Airflow Systems Carbon Monoxide Alarm IAQ50 User Manual

Table of Contents  
LIABILITY................................................................... ii  
SECTION 1 General Description.................................5  
SECTION 2 Safety...........................................................6  
SECTION 3 Setting-Up ..................................................7  
Supplying Power to the Model IAQ50.....................7  
Installing the Batteries.................................................7  
Using the Optional AC Adapter................................7  
Start up Sequence for the Model IAQ50...................8  
Battery Percentage...................................................8  
Log Percentage.........................................................8  
Baud Rate..................................................................8  
Setting the Real-Time Clock...................................8  
Barometric Pressure ................................................9  
Using the Sensing Probe ...........................................10  
SECTION 4 Detailed Operation.................................10  
Keypad Functions ......................................................10  
ON/OFF Key .........................................................11  
CO2 Key ...................................................................11  
TEMP Key...............................................................12  
HUMID Key ...........................................................13  
READ/ENTER Key...............................................13  
TIME LOG Key ......................................................14  
NEXT TEST Key.....................................................16  
%OA (Percent Outside Air) Key .........................16  
BP Key .....................................................................21  
RECALL Key..........................................................22  
Arrow Keys (56).................................................23  
DEL Key..................................................................24  
Printing Data Using the Optional MicroPrinter ...25  
Connecting the Optional MicroPrinter...................25  
SECTION 5 Maintenance............................................ 26  
Probe Tip..................................................................... 26  
Cases............................................................................ 27  
Storage......................................................................... 27  
SECTION 6 Service and Calibration ........................ 27  
Factory Calibration.................................................... 28  
Field Calibration........................................................ 29  
CO2 Field Calibration Procedure ............................ 29  
Temperature and Humidity Calibrations  
Adjustment Procedure.............................................. 32  
SECTION 7 Troubleshooting..................................... 34  
SECTION 8 DIP Switch Settings............................... 36  
Specifications................................................................. 38  
General Description  
The Model IAQ50 measures Carbon  
Dioxide (CO2) level, temperature and  
relative humidity, and calculates dew  
point and wet bulb. It also calculates the  
percentage of outside (make up) air in a  
given indoor space, using CO2 levels, or  
temperature. The instrument will deter-  
mine statistics and recall individual data  
points for up to 255 test IDs. The Model  
IAQ50 will retain data even after it is  
turned off.  
The IAQ50 ships in a soft-sided carrying  
case that holds the meter and probe, a  
probe stand, and calibration collar. There  
is space in the case for an optional Micro-  
Printer and charger. The instrument ships  
with batteries (which are not installed), a  
calibration sheet, and this Owner’s  
When using the IAQ50 to check for CO2,  
temperature or humidity values, make  
certain that you can safely raise and hold  
the instrument while making measure-  
ments. Be especially careful when working  
on a ladder.  
Observe all necessary precautions so that  
the unit does not become caught in  
moving machinery or touch any exposed  
electrical wiring.  
Use with corrosive or other dangerous or  
explosive gas mixtures is not recom-  
Do not expose the sensing probe to  
excessive heat—it can damage the  
sensors and probe.  
Supplying Power to the Model IAQ50  
The Model IAQ50 can be powered in one  
of two ways: four AA-size batteries or an  
optional AC adapter.  
Installing the Batteries  
Insert four AA batteries as indicated by the  
diagram located on the inside of the  
battery compartment. The Model IAQ50 is  
designed to operate only with alkaline  
batteries, which are included. At 15%  
battery life remaining, the battery indica-  
tor will show that the batteries need to be  
Using the Optional AC Adapter  
The optional AC adapter allows you to  
power the Model IAQ50 from an AC  
outlet. When using the AC adapter, the  
batteries (if installed) will be bypassed.  
The AC adapter is NOT a battery charger.  
Start up Sequence for the Model IAQ50  
When the instrument is turned on, all  
segments of the display will light up and  
then the meter goes through a start-up  
Battery Percentage  
This shows the remaining amount of  
battery power.  
Log Percentage  
This shows how much of the datalog-  
ging memory is still available.  
Baud Rate  
The Model IAQ50 has a DEFAULT baud  
rate of 1200, which allows it to commu-  
nicate with the optional portable Micro-  
Setting the Real-Time Clock  
The Model IAQ50 has an internal clock  
that keeps track of the time (the format  
is HH.MM where HH is the hour in 24-  
hour format and MM is minutes) and  
the date. It is very important to set the  
time and date correctly, otherwise date  
and time stamping of recorded data will  
not be correct.  
