Sennheiser Radio EK 3041 U User Manual

Diversity Receiver  
Instructions for use  
EK 3041-U  
Brief description  
The EK 3041-U is a miniature true diversity radiomicrophone receiver  
designed for use with the new digital ENG camcorders. It can be inserted in  
the slot-in facility of most professional camcorders such as the Philips LDK  
120, Ikegami Hl-77 or Sony SX. Together with a suitable Sennheiser UHF  
pocket or hand-held transmitter, a highly reliable radio link can be set up.  
Annoying noise is effectively suppressed by HiDyn plus®, the Sennheiser noise  
reduction system.  
Interchangeable mounting kits (for mounting the receiver into camcorders)  
ensure suitability for a great variety of applications.  
Special features  
Compact design  
Robust all-metal housing  
Easy to use due to menu-assisted operation  
Up to 32 pre-programmed receiving frequencies  
High transmission reliability due to true diversity reception  
HiDyn plus® noise reduction system with more than 100 dB signal-to-noise ratio  
Powered via camcorder or GA 3041-B power adaptor  
Indication of transmitter battery status* („Low battery“)  
Mounting kits available for all current professional camcorders  
Weather-proof and therefore suitable for outdoor applications  
Stereo FM working on the „pilot tone“ principle  
Modes of application  
The EK 3041-U can be  
used as a „slot-in“ receiver inserted in the slot-in facility of professional  
inserted in a special housing for attachment to camcorders without slot-  
in facility  
used as mobile receiver inserted in a belt pouch  
used as a small stationary receiver system mounted into a mini-rack  
only with Sennheiser transmitters transmitting battery status information  
Noise reduction with HiDyn plus®  
This receiver is equipped with HiDyn plus®, the Sennheiser noise reduction  
system that reduces RF interference. It increases the signal-to-noise ratio in  
wireless audio transmission to more than 100 dB.  
HiDyn plus® is a wideband compander system which compresses the AF level  
on the transmitter side in a ratio of 2:1 (related to dB), and expands it in an  
exactly the same way on the receiver side. The optimisation of the dynamic  
range and the supporting effect of the control amplifier in the transmitter  
effectively reduce modulation problems.  
HiDynplus® hasbeenspeciallydevelopedforuseinhighqualityradiomicrophone  
Only transmitters which are also equipped with HiDyn plus®can  
work correctly in combination with the EK 3041-U receiver. If  
this is not the case, the dynamic range is drastically reduced  
and the transmission sounds blunt and flat. HiDyn plus® cannot  
be switched off on the EK 3041-U receiver.  
receiver 1  
electronic switching  
from one signal to another  
receiver 2  
Diversity reception  
The EK 3041-U receiver operates on the „true diversity“ principle:  
A receiving antenna receives not only the electromagnetic waves which reach  
it by a direct path, but also the reflections of these waves which are created in  
the room by walls, windows, ceilings and fittings. When these waves are  
superimposed, destructive interference occurs, which can also be called „field  
strength gaps“. Repositioning the receiving antenna can bring a solution,  
provided the transmitter remains in its original position. With mobile  
transmitters and receivers, however, the „field strength gap“ will then occur  
withadifferenttransmitterorreceiverposition. Thesefieldstrengthgapscan  
only be eliminated with true diversity receivers.  
In true diversity, instead of one antenna and one receiver there are now two  
antenna and two receiver sections. The antenna are spatially separated. By  
means of a comparison circuit, the receiver section with the strongest RF  
signal is always switched to the common AF output. The switching is  
inaudible. True diversity makes sense because, at UHF frequencies, even  
antenna placed only a few centimetres apart provide effective protection  
againstinterferencecausedbyfieldstrengthgaps“. Theriskoftheoccurrence  
Connections and operating elements  
SET button for menu selection and programming  
Antenna socket, diversity branch A  
ON / OFF switch  
Multi-function display panel  
Button for adjusting the settings of a selected menu (cycling downwards)  
Button for adjusting the settings of a selected menu (cycling upwards)  
Antenna socket, diversity branch B  
Mounting the antennæ  
Your EK 3041-U receiver is supplied with two antenna which are necessary  
fortruediversityoperation(seechapter5). Thelengthoftheantennahasbeen  
matched to the frequency range of your EK 3041-U receiver.  
Insert the antenna into sockets and and screw them tight.  
