Stiga Lawn Mower 8211 0072 80 User Manual

When referring to headings, only the number of the  
heading is normally specified. E.g. “See 1.3.1”.  
This symbol indicates WARNING. Seri-  
ous personal injury and/or damage to  
property may result if the instructions  
are not followed carefully.  
You must read these instructions for use  
and the accompanying pamphlet  
ly, before starting up the machine.  
Please read through these instructions carefully.  
Learn all the controls and the correct use of the  
Before use, all drivers must apply for and  
receive practical training in the operation of the  
machine. Particular emphasis should be placed  
on the fact that:  
The following symbols appear on the machine.  
They are there to remind you of the care and atten-  
tion required during use and maintenance.  
a. The use of ride-on lawnmowers requires care  
and concentration.  
This is what the symbols mean:  
b. On slopes, it is not possible to control a  
sliding ride-on lawnmower by braking. The  
main reasons for losing control are insufficient  
traction, excessively high speed, insufficient  
braking, the machine not being suited to the  
task, lack of attention to the surface or incorrect  
use as a towing vehicle.  
Read the instruction manual and the safety  
manual before using the machine.  
Watch out for discarded objects. Keep on-  
lookers away.  
Always wear hearing protectors.  
Never let children or anyone who is not familiar  
with these instructions to use the machine.  
Local regulations may impose restrictions as  
regards the age of the driver.  
This machine is not designed to be driven  
on public roads.  
Never use the machine if others, particularly  
children or animals, are in the vicinity.  
Remember that the driver is responsible for  
accidents that happen to other people or their  
The machine, equipped with original ac-  
cessories, must not be driven in any direc-  
tion on slopes with a gradient greater than  
Do not let children or other passengers to ride  
with you on the machine. They might fall off  
and be seriously injured, or they might prevent  
the machine being driven safely.  
Do not use the machine if you are under the  
influence of alcohol, drugs or medication.  
Neither should you use it when you are tired or  
feeling unwell.  
Risk of crushing injuries. Keep hands and  
feet well away from the articulated steer-  
ing joint.  
Risk of burn injuries. Do not touch the si-  
lencer/catalytic converter.  
1.2 References  
1.2.1 Figures  
The figures in these instructions for use are num-  
Wear strong shoes and long trousers when using  
the machine. Do not operate it barefoot or  
wearing sandals.  
bered 1, 2, 3, etc.  
Components shown in the figures are marked A, B,  
C, etc.  
Wear appropriate clothing when using the  
machine. Do not wear loose, hanging clothes,  
jewellery, scarves, ties, etc., which can get  
caught in rotating parts. Tie up long hair.  
A reference to component C in figure 2 is written  
1.2.2 Headings  
The headings in these instructions for use are num-  
bered in accordance with the following example:  
“1.3.1 General safety check” is a subheading to  
“1.3 Safety checks” and is included under this  
Carefully check the area that is to be cut/cleared  
of snow. Remove all loose stones, sticks, steel  
wire and other foreign objects which the  
machine could throw out.  
Warning – Petrol is highly inflammable.  
a. Always store petrol in containers that are  
made especially for this purpose.  
rotating parts. Watch out for the blades. Do not  
stand right in front of the discharge opening.  
b. Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, and  
never smoke when filling or topping up.  
c. Fill with petrol before starting the motor.  
Never remove the filler cap or fill with petrol  
while the engine is running or still warm.  
d. If petrol is spilt, do not try to start the engine  
but instead move the machine away from the  
place where the spillage occurred and avoid any  
possible causes of sparks until the petrol fumes  
have evaporated.  
e. Do not forget to screw the cap on the petrol  
tank and the storage container after filling.  
Avoid using the machine on wet lawns.  
Be careful when driving on slopes. No sudden  
starting or stopping when moving up or down a  
Release the clutch pedal slowly. Always drive  
with the gear engaged, and do not disengage  
when driving down slopes.  
Never cut across a slope. Move from the top  
down, and from the bottom to the top.  
Use low acceleration when engaging the drive,  
especially in long grass. Reduce the speed on  
slopes and when making sharp turns to prevent  
the machine from tipping over or you losing  
control of the machine.  
Watch out for holes in the ground and other  
hidden dangers.  
Do not drive too near ditches or high edges.  
The machine can turn over if a wheel drives  
over the edge or the edge breaks.  
Take care when towing and when using heavy  
a. Only use an approved towing device.  
Replace faulty silencers.  
Before use, always check that blades and  
mounting devices are not worn or damaged.  
Replace worn or damage parts as a set so that  
the correct balance is maintained.  
The battery (on electrically started machines)  
gives off explosive gases. Keep sparks, flames  
and cigarettes away. Ensure there is sufficient  
ventilation during charging.  
The battery contains toxic material. Do not  
damage the battery casing. If the casing is  
damaged, avoid contact with the content of the  
b. Limit the load so that it can be controlled  
Do not throw out old, defective batteries with  
the rubbish. Contact the local authorities for  
correct waste management.  