To set the time and date, press and hold  
either 5 or 6 key during the power-up  
sequence when the time is displayed.  
Release the keys when the Model IAQ50  
beeps twice. You will have an opportu-  
nity to view and/or change the minutes  
(min), hours, year, month and date in  
sequence. Use the 5 or 6 key to change  
any settings. Use the ENTER key to store  
each setting and advance to the next one.  
Barometric Pressure  
The default barometric pressure is 29.92.  
To change this, press the 5 or 6 keys.  
Press ENTER to store the new value. Be  
sure to use “stations pressure” which  
may be available at the local airport.  
“Station pressure” is not corrected to sea  
level. The barometric pressure is used to  
correct the CO2 readings and to calculate  
the wet bulb.  
The instrument then displays current  
conditions. To skip the start-up  
sequence, press and hold the ENTER  
key at any point of the start-up  
sequence, until the meter beeps.  
Using the Sensing Probe  
The sensing probe relies on the diffusion  
of air. For best results, try to keep the  
sensing probe surrounded by moving air.  
Do not breathe on the probe, since humans  
exhale levels well exceeding 10,000 ppm  
CO2 and it may take time for the probe to  
Detailed Operation  
Keypad Functions  
When pressing the keys on the front panel,  
the Model IAQ50 will beep to confirm the  
function. If you press a key and it does not  
beep, the instrument does not allow that  
function during the selected mode.  
ON/OFF Key  
Press the ON/OFF key to turn the in-  
strument on and off. When the instru-  
ment is first turned on, it goes through a  
preprogrammed power-up sequence  
that includes an internal self-check  
(when all displayable items are shown).  
The Model IAQ50 begins by displaying  
percentage of battery life remaining  
(accurate for alkaline batteries only), the  
percentage of memory available, baud  
rate, time (HH.MM) and entered baro-  
metric pressure. At this point, the Model  
IAQ50 will start measuring CO2, tem-  
perature and % relative humidity.  
If a problem is detected, the display will  
show “CAL” to indicate that it should be  
returned for service and/or calibration.  
Note: To skip the start-up display, press and  
hold ENTER at any time during the power-  
up sequence.  
CO2 Key  
The Model IAQ50 will automatically  
start in CO2 mode. To return to this  
mode from another measurement pa-  
rameter, press the CO2 key. Then, place  
the probe in the location you want to  
measure gas concentration.  
TEMP Key  
The meter will always display tempera-  
ture readings from the permanent sensor  
on the lower line of the display. When  
you wish to take an external tempera-  
ture reading using an RTD probe, plug  
any three-pronged RTD probe into the  
right side. Then, press the TEMP key to  
view the temperature from the resistive  
temperature detector (RTD). The letters  
Prb” will display on the top line of the  
display and the actual temperature from  
the RTD on the bottom line.  
To return to reading temperatures from  
the permanent probe, press the TEMP  
key again.  
Note: If the external RTD probe becomes  
unplugged while in Prbmode, the display  
will read “over.” If the RTD probe is not  
plugged in and the TEMP key is pressed,  
nothing will happen.  
Press HUMID to toggle between %RH,  
dew point or wet bulb, (as displayed on  
the top line of the display). Dew point  
and wet bulb are displayed in the same  
units chosen for temperature measure-  
This is a dual function key. It reads  
measurement samples and it can be used  
to accept a value or condition or to  
return to regular measuring mode.  
Press READ to take a sample reading;  
the instrument takes a measurement  
over five seconds. When the display is  
flashing SAMPLE, it counts down the  
five-second sample time: five, four,  
three, two. Then the display shows  
COUNT and a number. This is the num-  
ber of individual readings in this test ID.  
All measurements are stored in memory.  
Note: Be certain to press NEXT TEST key  
to save readings into a different test ID.  
To set up the instrument so it automati-  
cally takes measurements, use the TIME  
LOG key. This allows you to program a  
logging time and interval, and the meter  
will read and store measurements that  
can be viewed later.  
Press the TIME LOG key. Use the 5 or  
6 keys to select “On”. Press the ENTER  
LOG” will light up on the display and  
the logging interval is shown. Use the 5  
or 6 keys to scroll through the log  
interval choices. The choices are: 5, 6, 7,  
8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 seconds (SEC),  
and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25,  
30, and 60 minutes (min). Press the  
ENTER key to accept your choice.  