Mounting the EK 3041-U into the  
Philips LDK 120 camcorder  
Mount the base plate  
suitable for the Philips  
camcorder and fix it  
to the left and right of the  
receiver by means of two screws.  
The Philips adaptor features  
a 44-pin connector (accessories).  
Mounting the receiver into the camcorder:  
Fix the receiver (from above) to the mounting frame by means of four  
small screws.  
Insert the receiver in the slot-in facility until the 44-pin connector securely  
Fix the receiver to the slot-in facility by means of the two knurled screws.  
Mounting the EK 3041-U into the  
Ikegami HL-V77 camcorder  
Mount the base plate  
suitable for the Ikegami  
camcorder and fix it  
to the left and right of the  
receiver by means of two screws.  
The Ikegami adaptor features a  
25-pin connector (accessories).  
Mounting the receiver  
into the camcorder:  
Screw the mounting frame to the Ikegami  
camcorder housing.  
Insert the receiver in the slot-in facility until  
the 25-pin connector securely connects.  
Fix the receiver (from above) to the  
mounting frame by means of four small  
10 Mounting the EK 3041-U  
into the Sony SX camcorder  
Mount the base plate  
suitable for the Sony camcorder  
and fix it to the left and right  
of the receiver by means  
of two screws.  
The Sony adaptor features  
a 15-pin connector (accessories).  
Mounting the receiver into the camcorder:  
Screw the mounting frame to the Sony  
camcorder housing.  
Insert the receiver in the slot-in facility until  
the 15-pin connector securely connects.  
Fix the receiver (from above) to the  
mounting frame by means of four small  
11 Power supply  
Your EK 3041-U receiver can be powered from different power sources. The  
adaption to these power sources is via the plug-in connector at the bottom of  
the receiver and the corresponding accessories.  
The EK 3041-U can be powered  
directly via the camcorder with 12 V or 5.6 V or  
via the GA 3041-B power adaptor which is attached to the special housing  
12 Putting the receiver into operation / Switching the receiver on  
If the receiver is inserted in the slot-in facility of a camcorder, the receiver is  
switched on as soon as the camcorder is put into operation. The receiver’s  
ON/OFF switch is then locked. If the ON/OFF switch is pressed, „Loc“  
appears on the display.  
If the receiver is mounted into a special housing for external attachment to  
camcorders, press the ON/OFF switch to switch the receiver on. After  
approx. two seconds, the display indicates the receiving frequency or its  
respective channel number.  
Two bargraphes indicate the received RF signal (upper bargraph: „RF“) and  
the deviation (lower bargraph).  
13 Switching the receiver off  
To switch the receiver off, press the ON/OFF switch for approx. one  
second until „OFF“ briefly appears on the display.  
Please wait at least two seconds before switching the receiver on again.  
14 Display of receiving frequency or channel number  
You can choose the content of the display i.e. whether the preselected  
receiving frequency or its respective channel number is indicated.  
To do so, please proceed as follows:  
If you press button ̆, the preselected receiving frequency is indicated.  
If you press button ̄, the respective channel number is indicated.  
Information on how to change the receiving frequency is given in chapter 19,  
information on how to assign a channel number can be found in chapter 20.  
15 Overview of menus  
Despite its small dimensions, the EK 3041-U features an easy-to-use operating  
menu comprising six menus with extensive adjustment facilities. The menus  
can be selected by means of the SET button.  
Detailed information on the menus is given in chapters 17 to  
22. The following is just an overview:  
Press the SET button once  
to adjust the headphone volume. This menu is skipped (= out of  
operation) if the receiver is inserted into a camcorder (see chapter 17).  
Press the SET button twice  
to adjust the squelch (see chapter 18).  
Press the SET button three times  
to select a receiving frequency (see chapter 19).  
Press the SET button four times  
to assign a channel number to a receiving frequency (see chapter 20).  
Press the SET button five times  
to adjust the limiter of the headphone output. This menu is skipped (= out  
of operation) if the receiver is inserted into a camcorder (see chapter  
Press the SET button six times  
to lock the operating buttons! The „lock mode“ function protects your  
receiver against operating errors (see chapter 22).  
Press the SET button seven times  
to return to normal operation. If desired, you can start to adjust the  
settings over again.  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. You can  
discontinue your entry at any time by briefly pressing the ON/OFF  
16 Fast searchfunction  
The ̆ / ̄ buttons feature a „fast search“ function. If you hold down a button,  
the cycling of the display is continously accelerated. If you release the button  
and start over again, the cycling of the display restarts at normal speed.  
