Vizio Answering Machine V NE HVM E 3 03 User Manual

Quick Reference Instructions  
Verizon Home Voice Mail  
To do this from your home telephone, dial the Home Voice Mail system number,  
then enter your passcode.  
Once youre in your mailbox ...  
Special keys  
that are always  
available ...  
To listen to your messages  
Cancel and Exit  
While listening to your messages ...  
Recorded Help  
User Guide  
To replay a message  
Skip and  
To save a message  
To erase a message  
Verizon Home  
Voice Mail  
To reply to a message  
To copy a message  
To find out if  
you have new  
Easy steps to get  
you started  
To jump to the end of a message  
To back up a few seconds  
To pause for a few seconds  
To jump ahead a few seconds  
To skip a message  
Simply pick up your  
home telephone. If you  
hear the interrupted dial  
tone, new messages are  
waiting for you.  
Anytime youre in your mailbox ...  
To send messages  
To change your greeting or name  
To change your password  
If you need  
assistance, call  
during normal  
To set up or erase a Multiple Mailbox  
To set up Pager Notification  
To set up Call Wake Up  
business hours.  
You may also go  
to our Web site ...  
To set up Call Reminder  
V-NE-HVM-E 3/03  
After you hear each message, you will  
have the following three options:  
You will then have two choices:  
With either choice, your current  
greeting will be played:  
From Another Home Voice Mail  
Subscriber’s Phone with the Same  
Access Number:  
To keep your current password,  
To replay a message, press  
To save a message, press  
To keep your current greeting, press  
To change your current password,  
Retrieving messages from another Home  
Voice Mail subscriber’s phone with the  
same access number is the same as  
retrieving messages from outside your  
home (as described above).  
To change your current greeting,  
recording, press  
To erase a message, press  
. When you are finished  
Note: You must save, erase or skip each message  
How To Change Your Greetings:  
before you can listen to the next one.  
You can easily change the greeting that  
people hear when they call and you are  
not available. You can also change your  
busy greeting.* Remember, if you choose  
not to record a busy greeting, your callers  
will always hear your regular greeting.  
For both regular and busy greetings, you  
can choose to have the service play the  
standard greeting if you don’t want to  
record a greeting in your own voice.  
To select the standard greeting, press  
Your mailbox can hold up to 30 messages  
that can be up to two minutes in length.  
This includes new messages from  
incoming callers and any saved messages.  
When the mailbox reaches this limit,  
callers will hear that the mailbox is full  
and is not accepting any new messages.  
Then, in order to receive any new  
messages, you will need to erase some of  
your messages.  
When you choose to use the standard  
regular greeting or the standard busy  
greeting, the service will automatically  
play your recorded name or mailbox  
number to identify your mailbox to  
What You Can Do with  
Each message you retrieve is marked with  
the day and time it was received. For  
example, your message will be marked:  
“Received Monday, June 22, at 1:23 p.m.”  
You will then hear the recorded message.  
You will hear new messages first, if you  
have any, followed by saved messages.  
* Busy greeting is available only where facilities exist.  
The pre-recorded standard regular  
greeting is:  
How To Change Your Recorded Name  
or Select Your Mailbox Number:  
Personal Options  
From the Personal Options Menu you can  
change your password, greetings or  
name. You can reach the Personal  
“The person you called (recorded name  
or mailbox number) is not available right  
now. Please leave your message at the  
While listening to your messages you  
have the following options:  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
at the Main Menu.  
To hear the Greeting/Name menu,  
Options Menu by pressing  
Main Menu.  
at the  
The pre-recorded standard busy  
greeting is:  
To hear your name or mailbox  
number, press  
How To Change Your Password:  
“The person you called (recorded name  
or mailbox number) is on the phone right  
now. Please leave your message at the  
You will then have three choices:  
You can change your password as often as  
you like. Choose a password that’s easy  
for you to remember and hard for others  
to guess. It can be a word or number four  
to 10 digits long. It cannot be your  
telephone number, one digit repeated (for  
example, 44444), or a sequence of digits  
(for example, 12345). Memorize your  
password or write it down. If you ever  
forget your password, call a Product  
Support Line Representative.  
Go to End of  
To keep your current recorded name  
or mailbox number, press  
To record a new name, press  
When you are finished recording,  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
Back Up  
at the Main Menu.  
