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Infinity Systems
Interlude IL120s
Robert Deutsch
s everyone—at least, every-
ful as they seem. The ones I’m familiar with
all use a mathematical model that assumes
a shoebox-shaped room with no openings
in the walls, and walls of infinite rigidity.
Real rooms may be L-shaped and have
doors, archways, closets, skylights, and
cathedral ceilings—variables that can’t be
plugged into the formulas. Real walls typi-
cally have rigidity that is considerably less
than infinite, which can affect the useful-
ness of the result in ways that are often
One bit of advice that’s hard to argue with
is that the subwoofer should be moved
around until you find the position that pro-
duces the best bass—i.e., the greatest exten-
sion, the most output, the flattest frequency
response, and the smoothest integration
with the main speakers. Fair enough, but
even if you ignore the possibility that you’ll
have to make tradeoffs among the different
criteria of subwoofer performance (for
instance, the position that gives you the high-
est output might not produce the smoothest
integration), this approach assumes that you
have considerable flexibility in subwoofer
positioning. Again, the reality may be quite
different. The position that’s ideal for the sub-
woofer may be exactly where you have the
equipment rack, with no other convenient
place in the room to put the equipment. Or
the subwoofer might sound best when
placed in a position that will almost guaran-
tee that people will trip over it or its cables.
one who reads this magazine—knows, the
sound of a subwoofer in a room depends
not only on the subwoofer itself, but also on
the room and the placement of the sub-
woofer in the room. You can have a sub-
woofer that’s a sterling performer when
measured anechoically, but that perfor-
mance may not be realized in a given home-
theater setting. While some of us are in the
fortunate position of being able to build a
dedicated home-theater room of ideal pro-
portions, most of us are stuck with the
rooms we’ve got, which leaves subwoofer
position as a variable to be optimized.
There are formulas and computer pro-
grams that will suggest subwoofer position-
ing, but, in my opinion, these are not as use-
One approach to improving in-room sub-
woofer performance is equalization: atten-
uating the peaks and boosting the valleys, a
process intended to produce an overall
more linear frequency response. Unfortu-
nately, there are several pitfalls to using
conventional equalization in this fashion.
First, boosting a frequency that corre-
sponds to a dip in the frequency response is
not advisable. A dip usually indicates
acoustic cancellation, and boosting the
level at this frequency is like feeding power
into an acoustic black hole. You’ll end up
pushing the subwoofer to high output lev-
els, with little to show for it, except possibly
driving the woofer into audible distortion.
Attenuating a peak might be effective,
Interlude IL120s ported active subwoofer
Driver: one 12" C.M.M.D. cone
Frequency response: 28–150Hz, 3dB
Amplifier output: 500W (20–150Hz,
<0.1% THD)
Crossover frequencies: 50–150Hz,
24dB/octave, continuously variable
Controls: subwoofer level, phase (0°/180°),
crossover frequency, R.A.B.O.S. (see text)
Finishes: cherry, natural maple, onyx-onigre
Dimensions: 171⁄2" × 171⁄4" × 193⁄4"
Weight: 45 lbs.
Price: $899; Bass Optimization Test &
Measurement Kit, $59.95
Infinity Systems
250 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY 11797
tel. (800) 553-3332
fax (516) 682-3524
74 Stereophile Guide to Home Theater • November 2001
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I N F I N I T Y S Y S T E M S I N T E R L U D E I L 1 2 0 S
phase-reversal switch and a continuously
variable lowpass filter that can be turned
off if the subwoofer is used with a Dolby
Digital/DTS surround processor-receiver.
The IL120S’s sculpted front panel and grille
are attractive, and the review sample was
finished in “onyx-anigre,” which I take to be
a term for a better class of fake wood.