Do not short circuit the battery. Sparks occur  
which can result in fire.  
c. Do not make any sudden turns. Take care  
when reversing.  
d. Use wheel weights or front weight when  
recommended in the user instructions.  
Look out for traffic at crossings or when driving  
near roads.  
Stop the blade(s) when crossing a surface other  
than grass during mowing.  
When using any of the accessories, never direct  
the discharge at somebody standing beside it,  
and do not allow anyone to stand near the  
machine when it is running.  
Never operate the machine with insufficient  
protection or without the safety devices in  
Existing safety devices may not be  
disconnected or disengaged. Check that the  
safety devices work each time before using the  
Do not alter the engine’s regulator setting and do  
not race the engine. The danger of personal injury  
increases when the engine is run at high revs.  
Start the engine according to the instructions in  
the user guide. Keep your feet away from the  
Do not run the engine in confined areas where  
hazardous carbon monoxide gases can collect.  
Only use the machine in daylight or where there  
is good lighting.  
Always use hearing protectors.  
Take care when approaching obstacles which  
obscure your vision.  
Always keep children away from the machine’s  
working area. Get another adult to keep the  
children under supervision.  
Take care when reversing. Look behind you  
both before and during reversing to check for  
any obstacles. Look out for small children.  
Disengage the blade(s) and the connection  
before starting the engine.  
Do not touch engine components which become  
warm during use. Risk of burn injuries.  
Do not leave the driving seat without:  
a. Disengaging the power take-off and lowering  
the accessories.  
Never have your hands or feet near or under  
b. Putting the gear in neutral and activating the  
parking brake.  
c. Stopping the engine and removing the key.  
Only use accessories that are approved by the  
machine’s manufacturer.  
At regular intervals check that the cutting  
deck’s blade screw(s) are properly tightened.  
Regularly check the operation of the brakes. It  
is important to maintain and repair the brakes if  
The machine may not be used without  
accessories/tools being installed in the  
machine’s tool mounts. Driving without  
accessories can have a negative effect on the  
stability of the machine.  
Take care when using grass collectors and other  
accessories. These can alter the machine’s  
stability. Particularly on slopes.  
Disengage the drive to the accessories, shut off  
the engine and disconnect the spark plug cable  
or remove the starter key:  
a. To remove sticks and rubbish or when the  
discharge has become clogged.  
Never store the machine with petrol in the tank  
in buildings where the fumes can come into  
contact with open flames or sparks.  
Allow the engine to cool before placing the  
machine in a store.  
To reduce the risk of fire, keep the engine,  
silencer, battery and petrol tank free from grass,  
leaves and surplus oil.  
Check frequently whether there is any wear or  
damage to the grass collector.  
For the sake of safety, replace worn or damaged  
Always use genuine spare parts. Non-genuine  
spare parts can entail a risk of injury, even if  
they fit the machine.  
Replace damaged warning and instruction  
If there is no mechanical lock for the transport  
position, the cutting deck must be lowered  
when parked, stored or when the machine is left  
b. To check, clean or service the machine.  
c. To check whether damage has occurred and  
to carry out any repairs before starting and  
using the machine again after a collision with a  
foreign object.  
d. To check the machine if it begins to vibrate  
excessively. (Check immediately).  
Disengage the drive to accessories during  
transport or when the machine is not in use.  
Shut off the engine and disconnect the drive to  
the accessories:  
a. Before filling with petrol.  
b. Before removing the grass collector.  
c. Before adjusting the height setting, assuming  
this cannot be done from the driver’s position.  
If the petrol tank is to be emptied, this must take  
place outdoors.  
Store the machine so that children cannot get to it.  
The battery contains acid. In the event of  
mechanical damage or overcharging, acid can  
leak out.  
Never overcharge the battery. Overcharging can  
cause the battery to explode, throwing the acid  
in all directions.  
If acid comes into contact with the eyes or skin,  
this can cause serious injuries. If any part of the  
body has come into contact with acid, rinse  
immediately with copious amounts of water and  
seek medical assistance as soon as possible.  
Fumes from acid that are inhaled cause damage  
to mucous membranes and other internal  
organs. Seek medical assistance if acid fumes  
have been inhaled.  
Acid causes serious damage to tools, clothes  
and other material. Rinse away spilled acid  
immediately with water.  
Reduce the acceleration when the engine is to  
be stopped, and if the engine is equipped with a  
fuel shut-off valve, this should be switched off  
when the work is finished.  
Take care with multiple blade decks as one  
rotating blade can cause other blades to rotate.  
The machine, equipped with original  
accessories, must not be driven in any direction  
on slopes with a gradient greater than 10º.  
The cutting deck’s original blade(s) may not be  
replaced with non-original devices intended for  
e.g. moss scarification. If such devices are used,  
the guarantee will cease to be valid. There is  
also a risk of serious injury or damage to people  
or property.  
Do not short circuit the battery’s terminals.  
