Black Box Network Card MDU20G 918 User Manual

Industrial Control Modem GSM 900/1800MHz:  
Magnetic Aerial:  
Roofmount Antenna:  
Standard Antenna:  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Quick Start Guide  
TECHNICAL: (0118) 965 6000  
SALES: (0118) 965 5100  
FAX: (0118) 965 5001  
ADDRESS: 464 Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0QN  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Black Box Catalogue  
Black Box Corporation  
Tel: 0145606700  
Tel: 724-746-5500  
Fax: 0145606747  
Fax: 724-746-0746  
Black Box Comunicaciones S.A.  
Black Box Chile  
Tel: 34 91 663 0200  
Tel: 00 562 223 8811  
Fax: 34 91 661 84 35  
Fax: 00 562 225 1002  
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Package Contents ......................................................................................................................5  
GSM Network Connection.......................................................................................................................6  
Test Commands.......................................................................................................................11  
Informative Commands.............................................................................................................11  
SALES: 0118 965 5100  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Congratulations on purchasing one of the best GSM Data Terminals available today. The  
Industrial Control Modem GSM will provide reliable service, provided it is connected to an  
appropriate GSM Network and configured correctly. This booklet will guide you through  
these stages.  
Package Contents  
Packed in with the GSM Data Terminal you will find a diskette, this contains three files, this  
booklet, the User Guide and a manual of AT Commands, all in PDF format.  
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
GSM Network Connection  
It is up to you to choose which GSM Network you would like to use, but please be aware that  
there are three different frequencies used for GSM communications, 900, 1800 and 1900  
Mhz. For instance in the UK, Vodaphone and Cellnet use 900Mhz and One to One and  
Orange use 1800Mhz. You should order your data terminal to match the Network you plan  
to use. A list of GSM Networks and their frequencies is available on page 118 of the AT  
Commands manual, but please check with your Network Provider to confirm that no changes  
have been made.  
When opening your GSM account please ask your Network Provider for a Data Account.  
Data Accounts usually have a much lower monthly charge than Audio Accounts.  
Regardless of the type of account you have, Data or Audio, you must ensure that the SIM  
card you receive is DATA ENABLED. Even if you have a Data Account, please check to  
confirm that it has been Data Enabled, sometimes this is not done automatically.  
You will normally receive three telephone numbers will each account, one for Audio  
(probably won’t work on a Data Account), one for Fax and one for Data. Obviously the Data  
number is the one to use. If you do not have a separate Data number please confirm with  
your Network Provider that the number you have is a Data number. The reason for this  
additional numbering is that not all the analogue fixed-line exchanges/switches can process  
and route the digital data that the digitally-based GSM networks use. Thus the digital data  
must be fed through an appropriate incoming voice, data, or fax number.  
Once you are satisfied that you have an Enabled Data Account, please check that the SIM  
card PIN number is not enabled. To do this place the SIM card in a normal GSM phone and  
check that the need to insert the PIN number, when the power is switched on, is disabled.  
You may now place the SIM card in your Industrial Control Modem GSM, power it up and  
check the Network connection (refer to Users Manual). On power up the LED on the front  
of the unit will be lit steady, this means power is on, but no Network Connection is available.  
After a short period of time the LED will start to flash, short time lit and longer time dark,  
this means a Network Connection is established.  
SALES: 0118 965 5100  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
As with other types of modem the Industrial Control Modem GSM has many different  
configurations available, possibly only one of which will be suitable for your application.  
The factory default configuration is a general-purpose type, which will work with many  
different types of equipment, but you may need to adjust some settings. In most cases only a  
few changes may be necessary and the most common are outlined below:  
You should be aware of two terms, which are used extensively in Data Communications,  
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Communications Equipment).  
PCs, industrial controllers and telemetry outstations are normally DTEs and modems are  
normally DCEs.  
The Industrial Control Modem GSM is a DCE and the device to which you connect it will  
almost certainly be a DTE.  
In the text below the Industrial Control Modem GSM will now be referred to as the DCE and  
your Connected Equipment as the DTE.  
AT Commands  
The Industrial Control Modem GSM (DCE) is Hayes compatible, meaning that it uses Hayes  
type AT commands. For setting up the configuration, these commands can either be loaded  
into its internal memory or can be given to the unit, by its connected equipment (DTE), in the  
form of an initialisation string.  
AT commands always start with ATand several commands can be given in one command  
string, provided the string does not exceed 40 characters. For instance the default  
initialisation string used in a RTU8 Telemetry Outstation is AT&C1E0V0S0=1. A full  
explanation of these parameters is given in the AT Commands manual, but the most  
commonly used, and therefore the most likely you will have to adjust are:  
Result codes in numerical or verbose form.  
V0 numerical, 0,1, etc.  
V1 verbose, OK, ERROR, etc.  
Check which type of result code your DTE requires.  
Carrier Detect  
&C0 DCD is always active  
&C1 DCD is active if modem is on line  
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) is a hardware signal that notifies the DTE that the DCE is in  
communication with another modem. Some software will not start-up properly if the DCD is  
active. Default is &C1.  
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Data Terminal Ready settings  
Modem ignores DTR  
Modem switches from data to command mode  
when DTR switches from ON to OFF  
Upon DTR switch from ON to OFF, the call is  
cleared down  
Defines if Flow Control is used between DTE and DCE.  