To reach the Greeting/Name menu,  
To use your mailbox number in place  
of your name, press  
To change your Greeting, press  
You will then have two choices:  
To change your regular greeting,  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
at the Main Menu.  
To change your busy greeting,*  
To hear your current password, press  
For example:  
Sample Individual Greeting: “Hi, this  
is (name). Please leave a message for me  
after the tone.”  
A Suggestion for Easy Set-Up:  
Multiple Mailbox  
Have one member of your household  
follow the voice instructions for setting  
up all the mailboxes and then have that  
person help the other household members  
change their passwords (for privacy) and  
record their names and individual  
greetings in their own voices, at their  
own convenience.  
“If you want Jim, press  
; if you want  
; if you want Mary, press  
Multiple Mailbox is great for families  
with teenagers, for households with  
roommates and for people who work  
at/from their home. With Multiple  
Bill press  
Repeat the above steps for each  
Multiple Mailbox extension.  
; if you want John (host), leave your  
message after the tone.”  
Mailbox, up to eight additional members  
of your household can receive private  
messages in their own personal mailbox.  
After you’ve set up your Multiple  
Mailbox, you need to change the greeting  
that you recorded at the time you set up  
your mailbox using the instructions in the  
section “Before using Home Voice Mail  
for the first time.” Refer to the “How To  
Change Your Greetings” section on page  
6 for instructions on how to record a new  
Once a caller chooses a mailbox  
extension number (1, 2, 3, etc.), he/she  
will then hear the individual greeting for  
that mailbox. The message the caller  
leaves is private for that mailbox owner  
and can be retrieved only by that owner  
with his/her password. If the caller does  
not choose a mailbox extension number,  
the message will automatically be placed  
in the host mailbox.  
Each household member has his/her own  
password and greeting. There’s no  
wading through other people’s messages  
to get to yours. Even better, your  
messages are kept private for you until  
you are ready to review them. The  
Multiple Mailbox feature can be added to  
your existing Home Voice Mail service.  
How To Set Up Your Multiple Mailbox  
when Household Members Are not  
Dial your Access Number.  
Sample Greeting: “Thank you for  
calling. You’ve reached the (name)  
Enter your password when  
If you do not already subscribe to the  
Multiple Mailbox feature and would like  
additional information, please call your  
local business office.  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
The “host” is the person who sets up the  
Multiple Mailbox and records the initial  
at the Main Menu.  
To Set Up Your Multiple Mailbox with  
Household Members Present:  
To set up a Multiple Mailbox, press  
Individuals with a Multiple Mailbox will  
want to call the Access Number  
Follow the instructions outlined in the  
left-hand column on this page but allow  
each household member to set up his/her  
individual mailbox himself/herself by  
following the Multiple Mailbox voice  
How To Set Up the Multiple Mailbox:  
Dial the mailbox extension number  
(1, 2, 3, etc.) you wish to set up.  
If you are a Multiple Mailbox subscriber,  
there are a few additional steps you need  
to follow. Once you have set up your  
Home Voice Mail mailbox, you’re ready  
to set up from one to eight* individual  
mailboxes so callers can leave private  
messages for different members of your  
periodically to check for messages. The  
Multiple Mailbox can hold up to 50  
messages up to two minutes in length.  
This includes new messages in all the  
individual mailboxes from incoming  
callers, as well as any saved messages.  
A temporary password is automatically  
assigned for this Multiple Mailbox  
extension. Listen to the temporary  
How To Erase a Multiple Mailbox:  
To keep it, press  
You, the host, have the option to erase a  
Multiple Mailbox extension. When you  
erase a mailbox extension, you erase all  
messages, the password, recorded name  
and greeting for that mailbox. Once  
erased, that particular mailbox and its  
contents are gone.  
To change it, press  
How Multiple Mailbox Works:  
Be sure to write the password down so  
you’ll be able to pass it on to the  
appropriate household member.  
When no one is available to answer your  
phone, callers will hear your Home Voice  
Mail mailbox greeting first, such as  
“Hello, you’ve reached the Smith  
residence.” Voice instructions will then  
explain how the caller can access the  
mailbox of the person he/she is trying to  
reach. Callers will hear the household  
member’s name and the number for  
his/her specific mailbox extension.  
