Raymarine GPS Receiver ST6001 User Guide

Operating Guide  
Document number: 81215-1  
Date: July 2003  
Important Information  
Important Information  
About the documentation provided  
Welcome to Raymarine SmartPilot. The autopilot system that will steer your  
boat to a heading automatically, accurately, reliably and comfortably.  
SmartPilot documentation is arranged so that you can install, commission  
and quickly use your SmartPilot, keeping to hand only the information  
Installation Sheets - One per element of the system, these easy to under-  
stand sheets guide you through the installation process. These can be dis-  
carded once the installation is complete.  
SmartPilot Commissioning Guide - Describes how to connect, com-  
mission and configure the system.  
Quick Start Guide - Once commissioned, use your Smart Pilot right  
away with this handy guide to the main operations.  
Operating Guide - This handbook. Contains a detailed description of  
the SmartPilot’s features and functions.  
Toregister your new Raymarine product, please takea few minutes tofill out  
the warranty card. It is important that you complete the owner information  
and return the card to us to receive full warranty benefits.  
Safety notices  
WARNING: Calibration  
We supply this product calibrated to default settings that should provide  
initial stable performance for most boats. To ensure optimum performance  
on your boat, you must complete the procedures in SmartPilot  
Commissioning Guide before use.  
WARNING: Navigation aid  
Although we have designed this product to be accurate and reliable, many  
factors can affect its performance. Asa result, it shouldonly beusedas anaid  
to navigation and should never replace common sense and navigational  
judgement. Always maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to  
situations as they develop.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Your Raymarine SmartPilot will add a new dimension to your boating  
enjoyment. However, it is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure the safety of  
the boat at all times by following these basic rules:  
Ensure that someone is present at the helm AT ALL TIMES, to take man-  
ual control in an emergency.  
Makesurethat all membersofcrewknowhowtodisengagetheautopilot.  
Regularly check for other boats and any obstaclesto navigation – no mat-  
ter how clear the sea appears, a dangerous situation can develop rapidly.  
Maintain an accurate record of the boat’s position by using either a navi-  
gation aid or visual bearings.  
Maintain a continuous plot of your boat’s position on a current chart.  
Ensure that the locked autopilot heading will steer the boat clear of all  
obstacles. Make proper allowance for tidal set – the autopilot cannot.  
Even when your autopilot is locked onto the desired track using a naviga-  
tionaid, alwaysmaintainalogandmakeregularpositionalplots. Naviga-  
the autopilot will not be able to detect these errors.  
EMC Conformance  
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry  
standards for use in the recreational marine environment. Their design and  
manufacture conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility  
(EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that  
performance is not compromised.  
Handbook information  
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this handbook was correct  
when it went to press. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any  
inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition, our policy of  
continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice.  
As a result, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between  
the product and the handbook.  
Important Information ....................................................................................... iii  
About the documentation provided .........................................................iii  
Warranty ..................................................................................................iii  
Safety notices ...........................................................................................iii  
EMC Conformance .................................................................................iv  
Handbook information ............................................................................iv  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation .......................................................................1  
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 1  
1.2 Using the control unit ....................................................................... 3  
Start-up mode ................................................................................... 3  
Keypad functions ............................................................................. 3  
What does the display tell me? ......................................................... 4  
1.3 Using the SmartPilot to steer your boat ............................................ 5  
How do I automatically steer to a heading? ...................................... 5  
How do I return to hand steering? ..................................................... 5  
How do I change course in Auto mode? ........................................... 6  
Can I dodge an obstacle and then resume course? ............................ 6  
1.4 How do I adjust the performance of my SmartPilot? ....................... 7  
Off Course warning .......................................................................... 9  
1.5 Using the SmartPilot with sail boats ............................................... 10  
1.6 Can I adjust the display lighting? ................................................... 11  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation .......................................................................13  
2.1 How do I follow a route set on a Chartplotter? ............................... 13  
How do I activate Track mode? ...................................................... 13  
How do I leave Track mode? .......................................................... 14  
What is Cross track error? .............................................................. 14  
Tidal stream compensation ............................................................. 15  
How do I dodge an obstacle in Track mode? .................................. 15  
What happens when I arrive at a waypoint? ................................... 16  
What happens when I get to the end of the route? ........................... 17  
Safety in Track mode ...................................................................... 18  
2.2 Using Wind Vane mode – sail boats ............................................... 18  
What is Wind Vane mode? ............................................................. 18  
How do I select Wind Vane mode? ................................................. 19  
How do I leave Wind Vane mode? .................................................. 19  
How do I adjust the locked wind angle ........................................... 19  
How do I dodge an obstacle in Wind Vane mode? .......................... 20  
What is a Wind Shift warning? ....................................................... 20  
How do I use AutoTack in Wind Vane mode? ................................ 20  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Operating hints for Wind Vane mode .............................................21  
2.3 How do I display boat data? ............................................................21  
Warning messages ..........................................................................22  
2.4 User Calibration Options ................................................................23  
How do I access User Calibration settings? ....................................23  
User Calibration pages ...................................................................23  
Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance .........................................................27  
3.1 Fault finding ...................................................................................27  
SmartPilot alarm messages ............................................................28  
3.2 General maintenance ......................................................................30  
Routine checks ...............................................................................30  
Cleaning the display .......................................................................30  
EMC advice ....................................................................................30  
Product support ..............................................................................31  
Specifications .......................................................................................................33  
ST6001 control unit ................................................................................33  
SmartPilot computer functions ...............................................................33  
Glossary .................................................................................................................34  
Index ......................................................................................................................37  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
1.1 Introduction  
The SmartPilot controller is a SeaTalk® compatible autopilot control unit. It  
is designed as the main controller for the SmartPilot system.  
