide ......................................................  
Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s  
Guide ...............................................................  
Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and  
Programmer’s Guide .............................................  
Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization  
Programmer’s Guide .............................................  
Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary .........  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide .....  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview .  
Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and  
Certification Checklist ...........................................  
Java Documentation .............................................  
Ladebug Debugger Manual (revised) ..........................  
Object File and Symbol Table Format Specification .......  
Technical References for Asian Languages ...................  
ToolTalk Service Documentation ..............................  
X Window System Documentation ............................  
5 Supplementary Documentation  
Web-Based Best Practices Documentation ........................  
Operating System CD–ROM ........................................  
QuickSpecs ........................................................  
Listings of Patches to the Operating System ................  
Text Version of the Tru64 UNIX Release Notes ..............  
X Image Extension Documentation ...........................  
Associated Products CD–ROMs ....................................  
6 Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages  
Reading Reference Pages On Line .................................  
Using the Documentation CD–ROM ..........................  
Using webman ....................................................  
Using the xman Command .....................................  
Using the man Command .......................................  
Reading Reference Pages in Printed Books .......................  
Overview of the Reference Page Sections .........................  
7 Device Driver Documentation  
A Documentation Listings  
Components of the Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server  
Printed Documentation Kits ........................................  
Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit ...............................  
TruCluster Server Documentation Kit ........................  
Supplementary Documentation on the Documentation  
CD–ROM ...............................................................  
Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation ...............................................  
vi Contents  
Structure of the Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit ...............  
Example Master Index Search ......................................  
Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation ...............................................  
Contents vii  
About This Manual  
This manual describes the documentation that comes with the Compaq  
Tru64™ UNIX operating system. It also provides information about  
the structure of the documentation kits and the tools used to access the  
This manual is for anyone who needs to access documentation about the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system. It can help you decide which manuals in  
the documentation set are most useful to you and how you can use those  
New and Changed Features  
This manual was revised to provide you with information about changes to  
the Tru64 UNIX documentation that have been made since the last release  
of the operating system. For an overview of the major changes to the Version  
5.1A documentation set, see Section 1.2.  
This manual is organized as follows:  
Chapter 1  
Chapter 2  
Chapter 3  
Provides general information about the Tru64 UNIX  
documentation set.  
Describes the manuals and other documentation that are used  
by all users of the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Describes the manuals and other documentation that  
are used by system and network administrators of the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Chapter 4  
Chapter 5  
Describes the manuals and other documentation that are  
used by software developers who program on or for the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Describes some additional documentation that is packaged on the  
Tru64 UNIX Operating System and Associated Products CD–ROMs.  
About This Manual ix  
Chapter 6  
Chapter 7  
Describes the Tru64 UNIX reference pages, shows the various  
ways of displaying the reference pages on line, and describes the  
contents of the Reference Pages Documentation Kit.  
Describes the Device Driver Kit and the contents of  
the books in that kit.  
Reader’s Comments  
Compaq welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this and  
other Tru64 UNIX manuals.  
You can send your comments in the following ways:  
Fax: 603-884-0120 Attn: UBPG Publications, ZKO3-3/Y32  
Internet electronic mail: [email protected]  
A Reader’s Comment form is located on your system in the following  
Please include the following information along with your comments:  
The full title of the manual and the order number. (The order number  
appears on the title page of printed and PDF versions of a manual.)  
The section numbers and page numbers of the information on which  
you are commenting.  
The version of Tru64 UNIX that you are using.  
If known, the type of processor that is running the Tru64 UNIX software.  
The Tru64 UNIX Publications group cannot respond to system problems  
or technical support inquiries. Please address technical questions to your  
local system vendor or to the appropriate Compaq technical support office.  
Information provided with the software media explains how to send problem  
reports to Compaq.  
About This Manual  
Finding the Documentation You Need  
You can find most of the Tru64 UNIX documentation you need on the  
Documentation CD–ROM that comes with the Tru64 UNIX product and also  
on the World Wide Web. Most of this documentation is provided on line in  
HTML and PDF formats and is also available as printed books.  
Your Web browser gives you access to the HTML format, and the Adobe  
Acrobat Reader lets you view and print the PDF versions. The printed books  
are packaged in kits that you can purchase from Compaq.  
Additional documentation is included on the Tru64 UNIX Operating System  
CD–ROM and on the Associated Products CD–ROMs.  
This chapter can help you to find the documentation you need, in the format  
that is most convenient to you.  
1.1 Introduction to the Documentation Set  
Tru64 UNIX is a feature-rich operating system designed to be used in many  
different types of computing environments. The components of the operating  
system range from those used by every user to those used by only a small  
handful of users.  
Likewise, the documentation must serve many different users in different  
fields and with different levels of technical knowledge — from the novice  
general user to the advanced system administrator or program developer.  
The Tru64 UNIX documentation is organized according to whether it is  
used by all users, or specifically by system and network administrators and  
software programmers:  
General user documentation  
This information is for all users of the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Examples include the Master Index and the Release Notes. Users of this  
information range from novice to advanced.  
System and network management documentation  
This information is for those who install, configure, maintain, and  
troubleshoot the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Programming documentation  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–1  
This information is for those who develop software on and/or for the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Be aware, however, that some of this documentation is written to serve  
different audiences. For example, the Security manual is divided into three  
parts to provide guidance for individual users, system administrators, and  
programmers who must develop secure programs.  
The following sections describe some of the terms used to categorize  
documentation that is provided with the operating system or used in  
conjunction with utilities and applications that run on the operating system.  
1.1.1 Core Documentation  
Core documentation consists of books and reference pages that help you to  
use the Tru64 UNIX operating system, including the components provided  
when you install the system’s optional and mandatory subsets.  
The core documentation is provided in printed and online formats and was  
created by Compaq writers who worked closely with the developers of the  
operating system to document the system’s various components (except for a  
few externally published manuals).  
On line, the Tru64 UNIX reference pages are available as optional subsets of  
the operating system and in HTML format on the Documentation CD–ROM.  
They are also available as printed books in a multivolume kit.  
For information about the core manuals and guides, see the “Printed and  
Online Documentation” sections of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4. For  
information about the reference pages, see Chapter 6.  
1.1.2 Supplementary Documentation  
Supplementary documentation tends to be less formal in structure than  
the core documentation. This category includes many different types of  
documents, such as QuickSpecs (formerly called Product Descriptions),  
release notes for some components of the Tru64 UNIX operating system,  
and industry reference material and white papers that come from Compaq  
engineers and other sources. Supplementary documentation exists only on  
line, so it is not available in any of the printed Tru64 UNIX documentation  
Much of the supplementary documentation is provided on the Documentation  
CD–ROM, although some is packaged with the individual software subsets  
or in various directories on Tru64 UNIX media. For more information about  
the supplementary documentation on the Documentation CD–ROM, see the  
“Online Documentation” sections of the following chapters. For information  
about other supplementary documentation, see Chapter 5.  
1–2 Finding the Documentation You Need  
1.1.3 Layered Products  
Layered products documentation consists of books and other documents that  
aid in the use of separately licensed products, such as TruCluster™ and  
Compaq C++. For more information, see Section 1.6.  
1.2 Changes to the Version 5.1A Documentation Set  
This section describes changes to the ways you can access documentation  
and lists the documentation that was revised, removed, or offered for the  
first time in this release. See the appropriate section in the following  
chapters for information about a book’s content.  
1.2.1 Structural Changes  
With this release of Tru64 UNIX, the Compaq TruCluster Server  
documentation is included on the Tru64 UNIX Documentation CD–ROM,  
as well as on the Associated Products Volume 2 CD–ROM. The books are  
described in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4. See Section A.1.2 for  
a list of the books and Section 1.6.1 for information about the TruCluster  
Server software.  
This release also introduces a new search function that will help you find  
specific Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server topics in any document on the  
documentation Web site or on a local area network. See Section 1.4 for more  
1.2.2 Revised Documentation  
The following core and supplementary documentation was revised in this  
release. The changes were made to the printed books and their online  
versions, unless otherwise noted.  
In some cases, the documents were revised to provide information about new  
and changed features to the operating system. In other cases, the revisions  
expand or otherwise improve existing information.  
Although the TruCluster Server manuals were previously available,  
this release marks the first time they are included on the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation CD–ROM. All of the cluster manuals have been revised.  
General User Documentation  
Cluster Release Notes  
Cluster Technical Overview  
Command and Shell User’s Guide  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–3  
How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation (print-only document)  
Master Index  
Quick Reference Card (print-only document)  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A  
Technical Overview for Version 5.1A  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs (print-only document)  
System and Network Administration  
AdvFS Administration  
Cluster Administration  
Cluster Highly Available Applications  
Cluster Hardware Configuration  
Cluster Installation  
Full Installation Quick Start (print-only document)  
Installation Guide  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics  
Logical Storage Manager  
Network Administration  
The information in this manual has been divided into two new manuals:  
Network Administration: Connections (Section 3.1.13)  
Network Administration: Services (Section 3.1.14)  
Performance Manager (online-only document)  
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network  
System Administration  
Update Installation Quick Reference Card (print-only document)  
X Window System Environment  
Programming Documentation  
Compaq C Language Reference Manual  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
Ladebug Debugger Manual (online-only document)  
Network Programmer’s Guide  
1–4 Finding the Documentation You Need  
Technical Reference for Using Chinese Features (online-only document)  
Technical Reference for Using Japanese Features (online-only document)  
1.2.3 New Documentation  
The following documentation is new with this release:  
Managing Online Addition and Removal  
This manual is provided on line and in printed format; it is included with  
the system and network management documentation.  
Cluster LAN Interconnect  
This manual is provided on line and in printed format; it is included  
with the system and network management documentation and the  
programming documentation.  
System Limits  
This document is available only from the Web. See Section 1.4.2 for  
more information.  
1.2.4 Removed Documentation  
The Compaq Portable Mathematics Library manual has been removed from  
the Tru64 UNIX documentation set. It is still available on the Web in the  
documentation sets of previous releases of the operating system.  
1.2.5 Device Driver Documentation  
Chapter 7 now describes the documentation provided with Version 2 of the  
Device Driver Kit.  
1.3 What You Get  
The documentation that you receive from Compaq depends upon the  
purchase you make:  
If you purchase a Tru64 UNIX media kit, you receive a CD–ROM  
containing all of the online documentation, as well as printed versions of  
the Startup documentation described in Section 1.5.  
If you purchase the Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit, you receive printed  
versions of the books described in Section 1.5.  
If you purchase an Update Contract for the media, you receive the most  
current version of the Documentation CD–ROM, and printed versions of  
new and revised books in the Startup documentation.  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–5  
If you purchase an Update Contract for the documentation set, you  
receive printed versions of the books that have been updated.  
If you purchase a system with the Tru64 UNIX operating system  
preinstalled (often called a FIS system, for factory installed software),  
online versions of the following books are installed on the system:  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A  
Installation Guide  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics  
System Administration  
Network Administration: Services  
Network Administration: Connections  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A (the book you are reading)  
Safety & Comfort Guide  
1.4 Online Documentation  
The documentation for the Tru64 UNIX operating system, including the  
reference pages, is available on the Tru64 UNIX Documentation CD–ROM  
in formats that are readable with a Web browser or with the Adobe Acrobat  
This documentation, as well as documentation for associated applications,  
is also available on the World Wide Web (see Section 1.4.2). Most of the  
features that are available on the Documentation CD–ROM, such as the  
links to other documentation, are also available on the Web.  
If you are working on a Compaq Alpha™ system, the operating system  
provides a Netscape browser for viewing the HTML documentation. If you  
want to view the documentation on a Windows PC or Macintosh, you will  
need a browser that supports frames and JavaScript Version 1.1, such as  
Version 4.0 or higher of Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, or  
Microsoft Internet Explorer.  
To view the PDF files, you need to install Version 3.0 or higher of the  
Adobe Acrobat Reader or the Reader plug-in to your Web browser. The  
Documentation CD–ROM provides the Acrobat Reader for Tru64 UNIX  
systems, Windows PCs, Macintosh, and several other platforms. You can  
also obtain the latest version directly from the Adobe Systems Inc. Web site:  
1–6 Finding the Documentation You Need  
With Acrobat Reader, you can scroll through books, print selected sections or  
entire books, and copy sections to the clipboard.  
The Version 5.1A release offers a new full-text search facility, called isearch,  
for finding information in Tru64 UNIX documentation on the Web and on  
local area networks, using any platform, including UNIX workstations,  
Macintosh computers, and PCs:  
When accessing Tru64 UNIX documentation on the Web, you simply  
type a word or words in the search facility to find the places in the  
documentation that discuss the topic.  
To use the search facility on an intranet, your system administrator  
must install the isearch software on your local server. Thereafter, users  
with access to that server can search the documentation in the same way  
as they would on the Web.  