Sample Individual Greeting:  
1. “Hi, this is Jim. Please leave a  
message for me after the tone.”  
Follow the simple voice instructions  
to record the Multiple Mailbox  
extension name and individual  
2. “Hi, I can’t get to the phone right  
now. Please leave a message after  
the beep.”  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
at the Main Menu.  
3. “Hi, this is Mary, I’m not home so  
To indicate you want to erase a  
mailbox extension, press  
leave me a message. Thanks.”  
* Eight additional mailboxes available where facilities  
exist, three elsewhere.  
Enter the mailbox extension number  
you wish to erase (1, 2, 3, etc.).  
The voice instructions will tell you that  
the Multiple Mailbox extension already  
How Will I Know if I Have New  
Can I Leave a Reminder Message in  
My Own Mailbox if I’m at Home?  
How Does Home Voice Mail Work with  
Distinctive Ring?  
If you have new messages, you will hear  
an interrupted dial tone when you pick up  
your telephone receiver. You can use your  
telephone for making calls even while  
you hear the interrupted dial tone.  
Dial your Access Number. When the  
service answers and asks you for your  
Calls to the Distinctive Ring number(s)  
are answered in the same manner as  
calls to the main number when the  
Distinctive Ring number(s) have been  
preprogrammed by Verizon to forward to  
To erase the mailbox extension,  
password, press  
you back to the general Verizon Voice  
Messaging Service greeting. When  
. This will bring  
To cancel the request, press  
To erase another mailbox, choose  
another mailbox extension number.  
prompted, enter your seven-digit mailbox Home Voice Mail.  
number to hear your greeting. Leave your  
message at the tone.  
How Quickly Does Home Voice Mail  
Pick Up My Calls?  
If not, just press  
Home Voice Mail Optional  
The following features are available to  
enhance your Home Voice Mail service.  
When you signed up for the service, you  
selected your “ring cycle;” that is, the  
range of rings heard before Home Voice  
Mail answers your calls.  
Frequently Asked  
Compatibility with Other  
Verizon Services  
What if I Get Stuck?  
How Does Home Voice Mail Work with  
Call Waiting?  
Do I Have to Listen to all the Voice  
Prompts Before Selecting an Option?  
Don’t worry, if you don’t know which  
buttons to press, you can always press  
With Messaging, you can send a message  
directly to other Home Voice Mail  
subscribers, without ringing their  
telephone, and they can record a reply.  
Delivery Options allow you to mark your  
message urgent, private, for future  
delivery, or confirmed delivery. Future  
delivery allows you to record a message  
to be delivered up to 30 days into the  
future. With confirmed delivery, you  
receive a return receipt so you know they  
got the message.  
for more information. If you need  
When you hear the Call Waiting tone,  
answer the second call using the Call  
Waiting feature. If you choose to ignore  
the call waiting tone, the call will be  
answered by Home Voice Mail. When  
you cancel Call Waiting (by pressing  
No, you don’t have to wait for the  
recorded voice to start or finish if you  
already know your choice. You can select  
your desired option before the voice  
prompt is completed.  
further assistance, call the Product  
Support Line number shown on the back  
of this guide.  
What Exactly Is My Mailbox? What Is  
My Mailbox Number?  
, the Selective Call Waiting  
Do My Callers Have to Listen to My  
Entire Greeting before Leaving a  
feature) and your Home Voice Mail is  
pre-programmed by Verizon to forward  
when your line is busy, your calls will be  
answered by Home Voice Mail.  
Your mailbox is where your messages are  
stored within Home Voice Mail. Your  
mailbox number is the same as your  
home phone number.  
No, your callers may press  
at any  
time during the greeting to skip to the  
tone. If you subscribe to the Multiple  
Mailbox feature, when your callers press  
How Does Home Voice Mail Work with  
Call Forwarding?  
You can easily send many people the  
same message, you can send a message to  
yourself, or to one of the members of  
your household, and you can reply to  
messages received from another Home  
Voice Mail subscriber. A per use charge  
of 10¢* applies for each message and  
mailbox destination.  
How Many Messages Can My Mailbox  
Hold and for How Long?  