Next, you will choose the number of  
readings that you want the instrument  
to take. The choices are “COnt” or 1 to  
9999. Use the 5 or 6 keys to scroll  
through the choices, and press ENTER  
to accept your choice. If “COnt” is cho-  
sen, the instrument will sample continu-  
ously until it is either stopped manually,  
runs out of memory, or the batteries run  
out. If a number between 1 and 9999 is  
chosen, the instrument will take that  
number of samples and then stop stor-  
ing readings.  
The instrument will then return to a  
normal measuring mode.  
Press ENTER to start the automatic time  
log. LOG will flash on the display while  
this function is running. You need to  
press ENTER to stop the logging func-  
tion if it was set for “COnt”. You may  
also press ENTER at any time during the  
logging function to cancel a preset num-  
ber of samples.  
The log mode remains programmed  
until you go into TIME LOG and turn  
this feature “OFF.” Simply press ENTER  
to start another time log test.  
Press NEXT TEST to advance to the next  
test ID. If the current test ID does not  
have anything stored, it will not advance  
to the next test ID.  
The Model IAQ50 will automatically  
increment the test ID number under the  
following conditions:  
turning off the Model IAQ50 (if  
there is stored data)  
setting any data logging sample  
taking a %OA measurement after a  
normal sample  
taking a normal sample after a %OA  
%OA (Percent Outside Air) Key  
The percentage of outside air can be  
calculated using CO2 or temperature  
measurements using the following  
Using CO2:  
%OA= (CR–CS) / (CR–CO) x 100%  
where %OA = Percentage of outside  
= Concentration CO2 of  
return air  
= Concentration CO2 of  
supply air  
CO = Concentration CO2 of  
outside air  
Using Temperature:  
%OA= (TR-TS) / (TR-TO) x 100%  
where %OA = Percentage of outside  
= Temperature of return  
= Temperature of supply  
= Temperature of outside  
Temperature readings should be taken at  
the Air Handling Unit only, since there may  
be components in the system that change  
the temperature that are not evident upon  
initial examination. Calculating Outside Air  
measurements by taking readings at the  
supply air to a room will not give the  
correct answer. Reheat coils and chiller  
coils will change the temperature of the  
readings and give incorrect answers.  
The general procedure for either method  
is to take a reading in each of three  
modes: return air, outside air, and sup-  
ply air. Pressing ENTER while in %OA  
mode will store all three samples and  
then give you the calculated value on the  
display. You may use the 5 or 6 keys  
to move from mode to mode. You may  
press the NEXT TEST key at any time to  
exit back to normal sampling.  
Note: You may press the %OA key at  
any time during the following proce-  
dure to exit without saving any data  
and to return to normal sampling.  
Details on the procedure are as follows:  
Press the %OA key once to begin. To  
choose a measurement mode (OA,  
SUPPLY, RETURN), use the 5 or 6  
You may press TEMP or CO2 at any time  
to move from calculating %OA from  
TEMP to CO2 or from CO2 to TEMP.  
In return air mode, “RETURN” will  
appear on the display. The current value  
will show on the bottom line of the  
display. The top line of the display will  
show either dashes (if this is the first  
time using %OA function or if the mem-  
ory has been cleared) or it will show the  
last value stored for return air. Press  
READ/ENTER once the reading has  
The stored measurement will display on  
the top line. This is the reading that will  
be used to calculate percentage of out-  
side air.  
If the measurement is not acceptable or  
the value is not yet stable, wait a minute  
and then take another reading to over-  
write the value on the top line.  
Once the top line value is acceptable,  
press the 5 or 6 keys to move the icon  
to either Supply or %OA, whichever  
reading you are prepared to make next.  
Repeat the procedure with both a Sup-  
ply measurement and an Outside Air  
Remember, the top line measurement is  
what will be used in the calculation.  
Once all three readings are stored, press  
the 5 or 6 keys to advance to %OA.  
OA%” will appear on the display along  
with the % outside air value. To put this  
%OA value and the values from the  
three other modes into memory, press  
the READ/ENTER key.  
Note: “Err” will display if not enough  
information is available or a negative %  
value is calculated.  
To make changes to one of the other  
three readings without putting these  
values to memory yet, press the 5 or 6  
keys to review the values and press  
READ/ENTER to overwrite the value.  