The „fast search“ function allows you to get fast and easily to your desired  
17 Adjusting the headphone volume  
Briefly press the SET button once.  
The display now indicates „PHonE“ in alternation with a three-digit number  
indicating the current volume level at the headphone output of your EK 3041-  
U receiver. The adjustment range of the headphone volume is between 0 an  
126 (on the display).  
The headphone output can only be used if the receiver is not inserted in  
the slot-in facility of a camcorder but is operated as a stand-alone receiver,  
e.g. inserted into a special housing (accessory). If the receiver is inserted  
in the slot-in facility of a camcorder, the headphone volume cannot be  
adjusted and the menu is skipped.  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons you can now select a different volume setting.  
Selecting a smaller value reduces the volume, selecting a higher value  
increases the volume.  
The new setting becomes effective immediately without having to be  
You can discontinue the programming of this menu at any time. Press the  
SET button to change to the next menu or briefly press the ON/OFF  
switch to discontinue your entry. The cancellation is briefly confirmed on  
the display with „ESC“. The display then switches back to the standard  
display (display of receiving frequency or channel number)(see  
chapter 16).  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. Here, too, „ESC“  
flashes briefly.  
18 Adjusting the squelch  
Your EK 3041-U receiver is equipped with an adjustable squelch control  
which eliminates annoying noise when the transmitters are switched on and  
off. It also suppresses sudden noise when a transmitter leaves the reception  
area and there is no longer sufficient transmitter power received by the  
Briefly press the SET button twice.  
The display now indicates „Squelch“ in alternation with one of nine  
possible squelch values (adjustable in 5-dB steps from „OFF“ to „40“).  
These values are – to some extent – comparable to an input voltage in dB µV.  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons you can now select a different setting. Selecting a  
smaller value reduces the squelch threshold, selecting a higher value  
increases the squelch threshold.  
The new setting becomes effective immediately without having to be  
You can discontinue the programming of this menu at any time. Press the  
SET button to change to the next menu or briefly press the ON/OFF  
switch to discontinue your entry. The cancellation is briefly confirmed on  
the display with „ESC“. The display then switches back to the standard  
display (display of receiving frequency or channel number)(see  
chapter 16).  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. Here, too, „ESC“  
flashes briefly.  
19 Changing the receiving frequency  
Briefly press the SET button three times.  
The display now indicates the preset receiving frequency in alternation  
with the channel number assigned. (If no channel number has been  
assigned, three „hyphens“ appear on the display):  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons you can now select a different frequency. The  
display always jumps to the next fixed frequency setting in the program.  
When you get to the desired frequency, press the SET button for about  
1 second. Your entry is confirmed by the fact that „Sto“ briefly appears  
on the display.  
Only now does the receiver change to the new frequency, any existing  
RF link to a transmitter on the previous frequency is interrupted. The  
display then switches back to the preset standard display (display of  
receiving frequency or channel number)(see chapter 16).  
You can discontinue the programming of this menu at any time. Press the  
SET button to change to the next menu or briefly press the ON/OFF  
switch to discontinue your entry. The cancellation is briefly confirmed on  
the display with „ESC“. The display then switches back to the standard  
display (see chapter 16).  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. Here, too, „ESC“  
flashes briefly.  
20 Assigning a channel number  
You can assign a channel number (from 001 to 255) to each of the 32 receiving  
frequencies. With larger systems, it is recommended to use the same channel  
number for both transmitters and receivers in order to provide for simpler  
monitoring of the system.  
Briefly press the SET button four times.  
The display now indicates the assigned channel number in alternation  
with „CH SET“. (If no channel number has been assigned, three  
„hyphens“ appear on the display):  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons you can now select the desired channel number.  
When you get to the desired channel number, press the SET button for  
about 1 second. Your entry is confirmed by the fact that „Sto“ briefly  
appears on the display.  
The display then switches back to the preset standard display (display of  
receiving frequency or channel number)(see chapter 16).  
You can discontinue the programming of this menu at any time. Press the  
SET button to change to the next menu or briefly press the ON/OFF  
switch to discontinue your entry. The cancellation is briefly confirmed on  
the display with „ESC“. The display then switches back to the standard  
display (see chapter 16).  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. Here, too, „ESC“  
flashes briefly.  