The required software is provided free on the Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
1.4.1 The Documentation CD–ROM  
The Documentation CD–ROM contains HTML and PDF versions of Tru64  
UNIX documents. The complete set of operating system reference pages is  
available in HTML format. The CD–ROM provides links to these HTML  
and PDF documents.  
You can use the Tru64 UNIX Documentation CD–ROM on a Tru64 UNIX  
system, as well as on a Windows PC or Macintosh — laptop or workstation —  
or on any other system that uses the ISO 9660 Level 1 CD–ROM standard.  
In addition to the isearch facility described in Section 1.4, the Documentation  
CD–ROM contains a copy of the AltaVista Search CD–ROM software with a  
complete index of the HTML documents. The AltaVista software runs on an  
x86–based PC with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows  
NT Version 4.0.  
The CD–ROM’s online Documentation Library is arranged in categories  
that generally follow the structure of the printed documentation kits. Each  
category is represented by a bulleted list, with the bullet for each book  
colored to indicate the documentation subkit to which the book belongs:  
A blue bullet indicates documentation for general users.  
A purple bullet indicates documentation for programmers.  
A red bullet indicates documentation for system and network  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–7  
A silver bullet indicates supplementary documentation, which is  
documentation that is not part of any kit and cannot be ordered from  
A green bullet indicates reference pages.  
Books that meet the needs of different audiences appear in several  
categories. For example, you will find the Security manual in the General  
User, Programming, and System and Network Management categories  
because it serves each of those audiences. Because it is part of the General  
User subkit, its bullet is blue in all of the categories in which it appears.  
Most cross-references are hot links, so you can follow those references from  
book to book, from book to reference page, from reference page to book, and  
from reference page to reference page.  
Each book you refer to opens in a separate window so you can easily move  
from book to book as you gather the information you need. When following  
links to reference pages, the first reference page opens in a new window, and  
references to subsequent reference pages will appear in the same reference  
page window as long as you keep it on your screen.  
The Documentation CD–ROM also contains the webman viewer, a program  
you can use with your browser to view reference pages. For information  
about the webman viewer, see Chapter 6.  
To mount the Documentation CD–ROM on Tru64 UNIX systems, PCs, and  
Macintosh computers, see the information accompanying the Documentation  
CD–ROM. The Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide provides an overview of using  
CD–ROMs on Tru64 UNIX systems.  
1.4.2 Documentation on the World Wide Web  
You can find most of the Tru64 UNIX core and supplementary documentation,  
the reference pages, and other useful documentation on the World Wide Web.  
To view this documentation, point your browser to the following Web site:  
Other documentation you will find there includes the following:  
Tru64 UNIX Best Practices documentation (see Section 5.1 for details)  
Tru64 UNIX Device Driver documentation library (see Chapter 7 for  
TruCluster Server (including the TruCluster reference pages)  
Documentation sets from previous versions of the operating system  
Advanced Server for UNIX (ASU)  
1–8 Finding the Documentation You Need  
Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX (formerly Open Source Internet  
Tru64 UNIX Porting Guides  
Tru64 UNIX POSIX Conformance Documentation  
System Limits  
This document lists the system limits for the components of the Tru64  
UNIX operating system.  
The Web site also provides updates to documentation between formal  
product releases. For example, Compaq maintains online Technical Updates,  
which provide information about restrictions and problems that have been  
discovered with specific versions since their release. Visit the following Web  
site to see the Technical Update for Version 5.1A:  
We recommend that you view this site periodically to see if any new  
information has been added.  
1.5 Printed Documentation  
When you purchase a Tru64 UNIX media kit, you receive printed versions of  
various manuals to help you install and begin using the operating system. To  
receive printed versions of the rest of the core documentation, you must order  
a Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit (Figure 1–1) or one or more of its subkits.  
Figure 1–1: Structure of the Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit  
Startup Kit  
End User  
User Kit  
System and Network  
Management Kit  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–9  
The printed manuals include a letter icon on the spine to help you quickly  
find the book you are looking for. The following icons are used:  
Indicates books that are for general users  
Indicates books that are for system and network administrators  
Indicates books that are for programmers  
Although a book’s primary audience determines the documentation kit  
it is packaged in, some books help meet the needs of several audiences.  
For example, a general user can read the Programming Support Tools  
manual (packaged in the Developer’s Documentation Kit) to get advanced  
information about using commands such as grep or awk. The Security  
manual (packaged in the General User Documentation Kit) provides  
information for system administrators and programmers, as well as for  
general users. Keep this in mind when searching for information on specific  
The following sections describe the kits that comprise the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation Kit and the documentation that each kit contains. This  
documentation is also provided on line, except where indicated.  
1.5.1 End User Documentation Kit  
The End User Documentation Kit contains all the information needed to  
install, use, and administer the Tru64 UNIX system. This kit is divided  
into three subkits as follows:  
Startup Documentation Kit  
This kit is primarily for the person who installs the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system. It contains information on how to configure software  
components and some information (such as the Release Notes) needed  
by all Tru64 UNIX users.  
When you order the Tru64 UNIX operating system, the books in the  
Startup Documentation Kit are packaged with the distribution media.  
This kit contains the following documentation:  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A  
Technical Overview for Version 5.1A  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A  
Installation Guide  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics  
Full Installation Quick Start Card (printed only)  
Update Installation Quick Reference Card (printed only)  
Quick Reference Card (printed only)  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs (printed only)  
General User Documentation Kit  
1–10 Finding the Documentation You Need  
This kit provides general information on how to use the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system. The manuals in this kit are for everyone who uses  
Tru64 UNIX.  
This kit contains the following documentation:  
CDE Companion  
Command and Shell User’s Guide  
Master Index  
System and Network Management Documentation Kit  
This kit is for people who are responsible for managing the Tru64  
UNIX operating system or network. The manuals in this kit provide  
information on how to configure, manage, and tune Tru64 UNIX systems.  
This kit contains the following documentation:  
AdvFS Administration  
Guide to Prestoserve  
Kernel Debugging  
Logical Storage Manager  
Managing Online Addition and Removal  
Network Administration: Connections  
Network Administration: Services  
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network  
Software License Management  
System Administration  
System Configuration and Tuning  
System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms  
X Window System Administrator’s Guide (printed only)  
X Window System Environment  
1.5.2 Developer’s Documentation Kit  
The Developer’s Documentation Kit is for software developers who write  
programs on or for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The books in this kit  
include information on tools and programming recommendations.  
This kit contains the following documentation:  
Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode  
Calling Standard for Alpha Systems  
Compaq C Language Reference Manual  
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
Guide to Realtime Programming  
Network Programmer’s Guide  
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide (printed only)  
OSF/Motif Style Guide (printed only)  
Programmer’s Guide  
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS (printed only)  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–11  
Programming Support Tools  
Programming with ONC RPC  
Writing Kernel Modules  
Writing Software for the International Market  
1.5.3 Additional Documentation in the Media Kit  
The following documentation is packaged in the Tru64 UNIX media kit, but  
is not included in any of the orderable Tru64 UNIX documentation kits:  
How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
Cluster Technical Overview  
1.6 Documentation for Layered Products  
Compaq and third-party vendors produce many applications that run on  
Tru64 UNIX systems. The documentation for most of these products is  
included with the individual application software. The following sections  
provide some guidance.  
1.6.1 TruCluster Server Software  
TruCluster Server is a separately licensed product that ships on the  
Associated Products CD–ROM Volume 2. It is a highly integrated synthesis  
of Tru64 UNIX software, Compaq AlphaServer™ systems, and storage  
devices that operate as a single system.  
The TruCluster Server documentation is included on the Tru64 UNIX  
documentation CD–ROM, as well as with the software on the Associated  
Products CD–ROM Volume 2 and in printed form in a separately orderable  
documentation kit (see Section A.1.2 for more information).  
1.6.2 Other Products Packaged with Tru64 UNIX  
The CD–ROMs in the Tru64 UNIX media kit include the software and  
documentation for several separately licensed products. You do not need a  
license to view this documentation, which in most cases is provided in both  
HTML and PDF (or PostScript) formats.  
In addition to the previously mentioned TruCluster Server software, the  
following separately licensed products are among those included with the kit:  
Advanced File System (AdvFS) Utilities  
Advanced Server for UNIX  
See the Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs sheet packaged with the Tru64  
UNIX media for a complete list and the location of the layered products  
1–12 Finding the Documentation You Need  
included with Tru64 UNIX. See Section 5.3 for information about the Tru64  
UNIX Associated Products CD–ROMs.  
1.6.3 Tru64 UNIX Alpha Online Documentation Library  
Many of the layered products produced by Compaq, such as Compaq’s  
C++ product and the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), are  
included on the Tru64 UNIX Alpha Software Product Library, a collection of  
CD–ROMs in a kit that is updated every three months. The documentation  
for these products is included on the companion Tru64 UNIX Alpha Online  
Documentation Library CD–ROM. These software and documentation kits  
are separately orderable products; they are not included with the Tru64  
UNIX media kit. For information about ordering these kits, contact your  
Compaq sales representative.  
1.6.4 Device Driver Documentation  
Documentation for programmers who create device driver software for the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system is available as a separately orderable kit. See  
Chapter 7 for more information about the Device Driver Documentation Kit.  
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–13  
General User Documentation  
This chapter describes the general user documentation, which provides  
information for all users of the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The books in  
this category provide introductory information for people who are unfamiliar  
with Tru64 UNIX, as well as advanced information for the experienced user.  
Each document is individually described.  
Printed books can be purchased from Compaq in the documentation kits  
described in Section 1.5.  
Except for a few externally published manuals, the documentation described  
here was produced by Compaq writers working closely with the developers of  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Books identified as revised, were updated with the Version 5.1A release.  
2.1 Printed and Online Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation CD–ROM and in the optional printed documentation kits.  
For more information on the printed documentation set, see Section 1.5.  
2.1.1 CDE Companion  
The CDE Companion provides an introduction to Compaq’s implementation  
of the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), an easy method of interacting  
with the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
For users migrating from DECwindows Motif to CDE, this book serves as an  
introduction to the new environment, providing information on how to use  
CDE to complete tasks previously done by using DECwindows.  
For users who are new to desktop environments, this book provides  
quick-start information on topics such as logging into the system, navigating  
the system, and using and managing the desktop and applications.  
This book can be used in conjunction with the Common Desktop  
Environment: User’s Guide.  
General User Documentation 2–1  
2.1.2 Cluster Release Notes (revised)  
The Cluster Release Notes provide a brief introduction to the TruCluster  
Server and describe known problems and workarounds.  
2.1.3 Cluster Technical Overview (revised)  
The Cluster Technical Overview describes the major components of the  
TruCluster Server product. The opening chapter introduces the features of  
a TruCluster Server cluster. Subsequent chapters provide a more in-depth  
description of certain features, including:  
Clusterwide file systems, storage, and device names  
The connection manager  
Highly available applications  
The cluster application availability (CAA) component  
The cluster alias subsystem  
The cluster interconnect  
The distributed lock manager (DLM)  
Installation and system management  
Note _______________________  
A printed version of this book is packaged with the Tru64  
UNIX operating system media but is not included in any of the  
Tru64 UNIX documentation kits. It is, however, included in the  
TruCluster Server documentation kit.  
2.1.4 Command and Shell User’s Guide (revised)  
The Command and Shell User’s Guide introduces the basic features of the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system. It describes how to use the command line  
interface and to perform such tasks as copying files and creating directories.  
It also describes how to use the shells and their built-in commands.  
Although this manual is primarily for users who have little or no familiarity  
with UNIX-compatible systems, experienced users can find useful shortcuts  
and tips.  
2.1.5 Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A (revised)  
The document you are currently reading.  
2–2 General User Documentation  
2.1.6 Master Index (revised)  
The Master Index can help you find the information you need in the core  
documentation set, as follows:  
In the printed version of this book, the index items direct you to the  
books and pages where the topic is discussed.  
In the online version of this book, clicking on an index entry in many  
cases will take you to the appropriate book at the point where the topic is  
discussed. For the Common Desktop Environment books and a few other  
books, clicking on the index item will take you only to the beginning of  
the appropriate book, where you can then use the table of contents or the  
book’s index to find out where the topic is discussed.  
The Documentation Library on CD–ROM and the Web includes a search  
utility with the Master Index entry. When you enter a word or phrase  
you want to find, the search utility searches all Master Index entries for  
matches and then displays the results. Then when you click on an entry  
in the search results, the target book opens in its own window — in most  
cases, to the place in the text that is indicated by the entry. Figure 2–1  
shows the result of a search on the text string “bsd.”  
Figure 2–1: Example Master Index Search  
2.1.7 Programming Support Tools  
The online version of the Programming Support Tools manual is included  
with the General User information because it contains information of  
interest to non-programmers. However, the printed version is included only  
in the Developer’s Documentation Kit. See Section 4.1.11 for information  
about this manual.  