Sparks occur which can result in fire. Do not  
wear metal jewellery which can come into  
contact with the battery terminals.  
In the event of damage to the battery casing,  
cover, terminals or interference to the strip  
Take care when unloading and loading the  
machine onto a trailer or lorry.  
Tighten all nuts and screws so that the machine  
is in safe working condition.  
covering the valves, the battery should be  
We recommend that the machine be handed in to  
an authorised service workshop for service,  
maintenance and checking of the safety devices  
once a year.  
Empty the petrol tank. Start the engine and let it  
run until it stops.  
A full guarantee is issued against manufacturing  
and material defects. The user must carefully fol-  
low the instructions given in the enclosed docu-  
Replace the oil while the engine is still warm.  
Unscrew the spark plug and pour a tablespoonful  
of oil into the cylinder. Rotate the engine a few  
turns to that the oil is distributed in the cylinder.  
Install the spark plug.  
Clean the entire machine. It is particularly  
important to clean under the cutting deck. Touch  
up paint damage to prevent rust.  
Store the machine indoors in a dry place.  
Machines with an electric starter:  
Remove the battery. Store it well charged in a cool  
place (between 0°C and +15°C).  
At the correct storage temperature, the battery  
should be maintenance-charged every four  
Guarantee period  
For consumer use: two years from purchase date.  
For professional use: 300 hours or three months,  
whichever comes first.  
For Stiga Park and Stiga Villa, it is possible to have  
a one year extension to the guarantee if the condi-  
tions in the service book are satisfied.  
For batteries: six months from the purchase date.  
The guarantee does not cover damage due to:  
neglect of the user to acquaint himself with ac-  
companying documentation  
incorrect and non-permitted use or assembly  
the use of non-genuine spare parts  
the use of accessories not supplied or approved  
by Stiga  
The battery acid is extremely corrosive  
and can cause injuries and damage to  
skin and clothing. Always use rubber  
gloves and glasses (goggles) to protect  
your eyes. Avoid inhaling any acid  
Neither does the guarantee cover:  
Do not incline the battery too much so  
that the battery acid can run out onto  
hands or clothing. If this should  
wearing components such as blades, belts,  
wheels and cables  
happen, rinse with plenty of water.  
normal wear  
engine and transmission. These are covered by  
the appropriate manufacturer’s guarantees with  
separate terms and conditions.  
The purchaser is covered by each country’s  
national laws. The rights to which the purchaser is  
entitled with the support of these laws are not  
restricted by this guarantee.  
Authorised service workshops carry out repairs  
and guarantee service. They use original spare  
STIGA original spare parts and accessories are  
designed specifically for STIGA machines.  
Please note that ‘non-original’ spare parts and  
accessories have not been checked or approved  
by STIGA.  
The identity of the product is determined by two  
The use of such parts and accessories  
can affect the function and safety of the  
machine. STIGA accepts no  
responsibility for damage or injuries  
caused by such products.  
1. The machine’s item and serial numbers:  
Original spare parts are supplied by service  
workshops and by many dealers.  
A list of these can be found on STIGA’s Internet  
website at:  
2. The engine’s model, type and serial numbers:  
Use these identification terms during all contact  
with service workshops and when purchasing  
spare parts.  
As soon as possible after acquiring the machine,  
the above number should be written in on the last  
page of this publication.  
This symbol indicates WARNING. Per-  
sonal injury and/or damage to property  
may result if the instructions are not  
followed carefully.  
You must read these instructions and  
the accompanying pamphlet “SAFETY  
INSTRUCTIONS” carefully, before the  
assembly begin.  
For environmental reasons, we recommend that  
particular attention is given to the following  
Always use Alkylate petrol (“Environmental  
Always use a funnel and/or a petrol can with  
overfill protection to avoid spillage when filling  
with petrol.  
To avoid injury and damage to people  
and property, do not use the machine  
until all the measures in this instruction  
have been carried out..  
Do not fill the petrol tank right to the top.  
Do not fill too much engine and/or transmission  
oil (see user instructions for the correct  
Collect up all oil during oil changes. Do not  
spill any. Hand in the oil to a recycling station.  
Do not discard replaced oil filters with normal  
rubbish. Hand them in to a recycling station.  
Do not discard replaced lead batteries with  
normal rubbish. Hand in to a battery collection  
point for recycling.  
Replace the silencer if it is broken. Always use  
original spare parts when carrying out repairs.  
If the machine was originally equipped with a  
catalytic converter and this is broken, a new  
catalytic converter must be installed after  
removing the old one.  
Always get a specialist to adjust the carburettor  
if necessary.  
Clean the air filter according to the instructions  
given (see user instructions).  
10.1Assembly components  
Components that are to be used at assembly are in-  
cluded in the delivery. See fig. 1.  
Supplied in bag:  
A plastic bag containing components, which are to  
be used at assembly, are included in the delivery.  