To exit this procedure completely with-  
out putting any values to memory, press  
To take another % outside air measure-  
ment, make sure you pressed  
READ/ENTER to put the values to mem-  
ory. Then use the 5 or 6 keys to review  
the measurements and take new samples  
for supply and return. The stored Out-  
side Air reading can be used in all per-  
centage calculations, unless you input a  
new value.  
BP Key  
To change the stored barometric pres-  
sure, press BP and use the 5 or 6 keys  
to change the value. Press ENTER to  
return to normal measuring mode.  
The RECALL key lets you review data  
from a particular test ID.  
Press the RECALL key. The most current  
test ID number will show on the display.  
Press ENTER to review measurements  
in this test ID, or use the 5 or 6 keys to  
choose another test ID to review. If  
dashes appear in the top line of the  
display, there is no stored data in that  
particular test ID.  
Use up arrow to view average, total  
number of samples (count), minimum  
reading, maximum reading, and indi-  
vidual readings for the selected test ID.  
The samples will be displayed in the  
order that they were taken.  
To view a different test ID, you need to  
press RECALL again.  
The display will always show CO2 meas-  
urements. To review other measure-  
ments, press the desired measurement  
button. For example, if you wish to see  
humidity measurements, press HUMID.  
Press HUMID again to see dew point  
readings. For the external RTD, press the  
TEMP key. If there is no data for that  
measurement type “-----” will be dis-  
played. Press another measurement key  
to view more data or press ENTER to  
return to measuring mode.  
Note: To view return air, supply air or  
outside air data individually, you must  
download to computer or print out the  
values. %OA is reviewable on-screen.  
Arrow Keys (56)  
The two arrow keys are used to scroll  
through and select values as needed for  
Model IAQ50 functions. They are also  
used while in field calibration mode.  
On the Model IAQ50, pressing either 5  
or 6 key on the start-up sequence while  
baud rate, time or barometric pressure is  
displayed will allow you to change  
them. Use the 5 or 6 key to adjust the  
value, and press ENTER to accept.  
DEL Key  
The Model IAQ50 lets you clear the last  
sample stored or the entire contents of  
To clear only the last sample, hold the  
DEL key and the display will begin a  
countdown from 3 to 0. Release the key  
before 0 is displayed. The display will  
beep twice and flash ”CLEAR  
To clear all memory, press and hold the  
DEL key and the display will begin a  
countdown from 3 to 0. Release the key  
while 0 is displayed. The display will  
beep twice and flash “CLEAR LOG.”  
Note: If you release the key after 0 is dis-  
played, it will not beep, and nothing will be  
Printing Data Using the Optional  
If the optional MicroPrinter is connected,  
what is viewed on-screen will be on the  
paper printout.  
Note: In order to print, the baud rate on the  
Model IAQ50 must be set to the same as the  
printer. The default is 1200.  
The data will print in a format such as  
12,345.67. If you desire, the Model IAQ50  
can print in a format such as 12.345,67 by  
switching DIP switch #8 ON. See “DIP  
Switch Settings” in Chapter 8.  
Connecting the Optional MicroPrinter  
To connect the MicroPrinter printer to the  
Model IAQ50, locate the Printer Interface  
Cable (supplied with the optional printer)  
and connect the 9-pin end labeled  
“PRINTER” to the printer and the other  
end to the data port of the Model IAQ50.  
The printer must be set to the same baud  
rate as the Model IAQ50. See Baud Rate  
section for details on how to change the  
baud rate. To change the baud rate of the  
printer, please refer to the operation and  
service manual for the printer to properly  
set the printer’s DIP switch settings. If the  
printer prints question marks (??????),  
asterisks (******), or random characters,  
reset it by turning it off and then on again.  
If necessary, refer to the Owner’s Manual  
for the MicroPrinter.  
Probe Tip  
Periodically inspect the probe tip to ensure  
that it is clean. Dust and oil deposits on the  
sensor may affect the response time of the  
Model IAQ50. To remove dust, blow it off  
with a gentle stream of air.  
To avoid possible irreparable damage, do  
not use liquid to clean the probe or probe  
If the instrument case or storage case  
needs cleaning, wipe it off with a soft  
cloth. Never submerge the Model IAQ50  
in any liquid.  
When storing the Model IAQ50 for more  
than a month, TSI recommends removing  
the batteries. This prevents possible  
damage due to battery leakage.  
Service and Calibration  
Please return your Product Registration  
Card immediately. This allows us to send  
service reminders, special offers, and  
important information about your  
Before sending your instrument for  
calibration or repair, you should call  
Customer Service. The service department  
will provide you with the cost of service or  
calibration, Return Material Authorization  
(RMA) number, and shipping instructions.  
