Flat Classroom A/V User Guide
What You Do First (flat classrooms 238, 338, 401, & 421)
*The Sony projector in the flat classrooms is located on the media cart in front of the
For PC Use
In order to display the PC in the flat classrooms you must do the following steps:
1. Turn on the Sony projector by pressing the ON/OFF button.
2. Make sure the PC is displayed on the screen by pressing the Input key on the
projector. (Input A is used for the PC/Laptop)
3. Make sure the PC is turned on
For Laptop Use
In order to display your laptop in the flat classrooms you must do the following steps:
1. Connect your laptop with the white cable on the desk labeled “Laptop”.
2. Select Input A on the Kramer box on the desktop (please see written instructions
on the desk for detailed instructions)
1. Press the “Fn” button on your laptop while pressing the LCD/CRT key to display
C:\Documents and Settings\bamaask.GBSNET\Desktop\AV
Flat Classroom A/V User Guide
When You Are Finished (flat classrooms)
When you are finished with your presentation here are some things you must do
before you leave:
1. Press the Input button on the Sony projector to select Input A if it is on another
2. Turn the projector off by pressing the ON/OFF button twice (pause between each
press) for shutdown.
C:\Documents and Settings\bamaask.GBSNET\Desktop\AV