General User Documentation 2–3  
2.1.8 Release Notes for Version 5.1A (revised)  
The Release Notes for Version 5.1A are for all users of the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system. This book includes the following information:  
An overview of the new and changed features of the Version 5.1A software  
Announcements about features and interfaces that are scheduled for  
removal in future versions of Tru64 UNIX  
Information about installing the software  
Information that is relevant to specific Compaq Alpha processors  
Information about the base operating system  
Information about the development environment  
Information about the graphical interfaces  
Additions and corrections to the books in the Tru64 UNIX documentation  
Information about the contents of the media and disk-space requirements  
We recommend that you read this information before installing or using  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Note _______________________  
Compaq maintains an online Technical Update that contains  
information about restrictions and problems discovered after  
Version 5.1A began shipping. To view this document on the Web,  
go to the following URL:  
We recommend that you visit this site periodically to see if any  
new information has been added.  
2.1.9 Security (revised)  
The Security manual describes how to use, administer, and write programs  
for the Tru64 UNIX operating system with the optional enhanced security  
subsets installed. It also provides information about traditional UNIX  
security and other optional security features.  
When the enhanced security subset is installed and configured, the system  
is referred to as a trusted system. The enhanced security features result in a  
system that can be configured to meet the C2 and F-C2 security classes.  
The information is organized as follows:  
2–4 General User Documentation  
Part 1 is aimed at general users. It introduces the enhanced security  
features and helps users to start using them. Other topics include the  
How to connect to other systems  
Using the security features of the Common Desktop Environment  
Using access control lists (ACLs) on files and directories  
Part 2 describes how to set up and administer the operating system’s  
enhanced security, which includes enhanced passwords and the audit  
subsystem. Topics in this part include the following:  
Creating and modifying secure devices  
Creating and maintaining accounts  
Administering the audit subsystem  
Administering ACLs  
Ensuring authentication database integrity  
Working within the framework of the Security Integration  
Architecture (SIA) layer  
Troubleshooting a trusted system  
Part 3 describes how to write programs that run on the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system with enhanced security. The reader should have  
general programming knowledge, including knowing how to use the  
Tru64 UNIX programming tools. Topics in this part include the following:  
Using the security information stored in the authentication database  
Using the per-process audit ID (AUID), which is unique to Tru64  
The mechanics of writing and reading audit records  
Using the Security Integration Architecture (SIA) interfaces  
Programming with ACLs  
2.1.10 Technical Overview for Version 5.1A (revised)  
The Technical Overview for Version 5.1A describes the major components  
of the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The opening chapter provides  
an introduction to the operating system, including discussions of recent  
enhancements, licensing, and available optional software. This is followed  
by more in-depth discussions on various aspects of the operating system.  
A partial list of the topics follows:  
Features available to system administrators  
General User Documentation 2–5  
Networking protocols and applications  
Supported file systems  
The Tru64 UNIX kernel, symmetric multiprocessing, virtual memory,  
and device recognition  
Major features of the Tru64 UNIX development environment  
Tru64 UNIX interoperability with Windows NT and Windows 2000  
Tru64 UNIX security  
Internationalization features  
An appendix to this manual lists the Internet RFC (Request for Comments)  
standards and non-RFC standards to which the Tru64 UNIX operating  
system conforms. When viewing the Technical Overview on line on a system  
connected to the Internet, you can click on an RFC to display the text of that  
RFC in your Web browser.  
Because this book might introduce new terms to you, it contains the Glossary  
of Common UNIX and General Computer Terms. When using the online  
version of the Technical Overview for Version 5.1A, some of the terms used  
within the discussions are linked to the Glossary, which means you are a  
mouse click away from the term’s definition.  
2.2 Printed-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided only in printed  
books. This documentation is included in the Tru64 UNIX documentation  
2.2.1 Quick Reference Card (revised)  
The Quick Reference Card provides fingertip access to the format of common  
user commands, such as cd, chmod, lpr, and man. The card also describes  
options that are commonly used with each command.  
Additionally, this card provides command summaries for the vi, emacs,  
Mail, and mail applications, and it summarizes the rules for forming  
regular expressions. It provides a description of command control symbols  
(such as |, the pipe symbol) and gives definitions of shell environment  
variables and metacharacters.  
2.2.2 How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation (revised)  
The Tru64 UNIX documentation is available to you whether you are working  
in your office or on the road — on an Alpha system, PC, or other system.  
2–6 General User Documentation  
The card titled How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation provides a  
brief overview of the various ways available to you to find and access the  
information you need, including the Tru64 UNIX reference pages. It also  
lists the documentation included in the printed documentation kits.  
This book is packaged with the Tru64 UNIX operating system media, but is  
not included in any of the Tru64 UNIX documentation kits.  
2.2.3 Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs (revised)  
The document titled Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs provides a brief  
listing of the components on the CD–ROMs in the Tru64 UNIX media kit.  
2.3 Online-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the  
documentation CD–ROM and the Web.  
2.3.1 New and Changed Features from Previous Releases (revised)  
The New and Changed Features from Previous Releases document lists  
the major features that were introduced and changes that were made to  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system since Version 4.0. The information in  
this document was originally presented in the New and Changed Features  
chapter of the operating system Release Notes for each of those versions.  
2.3.2 Advanced Printing Software User Guide  
The Advanced Printing Software User Guide provides information about  
using the Advanced Printing Software, which is included as an optional  
component of the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The User Guide describes  
how to submit jobs to your printer using the command-line interface. It also  
shows you how to set up your local print environment and monitor jobs  
you have submitted.  
This manual is also packaged with the software kit, as is the following  
companion documentation:  
Advanced Printing Software System Administration and Operation  
Advanced Printing Software Command Reference Guide  
Advanced Printing Software Release Notes  
Advanced Printing Software Installation Guide  
General User Documentation 2–7  
2.3.3 Common Desktop Environment: User’s Guide  
The Common Desktop Environment: User’s Guide describes the basic  
features of the CDE and describes how to use the desktop and the desktop  
applications. It expands upon some of the topics in the CDE Companion  
and provides illustrations of the graphical interface as it is displayed on  
workstation screens.  
2.3.4 Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and System  
Administrator’s Guide  
The Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and System  
Administrator’s Guide describes how to customize the appearance and  
behavior of the CDE. It provides information on topics such as the following:  
Customizing system initialization, login, and session initiation  
Adding applications and providing interface representations for  
applications and their data  
Configuring desktop processes, applications, and data across the network  
Customizing desktop services such as window management, printing,  
colors, and fonts  
This book is intended for users who want to perform customizations that  
cannot be accomplished using the desktop user interface. This book is also  
intended for system administrators; many of the tasks in this book require  
superuser privileges.  
2.3.5 How to Order Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
The file titled How to Order Tru64 UNIX Documentation provides  
information about ordering documentation and lists the order numbers for  
documentation kits.  
2.3.6 Safety & Comfort Guide  
The Safety & Comfort Guide describes how to set up your workstation  
environment to minimize the possibility of injury and provide you with the  
maximum of comfort. This guide focuses on posture and on other health and  
work habits for computer users. Additionally, it provides product safety  
information applicable to all Compaq products.  
2–8 General User Documentation  
System and Network Management  
This chapter describes the Tru64 UNIX system and network management  
documentation, which provides information on topics such as configuring  
systems and networks, maintaining disks, and using system administration  
tools. The books in this category are generally geared toward advanced  
users. Each document is individually described.  
Books that are printed can be purchased from Compaq in the documentation  
kits described in Section 1.5.  
Except for a few externally published manuals, the documentation described  
here was produced by Compaq writers working closely with the developers of  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Books identified as revised, were updated with the Version 5.1A release.  
3.1 Printed and Online Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation CD–ROM and in the optional printed documentation kits.  
For more information on the printed documentation set, see Section 1.5.  
3.1.1 AdvFS Administration (revised)  
The AdvFS Administration manual provides task-based information and  
instruction on using, configuring, troubleshooting, tuning, and administering  
AdvFS base and utilities functions.  
AdvFS is the default file system for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. It  
provides rapid crash recovery and a flexible structure that allows you to  
manage your file system while it is on line.  
The AdvFS Utilities, which are available as a layered product, extend the  
file system capabilities by including utilities to add volumes, create clones,  
stripe files, and balance file domains.  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–1  
3.1.2 Cluster Administration (revised)  
The Cluster Administration manual describes how to perform tasks related  
to the day-to-day management of a TruCluster Server system.  
This manual is intended for the person who will configure and manage the  
TruCluster Server system. Instructions in this manual assume the user is an  
experienced UNIX administrator who can configure and maintain hardware,  
operating systems, and networks. The following topics are discussed:  
The differences between managing a standalone Tru64 UNIX system  
and a TruCluster Server cluster  
The graphic user interfaces and command-line tools for managing  
How to use cluster aliases to provide network applications with a  
single-system view of the cluster  
How to manage quorum and votes to maintain cluster availability  
How to configure, manage, and remove cluster members  
How to configure and administer member and client networks in a cluster  
How to configure mail, printing, and other services in a cluster. Methods  
for providing highly available network services are provided  
Day-to-day tasks involved in managing highly available applications  
How to manage the cluster file system and the device request dispatcher,  
how to add and remove storage devices, and how to load-balance disk  
How to use the Logical Storage Manager (LSM) software in a cluster  
How to investigate and resolve common TruCluster Server problems  
3.1.3 Cluster Hardware Configuration (revised)  
The Cluster Hardware Configuration manual describes how to set up the  
systems that will become cluster members and how to configure cluster  
shared storage.  
This manual is intended for the person who will configure and manage  
the TruCluster Server system. The instructions in this manual are  
for experienced UNIX administrators who can configure and maintain  
hardware, operating systems, and networks. The following topics are  
Hardware requirements and restrictions  
SCSI bus requirements, how to set up a shared SCSI bus, and how  
to connect storage to a shared SCSI bus using the latest UltraSCSI  
3–2 System and Network Management Documentation  
products (DS-DWZZH UltraSCSI hubs, and HSZ70 and HSZ80 RAID  
array controllers)  
How to prepare systems for a TruCluster Server configuration and how  
to connect host bus adapters to shared storage using the DS-DWZZH  
UltraSCSI hubs and the newest RAID array controllers (HSZ70 and  
How to set up and upgrade Memory Channel cluster interconnects  
An overview of Fibre Channel and how to set up Fibre Channel hardware  
to allow Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server installation on Fibre  
Channel disks  
The use of AlphaServer GS80, GS160, or GS320 hardware partitions in a  
TruCluster Server configuration  
How to configure a shared SCSI bus for tape drive, tape loader, or tape  
library usage  
Requirements for a shared SCSI bus using externally terminated  
configurations and radial configurations using non-UltraSCSI RAID  
array controllers  
How to prepare systems and host bus adapters for TruCluster Server  
configurations using externally terminated configurations and radial  
configurations using non-UltraSCSI RAID array controllers  
3.1.4 Cluster Highly Available Applications (revised)  
The Cluster Highly Available Applications manual describes how to move  
applications from a TruCluster Available Server or TruCluster Production  
Server to a TruCluster Server environment and how to use TruCluster  
Server functionality to make applications highly available.  
A tutorial is provided on how to use the Cluster Application Availability  
(CAA) subsystem to track the state of members and resources in a cluster  
and restart or relocate them to another member if a failure in an application  
is detected.  
This manual also describes how to use TruCluster Server application  
programming interfaces (APIs) to take advantage of cluster technologies such  
as the distributed lock manager (DLM), cluster alias, and Memory Channel.  
3.1.5 Cluster Installation (revised)  
The Cluster Installation manual describes the following installation  
Installing TruCluster Server software on the Tru64 UNIX operating  
system and creating a new cluster  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–3  
Adding members to a cluster  
Reinstalling cluster members  
Performing a rolling upgrade from the previous version of the base  
operating system and cluster software to the current version  
Upgrading to TruCluster Server software from TruCluster Production  
Server software or TruCluster Available Server software Version 1.5 or  
Version 1.6  
3.1.6 Cluster LAN Interconnect (new)  
The Cluster LAN Interconnect manual describes how to configure and  
maintain Local Area Network (LAN) hardware for use as a cluster  
interconnect in TruCluster Server environment. The following topics are  
Interconnect-specific issues that are involved in creating a cluster and  
adding a member to an existing cluster  
The day-to-day administration of a LAN interconnect and miscellaneous  
configuration and management issues  
Features of Ethernet switches that are required for a highly available  
LAN interconnect  
This manual also contains sample installation logs for the clu_create  
and clu_add_member commands and lists the /etc/sysconfigtab  
attributes written by the cluster installation procedure to define the cluster  
3.1.7 Guide to Prestoserve  
Prestoserve speeds up synchronous disk writes, including Network File  
System (NFS) server access, by reducing the amount of disk I/O.  
The Guide to Prestoserve describes how to manage and maintain a Tru64  
UNIX system that includes the optional Prestoserve hardware and software.  
