3Com Modem MIC 3365 User Manual

Part Number 09-0700-002  
The following information will help you install the 3Com  
Impact ISDN External digital modem models 3C871, 3C872,  
3C876, or 3C877. Refer to the 3Com Impact ISDN External  
Digital Modem User Guide for additional information.  
Site Preparation  
The Basic Rate ISDN line and computer serial port must be  
properly configured.  
Ordering, Installing, and Configuring the ISDN Line  
3Com has determined the optimal ISDN line configurations  
for the 3Com Impact digital modem and has provided that  
configuration data to many telephone companies.To simplify  
the ordering process for an ISDN digital line, use the following  
simplified ISDN ordering code:  
3ComA * J6  
If your digital modem has an internal analog fax modem  
(Models 3C872 and 3C877), then two directory numbers  
(telephone numbers) will be required to allow a voice call and  
a fax modem call to occur at the same time.When you tell the  
telephone company the ISDN ordering code (3ComA * J6) let  
the representative know that you will need two directory  
If your telephone company does not support simplified ISDN  
ordering codes, refer to Table 1 for ISDN ordering information.  
An internal Network Termination Type 1 device (NT1) is built  
into the 3Com Impact digital modem, so an external NT1 is  
not usable. When the telephone company installs the ISDN  
Installing the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
The 3Com Impact digital modem has an RS-232-C  
asynchronous interface port that operates at data rates of up  
to 115.2 Kbps. Some computers may need additional  
hardware or driver software for reliable operation.  
IBM PCs and Compatible Computers  
An IBM PC or compatible computer must have a buffered  
UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) chip, called  
the 16550 UART, to operate at 115 Kbps. Under Microsoft  
Windows , run the Microsoft Diagnostic Program (msd) at the  
DOS prompt and select COM Ports within msd.The UARTs  
present in your computer are listed under each COM port.  
To operate at the maximum data rate, install an enhanced  
16550 UART expansion card in your PC. If you have a  
nonupgradable PC with a slower UART (16450 or 8250), the  
3Com Impact digital modem can operate at lower data rates,  
since it automatically adjusts to the PC serial COM port data  
rate.The COMM.DRV driver for Windows 3.1 only allows data  
rates of up to 38.4 Kbps. If you have a UART that supports  
higher rates than this (for example, 16550), you must install the  
TurboCom enhanced driver that is provided with the digital  
Apple Macintosh Computers  
Motorola 68XXX-based Macintosh systems support a  
maximum asynchronous serial port data rate of 57.6 Kbps.  
Power Macintosh computers may operate at higher serial  
port data rates.  
Installing the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
Follow the appropriate procedure for installing the  
3Com Impact digital modem in your computer. Refer to  
Figure 1 during the installation procedure.  
12V AC  
Figure 1 3Com Impact Digital Modem Rear Panel  
Installing the Digital Modem in an IBM-compatible PC  
To install the 3Com Impact digital modem in an IBM or  
compatible PC, follow these steps:  
1 Turn off the computer.  
2 Insert the 9-pin male end of the 3Com Impact digital  
modem-to-PC serial signal cable into the connector labeled  
Computer on the digital modems back panel and tighten the  
connector screws.  
3 Connect the other end of the 3Com Impact digital  
modem-to-PC serial signal cable to a serial communications  
(COM) port on the back of your PC and tighten the connector  
4 Connect the 3Com Impact digital modem power cable to the  
connector marked 12V AC on the back panel of the digital  
5 Plug the transformer end of the power cable into a standard  
117V ac wall outlet.  
6 Connect the RJ-45 (8-pin) connector end of the RJ-45/RJ-11  
ISDN cable to the RJ-45 connector labeled Wall on the  
digital modems back panel.  
7 Connect the RJ-11 (6-pin) connector end of the RJ-45/RJ-11  
ISDN cable to the RJ-11 telephone ISDN jack.  
Installing the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
CAUTION:The 3Com Impact digital modem is designed to  
operate with Basic Rate ISDN 2B1Q U Interface network  
terminations.An internal NetworkTermination device (NT1) is  
built into the digital modem. Do not connect the 3Com  
Impact digital modem ISDN port to a standard analog  
telephone jack or to an external NT1 device. Make sure that it  
is connected to the ISDN jack.  