See fig. 1. The bag contains:  
Pos No. Designation  
6 x 36  
Shim washer  
Shim washer  
Ignition key  
Screw for battery  
Nut for battery  
16 x 38 x 0.5  
16 x 38 x 1.0  
Towing plate  
8 x 20  
M10 x 35  
Supplied installed on the front axles:  
Pos No. Designation  
Lock pin  
Check the insurance for your new ride-on  
Secure to the implement lifter:  
lawnmower. Contact your insurance company.  
Pos No. Designation  
You ought to have fully comprehensive insurance  
for traffic, fire, damage and theft.  
Deck mount  
4. Pull out the cotter pin and dismantle the steering  
wheel jacket.  
10.2Engine casing (2:U)  
In order to access the fuel cock, battery  
5. Install the washer/washers in accordance with  
and engine, the machine has an engine  
casing that can be opened. The engine cas-  
ing is locked with a rubber strap.  
point 3 above.  
6. Install the steering column jacket on the steer-  
ing column and secure by knocking in the ten-  
sion pin fully. Use a counterhold.  
The engine casing is opened as follows:  
1. Undo the rubber strap (2:V) at the front edge of  
the casing.  
2. Carefully lift the engine casing back.  
Close in the reverse order.  
10.6Towing plate  
Install the towing plate (6:I) at the rear of the ma-  
chine. Use the screws and the nuts (6:J, H).  
The machine may not be operated un-  
less the engine casing is closed and  
locked. Risk of burns and crushing in-  
Tightening torque: 22 Nm.  
10.7Deck mounts  
This only describes installation on the right-hand  
axle. Same procedure must be carried out on the  
left-hand axle.  
1. Lubricate the axle ends and the deck mount’s  
bearing surface with oil before installation.  
2. Install the deck mounts to the machine accord-  
ing to fig. 7.  
See “14.8 Battery”.  
10.4Seat (fig. 4)  
1. Remove the following components from the  
seat bracket:  
3. Install the locking pin (7:K) in the hole in the  
• 4 Nuts (for transport locking, not used).  
• 4 Screws.  
• 4 Shoulder washers.  
2. Position the seat over the mounting in the seat  
3. Install the shoulder washers on the screws.  
4. Insert the screws with the attached shoulder  
washers through the slots in the seat bracket and  
the holes in the seat plate. Screw the seat into  
10.8Tyre pressure  
Check the air pressure in the tyres. Correct air  
Front: 0.6 bar (9 psi)  
Rear: 0.4 bar (6 psi)  
For the installation of accessories, see separate in-  
stallation guide supplied with each accessory.  
Note: The cutting deck is regarded as an accessory  
Tightening torque: 9±1.7 Nm.  
If the screws are tightened more than  
9±1.7 Nm, the seat will be damaged.  
5. Check that the seat moves easily in the slots in  
the bracket.  
The seat can be folded. If the machine is parked  
outside when it is raining, fold the seat forward to  
protect the seat cushion from getting wet.  
11.1 Drive  
The machine is rear wheel drive.  
The rear axle is equipped with a hydrostatic trans-  
mission with infinitely variable forward and re-  
verse gear ratios.  
The rear axle is also equipped with a differential to  
facilitate turning.  
10.5Steering wheel  
In order to minimise the axial play in the steering  
column, the shim washers (5:B) and/or (5:C) must  
be installed on the steering column between the  
steering column jacket and the bracket as follows.  
1. Install the steering column jacket on the steer-  
ing column and secure by knocking in the ten-  
sion pin (5:A) approximately 1/3 of its length.  
2. Pull the steering column jacket and the steering  
column up.  
Front mounted tools are driven by drive belts.  
11.2 Steering  
The machine is articulated. This means that the  
chassis is divided into a front and a rear section,  
which can be turned in relation to each other.  
3. From the outside, check whether no washers,  
the 0.5 mm washer, the 1.0 mm washer or both  
washers can be inserted into the gap. The wash-  
er/washers must not be forced in, as there must  
be a little axial play.  
The articulated steering means that the machine  
can turn around trees and other obstacles with an  
extremely small turning radius.  
11.4.4Driving-service brake (10:F)  
11.3 Safety system  
The machine is equipped with an electrical safety  
system. The safety system interrupts certain activ-  
ities that can entail a danger of incorrect manoeu-  
vres. For example, the engine cannot be started if  
the clutch-parking brake pedal is depressed.  
If the machine does not brake as expect-  
ed when the pedal is released, the left  
pedal (1:B) should be used as an emer-  
gency brake.  
The pedal (10:F) determines the gearing ratio be-  
tween the engine and the drive wheels (= the  
speed). When the pedal is released, the service  
brake is activated.  
The operation of the safety system must  
always be checked every time before  
1. Press the pedal forward –  
the machine moves forward.  
2. No load on the pedal – the ma-  
chine is stationary.  
3. Press the pedal backward –  
the machine reverses.  
4. Reduce the pressure on the  
pedal – the machine brakes.  
