Sony Mouse PCGA UMS3 User Manual

Win d o w s XP o p e ra t in g syst e m :  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Syst e m  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
If you experience any of the following difficulties while using the USB  
mouse, use this troubleshooting guide solve the problem. If a problem  
persists, consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
Click “ St a rt ” , a n d t h e n se le ct “ Prin t e rs a n d Ot h e r  
Ha rd w a re ” fro m Co n t ro l Pa n e l” . Th e n in “ Se e Also ”  
o n t h e le ft o f t h e scre e n , click “ Syst e m ” , click t h e  
“ Ha rd w a re ” t a b , a n d t h e n click t h e “ De vice  
Ma n a g e r” b u t t o n .  
Optical sensor (without ball)  
USB Mo u se  
Se n so r re so lu t io n  
800 dots per inch  
My mouse does not w ork  
Co n firm t h e fo llo w in g :  
Operating Instructions  
Mode demploi  
The USB mouse is not connected correctly.  
c Close all programs, and then reconnect the USB mouse to your  
1 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Human Interface Devices” and  
confirm that “USB Human Interface Device” is displayed under  
“Human Interface Devices”.  
2 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Mice and other pointing  
devices” and confirm that “HID-compliant mouse” is displayed.  
In t e rfa ce  
The operating system is not compatible.  
c Use a supported operating system.  
The USB port is not available.  
Co n n e ct o r  
USB Type A  
c Check the “System Properties” of your computer.  
Su p p o rt e d m o d e ls  
Sony VAIO computers with the Windows 98, Windows 98 SE,  
Windows 2000, Windows Me, or Windows XP operating system.  
The scrolling features do not w ork  
The operating system is not compatible.  
Sony Corporation © 2003 Printed in Japan  
Usin g t h e USB Mo u se  
c Use a supported operating system.  
When you move the mouse, the pointer displayed on your screen  
moves in the same direction.  
The scrolling features do not work with the program I am using.  
c The scrolling features work only with programs that use scroll bars.  
c Some programs do not support the scrolling features.  
Le n g t h o f co n n e ct o r ca b le  
Approx. 31.5 in. (80 cm)  
This section describes basic mouse operations and how to use the  
wheel button.  
Op e ra t in g t e m p e ra t u re  
I connected the mouse while the computer was in a power-saving  
41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C) (temperature gradient less than 18°F (10°C)/  
c Disconnect the mouse from the USB port, and connect it again after a  
few seconds.  
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o n o t e xp o se t h e u n it  
An optical mouse senses mouse movement by using the optical sensor to detect  
the shadows caused by the red light on the bottom of the mouse. The optical  
mouse may not operate correctly on the following surfaces:  
Op e ra t in g h u m id it y  
20% to 80% (not condensed), provided that humidity is less than 65% at  
95°F (35°C) (hygrometer reading of less than 84°F (29°C))  
When I press the w heel button, the quick/auto scroll function does not  
w ork  
t o ra in o r m o ist u re .  
Transparent surfaces (such as glass)  
Surfaces that reflect light (such as highly polished veneers or mirrors)  
The software does not support the quick/ auto scroll function.  
Ow n e r’s Re co rd  
c This function is available only with programs that support it.  
Surfaces with a repetitive pattern, such as screening (like that used for  
printing photos in magazines and newspapers)  
The model number and the serial number are located on the bottom of the  
mouse. Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to this  
number whenever you call your Sony dealer regarding this product.  
St o ra g e t e m p e ra t u re  
–4°F to 140°F (–20°C to 60°C) (temperature gradient less than 18°F  
(10°C)/ hour)  
The zoom function does not w ork w hen I rotate the w heel button  
Surfaces that are striped or have another distinct, high contrast pattern  
The program does not support the zoom function.  
If the mouse pointer does not move smoothly across the screen, make sure you  
are not using the mouse on one of the above mentioned surfaces.  
c This function is available only with programs that support it.  
The document has been zoomed out to the maximum level, and the  
scroll bar appears.  
Model No. PCGA-UMS3  
Serial No. ____________________  
St o ra g e h u m id it y  
10% to 90% (not condensed), provided that humidity is less than 20% at  
140°F (60°C) (hygrometer reading of less than 95°F (35°C))  
Fo r cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
c Use a method other than wheel button operation to return to the  
zoom function by zooming out until the scroll bar disappears.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class  
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed  
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential  
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency  
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no  
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this  
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  
If necessary, you can adjust the mouse pointer speed under “Mouse Properties”.  
To display “Mouse Properties”, double-click “Mouse” in the “Control Panel”  
(with the Windows XP operating system, select “Printers“ and “Other  
Hardware” in the “Control Panel”, then select “Mouse”).  