3.1.8 Installation Guide (revised)  
The Installation Guide describes how to install the Tru64 UNIX Version  
5.1A operating system on all supported systems. Topics include preparing  
your system for an installation, booting the system from the distribution  
media, and performing the Full and Update Installation procedures on all  
supported processors.  
Other topics include the following:  
3–4 System and Network Management Documentation  
The system management applications to use in setting up services  
following a Full Installation  
An overview of ways to manage software  
On overview of the Tru64 UNIX mandatory and optional subsets  
The Tru64 UNIX device-naming conventions  
An overview of the processes for installing associated products  
An overview of the installation log files, which capture the screen output  
and processing of Full, Update, and Cloned installations  
This manual is intended for anyone who is installing or updating the  
operating system software or the Worldwide Language Support (WLS)  
3.1.9 Installation Guide — Advanced Topics (revised)  
The Installation Guide — Advanced Topics manual describes advanced  
installation procedures for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. Topics include  
the following:  
Performing an Update or Full Installation from a Remote Installation  
Services (RIS) server  
Adding support for additional languages (Worldwide Language Support  
software subsets) after the base operating system is installed  
Using the UNIX shell to perform disk and file system maintenance  
before or during a Full Installation.  
Using the built-in disk planning features of the Full Installation process  
Installing and updating product kits  
Customizing the installation process  
Duplicating the installation and configuration characteristics of a  
running system onto one or more systems using the Installation Cloning  
and Configuration Cloning processes  
This manual is intended for experienced installers who want to take  
advantage of the wide range of advanced installation features.  
3.1.10 Kernel Debugging  
The Kernel Debugging manual describes using the dbx, kdbx, and kdebug  
debuggers to diagnose problems in kernel code. It also describes how to write  
a kdbx utility extension and how to create and analyze a crash dump file.  
This manual is for system programmers who write programs that are built  
as part of the kernel and that reference kernel data structures. It is also  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–5  
intended for system administrators who are responsible for managing the  
operating system. To understand and use the information in this manual,  
system programmers and administrators should have in-depth knowledge of  
operating system concepts, commands, and utilities.  
3.1.11 Logical Storage Manager (revised)  
The Logical Storage Manager (LSM) software provides high data availability,  
better performance, and greater storage management flexibility through  
online support for disk storage devices on Alpha systems.  
The Logical Storage Manager manual explains LSM concepts and how to  
install and administer the LSM software.  
The following topics are among those discussed:  
Encapsulating and mirroring the boot disk  
Creating and configuring LSM volumes and disks  
Using LSM commands to manage LSM objects such as disks, disk  
groups, volumes, plexes, and subdisks  
LSM-related preventative maintenance procedures that enable  
administrators to restore the LSM configuration if a disk or system fails  
Troubleshooting the LSM software  
Using the Storage Administrator graphical interface to manage LSM  
objects such as disks, disk groups, volumes, plexes, and subdisks  
This manual is intended for system administrators who need to configure  
and maintain disk storage under the control of the LSM software. The  
reader should have a working knowledge of the operating system, a basic  
understanding of system administration, and a basic understanding of  
disk structures.  
3.1.12 Managing Online Addition and Removal (new)  
ThisManaging Online Addition and Removal manual describes the Tru64  
UNIX Online Addition and Removal (OLAR) features. It provides guidelines  
for their use and provides configuration and management techniques.  
Although some tasks described in this manual are geared toward systems  
that have OLAR capabilities, many can be performed on systems without  
such capabilities.  
The following topics are among those discussed:  
An overview of OLAR hardware components and the operating system  
features related to OLAR used to increase a system’s availability  
3–6 System and Network Management Documentation  
High-level considerations — such as environment factors and power  
requirements — to take into account in order to properly set up and  
configure system hardware  
Component “indictment and deallocation,” which refers to the  
methodology of identifying system components that have a likelihood  
of serious failure (indictment) and then automatically taking them off  
line (deallocation)  
Step-by-step procedures for adding and removing components in a system  
while keeping the operating system and associated applications running  
How to use various service applications to manage and monitor operating  
system services and user defined services, including Web-Based  
Enterprise Service (WEBES), SysMan, Compaq Analyze, Compaq Crash  
Analysis Tool (CCAT), Revision and Configuration Management (RCM),  
sys_check, and collect  
How to prevent and correct operating system and application memory  
errors using memory trolling  
This manual is written for system administrators, service technicians,  
and system operators who have extensive knowledge of their system’s  
applications and hardware configurations and are responsible for managing  
and configuring a Tru64 UNIX system  
3.1.13 Network Administration: Connections (new)  
The Network Administration: Connections manual is a new title, created by  
dividing the Network Administration manual into two separate volumes. See  
also the Network Administration: Services manual.  
This manual, written for experienced system or network administrators,  
describes the procedures for configuring your system to operate in a network,  
for configuring the network services, and for day-to-day management of  
the network, network interfaces, and network services. This manual also  
includes information for solving problems that might arise while using the  
network and network services.  
Topics discussed include the following:  
Configuring basic Tru64 UNIX network environments including  
Ethernet, Token Ring, Fiber Distributed Data Interfaces (FDDI),  
automatic network adapter failover (NetRAIN), and link aggregation  
Configuring an Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) network  
The Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) environment and how to  
configure and manage ATM networks  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–7  
Configuring and managing the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol  
Configuring point-to-point connections using the Serial Line Internet  
Protocol (SLIP) and the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)  
The Local Area Transport (LAT) protocol and how to configure and  
maintain a LAT environment  
Troubleshooting networks and network services using flow charts and  
other problem-solving tools  
3.1.14 Network Administration: Services (new)  
The Network Administration: Services manual is a new title, created by  
dividing the Network Administration manual into two separate volumes. See  
also the Network Administration: Connections manual.  
This manual, written for experienced system or network administrators,  
describes the tasks for configuring your system to operate in a network,  
for configuring the network services, and for day-to-day management of  
the network, network interfaces, and network services. This manual also  
includes information for solving problems that might arise while using the  
network and network services.  
The topics discussed include the following:  
The Domain Name System (DNS) environment and how to configure and  
manage DNS servers and clients  
The Network Information Service (NIS, formerly Yellow Pages)  
environment and how to configure and manage NIS servers and clients  
The Network File System (NFS) environment and how to configure and  
manage NFS servers and clients  
The UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) and how to configure and  
manage it  
The components of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and how to  
configure and manage NTP clients and servers  
The components of the Tru64 UNIX mail system and information such as:  
How to configure mail (the sendmail utility) on a standalone system  
or across an enterprise  
How to configure POP and IMAP mail  
How to administer mail on server and client systems  
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) implementation  
on a Tru64 UNIX system  
3–8 System and Network Management Documentation  
Troubleshooting networks and network services using flow charts and  
other problem-solving tools  
3.1.15 Security (revised)  
The online version of the Security manual is included with the system and  
network administration information because it contains information of  
interest to those administrators. However, the printed version is included  
only in the End User Documentation Kit. See Section 2.1.9 for information  
about this manual.  
3.1.16 Sharing Software on a Local Area Network (revised)  
The Sharing Software on a Local Area Network manual describes Remote  
Installation Services (RIS) and Dataless Management Services (DMS).  
The RIS utility is used for installing software across a network, instead of  
using locally mounted media. RIS topics discussed in this manual include  
the following:  
Preparing and configuring a RIS server  
Booting a RIS client  
Managing RIS clients and environments  
Managing a RIS profile set  
Troubleshooting a RIS system  
DMS allows a server system to maintain the root, /usr, and /var file  
systems for client systems. Each client computer has its own root file system  
on the server, but clients share the /usr and /var file systems. DMS topics  
discussed in this manual include the following:  
Setting up and configuring a DMS environment  
Managing DMS clients and environments  
Troubleshooting DMS  
3.1.17 Software License Management  
The Software License Management manual describes how to use the License  
Management Facility (LMF) to manage software licenses from Compaq.  
Although intended primarily for system administrators responsible for  
managing software licenses on Tru64 UNIX systems, this manual also  
provides information for anyone who uses licensed software on Tru64 UNIX  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–9  
The LMF software can be used by companies other than Compaq. Those  
companies can issue Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) or have Compaq  
issue them on their behalf. Additionally, other companies can include  
license-checking functions in their software. However, the Software License  
Management manual addresses only software that is supplied and produced  
by Compaq.  
3.1.18 System Administration (revised)  
The System Administration manual describes how to configure, use, and  
maintain the Tru64 UNIX operating system. It includes information on  
general day-to-day activities and tasks, changing system configurations, and  
locating and eliminating sources of trouble.  
System administrators are provided with overviews of administrative  
concepts, as well as step-by-step instructions to perform necessary tasks  
using either the SysMan graphical interface or the command-line tools.  
The topics discussed include the following:  
System administration methods and utilities  
Shutting down and starting up a system  
Customizing the system environment  
Configuring the kernel  
Managing hardware  
Administering file systems  
Administering user accounts and groups  
Administering the print services  
Administering the archiving services  
Administering the system accounting services  
Monitoring and testing the system  
Monitoring and administrating system events  
Administering crash dumps  
This manual is for system administrators responsible for managing the  
operating system. The reader should be knowledgeable about operating  
system concepts and commands, as well as supported hardware and software  
Administrators should know the operational aspects of UNIX system  
administration and be familiar with all the procedures necessary to maintain  
3–10 System and Network Management Documentation  
a UNIX system for high availability. This manual is not intended to train  
administrators or to plan the installation of a UNIX system.  
3.1.19 System Configuration and Tuning  
The System Configuration and Tuning manual describes how to plan, set up,  
and tune high-performance and high-availability systems running the Tru64  
UNIX operating system. It can help system administrators to accomplish  
many system tasks, including the following:  
Monitoring systems and diagnosing performance problems  
Configuring and tuning a system that will meet current and future needs  
Tuning system resource limits (such as the size of system tables and the  
virtual address space) that were set at boot time  
Understanding how hardware, operating system subsystems, and  
layered products interact to affect system performance  
Managing the performance of memory, the CPU, disk storage, file  
systems, and networks  
3.1.20 System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms  
The System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms manual provides  
information needed to set up OEM platforms running the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system. It helps system and network administrators configure  
Alpha VME single-board computers (SBCs), PCI/ISA modular SBCs, and  
VMEbus backplane networks in which SBCs operate as Ethernet nodes.  
This manual is for experienced system and network administrators who are  
thoroughly familiar with their platform’s I/O bus and with the operating  
system concepts, commands, and configurations.  
3.1.21 X Window System Environment (revised)  
The X Window System Environment manual describes various aspects of the  
X Window System environment as it is implemented on Tru64 UNIX. It  
provides information on how to perform system administration tasks for the  
Tru64 UNIX X Window System environment, and describes how to customize  
X Window System resources and key mappings. It also provides information  
about programming within the Tru64 UNIX X Window System environment.  
3.2 Printed-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided only in printed  
books. This documentation is included in the Tru64 UNIX documentation  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–11  
3.2.1 Full Installation Quick Start (revised)  
The Full Installation Quick Start card describes the basic steps for  
performing a Full Installation of the Tru64 UNIX operating system from  
the installation CD–ROM. It walks you through the process of performing  
preinstallation tasks, installing the operating system, and setting up  
Users of this card should have a working knowledge of the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system and to have previously performed a Full Installation.  
First-time installers are urged to follow the more detailed instructions  
provided in the Installation Guide.  
3.2.2 Update Installation Quick Reference Card (revised)  
The Update Installation Quick Reference Card describes the basic steps for  
upgrading your Tru64 UNIX operating system from Version 5.0A or 5.1 to  
Version 5.1A from the installation CD–ROM or from a Remote Installation  
Services (RIS) server. Update installations preserve disk partitions, file  
systems, and file customizations.  
Users of this card should have a working knowledge of the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system and to have previously performed an Update Installation.  
Users who are performing their first Update Installation are urged to follow  
the more detailed instructions provided in the Installation Guide.  
3.2.3 X Window System Administrator’s Guide  
The X Window System Administrator’s Guide, published by O’Reilly &  
Associates, describes how to customize a wide range of X Window System  
environments, from an individual workstation to groups of workstations and  
X terminals connected on a network. Major topics include security, the X  
display manager (xdm), fonts, color, X terminals, and X client applications.  
3.3 Online-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the  
Documentation CD–ROM and the Web.  
3.3.1 BIND Configuration File Guide  
The BIND Configuration File Guide describes the Berkeley Internet Name  
Domain (BIND) Version 8 and its implementation as an Internet name  
server for BSD-derived operating systems.  
Version 8 is more configurable than previous releases of BIND, with new  
areas of configuration such as access control lists and categorized logging.  
3–12 System and Network Management Documentation  
Also, you can now selectively use many options that previously applied to  
all zones.  
3.3.2 DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility  
DECevent provides an interface between a system user and the operating  
system’s event logger. DECevent can help system administrators to  
troubleshoot Tru64 UNIX system problems.  
The DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility manual describes the  
DECevent command features related to the translation and reporting of  
events on Tru64 UNIX operating systems. It contains an overview of the  
utility, information on how to obtain help for the utility, and information  
about all the commands necessary to translate event logs on Tru64 UNIX  
operating systems.  
3.3.3 Performance Manager (revised)  
Performance Manager is a real-time performance management tool that  
allows system administrators to detect and correct performance problems in  
Tru64 UNIX systems. The three primary components of the Performance  
Manager are a graphical user interface, the Performance Manager daemon,  
and an activity daemon. An additional daemon monitors systems running  
the TruCluster Server software.  
The Performance Manager manual explains the concepts of the Performance  
Manager software and describes tasks such as monitoring, thresholding,  
archiving, and distributed command execution.  
3.3.4 sendmail Installation and Operation Guide  
The sendmail Installation and Operation Guide describes the configuration  
file for Version 8.9 of the sendmail utility, which implements a  
general-purpose internetwork mail routing facility under the Tru64 UNIX  
operating system.  
The sendmail utility is not tied to any one transport protocol — its function  
can be likened to a crossbar switch, relaying messages from one domain  
into another. In the process, it can do a limited amount of message header  
editing to put the message into a format that is appropriate for the receiving  
domain. All of this is done under the control of a configuration file.  
System and Network Management Documentation 3–13  
Programming Documentation  
This chapter describes the documentation designed for software developers  
who write applications on or for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The  
books in this category are generally geared toward advanced users. Each  
document is individually described.  
Books that are printed can be purchased from Compaq in the documentation  
kits described in Section 1.5.  
Except for a few externally published manuals, the documentation described  
here was produced by Compaq writers working closely with the developers of  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Books identified as revised, were updated with the Version 5.1A release.  
4.1 Printed and Online Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation CD–ROM and in the optional printed documentation kits.  
For more information on the printed documentation set, see Section 1.5.  
4.1.1 Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide  
The Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide describes the Alpha hardware  
architecture’s assembly language, which is supported by the Tru64 UNIX  
compiler system. The manual describes the assembly language syntax rules,  
and how to write assembly language programs.  
This manual is for system software developers who are writing assembly  
language programs on or for Tru64 UNIX.  
4.1.2 Asynchronous Transfer Mode  
The Asynchronous Transfer Mode manual describes the Tru64 UNIX  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) subsystem, how to configure the  
subsystem, and how to use the ATM kernel interfaces. It is written for  
experienced UNIX kernel programmers who are responsible for writing ATM  
device drivers and kernel modules. After reading this manual, a kernel  
programmer should be able to do the following:  
Understand the ATM subsystem architecture  
Programming Documentation 4–1  
Configure ATM software  
Understand how the different kernel interfaces operate  
Write a kernel module  
This manual does not describe the application programming interface (API)  
that user-level applications would use to access the ATM subsystem. This  
manual is not an ATM networking tutorial.  
4.1.3 Calling Standard for Alpha Systems  
The Calling Standard for Alpha Systems manual defines the requirements,  
mechanisms, and conventions used in the interface that supports procedure  
calls on Tru64 UNIX for Alpha systems. The standard defines data  
structures, constants, algorithms, conventions, methods, and functional  
interfaces, which enable a native, user-mode procedure to operate correctly  
in the multilanguage and multithreaded Tru64 UNIX environment on Alpha  
Although this manual primarily defines requirements for compiler and  
debugger writers, the information applies to procedure calling for all  
programmers at all levels of programming.  
4.1.4 Cluster Highly Available Applications (revised)  
The online version of the Cluster Highly Available Applications manual is  
included with the programming information because it contains information  
of interest to programmers. The printed version is included in the Tru64  
UNIX media kit and with the TruCluster Server product. See Section 2.1.9  
for information about this manual.  
See Section 3.1.4 for information about this manual.  
4.1.5 Compaq C Language Reference Manual (revised)  
The Compaq C Language Reference Manual (previously called the DEC  
C Language Reference Manual) provides reference information for  
using the Compaq C language on Compaq systems. Compaq C is an  
ISO/ANSI-compliant C compiler for Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS, VAX, and  
Alpha systems.  
The C language is based on the ISO C Standard (ISO 9899:1990[1992]),  
formerly the ANSI X3J11 committee’s standard for the C programming  
language (commonly called ANSI C). This manual describes all library  
functions and language extensions to the ANSI C standard.  
4–2 Programming Documentation  
This manual is intended for programmers who need reference information on  
the Compaq C language. For task-oriented information or platform-specific  
information, see the cc(1) reference page and the Programmer’s Guide.  
4.1.6 Guide to Preparing Product Kits (revised)  
The Guide to Preparing Product Kits describes the procedures for creating,  
maintaining, and installing the collections of files and directories that make  
up a layered product kit. A kit is the standard mechanism by which layered  
product modifications are delivered and maintained on a Tru64 UNIX  
system. Kits are distributed on CD–ROM, diskettes, or tape for installation  
on customers’ systems.  
This is the same manual that is included in the Tru64 UNIX Device Drivers  
Kit (Chapter 7).  
4.1.7 Guide to Realtime Programming  
The Guide to Realtime Programming is for programmers who are developing  
realtime applications on Tru64 UNIX systems. It provides information on  
writing new realtime applications and porting existing realtime applications  
from other systems.  
This manual does not present function syntax or reference information; the  
online reference pages provide that information.  
This manual is for application programmers or system engineers who  
are already familiar with the C programming language. Readers should  
have experience with UNIX operating systems and with UNIX software  
development tools.  
4.1.8 Guide to the POSIX Threads Library  
The Guide to the POSIX Threads Library (formerly called Guide to  
DECthreads) provides usage and reference information on POSIX Threads  
Library routines. It provides information on the three POSIX Threads  
Library interfaces used to perform multithreaded operations: cma, pthread,  
and pthread exception-returning.  
This manual is for programmers writing multithreaded applications.  
Readers should have experience with a high-level programming language  
(such as C), with UNIX operating systems, and with UNIX software  
development tools.  
4.1.9 Network Programmer’s Guide (revised)  
The Network Programmer’s Guide describes the Tru64 UNIX network  
programming environment. It provides an in-depth description of the X/Open  
Programming Documentation 4–3  
Transport Interface (XTI) and the sockets and STREAMS programming  
frameworks, including information about system calls, header files, and  
libraries. Additionally, it provides information about porting sockets-based  
applications to XTI.  
This manual also describes the software bridge ifnet (STREAMS module  
and DLPI STREAMS pseudodevice driver) that the Tru64 UNIX operating  
system supports. This bridge allows programs that use sockets-based  
protocol stacks to access STREAMS drivers and programs that use  
STREAMS-based protocol stacks to access BSD-based drivers.  
This manual is for experienced UNIX programmers.  
4.1.10 Programmer’s Guide  
The Programmer’s Guide describes the programming environment of the  
Tru64 UNIX operating system, with an emphasis on the C programming  
Topics include the following:  
The compiler system  
Pragma preprocessor directives  
Shared libraries  
Debugging programs with dbx  
Debugging programs with Third Degree  
Profiling programs to improve performance  
Using and developing Atom tools  
Optimizing techniques  
Handling exception conditions  
Developing thread-safe libraries  
Open MP parallel processing  
Posting and receiving EVM events  
Using 32–bit pointers on Tru64 UNIX systems  
Differences in the System V habitat  
Creating dynamically configurable kernel subsystems  
The “old-style” (pre-OpenMP) parallel-processing interface  
Handling names of device special files  
This manual is for programmers who use the Tru64 UNIX operating system  
to create or maintain programs in any supported language.  
4–4 Programming Documentation  
4.1.11 Programming Support Tools  
The Programming Support Tools manual describes commands and utilities  
for text manipulation, macro and program generation, and source file  
management on Tru64 UNIX.  
Although the commands and utilities described in this manual are primarily  
for programmers, some of them (such as grep and sed) are useful for  
general users.  
The following topics are among those discussed:  
Finding information with regular expressions and the grep command  
Matching patterns and processing information with awk  
Editing files with the sed editor  
Creating input language analyzers and parsers  
Using m4 macros in programs  
Managing source files with RCS or SCCS  
Building programs with the make utility  
This manual is for moderately experienced users of UNIX systems.  
4.1.12 Programming with ONC RPC  
The Programming with ONC RPC manual provides an overview of high-level  
programming with remote procedure calls (RPC) in the Open-Network  
Computing Environment (ONC). It describes how to use the rpcgen protocol  
compiler to create RPC applications and describes the RPC programming  
This manual is for programmers who want to write network applications  
without knowledge of the underlying network.  
4.1.13 Security (revised)  
The online version of the Security manual is included with the programming  
information because it contains information of interest to programmers.  
However, the printed version is included only in the End User Documentation  
Kit. See Section 2.1.9 for information about this manual.  
4.1.14 Writing Kernel Modules  
Kernel modules are binary images containing code and data structures that  
run in the UNIX kernel. These modules provide a level of common code  
that improves the efficiency of a system by combining like tasks in a single  
area and eliminating redundant code.  
Programming Documentation 4–5  
The Writing Kernel Modules manual provides information for developers  
who want to augment the kernel with modules tailored to their particular  
This manual is also included in the Tru64 UNIX Device Drivers Kit (  
Chapter 7).  
4.1.15 Writing Software for the International Market  
Internationalization (often called I18N) is the process of designing or  
adapting programs to interact with users in their own language and to  
reflect the culture of the user’s region.  
The Writing Software for the International Market manual provides an  
overview of internationalization concepts. It also provides details about  
writing internationalized programs, creating and using message catalogs,  
and developing or customizing locales.  
The following topics are among those discussed:  
Developing internationalized software  
Creating and using message catalogs  
Handling wide-character data with curses routines  
Creating internationalized X, Xt, and Motif applications  
Using internationalized software  
Creating locales  
Setting up and using user-defined character databases  
Setting up and using the Chinese phrase input method  
Using DECterm localization features in programs  
Also included is a summary of worldwide portability interfaces (WPI)  
that are defined by Version 5 of the X/Open CAE specification for system  
interfaces and headers (XSH), and sample locale source files.  
This manual is for programmers developing internationalized applications  
for the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
4.2 Printed-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided only in printed  
books and is included in the Tru64 UNIX documentation kits.  
4.2.1 OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide  
The OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide (produced by the OSF and published by  
Prentice Hall) provides programming information on how to use the various  
4–6 Programming Documentation  
components of the OSF/Motif environment: the Toolkit, window manager,  
and user interface language.  
This manual is for programmers who want to create applications in the  
OSF/Motif environment.  
4.2.2 OSF/Motif Style Guide  
The OSF/Motif Style Guide (produced by the OSF and published by Prentice  
Hall) provides a framework of behavior specifications to guide application  
developers, widget developers, and window manager developers in the  
design and implementation of products consistent with the Presentation  
Manager and the OSF/Motif user interface.  
This manual establishes consistent behavior among new products by  
drawing out common elements from a variety of current behavioral models.  
This manual is for programmers and interface designers developing  
OSF/Motif applications who want to present a uniform and usable software  
interface consistent with other OSF/Motif applications.  
4.2.3 Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS  
The Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS (published by Prentice Hall) provides  
information on the use of the STREAMS mechanism at the user and kernel  
levels. It contains introductory information for those who are unfamiliar  
with the STREAMS mechanism.  
This manual addresses topics such as using STREAMS to monitor, control,  
and poll STREAMS; designing and implementing STREAMS modules and  
drivers; and using STREAMS-based pipes and FIFOs. It also describes the  
STREAMS multiplexing facility and the STREAMS-based terminal and  
pseudo-terminal subsystems.  
4.3 Online-Only Documentation  
The documentation described in this section is provided on the  
Documentation CD–ROM and the Web.  
4.3.1 Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder User’s  
The Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder User’s Guide  
introduces the Application Builder and explains how to use it to build CDE  
applications. Because the Application Builder helps to easily create and  
modify user interfaces, it is a powerful tool for programmers, user interface  
designers, and project managers.  
Programming Documentation 4–7  
4.3.2 Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s  
The Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s Guide  
provides the information needed to create Motif applications with KornShell  
(ksh) scripts. It also provides several example scripts of increasing  
This manual is for programmers who want to develop Motif applications  
using KornShell scripts rather than the C programming language. Readers  
should have knowledge of KornShell programming, Motif, and the Xt  
Intrinsics, as well as familiarity with the X programming library (Xlib).  
4.3.3 Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and  
Programmer’s Guide  
The Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and  
Programmer’s Guide describes how to develop online help for CDE  
applications. It describes how to create help topics and how to integrate  
online help into a CDE application.  
This manual is for application programmers who want to do the following:  
Design, create, and view online help information  
Create software applications that provide a fully integrated help facility  
4.3.4 Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization  
Programmer’s Guide  
The Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer’s  
Guide provides information for internationalizing the desktop and enabling  
applications to support various languages and cultural conventions in a  
consistent user interface.  