11.4.1Implement lifter, mechanical (10:C)  
To switch between working position and transport  
1. Depress the pedal fully.  
2. Release the pedal slowly.  
11.4.5Throttle control (11:G)  
Control for setting the engine’s revs.  
11.4.2Clutch-parking brake (10:B)  
1. Full throttle – when the machine is in  
operation, full throttle should always be  
Never press the pedal while driving.  
There is a risk of overheating in the  
power transmission.  
The pedal (10:B) has the follow-  
ing three positions:  
2. Idling.  
11.4.6Choke control (5:H)  
A pull-type control to choke the engine when start-  
ing from cold.  
Released. The clutch is not activated. The park-  
ing brake is not activated.  
Depressed halfway. Forward drive disengaged.  
The parking brake is not activated.  
Fully depressed. Forward drive disengaged.  
The parking brake is fully activated but not  
locked. This position is also used as emergency  
1. Control fully pulled out – choke valve  
in carburettor closed. For starting cold en-  
2. Control pushed in – choke valve open.  
For starting warm engine and when oper-  
ating the machine.  
Never operate the machine with the choke  
pulled out when the engine is warm.  
11.4.3Inhibitor, parking brake (10:A)  
The inhibitor locks the “clutch-brake”  
pedal in the depressed position. This func-  
tion is used to lock the machine on slopes,  
during transport, etc., when the engine is  
not running.  
11.4.7 Ignition lock (11:I)  
The ignition lock is used for starting and stopping  
the engine.  
Do not leave the machine with the key  
in position 2 or 3. There is a fire risk,  
fuel can run into the engine through the  
carburettor, and there is a risk of the  
battery being discharged and damaged.  
1. Depress the pedal (10:B) fully.  
2. Move the inhibitor (10:A) to the right.  
3. Release the pedal (10:B).  
4. Release the inhibitor (10:A).  
Four positions:  
1. Stop position – the engine is short-cir-  
cuited. The key can be removed.  
Press and release the pedal (10:B).  
2, 3. Operating position  
4. Start position – the electric start motor  
is activated when the key is turned to the  
spring-loaded start position. Once the en-  
gine has started, let the key return to oper-  
ating position 3.  
The seat is equipped with a safety switch that is  
connected to the machine’s safety system. This  
means that certain dangerous activities are not pos-  
sible when there is nobody sitting on the seat. Also  
see 13.4.2.  
11.4.8 Power take-off (4,5:K)  
11.4.12Engine casing (2:U)  
The power take-off must never be  
engaged when the front-mounted  
implement is in transport position. This  
will destroy the belt transmission.  
In order to access the fuel cock, battery  
and engine, the machine has an engine  
casing that can be opened. The engine cas-  
ing is locked with a rubber strap.  
A lever for engaging and disengaging the power  
take-off for operating front-mounted accessories.  
Two positions:  
The engine casing is opened as follows:  
1. Undo the rubber strap (2:V) at the front edge of  
the casing.  
2. Carefully lift the engine casing back.  
Close in the reverse order.  
1. Lever in forward position – power take-  
off disengaged.  
The machine may not be operated un-  
less the engine casing is closed and  
locked. Risk of burns and crushing in-  
2. Lever in backward position - power  
take-off engaged.  
11.4.9 Hour meter (2:P)  
Indicates the number of working hours. Only  
works when the engine is running.  
The machine may only be used for the following  
11.4.10Clutch release lever  
A lever for disengaging the variable transmission.  
2WD is equipped with a lever, connected to the  
rear axle. See (6:R).  
tasks using the genuine STIGA accessories stated.  
Accessories, STIGA genuine  
Using mowing decks:  
95 C, 105 C and with flail mow-  
The disengagement lever must never be  
between the outer and inner positions.  
This overheats and damages the trans-  
Using brush unit or collector  
brush unit. The use of a dust  
guard is recommended with the  
first option.  
The levers enable the machine to be moved by  
hand without the help of the engine. Two positions:  
Snow clearance Using snow blade or snow  
thrower Snow chains and frame  
weights are recommended.  
1. Lever in the inner position –  
Grass clipping and Using towed collector 30" or  
2. Lever in the outer position –  
transmission disengaged. The  
machine can be moved by hand.  
leaf collection  
42". Pro Cart.  
Grass and leaf  
Using dump cart Standard, Maxi  
or Combi.  
The machine may not be towed over long distances  
or at high speeds. The transmission could be dam-  
Sand spreading  
Using sand spreader. Can also  
be used for spreading salt. Snow  
chains and frame weights are  
The machine must not be operated with  
the forward most lever in the outer po-  
sition. Risk of damage and oil leakage in  
the front axle.  
Weeding on gravel Using front-mounted hoe.  
Lawn edge trim- Using edge trimmer.  
Moss scarification Using moss scarifier.  
11.4.11Seat (8:T)  
The seat can be folded and adjusted front-  
rear. The seat can be adjusted as follows:  
1. Move the control lever (8:S) upwards.  
2. Set the seat to the desired position.  
3. Release the control lever (8:S) to lock  
the seat.  