8 Turn on the 3Com Impact digital modem by toggling the  
power switch on the back panel to the On position.  
9 Turn on the computers power switch.  
10 Go to the section Configuration for IBM PC or Compatible  
Computer” to configure the 3Com Impact digital modem for  
your computer.  
Installing the Digital Modem in an Apple Macintosh  
To install the 3Com Impact digital modem in an Apple  
Macintosh computer, follow these steps:  
1 Turn off the computer.  
2 Insert the 9-pin male end of the 3Com Impact digital  
modem-to-Macintosh serial signal cable into the  
connector labeled Computer on the digital modems back  
panel and tighten the connector screws.  
3 Connect the other end of the 3Com Impact digital  
modem-to-Macintosh serial signal cable to the serial  
communications port on the back of the Macintosh.  
The serial communications port is the mini-DIN, 8-pin serial  
port connector, indicated on the Macintosh connector panel  
by the telephone handset imprint.  
4 Connect the 3Com Impact digital modem power cable to  
the connector marked 12V AC on the back panel of the  
digital modem.  
5 Plug the transformer end of the power cable into a  
standard 117V ac wall outlet.  
6 Connect the RJ-45 (8-pin) connector end of the RJ-45/RJ-11  
ISDN cable to the RJ-45 connector labeled Wall on the  
digital modems back panel.  
7 Connect the RJ-11 (6-pin) connector end of the RJ-45/RJ-11  
ISDN cable to the RJ-11 telephone ISDN jack.  
CAUTION:The 3Com Impact digital modem is designed to  
operate with Basic Rate ISDN 2B1Q U Interface network  
terminations. An internal Network Termination device (NT1)  
is built into the digital modem. Do not connect the 3Com  
Impact digital modem ISDN port to a standard analog  
telephone jack or to an external NT1 device.Make sure that it  
is connected to the ISDN jack.  
8 Turn on the 3Com Impact digital modem by toggling the  
power switch on the back panel to the On position.  
9 Turn on the computers power switch and restart.  
10 Go to the section Configuration for Apple Macintosh  
Computer” to configure the 3Com Impact digital modem for  
your computer.  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
The 3Com Impact digital modem requires the five essential  
configuration parameters below before it can operate  
properly on an ISDN line. Before configuring the digital  
modem, make sure you have this information readily  
available.These five parameters are provided to you at the  
time of installation of your ISDN line by the telephone  
company installer.  
ISDN Switch Type  
Phone #1 (local directory telephone number)  
SPID #1 (Service Profile Identifier)  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
Phone #2 (if required by the telephone company)  
SPID #2 (if required by the telephone company)  
Each of these items is stored in special S registers within the  
digital modem.These S registers are set by issuing ATSxx=  
commands to the digital modem.The 3Com Impact digital  
modem software will automatically issue the AT commands  
to set the S registers as part of the configuration process.  
The following three sections describe how to configure the  
3Com Impact digital modem using the Windows, DOS, or  
Macintosh operating systems, respectively.  
After you configure the digital modem and verify that it is  
working properly, you should install the TurboCom software.  
Refer to the installation instructions that came with the  
TurboCom software.This software is required only for  
IBM PC or compatible computers running Windows 3.X.  
Configuration for IBM PC or Compatible Computer  
You can configure the 3Com Impact digital modem for  
an IBM PC or compatible using either the Windows-based  
installation program or the MS-DOS based installation program.  
Configuration Using Windows  
To configure the digital modem for an IBM PC or compatible  
computer using Windows:  
1 Insert the 3Com Impact DOS & Windows Installation  
Diagnostic Utilities diskette into an available diskette drive.  
2 Select Run from the File menu. In the Run dialog box, type:  
The check box labeled Run Minimized should be left  
3 Click OK.  
The installation process begins copying the configuration  
program to the hard disk. A message box provides the status  
of the installation and indicates when it is complete.  
4 Double-click the 3Com Impact icon to access the 3Com  
Impact Configuration dialog box.  
COM1 is the default COM port.  
If the digital modem is connected to COM1, the 3Com  
Impact Configuration dialog box appears, as shown in  
Figure 2. Go on to step 5.  
If the digital modem is not connected to COM1, the  
COM Port Provisioning dialog box appears. Choose the  
COM port to which the digital modem is connected. Click  
Connect.The 3Com Impact Configuration dialog box  
appears, as shown in Figure 2.  