Please have the following information  
available when you call:  
Owner’s name, address, and phone  
Billing address, if different and  
Instrument name and model  
Serial number  
Date of purchase  
Where purchased  
TSI recommends that you keep a “calibra-  
tion log” and keep all records of service on  
your instrument.  
Factory Calibration  
To maintain a high degree of accuracy in  
your measurements, TSI recommends that  
you return your instrument to the factory  
for annual calibration. For a nominal fee,  
we will calibrate the unit and return it to  
you with a NIST (US National Institute of  
Standards and Technology) traceable  
certificate. This “annual checkup” assures  
you of consistently accurate readings; it is  
especially important in applications where  
strict calibration records must be main-  
Send the instrument to TSI Instruments  
Ltd. prepaid. Securely package your  
instrument in a strong container sur-  
rounded by at least 5 cm of suitable shock-  
absorbing material. Include a purchase  
order that clearly shows the instrument  
model number and serial number, a  
contact name, phone, fax number, and  
RMA number. Mark the outside of your  
shipping container with the RMA number.  
This will expedite processing of your  
instrument when we receive it.  
Field Calibration  
CO2 Field Calibration Procedure  
1. Turn the IAQ50 on and set the Baro-  
metric Pressure to the current Baro-  
metric Pressure. Be sure to use “station  
pressure” which may be available at  
the local airport. “Station pressure” is  
not corrected to sea level.  
2. Turn the IAQ50 off and flip DIP switch  
#7 to ON.  
3. Turn the IAQ50 on. It will flash “CAL”  
on the top row and beep intermit-  
4. Press and hold the CO2 key to begin  
the calibration procedure. The display  
will begin a countdown from 5 to 0.  
Release the key when the display  
reads 0. If the key is released too soon  
or too late, the instrument will go back  
to beeping and flashing “CAL”. If  
you’ve done this step correctly,  
“ZerO” will appear on the display and  
the beeping will have stopped.  
5. Slide the calibration collar onto the  
probe until it stops. It should cover the  
set of holes closest to the handle.  
6. Install the regulator on the zero  
calibration gas tank and connect tub-  
ing from the regulator to the inlet fit-  
ting on the CO2 calibration collar.  
7. Turn on gas flow.  
8. Press and release the READ key to  
begin a zero reading. The IAQ50 be-  
gins a 60 second countdown during  
the zero reading. The actual zero read-  
ing is taken in the last 10 seconds.  
When the countdown is completed,  
the display indicates “SPAN” and the  
span concentration.  
9. Install the regulator on the span  
calibration cylinder and connect tub-  
ing from the regulator to the inlet fit-  
ting on the calibration collar.  
10. Use 5 and 6 keys to adjust the  
concentration displayed on the IAQ50  
to match the concentration on the span  
gas cylinder.  
11. Press and release the READ key to  
take a span gas reading. The IAQ50  
starts a 60 second countdown. When  
the countdown reaches zero, the in-  
strument returns to the normal meas-  
urement mode.  
12. With the gas still connected, observe  
the reading on the display. It should  
indicate the span gas concentration. If  
not, repeat the calibration.  
13. If the displayed reading is accurate,  
remove the regulator and tubing.  
14. Turn the IAQ50 off and flip DIP switch  
#7 to OFF (normal mode). The calibra-  
tion is now complete.  
Temperature and Humidity Calibrations  
Adjustment Procedure  
The temperature adjustment can add or  
subtract a number of degrees. The range is  
±9.99ºF (±5.55°C). Calibration can be done  
in either ºF or ºC mode. Humidity adjust-  
ment adds or subtracts a constant percent-  
age. The range is ±12.0% relative humidity.  
The procedure for field adjustment is as  
Turn off the instrument, flip DIP switch #7  
to “ON.” Turn the Model IAQ50 on again.  
On the Model IAQ50, press and hold the  
parameter key you want to adjust to enter  
calibration mode. The display will begin a  
countdown from 5 to 0. Release the key  
when 0 is displayed. The top line of the  
display will show the adjustment number  
and the bottom line will show the actual  
reading value. Use the 5 and6 keys to  
change the adjustment number and press  
READ key to accept. The meter returns to  
the measurement mode when the READ  
key is pressed. You must press and hold  
the parameter you want to adjust to access  
it. When finished, turn the instrument off  
and flip DIP switch #7 to “off.”  