The maximum vertical load on the towing hitch  
must not exceed 100 N.  
The maximum over-run load on the towing hitch  
from towed accessories must not exceed 500 N.  
NOTE! Before using a trailer – contact your insur-  
ance company.  
NOTE! This machine is not intended to be driven  
on public roads.  
13.3Level check, transmission oil  
1. Place the machine on a flat surface.  
2. Read off the oil level in the reservoir. See fig.  
18. The level should be level with the line.  
3. If necessary, top up with more oil.  
13.4 Safety checks  
Check that the results of the safety checks below  
are achieved when testing the machine in question.  
The machine may not be operated un-  
less the engine casing is closed and  
locked. Risk of burns and crushing in-  
The safety checks must always be car-  
ried out every time before use.  
If any of the results below is not  
achieved, the machine must not be  
used! Take the machine to a service  
workshop for repair.  
13.1 Filling with petrol  
Always use lead-free petrol. You must never use 2-  
stroke petrol mixed with oil.  
The tank holds 12 litres. The level can easily be  
read through the transparent tank.  
13.4.1General safety check  
NOTE! Ordinary lead-free petrol is a perishable  
and must not be stored for more than 30 days.  
Fuel lines and con- No leaks.  
Electrical cables. All insulation intact.  
No mechanical damage.  
Environmental petrol can be used, i.e. alkylate  
petrol. This type of petrol has a composition that is  
less harmful for people and nature.  
Petrol is highly inflammable. Always  
store fuel in containers that are made  
especially for this purpose.  
Exhaust system.  
No leaks at connections.  
All screws tightened.  
Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors,  
and never smoke when filling or top-  
ping up. Fill up with fuel before starting  
the engine. Never remove the filler cap  
or fill with petrol while the engine is  
running or still warm.  
Oil lines  
No leaks. No damage.  
Drive the machine The machine will stop.  
wards and release  
the driving-service  
brake pedal.  
Never completely fill the petrol tank. Leave an  
empty space (= at least the entire filler tube plus 1  
- 2 cm at the top of the tank) to allow the petrol to  
expand when it warms up without overflowing.  
See fig. 13.  
Test driving  
No abnormal vibrations.  
No abnormal sound.  
13.4.2Electrical safety check  
The operation of the safety system  
should always be checked every time  
before use.  
13.2Checking the engine oil level  
On delivery, the crankcase is filled with SAE 10W-  
30 oil.  
The engine  
will not start.  
Check the oil level every time before using to  
ensure it is correct. The machine should be  
standing on level ground.  
The clutch-brake Try to start.  
pedal is not  
The power take-off  
is not activated.  
Wipe around the dipstick. Unscrew and  
pull it up. Wipe the dipstick.  
The clutch-brake The driver gets up The engine  
Push the dipstick down completely without screw-  
ing it into place. Pull it up again and read off the oil  
pedal is depressed. from the seat.  
The power take-off  
will not start.  
is activated.  
Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark if the oil level  
is below this mark. See fig. 14.  
The oil level must never exceed the “FULL” mark.  
This results in the engine overheating. If the oil  
level exceeds the “FULL” mark, the oil must be  
drained until the correct level is achieved.  
Engine running.  
The driver gets up The engine  
The power take-off from the seat.  
is activated.  
will stop.  
Engine running.  
Remove fuse 10 The engine  
will stop.  
See fig. 15.  
The engine may be very warm immedi-  
ately after it is shut off. Do not touch the  
silencer, cylinder or cooling fins. This  
can cause burn injuries.  
13.5 Start  
1. Open the fuel cock. See 16.  
2. Check that the spark plug cable(s) is/are in-  
stalled on the spark plug(s).  
3. Check to make sure that the power take-off is  
13.8 Cleaning  
To reduce the risk of fire, keep the en-  
gine, silencer, battery and fuel tank free  
from grass, leaves and oil.  
To reduce the risk of fire, regularly  
check the machine for oil and/or fuel  
4. Do not keep your foot on the drive pedal.  
5. Put the throttle control at full throttle.  
Starting cold engine – pull the choke control out  
Starting warm engine – the choke control  
should be pressed in.  
6. Depress the clutch-brake pedal fully.  
7. Turn the ignition key and start the engine.  
8 Once the engine has started, push the choke  
control in gradually if it has been used.  
9. When starting from cold, do not make the ma-  
chine work under load immediately, but let the  
engine run for a few minutes first. This will al-  
low the oil to warm up.  
Clean the machine after each use. The following  
instructions apply for cleaning:  
When washing the machine with water under  
high pressure, do not point the jet directly at  
axle seals, electrical components or hydraulic  
Do not spray water directly at the engine.  
Clean the engine with a brush and/or com-  
pressed air.  
When the machine is in operation, full throttle  
should always be used.  
Clean the engine’s cooling air intake (14:W).  
13.6 Operating tips  
Always check that there is the correct volume of  
oil in the engine. This is particularly important  
when operating on slopes. See “13.2”.  