The SmartPilot controller operates in the following modes:  
Standby: SmartPilot off. You have manual control of the boat  
Auto: The SmartPilot steers the boat to maintain a locked heading  
Track: The SmartPilot steers the boat to maintain a track between two  
waypoints created on a navigation aid  
Wind Vane: The SmartPilot steers the boat to maintain a course relative  
to a true or apparent wind angle  
The SmartPilot controller also provides:  
automatic tack (AutoTack) in Auto and Wind Vane modes  
waypoint advance feature in Track mode  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
SmartPilot Functions  
The functions provided with your SmartPilot system depend on whether the  
SmartPilot computer contains an internal GyroPlus yaw sensor  
S1G, S2G and S3G systems  
(with GyroPlus)  
Non-G systems  
(without GyroPlus)  
Internal GyroPlus yaw sensor provides  
enhanced course keeping using AST  
(Advanced Steering Technology)  
Full basic functionality: uses Raymarine  
steering algorithm without AST  
Steering to true and apparent wind in  
Wind Vane mode  
Steering to true and apparent wind in  
Wind Vane mode  
Equipped with AutoLearn, Raymarine’s  
self-learning calibration system  
Extended systems  
You can connect the SmartPilot controller to other Raymarine SeaTalk  
equipment so it can send and receive SeaTalk data:  
it can use waypoint information from a SeaTalk navigation instrument to  
provide track control  
it can use boat speed from a SeaTalk speed instrument to optimize track-  
keeping performance  
it can use wind information from a SeaTalk wind instrument for Wind  
Vane steering  
You can also use the SmartPilot with any navigator or wind instrument that  
transmits National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 data.  
The SmartPilot control unit can display SeaTalk and NMEA instrument data  
in a user-defined selection of data pages.  
For further information on other connections to your system see SmartPilot  
Commissioning Guide  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
1.2 Using the control unit  
Start-up mode  
The SmartPilot alwayspowersupinStandbymode withthedisplay showing  
the boat’s current compass heading.  
Note: You can press standby at any time to return to manual steering.  
Keypad functions  
The SmartPilot is controlled using simple push-button operations, all of  
which are confirmed with a short beep. In addition to the main single-key  
functions, there are several dual key operations.  
-1 plus +1  
Press for Response level  
Press for 1 second  
for Rudder Gain  
-1 plus -10  
Press together  
for AutoTack  
to port  
+1 plus +10  
Press together  
for AutoTack  
to starboard  
Press for Track  
mode from Auto  
(if a navigator is  
Press to display  
data pages  
Press for 1 second  
for lamp control  
Press to accept  
waypoint advance  
Press for 1 second  
to skip waypoint  
Course change keys  
Port 1˚ Starboard 1˚  
Port 10˚ Starboard 10˚  
Press for Auto mode  
Press for  
Standby mode  
Press for 2 seconds  
to enter Calibration mode  
Press for Wind Vane mode  
(if a wind vane is connected)  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
What does the display tell me?  
The SmartPilot display screen provides the following information:  
Variable text region (up to 9 characters/digits)  
Heading indicators  
Distance units:  
• no units = kilometres  
• nm = nautical miles  
• SM = statute miles  
Autopilot mode  
Port and Starboard  
Calibration mode  
indicator (displayed on  
calibration pages)  
Rudder position indicator  
The bar graph at the bottom of the screen indicates the current position of the  
rudder, as measured by the rudder position sensor.  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
1.3 Using the SmartPilot to steer your boat  
How do I automatically steer to a heading?  
1. Steady the boat on the required heading.  
2. Press auto  
TheSmartPilotisnowinAUTO modeandwillsteertothechosenheading,  
shown on the display. This mode is often known as “point-and-shoot”.  
Automatic course control makes it easier to sail a boat, but it is NOT a  
substitute for good seamanship. ALWAYS maintaina permanent watch  
by the helm.  
How do I return to hand steering?  
Press standby to disengage the SmartPilot:  
in STANDBY mode, you have manual control of the boat and the dis-  
play shows the boat’s current compass heading.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
How do I change course in Auto mode?  
In Auto mode, use the -1 and -10 (port) and +1 and +10 (starboard) keys to  
change the locked heading in steps of 1° or 10°. For example: press -10 three  
times for a 30° course change to port.  