On the Model IAQ50, press and hold the  
TEMP or HUMIDITY key to enter the  
calibration mode for that parameter. To  
enter the calibration mode for the RTD,  
make sure the RTD is plugged in. Press the  
TEMP key until “Prb” shows on the  
display, then press and hold the TEMP  
The display will begin a countdown from  
5 to 0. Release the key when 0 is displayed.  
The top line of the display will show the  
adjustment number (factory setting is 0.0)  
and the bottom line will show the actual  
reading value. Use 5 or 6 keys to change  
the adjustment number and press ENTER  
to accept. If necessary, repeat the above  
sequence for the other parameters. When  
finished, turn the instrument off and flip  
DIP switch #7 to “off.”  
Table 7-1 lists the symptoms, possible  
causes, and recommended solutions for  
common problems encountered with the  
Model IAQ50. If your symptom is not  
listed, or if none of the corrective actions  
solve your problem, please contact TSI  
Instruments Ltd.  
Table 7-1: Troubleshooting the  
Model IAQ50  
Symptom Causes  
Unit not  
Switch on the  
Replace the  
batteries or  
plug in the AC  
switched on  
Low or dead  
Dirty battery  
Clean the  
symbol is  
Batteries are  
low, 15% or  
less life  
Symptom Causes  
reads "LO" adapter  
Wrong AC  
Replace with  
the correct AC  
Low AC line  
Correct the AC  
line voltage or  
use batteries.  
Clean the  
Dirty battery  
The Model  
IAQ50 has  
detected an  
internal fault  
A parameter  
value is too  
Return to  
factory for  
Use an  
method to  
make meas-  
Plug in the  
RTD became  
while reading  
RTD tempera-  
reads high adjusting to  
or low temperature  
sensor is still  
sufficient time  
for the  
temperature to  
Symptom Causes  
You are trying  
Read or record  
the average;  
clear the  
sample register  
and proceed.  
Return to  
to enter more  
readings than  
memory can  
Low lithium  
battery power  
factory for  
DIP Switch Settings  
To access the DIP switches, remove the  
batteries from the battery compartment.  
On the inside of the battery compartment,  
there is a window with eight DIP switches.  
The table below shows the functions for  
each switch.  
Make certain that power is turned off  
before changing DIP switch settings.  
Table 8-1: DIP Switch Settings  
Must be OFF  
Not assigned  
Buzzer OFF  
Normal Mode  
American Date  
Buzzer ON  
Calibrate Mode  
European Date  
Format and 12,345.67 Format and  
The ON position is away from the batteries  
and OFF is towards the batteries. Always  
leave DIP switch #1–4 in the OFF position.  
Specifications are subject to change without notice.  
0 to 5000 ppm  
±3% of reading at 25oC or  
± 50 ppm, whichever is  
Sensor Type  
1 ppm  
Dual wavelength NDIR  
(Non-dispersive Infrared)  
0 to 60°C  
± 0.6°C  
Secondary Temperature Probe (optional):  
-40 to 120°C  
RTD -100 ohms, 3  
Sensor Type:  
Relative Humidity:  
5% to 95% RH  
±3.0% RH  
Sensor Type:  
0.1% RH  
Thin-film capacitive  
Dew Point:  
Resolution :  
-15 to 49°C  
Wet Bulb:  
5 to 60°C  
% Outside Air:  
0 to 100%  
Logging Capability:  
Up to 14,000 measure-  
ments in 1000 test ID’s  
5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25, 30  
sec. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,  
20,25,30,60 min.  
Meter Dimensions:  
89 mm × 168 mm ×  
41 mm  
Weight (with batteries):  
Probe length:  
0.53 kg  
175 mm  
Probe tip diameter:  
19 mm  
2 line, 4-digit LCD  
5 to 70°C  
Operating Range:  
Storage Range:  
-20 to 70°C  
Power Requirements:  
Four AA-size batteries  
(included) or AC adapter  
Printer Interface Type:  
Serial, 1200 baud  
1 Add ±0.36%/ deg C away from calibration  
2 At 25°C. Add uncertainty of ±0.05%/°C away from  
calibrated temperature  
TSI Instruments Ltd.  
Lancaster Road  
October 2005  
Printed in USA  
Cressex Business Park  
High Wycombe  
Part No. 1980533, Rev. A  
HP12 3QP England  
Tel: +44 (0) 149 4 459200  
Fax: +44 (0) 149 4 459700  
Copyright © 2005  
TSI Incorporated  

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