Be careful when driving on slopes. No  
sudden starting or stopping when driv-  
ing up or down a slope. Never drive  
across a slope. Move from the top down  
or from the bottom to the top.  
14.1Service programme  
In order to keep the machine in good condition as  
regards reliability and operational safety as well as  
from an environmental perspective, STIGA’s Ser-  
vice programme should be followed.  
The machine may not be driven on  
slopes greater than 10º in any direction.  
The contents of this programme can be found in  
the attached service log.  
Basic service must always be carried out by an au-  
thorised workshop.  
First service and intermediate service should be  
carried out by an authorised workshop, but can  
also be carried out by the user. The content of this  
can be found in the service log and the actions are  
described under “13.4” as well as below.  
Reduce the speed on slopes and when  
making sharp turns in order to retain  
control and reduce the risk of tipping  
Do not turn the steering wheel to full  
lock when driving in top gear and at full  
throttle. The machine can easily topple  
Keep hands and fingers well away from  
articulated steering joint and seat  
bracket. Risk of crushing injuries. Nev-  
er drive with the engine casing open.  
Servicing carried out at an authorised workshop  
guarantees professional work using genuine spare  
At each basic service and intermediate service car-  
ried out at an authorised workshop, the service log  
is stamped. A service log presenting these services  
is a valuable document that improves the ma-  
chine’s second-hand value.  
13.7 Stop  
Disengage the power take-off. Apply the parking  
Allow the engine to idle 1-2 mins. Stop the engine  
by turning off the ignition key.  
Shut off the petrol cock. This is particularly impor-  
tant if the machine is to be transported on a trailer  
for example.  
14.2 Preparation  
All service and all maintenance must be carried out  
on a stationary machine with the engine switched  
Prevent the machine from rolling by al-  
ways applying the parking brake.  
If the machine is left unattended, re-  
move the spark plug cable(s) and re-  
move the ignition key.  
Stop the engine.  
5. Install the oil drainage plug and move the clamp  
back so that it clamps above the plug.  
6. Remove the dipstick and fill with new oil.  
Oil quantity: 0,9 l  
Prevent unintentional starting of the  
engine by disconnecting the spark plug  
cable(s) from the spark plug(s) and re-  
moving the ignition key.  
7. After filling up the oil, start the engine and idle  
for 30 seconds.  
8. Check to see if there is any oil leakage.  
14.3 Tyre pressure  
Adjust the air pressure in the tyres as follows:  
Front: 0.6 bar (9 psi).  
9. Stop the engine. Wait for 30 seconds and then  
check the oil level in accordance with “13.2”.  
14.5Fuel filter  
Replace the fuel filter after 1,500 hours of opera-  
Check for fuel leaks once the new filter has been  
Rear: 0.4 bar (6 psi).  
14.4 Changing engine oil  
This section contains tables covering the different  
engines that are included in STIGA’s range. To fa-  
cilitate reading, mark the data that applies to the  
relevant machine/engine.  
14.6Belt transmissions  
After 5 hours of operation, check that all the belts  
are intact and undamaged.  
14.4.1Change intervals  
The table below states hours of operation and cal-  
endar months. Carry out the relevant action at  
whichever occurs first.  
The steering must be checked/adjusted after 5  
hours of operation and thereafter after 100 hours of  
1st time  
Then at  
intervals of  
Changing the oil  
Hours of operation/Cal-  
endar months  
Briefly turn the steering wheel back and forth.  
There must be no mechanical clearance in the  
steering chains.  
20 hours/ 100 hours/  
1 month  
6 months  
Adjust the steering chains if required as follows:  
1. Put the machine in the straight-ahead position.  
Change the oil more frequently if the engine has to  
operate in demanding conditions or if the ambient  
temperature is high.  
2. Adjust the steering chains with the two nuts, lo-  
cated under the central point. See fig. 20.  
3. Adjust both nuts by the same amount until there  
is no clearance.  
4. Test drive the machine straight forwards and  
check that the steering wheel is not off centre.  
5. If the steering wheel is off centre, undo one nut  
and tighten the other.  
14.4.2Engine Oil  
Use oil according to the table below.  
SAE 10W-30  
SJ or higher  
Service class  
Use oil without any additives.  
Do not fill with too much oil. This can cause the  
engine to overheat.  
Do not over-tighten the steering chains. This will  
cause the steering to become heavy and will in-  
crease wear on the steering chains.  
Change oil when the engine is warm.  
The engine oil may be very hot if it is  
drained off directly after the engine is  
shut off. Therefore allow the engine to  
cool a few minutes before draining the  
14.8 Battery  
If acid comes into contact with the eyes  
or skin, this can cause serious injuries.  
If any part of the body has come into  
contact with acid, rinse immediately  
with copious amounts of water and seek  
medical assistance as soon as possible.  
1. Attach the clamp on the oil drainage hose. Use  
a polygrip or similar. See fig. 15-17:Y.  