This manual is for CDE application programmers whose products are  
available worldwide.  
4.3.5 Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary  
This Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary provides a  
comprehensive list of terms used in the Common Desktop Environment.  
This manual is for all CDE users.  
4–8 Programming Documentation  
4.3.6 Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide  
The Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide contains the  
information needed to integrate an existing application into the CDE  
desktop. It also describes how to write new CDE applications.  
Readers should be familiar with Motif, X, UNIX, and C programming.  
4.3.7 Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview  
The Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview provides  
a high-level view of the development environment and the developer  
documentation set for CDE. It is for the following audiences:  
Application developers who develop new CDE applications, or integrate  
existing OSF/Motif applications into CDE  
Managers or project leaders interested in designing a project involving  
applications that will run on CDE  
4.3.8 Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification  
The Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification  
Checklist provides style guidelines for CDE application design and lists the  
requirements for CDE application-level certification. CDE requirements  
consist of the OSF/Motif Version 1.2 requirements with CDE-specific  
4.3.9 Java Documentation  
The Tru64 UNIX operating system includes a Java™ Development Kit  
(JDK), which provides tools to develop and run Java applets and programs  
on the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
The Java Development Kit (overview) provides a link to Compaq’s Java web  
site, which offers free Java downloads for Compaq’s Alpha platforms and  
online documentation for you to read prior to downloading a Java kit. It also  
provides access to a site were you can offer comments, make suggestions, or  
ask questions about the Compaq JDK and Java SDK product.  
4.3.10 Ladebug Debugger Manual (revised)  
The Ladebug Debugger is a tool for debugging executable programs at the  
source-code and machine-code levels. It can debug programs written in C  
and C++, Ada, COBOL, and Fortran.  
Programming Documentation 4–9  
The Ladebug Debugger Manual is for developers who need to debug  
multiprocess and multithreaded applications, perform kernel debugging,  
and perform remote client/server debugging.  
4.3.11 Object File and Symbol Table Format Specification  
The Object File and Symbol Table Format Specification provides technical  
information for compiler and debugger writers and other developers who  
must access or manipulate object files on the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
It supplements or replaces information that has been previously available in  
the Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide. Readers should be familiar  
with basic program development and symbol table concepts.  
4.3.12 Technical References for Asian Languages  
The following guides provide language-specific information and describe the  
features of several Asian languages supported on the Tru64 UNIX system.  
The guides describe character and code sets, locales, device setup, keyboards,  
printing, and input methods. The information in these guides is useful to  
programmers and to some advanced users of the Tru64 UNIX system:  
Technical Reference for Using Chinese Features (revised)  
Technical Reference for Using Japanese Features (revised)  
Technical Reference for Using Korean Features  
Technical Reference for Using Thai Features  
4.3.13 ToolTalk Service Documentation  
ToolTalk is an interapplication communication service that is included as  
part of the Common Desktop Environment. ToolTalk provides a way for  
applications and desktop components to request services from each other  
and to announce events. The following books provide information about  
the ToolTalk service:  
Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk Messaging Overview  
The Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk Messaging Overview  
describes how the ToolTalk service works and how it uses information  
that applications supply to deliver messages. It also describes how  
applications use the ToolTalk service and ToolTalk components.  
The reader should be familiar with the ToolTalk service, UNIX operating  
system commands, system administrator commands, and system  
ToolTalk User’s Guide  
4–10 Programming Documentation  
The ToolTalk User’s Guide is useful to developers who create or maintain  
applications that use the ToolTalk service to interoperate with other  
applications; it is also useful to system administrators who set up  
The reader should be familiar with operating system commands, system  
administrator commands, and system terminology.  
ToolTalk Reference Manual  
The ToolTalk Reference Manual describes components of the ToolTalk  
application programming interface such as enumerated types and  
functions. It also describes enhanced operating system shell commands,  
error messages, and standard ToolTalk messaging sets.  
4.3.14 X Window System Documentation  
The X Window System is a network-transparent window system, in which  
multiple applications can run simultaneously in windows, generating  
text and graphics in monochrome or color on a bitmap display. Network  
transparency means that application programs can run on machines  
scattered throughout the network. Because the X Window System permits  
applications to be device-independent, applications need not be rewritten,  
recompiled, or even relinked to work with new display hardware.  
The documentation described in this section was written by the engineers  
who developed the X Window System and was provided by the X Consortium.  
X Window System: The Complete Reference to Xlib, X Protocol, ICCCM,  
The X Window System: The Complete Reference to Xlib, X Protocol,  
ICCCM, XFLD manual describes the features of X Window System  
Version 11, Release 4. This manual was written by Robert W. Scheifler  
and James Gettys, and was originally published by Digital Press.  
X Window System Protocol  
The X Window System Protocol manual describes Version 11, Release 6  
of the X Window System protocol. This paper was written by Robert  
W. Scheifler.  
Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual  
The Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual proposes suitable  
conventions for interclient communications with X Window System  
Version 11 software. The proposed conventions do not attempt to enforce  
any particular user interface. To permit clients written in different  
languages to communicate, these conventions are expressed in terms  
of protocol operations, rather than the more familiar associated Xlib  
Programming Documentation 4–11  
This manual (written by David Rosenthal) is based on the Release 6  
X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface  
Intrinsics are a programming library tailored to the special requirements  
of user-interface construction within a network window system —  
specifically the X Window System. The Intrinsics and a widget set make  
up the X Toolkit. The X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface manual  
describes the X Toolkit Intrinsics. It is based on Version 11, Release 6.  
This manual (written by Joel McCormack, Paul Asente, and Ralph R.  
Swick) is intended for application programmers who will use one or  
more of the many widget sets built with the Intrinsics and by widget  
programmers who will use the Intrinsics to build widgets for one of the  
widget sets.  
X Logical Font Description Conventions  
The X Logical Font Description Conventions (XLFD) manual provides a  
standard logical font description and the conventions to be used in the  
core protocol, so that clients can query and access screen type libraries  
in a consistent manner across all X servers. In addition to completely  
specifying a given font by means of its FontName, the XLFD also provides  
a standard set of key FontProperties that describe the font in more detail.  
Written by Jim Flowers, this manual is based on X Window System  
Version 11, Release 6.  
Xlib — C Language X Interface  
The Xlib — C Language X Interface manual provides reference  
information for the low-level C language interface to the X Window  
System protocol. It provides a detailed description of each function in the  
library, as well as a discussion of the related background information. It  
is not tutorial nor a user’s guide to programming the X Window System.  
This manual is based on Version 11, Release 6 of the X Window System.  
The reader should have a basic understanding of a graphics window  
system and of the C programming language. It was written by Robert W.  
Scheifler and James Gettys.  
4–12 Programming Documentation  
Supplementary Documentation  
This chapter describes some of the supplementary documentation that  
is provided on the Tru64 UNIXOperating System CD–ROM, Associated  
Products CD–ROMs Volumes 1 and 2, and Compaq’s Web site. The Printed  
and Online Documentation sections of the previous chapters describe the  
supplementary documentation provided on the Documentation CD–ROM.  
Supplementary documentation is provided only on line and comes  
from various sources. Some of this material, including all of the Best  
Practice documentation, is produced by Compaq writers working closely  
with Tru64 UNIX developers. Other documentation is produced by  
UNIX professionals both within Compaq and outside the corporation.  
Supplementary documentation tends to be less formal in structure than the  
core documentation.  
Examples of supplementary documentation include installation guides and  
release notes for components such as the Multimedia Services for Tru64  
UNIX run-time environment and DECevent, QuickSpecs, nd lists of fixes  
made to earlier versions of the operating system.  
This Documentation Overview does not list all of the supplementary  
documentation included on the CD–ROMs and the Web, but it does provide  
some guidance in the following sections.  
5.1 Web-Based Best Practices Documentation  
A Best Practices document offers a recommended procedure for performing  
a task, rather than presenting all of the options available. This type of  
documentation walks you step-by-step through the process.  
The recommended procedure might depend on your configuration  
environment. For example, the Best Practice for performing a particular  
task on a Web server might differ from the one for performing the same  
task on a file server. The Best Practice documentation cannot meet the  
needs of all users, but it is aimed at the most common tasks and system  
configurations in order to meet the demands of most users.  
The Best Practices documentation resides only on the Web at the following  
Supplementary Documentation 5–1  
The volume of Best Practice documentation continues to grow, due in part to  
requests from customers. The Best Practices Web page provides information  
for sending your suggestions to Compaq. You might find new Best Practice  
documentation at this site each time you visit it.  
5.2 Operating System CD–ROM  
The documentation described in the following sections is included on the  
Tru64 UNIX Operating System CD–ROM. Some of this documentation is  
available only when you install the software it describes.  
5.2.1 QuickSpecs  
QuickSpecs (formerly called Software Product Descriptions, or SPDs) provide  
technical information about Compaq products. They describe the software  
and give information about its capabilities and the hardware it supports.  
The Tru64 UNIX Operating System QuickSpec and QuickSpecs for  
the Developer’s Toolkit, the Advanced File System Utilities, and the  
Logical Storage Manager are provided on the Operating System Volume  
1 CD–ROM in PDF and HTML formats. You can find the files in the  
mount_point/DOCUMENTATION directory (where mount_point is the  
directory in which the CD–ROM is mounted).  
5.2.2 Listings of Patches to the Operating System  
Listings of fixes (usually called patches) that Compaq has made to each  
version of the Tru64 UNIX operating system are provided in text files on  
the CD–ROM in the mount_point/DOCUMENTATION/TEXT directory. The  
files are named as follows:  
To obtain Tru64 UNIX patch kits from Compaq, visit the following Web site:  
5–2 Supplementary Documentation  
5.2.3 Text Version of the Tru64 UNIX Release Notes  
As an alternative to the PDF and HTML versions of the Tru64 UNIX Release  
Notes included on the Documentation CD–ROM, an ASCII text version of  
this document is included on the Operating System CD–ROM as follows:  
5.2.4 X Image Extension Documentation  
The X Image Extension (XIE) code provides a powerful mechanism for  
the transfer and display of virtually any image on X-capable hardware.  
Documentation for XIE is provided in the /usr/share/doclib/xie  
directory on an installed Tru64 UNIX system.  
Before you can view or print an XIE document, you must uncompress  
it using the gzip -d command. For more information, see the gzip(1)  
reference page.  
The following list describes the XIE documentation. The names of the  
individual files are listed after the titles.  
X Image Extension Overview (  
This document provides general information about the X Image  
Extension code. The topics covered include XIE design goals, historical  
summary, architecture, element definitions, and subsetting.  
XIElib Specification (  
This document contains reference information about the XIElib  
functions, XIElib events, and XIElib errors. The Functions section covers  
such functions as startup, LUT, photomap, ROI, photoflo, client data,  
abort and await, photoflo element, technique, and free.  
XIE Sample Implementation Architecture (  
This document provides an architecture overview of XIE, including  
chapters on extension initialization, memory management, request  
dispatching, data representation, data structures, protocol requests,  
DIXIE photoflo management, DDXIE photoflo management, and photo  
X Image Extension Protocol Reference Manual, Version 5.0  
This document specifies the X wire protocol for XIE. It defines the syntax,  
structure, and semantics of the XIE protocol elements. The topics covered  
include syntax specification, parameter types, resources, pipelined  
processing, import elements, process elements, export elements, events  
and errors, techniques, service class, and protocol encodings.  
Supplementary Documentation 5–3  
5.3 Associated Products CD–ROMs  
The Associated Products CD–ROMs contain documentation for various  
components of Tru64 UNIX. The document called Tru64 UNIX Version  
5.1A CD–ROMs (a printed sheet packaged with the Tru64 UNIX media kit)  
provides a list of the applications located on these CD–ROMs, as do the  
00README.TXT files located on the CD–ROMs.  
Both Associated Products CD–ROMs provide a graphical user interface that  
you can use to access documentation and to install product software. To use  
this interface, invoke Netscape and go to the following location:  
A list of products on the CD–ROM will be displayed. When you click on a  
product name, you will be given the option to install the product or access  
the documentation, if applicable.  
The Associated Products CD–ROMs comply with the ISO 9660 Level 1  
CD–ROM standard, which means you can view the contents of these  
CD–ROMs on a Windows PC or Macintosh or on any other system that uses  
that ISO standard.  
5–4 Supplementary Documentation  
Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages  
The Tru64 UNIX operating system provides an extensive set of reference  
pages (also called man pages or manual pages), each of which describes  
one topic, such as a command, function, or file. This chapter discusses the  
reference pages.  
6.1 Reading Reference Pages On Line  
You can use the webman utility to read the reference pages on line using  
your Web browser and print them by clicking on the browser’s Print menu.  
Alternatively, you can use the xman or man utilities from the command line  
to read the reference pages.  
Your system administrator determines at system installation time whether  
to make the operating system reference pages available on your system. If  
you receive an error message when you try to access reference pages, the  
problem might be that they are not installed.  