Dim e n sio n s  
Approx. 2.2 × 1.3 × 4 in. (55 × 32.6 × 100 mm) (w/ h/ d)  
When I’m using the USB mouse, the display goes dark, or the computer  
enters a pow er-saving mode  
The computer enters a power-saving mode while the USB mouse is in  
We ig h t  
Approx. 2.4 oz. (67 g) (mouse only)  
c When using the USB mouse, change the power management setting  
so that the computer does not enter a power-saving mode. For  
details, refer to the manuals provided with your computer.  
c Touch the touchpad or press any key to return from a power-saving  
Ba sic o p e ra t io n s  
Acce sso rie s  
Operating Instructions (this document)  
Cable clip  
Mo vin g t h e m o u se  
Place the mouse on a flat surface, such as a desk, and slide it across the  
surface. If you move the mouse all the way to the edge of the desk, pick  
it up and return it to the middle of the desk before continuing the  
The computer does not return from Standby mode  
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
c Touch the touchpad or press any key to exit this mode.  
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which  
the receiver is connected.  
I cannot return from a pow er-saving mode w ith the mouse  
c Press any key or the power button to return from a power-saving  
Po in t in g  
Move the mouse pointer to the desired position on the screen.  
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.  
Na m e s o f Pa rt s  
The shielded interface cable recommended in this manual must be used with this  
equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to  
subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  
The mouse does not move smoothly after returning from a pow er-  
saving mode  
Clickin g  
Wheel button  
Press and release the left mouse button once, making a clicking sound.  
This action is used to press “OK” and “Cancel” buttons and to select  
menu items and so on.  
c Disconnect the mouse from the USB connector, and then reconnect it  
after a few seconds.  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in  
this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.  
The mouse pointer does not move smoothly across the screen  
For questions regarding your product or for the Sony Service Center nearest you,  
call 1-888-476-6972 in the United States or 1-800-961-7669 in Canada.  
Do u b le -clickin g  
An optical mouse senses mouse movement by using the optical sensor  
to detect the shadows caused by the red light on the bottom of the  
mouse. The optical mouse may not operate correctly on the following  
Right mouse  
Press and release the left mouse button twice in quick succession,  
making two clicking sounds. This action is used to start software and  
open document files and so on.  
The number below is for FCC related matters only.  
Left mouse  
Declaration of Conformity  
Trade Name: SONY  
Transparent surfaces (such as glass)  
Dra g g in g  
Surfaces that reflect light (such as highly polished veneers or  
Model No.: PCGA-UMS3  
Move the pointer to the required position, hold down the left button,  
and move the mouse. This action is used to adjust the size of windows  
and so on.  
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.  
Address: 680 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ 07649 USA  
Telephone No.: 201-930-6972  
Surfaces with a repetitive pattern, such as screening (like that used  
for printing photos in magazines and newspapers)  
Surfaces that are striped or have another distinct, high contrast  
The device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,  
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Dra g g in g a n d Dro p p in g  
On t ra n sp o rt a t io n  
When carrying the mouse, wind the cable around the mouse and  
secure the cable with the cable clip.  
Drag a file icon or other icon to a position over another folder, window,  
or software icon, and then release the left mouse button. This action is  
used to copy or move files to different locations and so on.  
c If the mouse pointer does not move smoothly across the screen, make  
sure you are not using the mouse on one of the abovementioned  
Rig h t -clickin g  
When I start the computer, an error message appears saying that the  
mouse is not connected.  
Press and release the right mouse button once, making a clicking  
sound. Depending on the position you click, various shortcut menus  
c Select the option so that the message is not displayed in future and  
click the “OK” button.  
Fo r cu st o m e rs in Ca n a d a  
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  
Usin g t h e w h e e l b u t t o n  
Press the cable into the  
groove on the inside of  
the cable clip.  
Wind the cable around  
Take the cable that  
is wrapped around  
your hand and fit it  
into the groove in  
the cable clip.  
VAIO and  
are trademarks of Sony Corporation.  
Scro llin g  
your hand, fitting each  
loop into the cable clip  
as you do so.  
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation  
in the United States and/ or other countries.  
Scrolling up and dow n  
When there is vertical scroll bar displayed in the window, rotate the  
wheel button to scroll up and down the contents of the window. You  
can also point to the vertical scroll bar on the right of the window and  
rotate the wheel button to scroll up and down the contents of the  
All other names of systems, products, and services are trademarks of their  
respective owners. In this manual, the ™ or ® marks are not specified.  
In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® 98 is referred to as Windows 98 and  
Microsoft® Windows® 98 Second Edition is referred to as Windows 98 SE.  
In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional is referred to as  
Windows 2000.  
In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition is referred to as  
Windows Me.  
Co n n e ct in g t h e USB m o u se  
t o yo u r co m p u t e r  
Connect the mouse to the USB port ( ) of your computer.  
In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition and Microsoft®  
Windows® XP Professional are referred to as Windows XP.  
When you connect the mouse to your computer, the standard  
Windows driver is automatically installed.  
Win d o w s 98/Win d o w s 98 SE o p e ra t in g syst e m u se rs  
When you first connect the mouse to your computer, the “Add New  
Hardware Wizard” appears. Make sure you use  
“C:\ Windows\ Options\ Cabs” as the default location. You need to  
finish the installation before you can use the mouse.  
Be fo re Use  
Before using the mouse, read this manual thoroughly and retain it for  
future reference.  