2. Move the clamp up 3-4 cm on the oil drainage  
hose and pull out the plug.  
3. Collect the oil in a collection vessel.  
The battery is a valve-regulated battery with 12 V  
nominal voltage. The battery fluid does not need to  
and cannot be checked or topped up. The only  
maintenance that is required is charging, for exam-  
ple after extended storage.  
NOTE! Do not spill any oil on the drive belts.  
4. Hand in the oil for disposal in accordance with  
local provisions.  
The battery must be fully charged be-  
14.8.4 Cleaning  
fore being used for the first time. The  
battery must always be stored fully  
charged. If the battery is stored while  
discharged, serious damage will occur.  
If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they  
should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with  
a wire brush and lubricate them with terminal  
14.8.1 Charging with the engine  
The battery can be charged using the engine’s gen-  
erator as follows:  
1. Install the battery in the machine as shown be-  
2. Place the machine outdoors or install an extrac-  
tion device for the exhaust fumes.  
3. Start the engine according to the instructions in  
the user guide.  
4. Allow the engine to run continuously for 45  
5. Stop the engine. The battery will now be fully  
14.9 Air filter, engine  
Clean the air filter every 3 months or after every 50  
hours of operation, whichever comes first.  
Clean the paper filter insert once a year or after  
every 200 hours of operation, whichever comes  
Note! Both filters should be cleaned more often if  
the machine operates on dusty ground.  
1. Remove the protective cover of the air filter  
(fig. 19).  
2. Dismantle the paper filter insert and the foam  
pre-filter. Make sure that no dirt gets into the  
carburettor. Clean the air filter housing.  
3. Wash the pre-filter in liquid detergent and  
water. Squeeze dry. Pour a little oil on the filter  
and squeeze in the oil.  
4. Clean the paper filter insert as follows: Knock it  
lightly against a flat surface. If the filter is very  
dirty, change it.  
14.8.2 Charging using battery charger  
When charging using a battery charger, a battery  
charger with constant voltage must be used.  
Contact your dealer to purchase a battery charger  
with constant voltage.  
The battery can be damaged if a standard type  
battery charger is used.  
5. Assemble in the reverse order.  
14.8.3 Removal/Installation  
Petroleum-based solvents such as kerosene may  
not be used for cleaning the paper filter insert.  
These solvents can destroy the filter.  
Do not use compressed air for cleaning the  
paper filter insert. The paper filter insert must  
not be oiled.  
See fig. 3. The battery is placed under the engine  
casing. During removal/installation, the following  
applies regarding connection of the cables:  
During removal. First disconnect the black ca-  
ble from the battery’s negative terminal (-).  
Then disconnect the red cable from the battery’s  
positive terminal (-).  
14.10Spark plug  
The spark plug(s) must be replaced every 200  
hours of operation (=at every other basic service).  
Before disconnecting the spark plug, clean around  
its mounting.  
Spark plug: Champion RC12YC or equivalent.  
Electrode distance: 0.75 mm.  
During installation. First connect the red cable  
to the battery’s positive terminal (+). Then con-  
nect the black cable to the battery’s negative ter-  
minal (-).  
If the cables are disconnected/connect-  
ed in the wrong order, there is a risk of  
a short-circuit and damage to the bat-  
If the cables are interchanged, the gen-  
erator and the battery will be damaged.  
14.11Air intake  
See 14:W. The engine is air-cooled. A blocked  
cooling system can damage the engine. Clean the  
engine’s air intake after 50 hours of operation.  
More meticulous cleaning of the cooling system is  
carried out during each basic service.  
Tighten the cables securely. Loose ca-  
bles can cause a fire.  
The engine must never be driven with  
the battery disconnected. There is a risk  
of serious damage to the generator and  
the electrical system.  
All lubrication points in accordance with the table  
below must be lubricated every 50 hours of opera-  
tion as well as after every wash.  
Centre point 4 grease nipples.  
Use a grease gun filled with  
universal grease. Pump until  
the grease emerges.  
Brush the chains clean with a  
wire brush.  
Lubricate with universal  
chain spray.  
Tensioning Lubricate the bearing points  
with an oil can when each  
control is activated.  
Ideally carried out by two  
Lubricate the cable ends with 23  
an oil can when each control  
is activated.  
Must be carried out by two  
If any of the faults listed below occurs, replace the  
relevant fuse. See fig. 15.  
The engine does not start or starts and  
stops immediately. The battery is  
10 A  
Electrical cutting height adjustment  
do not work.  
All electrical functions are out of  
operation. The battery is charged.  
20 A  
30 A  
This machine or parts thereof is covered by the fol-  
lowing patent and design registration:  
SE9901091-0, SE9901730-3, SE9401745-6,  
US595 7497, FR772384, DE69520215.4,  
GB772384, SE0301072-5, SE04/000239 (PCT),  
SE0401554-1, SE0501599-5.  
GGP reserves the right to make alterations to the  
product without prior notification.  

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