Your system administrator also decides whether to install the reference  
pages that are included with layered products. This includes products such  
as the TruCluster Server, which provides a full set of its own reference pages.  
6.1.1 Using the Documentation CD–ROM  
The Library on the Documentation CD–ROM includes a category that  
contains the full set of base operating system reference pages in HTML  
form. You can view these reference pages with your Web browser just as you  
would view any of the HTML books. These references pages are indexed and  
hot-linked with the books for easy access. (The reference pages for layered  
products are not included on this CD–ROM.)  
6.1.2 Using webman  
The Documentation CD–ROM contains the webman viewer, a UNIX CGI  
program you can use with your browser to view the reference pages that  
are installed with the operating system. The webman viewer is most useful  
when the Documentation CD–ROM is not mounted, or when you need to  
access reference pages that have been installed with layered products. For  
Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages 6–1  
information about installing and using webman, see the following file on the  
Documentation CD–ROM:  
See Section 1.4.1 for information about the Documentation CD–ROM.  
6.1.3 Using the xman Command  
The xman command starts an X Window System reference-page browsing  
tool. One function of the tool is to display a list of the reference pages. You  
display a reference page by double-clicking on its name in the list. For more  
information about the xman command, start the application by entering the  
following command:  
% xman &  
The ampersand (&) runs the command in the background, allowing the  
command line to be used for other tasks. The application displays a small  
window that contains three buttons. Click on the Manual Page button to  
read a reference page about the xman command.  
6.1.4 Using the man Command  
The man command displays the reference page specified on the man command  
line. For more information about the man command, read the man(1)  
reference page. To display this reference page, enter the following command:  
% man man  
6.2 Reading Reference Pages in Printed Books  
Compaq provides a separately orderable Reference Pages Documentation  
Set. In this printed format, the Reference Page books are grouped according  
to their sections, each of which contains one or more volumes. The books  
contain an R on the spines to help you quickly identify them as reference  
page books.  
Note _______________________  
The Reference Page Kit has not been updated since Version  
5.0. Therefore, the online reference pages provide more current  
information than the printed books.  
6–2 Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages  
6.3 Overview of the Reference Page Sections  
The reference pages are grouped into sections, according to their function,  
audience, or both. The section numbers appear as numbers in parentheses  
next to the name of the reference page. For example:  
The following list describes each section:  
Reference Pages Section 1  
Section 1 describes user commands that are available to everyone who uses  
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
In printed form, this section is divided into five volumes.  
Reference Pages Section 2  
Section 2 defines system calls (entries into the Tru64 UNIX kernel) that  
programmers use. The introduction to Section 2, intro(2), lists error  
numbers with brief descriptions of their meanings. The introduction also  
defines many of the terms used in this section.  
In printed form, this section is in one volume.  
Reference Pages Section 3  
Section 3 describes the routines available in Tru64 UNIX programming  
libraries, including the C library, Motif library, and X library. This section  
is for programmers.  
In printed form, this section is divided into seven volumes.  
Reference Pages Section 4  
Section 4 describes the format of system files and how the files are used. The  
files described include assembler and link editor output, system accounting,  
and file system formats. This section is for programmers and system  
In printed form, this section is divided into two volumes.  
Reference Pages Section 5  
Section 5 contains miscellaneous information, including ASCII character  
codes, mail-addressing formats, text-formatting macros, and a description  
of the root file system. This section is for programmers and system  
Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages 6–3  
In printed form, this section is divided into two volumes.  
Reference Pages Section 7  
Section 7 describes special files, related device driver functions, databases,  
and network support. This section is for programmers and system  
In printed form, this section is in one volume.  
Reference Pages Sections 8 and 1m  
Sections 8 and 1m describe commands for system operation and  
maintenance. These sections are for system administrators.  
In printed form, these sections are divided into three volumes.  
Reference Pages Sections 9  
Section 9 describes data structures and routines used in writing kernel  
modules. This section is for programmers.  
In printed form, this section is in one volume.  
6–4 Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages  
Device Driver Documentation  
Documentation to aid programmers in writing device drivers for Tru64  
UNIX is packaged in a separately orderable Device Driver Kit (DDK). This  
documentation was produced by Compaq writers working closely with the  
device driver developers.  
This kit (Version 2.0, part number QA-6ADAV-A8) contains a CD-ROM that  
includes the Tru64 UNIX Device Driver sample drivers, driver development  
tool (code template generator), documentation in HTML and PDF formats,  
and printed installation instructions and release notes.  
You can obtain printed copies of the documentation by ordering the Tru64  
UNIX Device Driver Documentation Kit (part number QA-6ADAV-GZ).  
The rest of this section describes the books in the DDK. This information is  
provided here because of the close relationship between the device driver  
documentation and the Tru64 UNIX documentation set.  
Note _______________________  
The Device Driver Kit is produced independently of the Tru64  
UNIX operating system. The following descriptions are for  
Version 2 (December 2000) of the Device Driver Kit, which  
supports Tru64 UNIX Version V5.0A and higher. For information  
about this kit, visit the following Web site:  
Writing Device Drivers  
This manual contains information that systems engineers need when  
writing a device driver for hardware that runs on the Tru64 UNIX operating  
system. This manual replaces the manual Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial.  
It includes the chapter on funnels and the chapter on how to write disk  
device drivers that were previously part of manual named Writing Device  
Drivers: Advanced Topics.  
This manual also provides a glossary of device driver terms.  
Device Driver Documentation 7–1  
Writing Kernel Modules  
This manual describes topics for all kernel modules such as kernel threads  
and writing kernel modules in a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)  
environment. Read this manual before you use the Writing Device Drivers  
This is the same manual that is included in the Developer’s Kit of the Tru64  
UNIX documentation set.  
Writing PCI Bus Device Drivers  
This manual provides information for systems engineers who write device  
drivers for the PCI bus. It describes PCI bus-specific topics, including PCI  
bus architecture and data structures that PCI bus device drivers use.  
Writing VMEbus Device Drivers  
This manual contains information systems engineers need to write device  
drivers that operate on the VMEbus. It describes VMEbus-specific topics,  
including VMEbus architecture and routines that VMEbus device drivers  
Writing Network Device Drivers  
This manual contains information that systems engineers need to write  
network device drivers that operate on any bus.  
Writing a Graphics Device Driver and DDX for the Tru64 UNIX X Server  
This manual describes how to add graphics device support to the X Window  
System on systems running the Tru64 UNIX operating system.  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
This manual describes how to create kernel (device driver) product kits. It  
provides the information that kit developers need to produce kernel products  
and layered product kits.  
This is the same manual that is included in the Developer’s Kit of the Tru64  
UNIX documentation set.  
Installation Instructions and Release Notes  
This manual explains how to install the Device Driver Kit Version 2.0  
product, including source code with sample drivers and user manuals. It also  
describes changes to the product and documentation since Device Driver  
Kit Release 1.0.  
7–2 Device Driver Documentation  
Documentation Listings  
This appendix lists the core and supplementary components of the Tru64  
UNIX documentation.  
A.1 Components of the Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server  
Printed Documentation Kits  
The following sections list the contents of the Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster  
Server documentation kits.  
A.1.1 Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit  
The documentation in the following list comprises the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation Kit (QA-6ADAA-GZ). Except where indicated, this  
documentation is also provided on the Documentation CD-ROM. See  
Section 1.5 for information about the printed documentation.  
Startup Kit (QA-6ADAC-GZ)  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A  
Tru64 UNIX Technical Overview for Version 5.1A  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A  
Installation Guide  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics  
Full Installation Quick Start Card (printed only)  
Update Installation Quick Reference Card (printed only)  
Quick Reference Card (printed only)  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs (printed only)  
General User Documentation Kit (QA-6ADAD-GZ)  
CDE Companion  
Command and Shell User’s Guide  
Master Index  
System and Network Management Documentation Kit (QA-6ADAE-GZ)  
AdvFS Administration  
Managing Online Addition and Removal  
Guide to Prestoserve  
Kernel Debugging  
Logical Storage Manager  
Network Administration: Connections  
Documentation Listings A–1  
Network Administration: Services  
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network  
Software License Management  
System Administration  
System Configuration and Tuning  
System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms  
X Window System Administrator’s Guide (printed only)  
X Window System Environment  
Developer’s Kit (QA-6ADAF-GZ)  
Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode  
Calling Standard for Alpha Systems  
Compaq C Language Reference Manual  
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
Guide to Realtime Programming  
Network Programmer’s Guide  
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide (printed only)  
OSF/Motif Style Guide (printed only)  
Programmer’s Guide  
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS (printed only)  
Programming Support Tools  
Programming with ONC RPC  
Writing Kernel Modules  
Writing Software for the International Market  
A.1.2 TruCluster Server Documentation Kit  
The documentation in the following list comprises the TruCluster Server  
Documentation Kit (QA-6BRAA-GZ). This documentation is also provided on  
the Documentation CD-ROM. See Section 1.6.1 for more information.  
Cluster Administration  
Cluster Hardware Configuration  
Cluster Highly Available Applications  
Cluster Installation  
Cluster LAN Interconnect  
Cluster Release Notes  
Cluster Technical Overview  
A.2 Supplementary Documentation on the Documentation  
The documentation in the following list is provided on the Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation CD–ROM.  
Advanced Printing Software User Guide  
BIND Configuration File Guide  
DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility  
How to Order Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
Java Documentation  
A–2 Documentation Listings  
Ladebug Debugger Manual  
New and Changed Features from Prior Releases  
Object File and Symbol Table Format Specification  
Performance Manager  
Safety & Comfort Guide  
sendmail Installation and Operation Guide  
Common Desktop Environment documentation  
Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and System Administrator’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder User’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview  
Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist  
Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk Messaging Overview  
Common Desktop Environment: User’s Guide  
ToolTalk Reference Manual  
ToolTalk User’s Guide  
Technical references for Asian languages  
Technical Reference for Using Chinese Features  
Technical Reference for Using Japanese Features  
Technical Reference for Using Korean Features  
Technical Reference for Using Thai Features  
X Windows documentation  
Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual  
X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface  
X Logical Font Description Conventions  
Xlib — C Language X Interface  
X Window System Protocol  
X Window System: The Complete Reference to Xlib, X Protocol, ICCCM, XFLD  
A.3 Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and  
TruCluster Server Documentation  
Table A–1 provides an alphabetical listing of the documentation that is  
included in the Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server documentation kits and  
on the Tru64 UNIX Documentation CD–ROM.  
Documentation Listings A–3  
Table A–1: Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation  
Advanced Printing Software User Guide  
AdvFS Administration  
Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode  
BIND Configuration File Guide  
Calling Standard for Alpha Systems  
CDE Companion  
Cluster Administration  
Cluster Hardware Configuration  
Cluster Highly Available Applications  
Cluster Installation  
Cluster LAN Interconnect  
Cluster Release Notes  
Cluster Technical Overview  
Command and Shell User’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User’s and  
System Administrator’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Application Builder User’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Desktop  
KornShell User’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s  
and Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization  
Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Guide  
Common Desktop Environment: Programmer’s Overview  
Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Cer-  
tification Checklist  
Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk Messaging Overview  
Common Desktop Environment: User’s Guide  
A–4 Documentation Listings  
Table A–1: Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation (cont.)  
Compaq C Language Reference Manual  
DECevent Translation and Reporting Utility  
Documentation Overview for Version 5.1A  
Full Installation Quick Start Card  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
Guide to Prestoserve  
Guide to Realtime Programming  
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library  
How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
How to Order Tru64 UNIX Documentation  
Installation Guide  
Installation Guide — Advanced Topics  
Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual  
Java Documentation  
Kernel Debugging  
Ladebug Debugger Manual  
Logical Storage Manager  
Managing Online Addition and Removal  
Master Index  
Network Administration: Connections  
Network Administration: Services  
Network Programmer’s Guide  
New and Changed Features from Prior Releases  
Object File and Symbol Table Format Specification  
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide  
OSF/Motif Style Guide  
Performance Manager  
Programmer’s Guide  
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS  
Documentation Listings A–5  
Table A–1: Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation (cont.)  
Programming Support Tools  
Programming with ONC RPC  
Quick Reference Card  
Release Notes for Version 5.1A  
Safety & Comfort Guide  
sendmail Installation and Operation Guide  
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network  
Software License Management  
System Administration  
System Configuration and Tuning  
System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms  
Tru64 UNIX Technical Overview for Version 5.1A  
Technical Reference for Using Chinese Features  
Technical Reference for Using Japanese Features  
Technical Reference for Using Korean Features  
Technical Reference for Using Thai Features  
ToolTalk Reference Manual  
ToolTalk User’s Guide  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs  
Update Installation Quick Reference Card  
Writing Kernel Modules  
Writing Software for the International Market  
Xlib — C Language X Interface  
X Logical Font Description Conventions  
X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language Interface  
X Window System Administrator’s Guide  
X Window System Environment  
A–6 Documentation Listings  
Table A–1: Alphabetical Listing of Core, Supplementary, and TruCluster  
Server Documentation (cont.)  