21 Limiter  
Your EK 3041-U receiver is equipped with a switchable limiter which limits  
the output voltage of the built-in headphone amplifier. The limiter protects  
your hearing and should therefore always be switched on.  
The limiter can only be used if the receiver is not inserted in the slot-in  
facility of a camcorder but is operated as a stand-alone receiver, e.g.  
inserted into a special housing (accessory). If the receiver is inserted in the  
slot-in facility of a camcorder, this menu is skipped.  
Briefly press the SET button five times.  
The display now indicates „—Ltd.—“ in alternation with the current  
limiter setting, for example:  
Ltd.OFF“, if the limiter  
is switched off,  
Ltd.-10“, if the limiter  
is set to - 10 dB,  
Ltd.-20“, if the limiter  
is set to - 20 dB.  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons you can now select the desired limiter setting.  
The new setting becomes effective immediately without having to be stored.  
You can discontinue the programming of this menu at any time. Press the  
SET button to change to the next menu or briefly press the ON/OFF  
switch to discontinue your entry. The cancellation is briefly confirmed on  
the display with „ESC“. The display then switches back to the standard  
display (display of receiving frequency or channel number)(see  
chapter 16).  
After about 15 seconds, the receiver automatically returns to normal  
operation if no entry has been made during this period. Here, too, „ESC“  
flashes briefly.  
22 Locking the operating buttons / Lock modefunction  
You can lock the operating buttons of your EK 3041-U to prevent accidental  
programming or switching off by a user inexperienced in handling the  
Locking the buttons  
Briefly press the SET button six times until „Loc“ begins to flash on the  
Now press the SET button for more than one second to store your  
setting. „Sto“ briefly appears on the display, indicating that the new  
setting has been stored. The display then switches back to the standard  
The buttons are now locked. If they are accidentally pressed, the display  
briefly indicates „Loc“ and then switches back to the standard display.  
With the ̆ / ̄ buttons, however, you can still choose the content of the  
display i.e. whether the transmission frequency or the channel number is  
Unlocking the buttons  
Briefly press the SET once. „Loc“ begins to flash on the display.  
Now press the SET button for more than one second.  
The display switches back to the standard display and the buttons can  
now be operated as usual.  
23 Sennheiser transmitters report their battery/accupack status  
Sennheiser supplies hand-held and pocket transmitters (see chapter 24)  
which provide information on the available transmitter battery/accupack  
status to the receiver. This information can be evaluated with the EM 3041-  
U receiver.  
When the battery or accupack capacity is so low that only a transmission  
time of about 20 to 30 minutes remains, the „“ display – alternating  
with the display of the receiving frequency or channel number – begins  
to flash on the display.  
The „“ display is reset by the mute function (see chapter 16).  
Whenever the squelch is activated in the EK 3041-U receiver, the „“  
display goes off and the evaluation of the battery status signal from the  
transmitter starts over again.  
Under normal reception conditions, the evaluation of the battery  
information from the transmitter lasts about 10–20 seconds.  
24 Suitable Sennheiser transmitters  
For the optimum use of the excellent reception qualities of the EK 3041-U  
receiver, Sennheiser offers hand-held and pocket transmitters in a variety of  
Pocket transmitters:  
SK 1063-U  
BF 1083-U  
SK 50-U  
SK 50-UA  
SK 250-U  
(without display of battery status)  
(without display of battery status)  
(with display of battery status)  
(with display of battery status)  
(with display of battery status)  
Hand-held transmitters:  
SKM 1072-U  
BF 1081-U  
SKM 3072-U  
SKM 5000-U  
(without display of battery status)  
(without display of battery status)  
(with display of battery status)  
(with display of battery status)  
Information on the many possible combinations of Sennheiser products and  
their use in multi-channel systems can be found in the planning brochure  
has in stock or will be pleased to order for you from Sennheiser.  
For up-to-date information on Sennheiser products, you can also  
visit the Sennheiser Web site at „“.  
25 Safety instructions  
Never open electronic devices! Servicing and programming must only be  
done by authorised personnel and is all the more important for current-  
carrying units. If devices are opened by customers in breach of this  
instruction, the warranty becomes null and void.  
Keep the receiver away from central heating radiators and electric  
Use a damp cloth for cleaning the receiver. Do not use any cleansing  
agents or solvents.  