Scrolling left to right  
When there is only a horizontal scroll bar displayed in the window,  
you can rotate the wheel button at any time to scroll the window  
contents to the left or right.  
The USB mouse is designed for use with Sony VAIO computers  
(Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows Me, or  
Windows XP models only).  
After your system boots, you can disconnect or reconnect the mouse  
even while the power is on.  
This mouse is not recommended for use with any other computer.  
The scrolling behavior of a window may vary, depending upon the software  
program displaying the window.  
To the USB port ( ) on your computer  
Qu ick scro ll  
Pre ca u t io n s  
Quick scroll allows you to scroll more freely through your documents.  
Press and hold the wheel button while moving the mouse to scroll up,  
down, left, or right.  
Sa fe t y  
If any solid object or liquid falls onto the mouse, disconnect it and have  
it checked by qualified personnel before continuing its use.  
Press the wheel button to  
display which directions  
scrolling is possible.  
Lo ca t io n  
Do not place the USB mouse in a location where it is:  
• On an unstable surface  
• In very humid areas or where there is no ventilation  
• Subject to excessive dust  
• Subject to direct sunlight or extreme heat  
• Extremely cold  
Drivers for USB devices must be installed for each connector used. If  
you connect the mouse to a different USB connector on your computer,  
the “Found New Hardware” message appears and the standard  
Windows driver is installed automatically, allowing you to use the  
mouse immediately. However, with the Windows 98 and Windows 98  
SE operating systems, the driver installation screen appears and you  
must install the driver according to the instructions displayed on the  
Shows the direction for  
quick scrolling.  
Op e ra t io n  
If the USB mouse is brought directly from a cold to a warm location or  
is placed in a very damp room, moisture may condense on the inside of  
the mouse. If this occurs, the mouse may not work properly.  
In this case, wait about 30 minutes for the moisture to evaporate. If the  
mouse does not work properly after one hour, consult your nearest  
Sony dealer.  
With some software programs, you can use quick scroll to move diagonally.  
Depending on window size, quick scroll may only be usable in the vertical or  
horizontal direction.  
Co n firm in g in st a lla t io n  
Check the installation with the mouse connected.  
Win d o w s 98/Win d o w s 98 SE/Win d o w s Me o p e ra t in g  
syst e m s:  
With some software programs, this feature is not available.  
The appearance of the pointer may differ depending on the software program  
you are using.  
Cle a n in g t h e o u t sid e o f t h e m o u se  
Clean the mouse with a soft, dry cloth or a soft cloth lightly moistened  
with a mild detergent solution. Do not use any type of abrasive pad,  
scouring powder, or solvent such as alcohol or benzine.  
Click “ St a rt ” , t h e n “ Se t t in g s” , a n d t h e n click “ Co n t ro l  
Pa n e l” .  
Au t o scro ll  
Auto scroll allows you to scroll automatically in a document just by  
moving the mouse.  
To put the mouse into auto scroll mode, click the wheel button once,  
release it, and move the mouse in the desired direction to scroll  
continuously. The further you move the mouse, the faster you scroll.  
Do u b le -click “ Syst e m ” *, a n d t h e n click t h e “ De vice  
Ma n a g e r” t a b .  
* If you are using a Windows Me model, and cannot find the icon you are  
looking for, click “View all Control Panel options”.  
Co n firm t h e fo llo w in g :  
To stop auto scrolling, click the mouse button or the wheel button.  
1 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Human Interface Devices” and  
confirm that “USB Human Interface Device” is displayed under  
“Human Interface Devices”.  
Press the wheel button to display which  
directions scrolling is possible.  
2 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Mouse” and confirm that  
“HID-compliant mouse” is displayed.  
Win d o w s 2000 o p e ra t in g syst e m :  
Click “ St a rt ” , t h e n “ Se t t in g s” , a n d t h e n click “ Co n t ro l  
Pa n e l” .  
Move the pointer to auto  
Do u b le -click “ Syst e m ” , click t h e “ Ha rd w a re ” t a b a n d  
t h e n click t h e “ De vice Ma n a g e r” b u t t o n .  
With some software programs, you can use auto scroll to move diagonally.  
Co n firm t h e fo llo w in g :  
Depending on window size, auto scroll may only be usable in the vertical or  
horizontal direction.  
1 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Human Interface Devices” and  
confirm that “USB Human Interface Device” is displayed under  
“Human Interface Devices”.  
With some software programs, this feature is not available.  
2 Click the “+” mark on the left of “Mice and other pointing  
devices” and confirm that “HID-compliant mouse” is displayed.  
The appearance of the pointer may differ depending on the software program  
you are using.  
Zo o m  
With some software programs, you can zoom the magnification of  
documents in and out by rotating the wheel button. With some  
software programs, the scroll bar appears when you zoom out to the  
maximum level, indicating that you have returned to scrolling mode  
from zoom mode.  
Printed on 100% recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic  
Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink.  
Imprimé sur papier 100 % recyclé avec de lencre à base  
dhuile végétale sans COV (composés organiques volatils).  

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