X Window System Protocol  
X Window System: The Complete Reference to Xlib,  
X Protocol, ICCCM, XFLD  
Documentation Listings A–7  
Advanced Printing Software  
Best Practices, 5–1  
books packaged with kit, 2–7  
documentation for, 1–12  
User Guide, 2–7  
viewing documentation on the Web,  
BIND Configuration File Guide,  
Advanced Server for UNIX  
( See ASU )  
administration manual, 3–1  
documentation for separately  
licensed utilities, 1–12  
( See layered products )  
C language  
( See Compaq C Language  
Reference Manual )  
( See layered products )  
CAA, 3–3  
calling standard  
( See Tru64 UNIX Calling  
Standard for Alpha Systems  
manual )  
( See previous versions of Tru64  
UNIX manuals )  
Asian languages, 4–10  
Assembly Language  
Programmer’s Guide, 4–1  
Associated Products CD–ROMs  
documentation for separately  
licensed products, 1–12  
supplementary documentation on,  
CCAT, 3–7  
( See Associated Products  
CD-ROMs, Documentation  
CD-ROM )  
CDE Companion, 2–1  
changes to operating system  
( See operating system )  
changes to the documentation in  
this version, 1–3  
documentation for, 1–12  
viewing documentation on the Web,  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode  
manual, 4–1  
( See Technical Reference for  
Using Chinese Features )  
( See Asynchronous Transfer  
Mode manual )  
( See patches )  
configuration cloning, 3–5  
installation cloning, 3–5  
Cluster Administration manual,  
Cluster Application Availability  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Style Guide and Certification  
Checklist, 4–9  
Common Desktop Environment:  
ToolTalk Messaging Overview,  
Common Desktop Environment:  
User’s Guide, 2–8  
Compaq Analyze, 3–7  
Compaq C Language Reference  
Manual, 4–2  
Compaq Crash Analysis Tool  
( See CCAT )  
Compaq Portable Mathematics  
Library manual, 1–5  
configuration cloning, 3–5  
core documentation  
defined, 1–2  
for general users, 2–1  
for programmers, 4–1  
( See CAA )  
Cluster Hardware Configuration  
manual, 3–2  
Cluster Highly Available  
Applications manual, 3–3  
Cluster Installation manual, 3–3  
Cluster LAN Interconnect manual,  
Cluster Release Notes, 2–2  
Cluster Technical Overview  
inclusion in media kit, 1–12  
collect utility, 3–7  
Command and Shell User’s Guide,  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Advanced User’s and System  
Administrator’s Guide, 2–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Application Builder User’s  
Guide, 4–7  
for system and network managers,  
viewing on the Web, 1–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Desktop KornShell User’s  
Guide, 4–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Help System Author’s and  
Programmer’s Guide, 4–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Programmer’s Guide, 4–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Product Glossary, 4–8  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Programmer’s Guide, 4–9  
Common Desktop Environment:  
Programmer’s Overview, 4–9  
( See device driver  
documentation )  
( See Kernel Debugging manual,  
Ladebug Debugger Manual )  
DEC C Language Reference  
( See Compaq C Language  
Reference Manual )  
DECevent Translation and  
Reporting Utility manual, 3–13  
( See Guide to the POSIX  
Threads Library )  
Developer’s Documentation Kit  
( See programming  
documentation )  
device driver documentation  
books in set described, 7–1  
kit for, 7–1  
viewing documentation on the Web,  
Device Driver Kit  
foreign language  
( See Asian languages )  
Full Installation Quick Start  
(printed card), 3–12  
( See also Update Installation  
Quick Reference (printed  
card) )  
( See device driver  
documentation )  
Documentation CD-ROM  
described, 1–7  
general user information on, 2–1  
mounting, 1–8  
programming documentation on,  
general user documentation  
books in kit, 1–10  
category in online Documentation  
Library, 1–7  
search facility for, 1–7  
system and network management  
information on, 3–1  
documentation kits  
( See Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation Kits )  
documentation library  
( See online Documentation  
Library )  
defined, 1–1  
overview of books, 2–1  
Guide to Preparing Product Kits  
in Developer’s Kit, 4–3  
in Device Driver Kit, 7–2  
Guide to Prestoserve, 3–4  
Guide to Realtime Programming,  
Guide to the POSIX Threads  
Library, 4–3  
documentation update contract,  
How to Access Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation (printed card)  
described, 2–6  
inclusion in media kit, 1–12  
How to Order Tru64 UNIX  
file on Documentation CD-ROM,  
HTML files  
end user documentation  
( See general user  
documentation )  
factory installed software  
( See FIS )  
features of operating system  
( See operating system )  
Fibre Channel  
reading with a browser, 1–6  
on TruCluster Server systems, 3–3  
documentation included on, 1–6  
( See Writing Software for the  
International Market )  
Ladebug Debugger Manual, 4–9  
layered products  
available on CD–ROMs, 1–13  
defined, 1–3  
( See spine icon )  
of Tru64 UNIX operating system,  
3–4, 3–5  
of TruCluster Server systems, 3–3  
installation cloning, 3–5  
Installation Guide  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 3–4  
Installation Guide – Advanced  
documentation for, 1–12  
online documentation for, 1–13  
using webman viewer for  
product-specific reference  
pages, 6–1  
Logical Storage Manager manual,  
( See Logical Storage Manager  
manual )  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 3–5  
Installation Instructions and  
Release Notes for Device Driver  
Kit, 7–2  
man command, 6–2  
Managing Online Addition and  
Removal manual, 3–6  
( See reference pages )  
Master Index, 2–3  
Inter-Client Communication  
Conventions Manual, 4–11  
( See Writing Software for the  
International Market )  
Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX  
viewing documentation on the Web,  
online search utility, 2–3  
media kit  
documentation in, 1–5  
media update contract, 1–5  
Memory Channel, 3–3  
Motif, 2–1  
( See also Common Desktop  
Environment books )  
documentation for developers, 4–6  
documentation for users, 2–1  
( See Technical Reference for  
Using Japanese Features )  
documentation for, 4–9  
Kernel Debugging manual, 3–5  
Netscape browser, 1–6  
Network Administration:  
Connections manual, 3–7  
( See also Network  
Administration: Services  
manual )  
( See Technical Reference for  
Using Korean Features )  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 3–7  
Network Administration: Services  
documentation for, 1–2  
ordering information  
( See How to Order Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation )  
manual, 3–8  
( See also Network  
Administration: Connections  
manual )  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 3–8  
( See Motif )  
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide,  
OSF/Motif Style Guide, 4–7  
( See Internet Express for Tru64  
UNIX )  
network management  
( See system and network  
management documentation )  
Network Programmer’s Guide,  
new and changes features of  
operating system  
lists of for operating system  
( See operating system )  
versions, 5–2  
obtaining kits, 5–2  
PDF files, 1–6  
Performance Manager manual,  
porting documentation, 1–9  
POSIX conformance  
documentation, 1–9  
POSIX Threads  
Object File and Symbol Table  
Format Specification document,  
( See Programming with ONC  
RPC manual )  
( See Guide to the POSIX  
Threads Library )  
preferred methods for performing  
online Documentation Library,  
Open Source Internet Solutions  
for Tru64 UNIX  
( See Best Practices )  
( See Guide to Prestoserve )  
previous versions of Tru64 UNIX  
manuals, 1–8  
( See Internet Express for Tru64  
UNIX )  
operating system  
new and changed features  
from previous releases, 2–7  
in current version, 2–4  
Operating System CD–ROM  
( See supplementary  
documentation )  
operating system patches  
( See patches )  
operating system subsets  
printed documentation  
( See Tru64 UNIX  
Documentation Kit )  
Programmer’s Guide, 4–4  
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS,  
programming documentation  
books in kit, 1–11  
category in online Documentation  
Library, 1–7  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 2–8  
SCSI bus  
on TruCluster Server systems, 3–2  
search facility  
for documentation on intranet and  
Web, 1–7  
Security manual  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 2–4  
defined, 1–1  
overview of books, 4–1  
Programming Support Tools  
manual, 4–5  
Programming with ONC RPC  
manual, 4–5  
Sharing Software on a Local Area  
Network manual, 3–9  
software development  
( See programming  
documentation )  
Quick Reference Card, 2–6  
QuickSpecs, 5–2  
Software License Management  
manual, 3–9  
Software Product Description  
( See QuickSpecs )  
( See QuickSpecs )  
spine icon  
to identify documentation sets,  
to identify reference page books,  
startup documentation  
described, 1–10  
realtime programming  
( See Guide to Realtime  
Programming )  
reference pages  
available as optional subsets, 1–2  
in printed books, 6–2  
on the Web, 1–8  
overview of sections, 6–3  
reading on line, 6–1  
webman viewer for, 6–1  
Release Notes  
printed versions in media kit, 1–5  
included in Technical Update on  
Web, 2–4n  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 2–4  
( See Network Programmer’s  
Guide, Programmer’s Guide:  
Remote Installation Services  
( See RIS )  
Request of Comments  
( See RFCs )  
revised documentation, 1–3  
RFCs, 2–6  
( See operating system subsets )  
supplementary documentation  
BIND Configuration File Guide,  
category in online Documentation  
Library, 1–7  
defined, 1–2  
installing from a RIS server, 3–5  
for Asian languages, 4–10  
for general users, 2–7  
for program developers, 4–7  
Safety & Comfort Guide  
for system and network managers,  
Technical Reference for Using  
Japanese Features, 4–10  
Technical Reference for Using  
Korean Features, 4–10  
Technical Reference for Using  
Thai Features, 4–10  
for ToolTalk service, 4–10  
for X Window System, 4–11  
Java documentation, 4–9  
New and Changed Features from  
Previous Releases, 2–7  
Object File and Symbol Table  
Format Specification document,  
on associated products CD–ROMs,  
on Operating System CD–ROM,  
technical updates  
available on Web, 1–9  
for Version 5.1A, 2–4n  
( See Technical Reference for  
Using Thai Features )  
( See Guide to the POSIX  
Threads Library )  
overview of, 5–1  
QuickSpecs, 5–2  
ToolTalk Reference Manual, 4–11  
ToolTalk service  
X Image Extension, 5–3  
sys_check utility, 3–7  
SysMan, 3–7  
System Administration manual  
on FIS system, 1–6  
overview of, 3–10  
system and network management  
documentation for, 4–10  
ToolTalk User’s Guide, 4–10  
Tru64 UNIX Calling Standard for  
Alpha Systems manual, 4–2  
Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kit  
structure of, 1–9  
Tru64 UNIX Documentation Kits  
overview, 1–9  
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A  
CD–ROMs (printed sheet), 2–7  
TruCluster Server  
books in kit, 1–11  
category in online Documentation  
Library, 1–7  
defined, 1–1  
software for, 1–12  
overview of books, 3–1  
System Configuration and Tuning  
manual, 3–11  
System Configuration  
Supplement: OEM Platforms  
manual, 3–11  
TruCluster Server manuals  
Cluster Administration, 3–2  
Cluster Hardware Configuration,  
Cluster Highly Available  
Applications, 3–3  
system limits, 1–9  
Cluster Installation, 3–3  
Cluster LAN Interconnect, 3–4  
Cluster Release Notes, 2–2  
Cluster Technical Overview, 2–2  
revised, 1–3  
Technical Overview, 2–5  
Technical Reference for Using  
Chinese Features, 4–10  
viewing documentation on the Web,  
Writing PCI Bus Device Drivers,  
Writing Software for the  
International Market, 4–6  
Writing VMEbus Device Drivers,  
Update Installation Quick  
Reference Card, 3–12  
( See also Full Installation Quick  
Start (printed card) )  
X Image Extension document  
( See XIE )  
X Logical Font Description  
Conventions document, 4–12  
X Toolkit Intrinsics — C Language  
Interface document, 4–12  
X Window System  
supplementary documentation for,  
X Window System Administrator’s  
Guide, 3–12  
X Window System Environment  
manual, 3–11  
X Window System Protocol  
document, 4–11  
search facility for, 1–7  
viewing Tru64 UNIX documentation  
on, 1–8  
Web-Based Enterprise Service  
( See WEBES )  
WEBES, 3–7  
( See reference pages )  
installing after a Full Installation,  
World Wide Web  
( See Web )  
Worldwide Language Support  
( See WLS )  
X Window System: The Complete  
Reference to Xlib, X Protocol,  
ICCCM, XFLD, 4–11  
Writing a Graphics Device Driver  
and DDX for the Tru64 UNIX X  
Server, 7–2  
Writing Device Drivers, 7–1  
Writing Kernel Modules manual  
in Developer’s Kit, 4–5  
in Device Driver Kit, 7–2  
Writing Network Device Drivers,  
supplementary documentation for,  
Xlib — C Language X Interface  
document, 4–12  
xman command, 6–2  

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