Before trying to fine-tune the IL120S with
R.A.B.O.S., I wanted to check out its raw
performance with the R.A.B.O.S. controls
turned off completely. I set up the IL120S as
per my usual practice: sub placed at front
left, just a bit out from the corner, the main
speaker/subwoofer balance adjusted using
the built-in calibration tones of the Rotel
RSP-976 surround preamplifier-proces-
sor—or, when using the Thule PR 250B
processor (which lacks a subwoofer calibra-
tion tone), the test tones on Stereophile’s
Test CD 3. To ensure comparability with my
previous subwoofer reviews, I used a
RadioShack sound-level meter.
Over a period of several weeks, watching
familiar DVDs as well as new releases (I rent
many more than I buy), the impression that
I formed of the IL120S was that, for $899, it’s
a competent but unexceptional performer.
Extension was good, and there was lots of
volume available, but the bass was a bit
boomy, lacking some tightness. I played
which determines the frequency of the
dominant subwoofer/room peak as well as
the shape of that peak. You then set the
bandwidth control to match the shape of
the peak, and attenuate level at the appro-
priate frequency by an amount that will pro-
duce a flat frequency response. After the
equalization process is completed, you can
check the results by repeating the test tones
and plotting the frequency response again.
R.A.B.O.S. can correct for only a single dom-
inant peak, but this is said to be the most
common subwoofer/room interaction. In
situations where there are two significant
peaks, the R.A.B.O.S. manual suggests cor-
recting the one at the higher frequency,
which is likely to be more audible and
objectionable. If there are adjacent narrow
peaks and dips, the manual says to leave
them alone—they’re the result of interfer-
ence patterns that are specific to a certain
spot in the room, and in any case can’t be
corrected by this type of equalization.
Oh yes, the subwoofer . . .
Aside from the R.A.B.O.S. function, the
IL120S looks like a fairly conventional pow-
ered subwoofer with a rear-facing port that’s
flared to reduce turbulence. The IL120S is
not one of those newfangled ultra-compact
subs, and does not have servo control. How-
ever, it does have one high-tech feature: the
driver is a special 12-inch unit with a propri-
etary Ceramic Metal Matrix Diaphragm
(C.M.M.D.) and a 60-oz magnet structure.
According to research reported in a white
speaker cones made of C.M.M.D. have
fewer inherent resonances and are capable
of more linear pistonic movement than any
other comparable material. The effect is
said to be the elimination of colorations due
to cone modes, which should result in dra-
matically reduced distortion.
Rotel RDV-1080 DVD player
Surround Preamp-Processors
Rotel RSP-976
Thule PR 250B
Power Amp
Bryston 9B-ST
Dunlavy SC-I (5)
Digital: TARA Labs Decade
Interconnect: assorted AudioQuest
Speaker: AudioQuest Type 6+
Chang Lightspeed CLS HT1000 power-line
Amplification is provided by a 500W
class-AB amplifier with a cool-running
switching power supply. In addition to the
R.A.B.O.S. controls, the IL120S includes a
AudioPrism QuietLine LF-1 Mk.II parallel
power-line filters
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I N F I N I T Y S Y S T E M S I N T E R L U D E I L 1 2 0 S
every opportunity. I talked to
Allan Devantier at Infinity
about the meter’s battery-
eating habits, and he admit-
ted that the meter draws
considerable current, but
said that this was a byprod-
uct of making it behave lin-
early at the low frequencies
whatever is making that ominous throb-
bing sound—became tighter, not as boomy,
with less of a sense of prolonged resonance.
The bass also seemed to go deeper. I initial-
ly found the increase in apparent bass
extension puzzling, in that the before/after
frequency-response plot showed no
changes in the region of 30Hz and below.
However, the impression of greater bass
extension does make sense when you con-
sider the fact that R.A.B.O.S. lowered the
40Hz peak while leaving frequencies below
30Hz unaffected. This would have the effect
of the lower frequencies being given more
nearly equal prominence with the higher
ones—which means, effectively, greater
bass extension. The IL120S’s rated low-end
limit is 28Hz, –3dB, and that’s pretty much
how it sounded with the R.A.B.O.S. adjust-
ments. More upmarket subwoofers—like
the Bag End Infrasub-18 and the big Velo-
dynes—go lower and with more authority,
but within its range the IL120S actually had
them beat in linearity of in-room frequency
response. I just wish the powered subs of
my Avantgarde Unos in my 2-channel lis-
tening system were equipped with
R.A.B.O.S. controls.
