Waves Stereo Receiver PAZ User Manual

Psychoacoustic Analyzer  
Chapter 1 - Quick start  
PAZ is so easy to use, you can almost work from the illustration shown above! However, for a more complete  
understanding of what the PAZ does and why we chose certain functions, please read this manual.  
We suggest you use only the plug-in you need; this will give you the fastest graphic response time (if this is impor-  
tant to your use).  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
Chapter 2 - PAZ component plugs  
On most host applications and platforms you can select just the meter you need. In the case of the PAZ, no DSP  
savings are accomplished, but graphic speed is increased by using smaller component plug-ins. The PAZ has several  
plug-in components in the menu. They are all mono and stereo compatible and do not change the audio at all, as  
they are fully bit-transparent (24bit fixed point or 32bit floating point clean).  
Here are the current components as of this printing. New ones might be added in future updates, and will be noted  
in the plug-in Read Me files. Some examples for each component are listed:  
PAZ-Analyzer — This is the full plug-in with all 3 measurement functions (Frequency, Stereo Position, and  
Level); it has the biggest demand on the computer’s graphic power.  
PAZ-Position — Shows only the Stereo Position Display with the controls related to it.  
PAZ-Frequency— This shows only the real-time frequency analysis with related controls.  
PAZ-Meters— Shows only the meters for Left, Right, and Sum. The Sum meter can be selected for Peak or  
RMS display.  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
Chapter 3 - The PAZ interfaces  
Frequency window (RTA)  
Here is the PAZ frequency analyzer graph. The screen shot is taken from the PAZ-Frequency component. In other  
components, the row of buttons below the graph may be arranged differently, but they are functionally identical.  
The PAZ frequency analysis is done in bands very similar to those of the ear.The default setting of the LF resolution  
control is 40Hz, which gives 52 bands, and most closely approximates the constant-Q critical frequency bands of  
the ear. The result is a good correlation between what we heard and what we see in the PAZ frequency analyzer.  
For more detailed or technical uses, LF resolution below 250Hz can be set to 20 or 10Hz, providing up to 68 bands;  
thebutton’s options are 40,20,and 10Hz.Above 250Hz,the“engineering Q(orwidth)of thebands are about 10.0,  
which as mentioned, are similar to the resolution of our hearing. The 40Hz LF default also closely matches the ears  
characteristics, plus has the best time response in the meter itself.  
The Peak/RMS and Response controls let you choose the type of analysis and response time. In the Peak mode,  
peaks in each frequency band are displayed and the Response simply controls the release time. Under the RMS  
mode, the energy is averaged over time, and the Response value controls the length of this time.  
Optimal time and frequency resolution in the PAZ is achieve by using wavelet techniques (as opposed to FFTs). This  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
lets each band update independently as fast as possible for its frequency resolution.  
The real-time frequency analysis can be used for mono, dual channel, or total stereo energy by using the LR button,  
which switches between dual channel (L/R, independent channels) and total stereo energy (L+R). The L+R mode  
is not a simple summation of L and R signals, but of L and R energies. This more closely models our ears’ responses  
to loudness of frequencies, as the gain and pan position of a sound are independent. The dual channel mode may be  
selected for precision analysis or troubleshooting.  
The display can also be set for either of 3 weighting curves (dBA, dBB, or dBC), or unweighted. When unweighted,  
the absolute ‘electrical energy’ values are shown. Like in standard loudness meters, the weighting curves can be used  
for noise and loudness measurement applications that require them. Precise definitions of the monitoring levels for  
these weighting curves are beyond the scope of this manual, but in short, low frequencies offer little contribution to  
the overall loudness when monitoring at low sound levels. In other words, we are less sensitive to them. So an A’  
weighting is used which reduces the contribution of these LF to the meter reading.B’ is for intermediate levels, and  
‘C’ is nearly flat, for high level monitor loudness measurements. Unweighted is for precise, “what you see is what is  
there, measurements.  
Option-dragging in the Frequency window will zoom the selected area. Click the Reset Zoom button to reset to  
maximum display of all frequencies and dynamic values.  
The crosshair cursor can be shown by simply clicking once in the Frequency window. You can drag it around or  
click anywhere to show it. Drag the crosshair to the upper corners to hide the crosshair cursor.  
At any time, the Frequency graph can be stopped by clicking the Freeze button. To release and return to realtime  
graphing, click the button again.  
The maximum graphed value of the Frequency analysis can be shown by clicking the Show/Hide button. Maxi-  
mum values are tracked even when in Hide mode. To reset the max graph line, click the Clear button.  