+IFC=0,0 No flow control  
+IFC=2,2 RTS flow control (preferred)  
Flow control is the use of RS232 signals to start and stop the flow of data to avoid data loss  
during buffering. Check if your DTE supports RTS/CTS flow control (Hardware flow  
control). With Flow Control the DTE will send data to the DCE. The DCE will store this  
data in a buffer. When this buffer is full, the DCE will drop the CTS-line, telling the DTE  
that it has to stop transmitting data until the signal raises again. If the RTS-signal is OFF,  
transmitting data to the DTE is stopped until the signal switches to ON.  
Defines the Baud rate used for communications between the DTE and DCE.  
The Baud rate is selected automatically  
AT+IPR=9600 The Baud rate is fixed at 9600 baud or another speed.  
This is best left at its default setting of 0 (auto), unless your DTE demands  
Defines the type of Bearer to be used. That is the communication between  
the DCE and the GSM Network.  
AT+CBST=0,0,0 Auto baud rate selection, transparent mode  
AT+CBST=0,0,1 Auto baud rate selection, non-transparent mode  
AT+CBST=7,0,0 9600 (V32) baud rate selected, transparent mode  
AT+CBST=4,0,1 2400 (V24bis) baud rate selected, non-transparent mode  
Usually the baud rate is best left in the default Auto selection. Non-transparent copes with  
bad connections better than transparent mode, but transparent mode will pass data more  
quickly. Try either to see which is best for your application.  
Non-Transparent communication utilises a special GSM network-based error correction  
facility called "Radio Link Protocol" (RLP) that ensures a more robust transmission. What  
this essentially means is that the GSM network will add special error correction codes to  
control the flow of data.  
This ensures that the data transmitted first obtains a special acknowledgement signal from the  
receiver that informs the transmitter that the data has been received as transmitted and that  
the receiver is ready to receive the next set of data from the transmitter. If there is no such  
acknowledgement signal from the receiver, the networks will utilise their "data buffering"  
feature by using a special "forward correction" technique to ensure uninterrupted data  
transmission throughout.  
SALES: 0118 965 5100  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
With transparent data transmission GSM error correction is not applied, over the air interface.  
This command is used to determine the local serial port start-stop  
(asynchronous) character framing that the DCE shall use. If your  
application requires something other than the normal 8 data bits, 1 stop  
bit and no parity, you may use this command to make the change. See  
AT Command manual  
for full details.  
Defines if the DCE echoes (sends back) characters to the DTE.  
Characters are not echoed  
Characters are echoed Check which your DTE requires  
Defines whether the DCE should answer incoming calls automatically.  
Incoming calls not answered  
Incoming calls answered after 1 ring  
Incoming calls answered after 5 rings  
The default is 0, therefore if incoming calls are to be answered this point must be changed.  
Usually set to 1. Note - make sure you use a 0 (zero) after the S and not a letter O.  
If your DTE will not work with the default configuration in the Industrial Control Modem  
GSM, remembering that the ATS0 command must be changed if incoming calls are to be  
answered, the above are the most likely parameters that may need changing. Experience  
suggests that only one or two points may need to be changed. You will need information  
from the manufacturer of your Connected Equipment (DTE) in order to configure the  
Industrial Control Modem GSM (DCE) correctly. Ask for advice on each of the above  
If you wish to give the DCE these commands via an initialisation string, from the DTE, either  
on power up and/or when a call is to be made, then they may be made in the normal manner,  
such as:  
AT +IPR=0 +CBST=0,0,1 &C1 E0 V0 S0=1  
Note. The spaces have been inserted for clarity and need not be placed in the string. Again  
for clarity we suggest that upper case is used.  
If you wish to store the configuration permanently in the Industrial Control Modem GSM  
(DCE) then you may use a PC terminal programme, such as HyperTerminal (supplied with  
Windows) as follows.  
Start HyperTerminal, name the new connection and hit OK. In the next pop-up box go to  
Connect usingand select Direct to Com1, assuming you are using Com1. Hit OK.  
On next pop-up box go to Bits per secondand select 9600, leave all other parameters as  
they are. Hit OK.  
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
You will now have a screen via which you can communicate with the DCE, BUT NOT  
BEFORE YOU HAVE TURNED ON THE CAPS LOCK. Please make sure you do this.  
Now type AT and return. The DCE will respond with OK.  
If the DCE responds with a 0 or 1, enter ATV1 and return, you will then get an OK. (See  
ATV command above)  
If you cant see what you type, carefully enter ATE1 and return. Text should then appear.  
(See ATE command above)  
You are now ready to talk to the DCE.  
Configuration commands are simply entered thus:  
ATS0=1 [return]  
(response from DCE)  
Each command can be entered in this way, making sure that the DCE responds with an OK  
after each carriage return. OK means the command has been accepted. If the DCE responds  
with ERROR, the command has not been accepted and you should re-enter it, carefully  
checking your syntax.  
Your screen could then look like:  
When you have finished entering your configuration commands you need to store them in the  
memory of the DCE. To do this enter:  
You have now configured the DCE.  
There are some other useful commands you can use to obtain information or test the DCE:  
SALES: 0118 965 5100  
Industrial Control Modem GSM  
Test Commands  
This causes the DCE to dial a number (nnnnnn)  
Hang up  
Answer an incoming call  
Informative Commands  
ATI Used to query DCE for its identifiers, such as frequency  
AT+COPS? Will inform you as to which GSM Network you are connected. See page 118  
of the AT Commands manual for a list.  
Will tell you the signal strength. 17 roughly equates to 4 bars on a hand  
phone, 10 to about 2 bars, which should be sufficient for data transfer.  
Will display the DCE current configuration  
This command is used to restore the factory settings from EEPROM, this will  
take you back to square one, regardless of any changes you have made.  
These settings are listed in appendix 16.10. of the AT Commands Manual  
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233  

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