The improvements brought about by
R.A.B.O.S. were especially welcome with
music. There’s a tendency for the bass in
subwoofer-equipped systems to sound dis-
connected from the rest of the range, which
is more bothersome with music than with
movie sound effects. With R.A.B.O.S., there
was better integration of the sound of the
IL120S with the main speakers, for a more
musically appropriate effect. The bass was
also more “tuneful”—it was easier to follow
string bass and bass guitar lines in the mix.
R.A.B.O.S. measurements. I
think the Infinity people
were gotten to by the Ener-
gizer bunny.
Apart from having to
watch for that pesky Low
Battery warning, the pro-
cess of taking the R.A.B.O.S.
measurements, plotting the
results, and making the
adjustments turned out to
be easier than I had antici-
pated. The plot of the fre-
quency response based on
the R.A.B.O.S. measure-
ments showed that there
was just a single 6dB peak
around with the surround preamp-proces-
sor’s subwoofer-level control but couldn’t
get rid of the boomy quality without mak-
ing the subwoofer sound too weak. For the
price, the performance was still good
enough to earn a recommendation, but
nothing to get too excited about.
centered at 40Hz, and the bandwidth selec-
tor (a neat, curve-fitting device) indicated
that the correction should have a 30% band-
width. Then it was a simple matter of look-
ing up in the R.A.B.O.S. manual the control
settings corresponding to these parameters
(e.g., 40Hz is Position 11 of the Frequency
control), and, with the aid of the adjustment
key (a kind of small screwdriver), turning
the equalizer controls to the appropriate
I then repeated the measurements to
check the effect of the R.A.B.O.S. adjust-
ments. The plot of the retest showed that
the peak centered at 40Hz was essentially
eliminated, with no change elsewhere in
the frequency response. (Actually, there
was still a 1dB blip at 40Hz, but I decided to
leave it alone.) The last stage was setting the
final system balance, using another pair of
test signals on the R.A.B.O.S. test CD.
Comparing the sound of the system with
R.A.B.O.S. engaged vs. bypassed (the sub-
woofer has a switch that allows you to do
this), using R.A.B.O.S. resulted in the IL120S
sounding much more subtle and natural,
more of-a-piece with the rest of the range.
The bass drum in Jumanji—the scene
where the children run upstairs to look for
Once I felt I had a good handle on the
IL120S’s basic sound, it was time to try
R.A.B.O.S. I set up the sound-level meter on
a short tripod placed at the central listening
seat and began adjusting first system vol-
ume, then subwoofer volume, as instructed
by the R.A.B.O.S. manual. That is, I tried
to—before I was able to finish making these
adjustments (which are preliminary to the
fine-grained measurement/equalization
process), the sound-level meter’s Low Bat-
tery warning light came on. The meter had
been on perhaps 15 minutes. Could the
meter’s 9V alkaline battery have been on
the low side to begin with? Perhaps. I
replaced it with a new battery. Another 15
minutes or so of testing, and the Low Bat-
tery light came on again.
Considered without the R.A.B.O.S. para-
metric equalizer function, the IL 120s
impressed me as a good subwoofer for the
price, but not one that stands out in any
major way from the competition. But the
R.A.B.O.S. adjustments produced signifi-
cant improvements in measured and sub-
jective performance, the frequency response
becoming much more linear, with audible
improvements in bass evenness, tightness,
and apparent extension.
Suffice it to say that I exhausted four bat-
teries during the R.A.B.O.S. measurement
process, and would have needed even more
had I not started turning the meter off at
As far as I’m concerned, the IL120s, with
R.A.B.O.S. optimized, is now the subwoofer
to beat in the under-$1000 category.
78 Stereophile Guide to Home Theater • November 2001
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