A note on Pink Noise measurements: Pink noise is defined as noise that has constant energy inside any frequency  
band with a constant Q (i.e. frequency/bandwidth=a constant value). Pink noise is an important audio signal since  
it represents the average spectrum of a typical audio signal, and because the ears analyze the sound in approximately  
constant-Q bands. Because PAZ has almost constant-Q bands, a pink noise input will show up as a flat spectrum  
when no weighting is applied.  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
Stereo Position Display (SPD)  
The SPD shows you the stereo energy in your mix, clearly and intuitively. This unique audio meter analyzes the  
distribution of loudness across the stereo stage, as well as detecting out-of-phase components. It differs from the  
common ‘phase display’ where left/right channels are displayed against each other on a oscilloscope screen.  
For those familiar with the Waves S1 Stereo Imager, the Stereo Position Display will seem familiar, as both use a  
polar coordinates graph. Loudness is shown by length of the line and stereo position is shown by the angle (direc-  
tion). The concentric lines are 20dB step indications.  
In other words, a mono signal goes straight up (as will anything in the center of a stereo mix). A hard left or right  
sound will go 45 degrees to the respective sides. Most stereo mixes will have a fan-shaped display centered around  
the vertical line with occasional little spikes shooting out at greater angles.  
Out-of-phase signals are shown between 45 and 90 degrees on each side. In the area beyond 60 degrees on each side  
have a red color in the background to indicate that signals in this range might be disturbing to the ears.  
The controls  
They are the same for the SPD as for the Frequency Display, except that when using the component Frequency plug-  
in, only the related controls are shown.  
About Anti-phase  
It is a bit tricky to define when a signal is shown by the Stereo Position Display or heard by the ears as “out-of-phase.  
This is not simply when the left and right channels happen to have opposite polarity at any given instant. Such a  
situation can happen if independent instruments are panned to different stereo positions, and it just happens,  
statistically, that the signal of each channel has opposite polarities. The meter will show a quick spike in the anti-  
phase area. This can also happen if a stereo delay or reverb is applied to an instrument and the delays arrive to each  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
channel at different times.  
In these examples, the ears do not hear a disturbing ‘out-of-phase’ sound. For us to hear an out-of-phase sound,  
there generally needs to be a consistent opposite polarity over a period of time, which the meter will show.  
The Stereo Position Display analysis takes this into account. Still there will be occasional fast spikes in the anti-  
phase region, and you can ignore them if they are not consistent, especially if you know you are using stereo delay or  
similar effects. You might be really bothered if the energy in the out-of-phase region is consistently significant  
compared with the energy of the ‘in-phase’ region.  
It is advised that you take the time to explore how the SPD looks when you intentionally flip the phase on one  
channel of a stereo signal. (You can do this by using the Q1 or one of the S1 components in front of the SPD).  
Level meters  
Peak and Loudness meters are shown beside each other; when in stereo, the L and R channels have separate Peak  
meters, with a summed Loudness meter which has 6dB subtracted from it (L+R-6dB). Although the true energy the  
ears are exposed to by stereo signals is indeed the sum of L and R energies, by subtracting 6dB from the loudness  
meter, it’s easier to evaluate the Peak/RMS relations of the signal. This is because summed left/right signlas can have  
peaks as much as 6dB higher than either channel separately.  
You can selec t Peak or RMS measurement for the Loudness meter, which is also affected by the selected weighting  
curve (unweighted, dBA, dBB, dBC).  
For those of you who own the L1-UltraMaximizer or the L2 hardware Ultramaximizer, it will be striking to see what  
it does to the Peak-to-RMS measurements of your audio.  
Each of the 3 meters have peak-hold values at the bottom of the meter. Each can be independently reset by simply  
clicking directly on the peak hold value.  
Clip lights are only provided on the full plug-in, not in the component Meter. They can be reset by clicking directly  
on the light.  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  
Chapter 4 - For faster graphics  
Fast graphic hints  
Lower the number of colors in your Monitors control panel (256 instead of thousands or millions).  
Use only the component of the Analyzer that you really need. For instance, if all you need is the frequency analysis,  
then use only thePAZ-frequency” plug-in. The full plug-in with all 3 meters will have the heaviest demand on the  
host computer.  
Under ProTools, if you click and hold on any control, such as the Release control, the Analyzer graphic will take all  
the computer “idle time” for graphic updates. This will freeze all Pro Tools meters, but will not affect any functions  
of Pro Tools (such as playback or recording).  
PAZ Plug-in Manual  

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