Figure 2 Configuration Dialog Box  
A status bar below the Help, Tools, Configure, and Exit  
buttons provides the following ISDN status information:  
Layer 1 status  
Service Profile Identifier (SPID) for telephone numbers 1 and 2  
Terminal Endpoint Identifiers (TEI) 1 and 2 (for information  
purposes only)  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
A message bar at the bottom of the dialog box provides help  
for completing the fields. If you click in a field, the message  
bar tells you what information to enter in the field.The  
message bar also provides status information about the  
digital modem. If the digital modem is disconnected from  
the ISDN telephone line, for example, a message indicates  
this condition.  
The right side of the dialog box shows the digital modem  
software version, along with any installed options (such as  
Multilink PPP or internal analog fax modem).  
5 Select the type of switch, as specified by your telephone  
company, from the Telephone Company Switch  
drop-down list box.  
6 Click in the Telephone Number field in the Number 1 area  
and enter the telephone number to which your digital  
modem is connected.  
7 Click in the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) field and enter  
the corresponding SPID for the telephone number you  
entered in the previous step.  
You should have received this SPID from your telephone  
CAUTION: If the ISDN line has been congured with only one  
telephone number (Point-to-Point), do not include the SPID.  
8 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Telephone Number 1.  
You can select Phone Port or Internal Fax/Modem. If your  
model has the internal analog fax modem installed  
(Models 3C872 and 3C877), you can select both.  
If both boxes are checked, the internal analog fax modem and  
the phone will both ring, enabling you to answer using either  
9 If you have a second telephone number associated with  
your ISDN telephone line (some telephone companies  
require two), enter the number and corresponding SPID in  
the appropriate fields in the Number 2 area.  
10 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Telephone Number 2.  
11 Click the Configure button to download the parameters  
listed in steps 5 through 10 to your digital modems  
S registers.  
12 If you have changed the Telephone Company Switch type,  
you must reset the digital modem by turning the power  
switch off and then on.  
13 Verify the configuration.  
Check the status bar (located beneath the Help, Tools,  
Configure, and Exit buttons of the Configuration dialog box)  
to verify correct configuration. If the parameters were  
configured accurately and the digital modem is ready to  
send and receive calls, the status bar fields will appear as  
shown below. Note that the TEI number(s) are not configured  
by the user.The TEI number is provided by the telephone  
company for informational purposes only.  
Layer 1: UP  
SPID 1: Init  
TEI 1: Number from 0 to 127  
SPID 2: Init (if required)  
TEI 2: Number from 0 to 127 (if required)  
14 Click Exit to leave the utility.  
This completes the configuration procedure.  
15 Install the TurboCom software.  
Refer to the installation instructions that came with the  
TurboCom software.  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
After the TurboCom software is installed, proceed to the  
“Placing and Receiving Calls” section in Chapter 2 of the  
3Com Impact ISDN External Digital Modem User Guide.  
Configuration Using DOS  
To configure the digital modem for an IBM PC or compatible  
computer using DOS:  
1 Create a directory on the hard drive, insert the 3Com  
Impact DOS & Windows Installation Diagnostic Utilities  
diskette into the PCs diskette drive, and copy all the files  
from the utility diskette to the hard drive.  
Copy the les to a new DOS directory. For example, to create a  
directory dddd on your C drive at the C:\> DOS prompt, type:  
md c:\dddd  
To copy all files from the diskette to a directory \dddd at the  
A:\> DOS prompt, type:  
copy a:*.* c:\dddd  
2 Execute INSTALL from the hard drive.  
At the C:\> DOS prompt, type:  
The configuration program launches and presents the  
Port Settings screen.To move the cursor around the screen,  
use the [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] keys.To select a  
parameter, use the [Space Bar].  
3 Use the [Space Bar] to select the digital modems  
COM port and COM port data rate.  
This sets the speed of communication between the  
3Com Impact digital modem and the computer during  
When you select the port, the standard interrupt (IRQ)  
associated with that port is automatically chosen. Select the  
COM port data rate based on the data rate required by the  
destination digital modem and the maximum data rate  
supported by your computers COM port.  
The program does not allow you to select a data rate that  
exceeds the speed of your COM port.  