, they will go directly to the host  
When you program Call Forwarding to  
your Access Number, your calls will be  
answered by Home Voice Mail. When  
you program Call Forwarding to any  
other number, your calls will ring into  
that number and are not answered by  
Home Voice Mail.  
Your Home Voice Mail mailbox can hold  
from seven to 50 messages that can be  
from one to two minutes in length,  
depending on the type of service you  
have. Home Voice Mail keeps messages  
for seven to 30 days depending on your  
service type.  
What Happens If a Caller Hangs Up  
without Leaving a Message?  
If the caller hangs up before your  
greeting finishes playing, Home Voice  
Mail will not record the “hang-up.”  
* Price subject to change without notice; availability and  
other restrictions may apply.  
You may choose more than one Delivery  
Option from this menu.  
How To Use Messaging:  
How To Use Your Call Wake Up  
Call Wake Up  
Remember to always enter the 10-digit  
number (area code plus telephone  
number) of the person to whom you want  
the message delivered:  
With Call Wake Up, you can stop  
worrying about setting the alarm. This  
service allows you to set up a Call Wake  
Up schedule for every day of the week.  
You can change the schedule as often as  
you like and turn the Call Wake Up  
option on/off as you please.  
To make the message Urgent, press  
If Call Wake Up times have already been  
set, the system will review the schedule  
and give you the option of keeping or  
changing it.  
To make the message Private, press  
To send a message, press  
Main Menu  
at the  
To choose Future Delivery, press  
To set up Call Wake Up Time, press  
To choose Confirmed Delivery, press  
Dial a mailbox number and press  
With Call Wake Up, you can be  
The system will prompt you to enter the  
time you want to wake up each day of the  
week, beginning with Monday.  
awakened by a standardized message or a  
customized message that you have pre-  
recorded. If a busy signal is encountered  
or the call is not answered, Call Wake Up  
will attempt to deliver your message  
every three minutes up to five times.  
To exit Delivery Options, press  
The system will play the recorded name  
of the person whose mailbox you dialed  
or will repeat the number you dialed.  
How To Set Future Delivery:  
Enter the time of day when you wish  
to receive Call Wake Up.  
Future Delivery allows you to record a  
message to be delivered up to 30 days  
into the future. The system will prompt  
you for the month, day and time you  
want the message delivered. For example,  
If the destination is correct, press  
To enter a.m., press  
To enter p.m., press  
to continue.  
A per use charge of l0¢* applies for each  
Call Wake Up delivered. Call Wake Up is  
also available for a monthly rate.  
Record a message after the tone and  
To skip to the next day, press  
June would be  
Next you will hear the Send Menu:  
*Price subject to change without notice, availability and  
other restrictions may apply.  
Enter the number of the month and  
To send a message, press  
Setting Up a Customized Message:  
To record the message, press  
To record a special wake up message  
How To Use Call Wake Up:  
The system will prompt you for the day  
of the month you want your message  
delivered. For example, August 10 is  
To listen to the message, press  
for the next wake up call, press  
from the Call Wake Up Option  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
To choose delivery options,  
at the Main Menu.  
To access Notification Options, press  
To add to the recording, press  
The system will replay the message.  
Enter the day of the month and press  
To cancel sending, press  
To keep the message, press  
To access the Call Wake Up Option  
Menu, press  
To change the message, press  
After sending your message, you may  
send the same message to other  
The system will prompt you for the time  
of day you want your message delivered.  
How To Use the Call Wake Up Option  
Call Wake Up Frequently  
Asked Questions  
Enter the time of day and press  
To send the message to more  
mailboxes, dial the mailbox number  
The system will prompt you to choose  
a.m. or p.m. delivery:  
The system will tell you if Call Wake Up  
is on or off. Call Wake Up does NOT  
need to be On to set up a schedule.  
and press  
Can I turn Call Wake Up off if I’m  
For a.m. press  
For p.m. press  
If you don’t, press  
planning to be away from my home  
for an extended period?  
To turn on/off, press  
To back up, press  
How To Choose Delivery Options:  
With Call Wake Up, you have the ability  
to turn your Call Wake Up on/off at any  
time. You can turn the service off while  
you are away and turn it back on when  
you return.  
Delivery Options allow you to mark your  
message urgent, private, for future  
delivery, or confirmed delivery.  