26 Error messages  
The display of the receiver is also used by the integrated microprocessor to  
display error messages for service purposes. If you see error messages such  
as „EE_DEF“ or „rS_232“, there is a fault in the receiver unit which can only  
be corrected by your local Sennheiser service department.  
27 Error checklist  
Possible cause  
Receiver does not work;  
display panel dark  
Check the camcorder’s power supply;  
if necessary, switch power supply on  
Receiver does not work;  
display panel lit up  
with receiving frequency  
Squelch threshold adjusted too high  
Sound distorted  
Transmission microphone over-  
modulated; reduce AF level or  
transmitter sensitivity  
Sound overlaid with  
background noise  
Transmitter not sensitive enough;  
28 Recommended accessories  
GA 3041-C  
GA 3041-B  
Base plate with special housing  
Power adaptor  
Cat. no. 04642  
Cat. no. 04643  
GA 3041-15  
GA 3041-25  
GA 3041-44  
Sony adaptor  
Ikegami adaptor  
Philips adaptor  
Cat. no. 04639  
Cat. no. 04640  
Cat. no. 04641  
B 50  
Battery box (small)  
Battery box (large)  
Accupack (small)  
Accupack (large)  
Cat. no. 03545  
Cat. no. 03547  
Cat. no. 03546  
Cat. no. 03548  
B 250  
BA 50  
BA 250  
29 Technical data  
Frequency range  
450–960 MHz  
Receiver frequencies  
max. 32, pre-programmed to customer  
Switching bandwidth  
Frequency stability  
24 MHz  
± 10 ppm (– 10 °C to + 55 °C)  
typ. 10 µV for 90 dBA rms SNR  
0 to 100 µV, adjustable in 5-dB steps  
70 dB  
Sensitivity (with HiDyn plus®)  
Squelch treshold  
Adjacent channel rejection  
Intermodulation attenuation  
Antenna inputs / Impedance  
Compander system  
> 70 dB (400 kHz/800 kHz)  
2 LEMO sockets / 50 Ω  
Sennheiser HiDyn plus®  
50 µs  
± 40 kHz/± 56 kHz  
50–20,000 Hz  
Nominal/peak deviation  
AF frequency response  
Signal-to-noise ratio  
100 dB(A) at 1 mVRF and peak deviation  
Outputs / Power supply  
plug-in connector mounted at the bottom.  
The connections depend on  
the different mounting adaptors:  
via GA 3041-C:  
AF output  
3-pin XLR + 9 dB (2.2 V rms),  
electronically balanced, standard wiring  
at pin 2 and 3, + at pin 2, 3 screen/ground  
10 kΩ  
via 4-pin „HIROSE“ DC-socket HR 10-7-  
R45, pin 1: ground, pin 4 10.5–18 V DC,  
approx. 40 mA at 12 V  
Terminating impedance  
Power supply  
via GA 3041-B:  
Power supply  
1.8–4.8 V (internally DC/DC adjusted to  
max. 3.2 V), approx. 150 mA at 2.4 V  
Sennheiser BA 50 and BA 250  
Suitable accupacks  
Suitable battery boxes  
Sennheiser B 50 and B250  
Limiter (at headphone output only)  
THD at 1 kHz and nominal deviation  
Temperature range  
switchable: – 10 dB and – 20 dB  
1 %, typ. 0.8 % for overall device  
– 10 °C to + 55 °C  
120 x 74 x 28 mm / approx. 200 g  
ETS 300422  
Dimensions / Weight  
In compliance with  
unter „“.  
Up to date information on Sennheiser products can also be found on the  
Internet under “”.  
Vous trouverez également toutes les informations actuelles relatives aux  
produits Sennheiser sur Internet, sous ““.  
Informazioni attuali sulla gamma di prodotti Sennheiser sono disponibili  
anche in Internet al sito „“.  
informaciones actuales sobre los productos Sennheiser.  
Actuele informatie met betrekking tot Sennheiser producten vindt u ook op  
Internet onder ““.  
Änderungen vorbehalten  
Subject to alterations  
Sous réserve de modification  
Con riserva di modifiche  
Reservado el derecho a introducir modificaciones  
Wijzigingen voorbehouden  
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG  
D-30900 Wedemark  
Telefon: +49 (0) 5130 600 0  
Telefax: +49 (0) 5130 600 300  
Printed in Germany  
Publ. 04/98  
69668 / A 01  

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