4 Press [F10] to connect to the 3Com Impact digital modem  
via the chosen COM port.  
The Configuration screen will appear.  
5 In the Phone #1 field, enter the telephone number to  
which your digital modem is connected.  
6 Enter the corresponding Service Profile Identifier (SPID) in  
the SPID #1 field for the telephone number you entered in  
the previous step.  
You should have received this SPID from your telephone  
CAUTION: If the ISDN line has been congured with only one  
telephone number (Point-to-Point), do not include the SPID.  
7 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Phone #1.  
You can select Phone Port or Internal Fax/Modem. If your  
model has the internal analog fax modem (Models 3C872  
and 3C877), you can select both.The Phone Port and Internal  
Fax/Modem check boxes associated with Phone #1 appear  
to the right of Phone #1.  
If both boxes are checked, the internal analog fax modem  
and the phone will both ring, enabling you to answer using  
either device.  
8 If you have a second telephone number associated with  
your ISDN telephone line (some telephone companies  
require two), enter the number and corresponding SPID in  
the Phone #2 and SPID #2 fields.  
9 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Phone #2.  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
10 Confirm that the parameters listed in steps 5 through 9  
are correct.  
When these parameters are updated, the information is read  
back to the screen. Check to see that the values have been  
correctly entered.  
11 Press [F10] to update the information in the 3Com Impact  
digital modem.  
12 Reset the digital modem by turning the power switch off  
and then on again.  
If the parameters match those registered at the telephone  
company ISDN switch, the D channel LED lights for a few  
minutes, flashes for several seconds, and then turns off. If the  
LED continues to flash or remains lit, see Chapter 3,  
Troubleshooting,” in the 3Com Impact ISDN External Digital  
Modem User Guide.  
13 Press [Esc] to return to the main menu.  
Once in the main menu, exit the program.  
14 Go to the section Placing and Receiving Calls” in  
Chapter 2 of the 3Com Impact ISDN External Digital  
Modem User Guide to place your first call.  
Configuration for Apple Macintosh Computer  
To configure the digital modem for an Apple Macintosh  
1 Insert the 3Com Impact Installer Diagnostic Utilities  
software utility diskette into the diskette drive and copy  
the files by selecting them and dragging them to the  
hard drive icon.  
The Macintosh operating system automatically places the  
files in the appropriate folders.  
2 Open the 3Com Impact Mac folder and double-click the  
3Com Impact Installer program icon to launch it.  
The utility program presents the Port Settings screen.To  
move the cursor around the screen, use the [Tab] key. Select  
the Modem port and click OK.The Utility dialog box appears.  
3 In the Phone Number 1 field, enter the telephone number  
to which your digital modem is connected.  
4 Enter the corresponding Service Profile Identifier (SPID) in  
the SPID field for the telephone number you entered in  
the previous step.  
You should have received this SPID from your telephone  
CAUTION: If the ISDN line has been congured with only one  
telephone number (Point-to-Point), do not include the SPID.  
5 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Phone Number 1.  
You can select Phone Port or Internal Fax/Modem. If your  
model has the internal analog fax modem installed  
(Models 3C872 and 3C877), you can select both.  
If both boxes are checked, the internal analog fax modem  
and the phone will both ring, enabling you to answer using  
either device.  
6 If you have a second telephone number associated with  
your ISDN telephone line (some telephone companies  
require two), enter the number and corresponding SPID in  
the Phone Number 2 and SPID Number 2 fields.  
7 Specify which device should receive the calls coming to  
Phone Number 2.  
8 Confirm that the parameters listed in steps 3 through 7  
are correct.  
9 Click the Update Configuration button to update this  
information to the 3Com Impact digital modem.  
Configuring the 3Com Impact Digital Modem  
10 Reset the digital modem by turning the power switch off  
and then on again.  
If the parameters match those registered at the telephone  
company ISDN switch, the D channel LED lights for a few  
minutes, flashes for several seconds, and then turns off. If the  
LED continues to flash or remains lit, see Chapter 3,  
Troubleshooting,” in the 3Com Impact ISDN External Digital  
Modem User Guide.  
11 Go to the section Placing and Receiving Calls” in  
Chapter 2 of the 3Com Impact ISDN External Digital  
Modem User Guide to place your first call.  

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