To set up your Call Wake Up  
schedule, press  
To access Delivery Options, press  
from the Send Menu.  
charge for Call Reminders deposited in  
your own mailbox.  
To keep your Call Reminder, press  
Enter an additional number to  
receive a Call Reminder, otherwise  
Each time I turn Call Wake Up On/Off,  
must I reset my schedule?  
*Price subject to change without notice, availability and  
other restrictions may apply.  
To re-record your Call Reminder,  
No, Call Wake Up reverts back to the  
previous schedule saved.  
Record your Reminder message to  
the recipient.  
To hear your Call Reminder, press  
How To Use Call Reminder:  
Will I still receive my Call Wake Up if  
my telephone is busy when it is  
scheduled for delivery?  
When satisfied with your Call Reminder  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
To cancel your Call Reminder, press message, the system will prompt you for  
at the Main Menu.  
the month, day and time the Call  
Reminder is to be delivered.  
To access Notification Options, press  
When you are satisfied with your Call  
Reminder message, the system will  
prompt you for the month, day and time  
you want the Call Reminder delivered.  
If a Call Wake Up delivery fails for any  
reason, the service will attempt the call  
every three minutes, up to five times.  
For January, press  
, December,  
To access Call Reminder Option  
Menu, press  
, etc.  
The system will prompt you for the day  
of the month you want your Call  
Reminder delivered.  
For January, press  
, December,  
How To Use the Call Reminder Option  
Helpful Hints  
Be sure to turn Call Wake Up back ON  
when you want to use the service again.  
, etc.  
The system will prompt you for the day  
of the month you want your Call  
Reminder delivered.  
Enter the day of the month you want  
the Call Reminder delivered.  
Each month you may make up to 500  
reminder calls. Every time you use Call  
Reminder, the service tells you how many  
reminder calls you have remaining for the  
month. This allows you to keep track of  
how many you’ve sent each month.  
When setting up your Call Wake Up  
service, there is no need to wait until the  
end of a voice prompt. Once a prompt  
starts you may enter a selection at any  
The system will prompt you for the time  
of day you want your Call Reminder  
Enter the day of the month you want  
the Call Reminder delivered.  
The system will prompt you for the time  
of day you want your Call Reminder  
Enter the time of day you want the  
Call Reminder delivered.  
To set the Call Reminder, press  
To back up, press  
The system will prompt you to designate  
either a.m. or p.m.  
Call Reminder  
Enter the time of day you want the  
Call Reminder delivered.  
With Call Reminder, you will never have  
to worry about the hassles of delivering  
messages or remembering important  
meetings and occasions. It allows you to  
record a message to be delivered within  
30 days in the future.  
How To Use the Set Up Reminder  
For a.m., press  
For p.m., press  
The system will prompt you to designate  
either a.m. or p.m.  
To set Call Reminder for your own  
mailbox, press  
For a.m., press  
For p.m., press  
To set Call Reminder to ring  
someone else’s telephone, press  
Call Reminder Frequently  
Asked Questions  
Call Reminder will ring the recipient’s  
telephone at the time you designate and  
play the message you have recorded for  
delivery. A per use charge of 15¢* applies  
for each Call Reminder delivered.  
To back up, press  
How To Set Call Reminder to Ring a  
Can I send a Call Reminder to  
anyone, anywhere?  
How to set Call Reminder to leave a  
message in your own mailbox:  
The system will prompt you to dial a  
number where you want the Call  
Reminder sent. Always enter the 10-digit  
number (area code and number) of the  
party to whom you want the message  
Call Reminders can be made within your  
Verizon calling area.  
The system will prompt you to  
record a reminder message to  
yourself at the tone. When finished,  
Call Reminder also allows you to deliver  
messages into your own mailbox. Use  
this capability to remind yourself of  
important events by leaving a reminder  
message in your mailbox. There is no  
Record the recipient’s name.  
There may be a charge to replace lost passwords.  
Individual messages are kept for up to 30 days. The  
service will hold a number of messages based on  
the type of Home Voice Mail service to which you  
subscribe. Once this limit is reached, the mailbox  
will not accept any new messages. Each message  
can be a maximum of two minutes in length.  
Next, you must decide if you wish to be  
paged for all messages left in your  
mailbox or only urgent messages.  
What if no one is available to answer Setting Pager Notification:  
the telephone when a Call Reminder  
comes in?  
To reach the Personal Options Menu,  
at the Main Menu.  
If you would like to be notified of  
To access Notification Options  
Menu, press  
Call Reminder will record on either an  
answering device or Home Voice Mail. If  
it encounters a busy signal or no answer,  
it will retry every 30 minutes up to five  
all messages, press  
If you like to be notified of only  
urgent messages, press  
To access Paging Options, press  
How Home Voice Mail  
Interacts with Your Local  
Measured Service  
The system will let you let you know if  
Pager Notification is on or off.  
Helpful Hints  
To turn your Pager Notification on  
Can I use Call Reminder to ring my  
own telephone?  
There is no need to wait until the  
end of a voice prompt. Once a  
prompt starts you can enter a  
selection at any time.  
or off, press  
Local Measured Service charging applies to Home  
Voice Mail service. This includes each time a call is  
forwarded to your mailbox and each time you  
access the Verizon Voice Messaging System and  
perform any of the available functions. Your total  
end of month local usage charges depend on the  
Measured Service option you have.  
Yes, from the “To Set a Call Reminder to The system will confirm that Pager  
Ring a Telephone” menu, dial your own  
10-digit telephone number when  
prompted to enter a number. Reminder  
Call charges of 15¢ per call delivered  
Notification is on/off and return you to  
the main menu.  
Pager numbers must be within your  
local calling area or be a toll-free  
To set up your notification schedule,  
To change your paging schedule,  
Messaging, Call Wake Up,  
Call Reminder, and Pager  
Notification Terms and  
Limitations of Liability  
Helpful Hints  
Always enter the 10-digit number (area  
code and number) of the party to which  
the message will be delivered.  
The Telephone Company will make every reasonable  
attempt to maintain reliable and continuous service,  
however, there may be some system downtime, e.g.,  
maintenance reasons. The Telephone Company will  
not be liable for any claimed damage from such  
downtime. The Telephone Company’s liability, if any,  
for its gross negligence or willful misconduct is not  
limited by these Limitations of Liability. With respect  
to any other claim or suit, by a customer or by any  
others, for damages associated with the installation,  
provision, termination, maintenance, repair or  
restoration of service, the Telephone Company’s  
liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to  
the proportionate charge for the period during which  
the service was affected. The Telephone Company is  
not responsible for any other claimed damage, e.g.,  
lost messages or service interruptions, under any  
theory of liability whatsoever. The Telephone  
Company extends no warranty, express or implied,  
for the service.  
The system will prompt you to enter the  
your pager number. Enter the 10-digit  
pager number.  
The system will prompt you to enter the  
time of day that you will be accepting  
calls during the week, Monday through  
Friday. Enter the time of day when you  
will start accepting calls.  
If a Call Wake Up, Call Reminder or Messaging  
delivery failure occurs, the service will retry  
according to the predetermined retry schedule.  
When setting up a Call Reminder, there is  
no need to wait until the end of a voice  
prompt. Once a prompt starts you enter a  
selection at any time.  
Once the retry schedule is completed, no further  
attempts for delivery will be made.  
Unlawful, fraudulent or abusive use of these serv-  
ices may result in the discontinuance of Home Voice  
For a.m., press  
For p.m., press  
Pager Notification  
Depending on your type of basic telephone service,  
you may be charged for calls to set up these serv-  
Pager Notification sends a signal to your  
pager when you have a message waiting  
in your mailbox. You can then call Home  
Voice Mail at your convenience to  
retrieve your message. Pager Notification  
is available by subscription. To order, call  
your local Business Office at the number  
listed on your bill or in the front of your  
phone book.  
Enter the time of day when you will stop  
accepting calls.  
Call delivery is limited to numbers within your  
Verizon calling area.  
For a.m., press  
For p.m., press  
Follow the prompts to enter the hours  
you will be accepting calls on the  
Terms and Conditions  
Usage charges for Measured Rate customers are not  
included in the monthly charge. The service may be  
canceled at any time. If the service is disconnected  
prior to the end of the first month, a one-month  
minimum charge will apply. The service may be  
terminated for failure to pay in a timely fashion.  

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