Can I dodge an obstacle and then resume course?  
To avoid an obstacle when your boat is under autopilot control, you can  
dodge the obstacle and then resume your previous course.  
1. Select a course change in the appropriate direction. For example, press -  
10 three times for a 30°dodge to port.  
2. Whensafelyclearoftheobstacle,reversethepreviouscoursechange(for  
example, press +10 three times).  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
1.4 How do I adjust the performance of my  
The principal method of adjusting the performance of SmartPilot systems is  
by changing the response level. This is the only user adjustment you should  
need to make to your SmartPilot on a regular basis.  
The response level controls the relationship between the SmartPilot’s course  
keeping accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity. When you turn on  
your SmartPilot it will always be at the default level. (This level can be  
adjusted in User Calibration see page 23)  
When you require extra tight course keeping (e.g. for pilotage in confined  
and sheltered waters), increase the setting. If you want to minimize drive  
activity and conserve battery power, decrease the setting.  
You can make temporary adjustments to the response level when using your  
SmartPilot on a day-to-day basis. By doing this you can match performance  
to conditions as they occur.  
Note: You will lose these temporary changes to response level whenever the  
system is powered off. You can make permanent adjustments in User Cali-  
bration (See page 23). This determines the default power-up response level.  
Adjusting performance – S1G, S2G and S3G systems  
S1G, S2G and S3G systems systems have 9 levels of response:  
level 9 to 7 give the tightest course keeping and greatest rudder activity  
(and power consumption). This can lead to a rough passage in open  
waters as the SmartPilot may ‘fight’ the sea.  
turns under normal operating conditions  
level 3 to 1 minimizes the amount of pilot activity. This conserves  
power, but may compromise short-term course-keeping accuracy  
With these points in mind, you should use the following procedure to make  
temporary adjustments to the response level when required:  
1. Display the RESPONSE screen by pressing the -1 and +1keys together  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Note: The RESPONSE screen is set as a default data page (see SmartPilot  
Commissioning Guide) so you can also access it by pressing disp and then  
scrolling through the data pages.  
2. Press -1 or +1 to change the response level.  
3. Press disp or wait for 5 seconds to return to the previous display.  
Adjusting performance – Non-G systems  
Non-G SmartPilot systems have three different response levels:  
Response Level 1: AutoSeastate on (Automatic deadband)  
The SmartPilot will gradually ignore repetitive boat movements and  
only react to true variations in course. This provides the best compro-  
mise between power consumption and course keeping accuracy  
Response Level 2: AutoSeastate off (Minimum deadband)  
This setting provides tighter course keeping but will lead to increased  
power consumption and drive unit activity  
Response Level 3: AutoSeastate off + yaw damping  
This setting provides the tightest possible course keeping by introducing  
counter rudder yaw damping You can adjust the counter rudder setting in  
Dealer Calibration (see SmartPilot Commissioning Guide)  
To make a temporary change to the response setting:  
1. Display the RESPONSE screen by pressing the -1 and +1 keys together  
2. Press -1 or +1 to change the response between levels 1 to 3.  
3. Press disp or wait for 5 seconds to return to the previous display.  
Note: You will lose these temporary changes to response level whenever the  
system is powered off. You can make permanent adjustments in User Cali-  
bration (see page 23).  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
Off Course warning  
= deviation to port  
= deviation to starboard  
The SmartPilot warns you when you have been off course from the locked  
heading for longer than 20 seconds. It shows whether the deviation is to port  
or starboard.  
Note: The default off course angle is set at 20º. You can adjust this angle in  
Dealer Calibration (see SmartPilot Commissioning Guide).  
1. To cancel the off course warning, press standby to return to manual  
2. Check whether your boat is carrying too much sail, or whether the sails  
are badly balanced. You can usually significantly improve course keep-  
ing by improving the sail balance.  
Note: The SmartPilot also clears the warning if the heading recovers or if  
you change course.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
1.5 Using the SmartPilot with sail boats  
Using the SmartPilot to automatically tack (AutoTack)  
The SmartPilothas abuilt inautomatic tackfacility(AutoTack)that turnsthe  
boat through 100° in the required direction. If you have set the vessel type to  
SAILBOAT, youcanadjustthedefaultAutoTackangleinUserCalibration(see  
page 23).  
to AutoTack to port: press the -1 and -10 keys together  
to AutoTack to starboard: press the +1 and +10 keys together  
When making major course changes, the trim on the boat may change  
substantially. Due to this, the SmartPilot may take some time to settle  
accurately onto the new course.  
AutoTack - Port  
AutoTack - Starboard  
How do I prevent accidental gybes?  
Note: For the gybe inhibit feature to work, the SmartPilot needs suitable  
wind information (see page 24).  
The gybe inhibit feature stops the boat from performing an AutoTack away  
from the wind – this will prevent accidental gybes. This feature can be dis-  
abled if required.  
With gybe inhibit on:  
you will be able to perform an AutoTack into the wind  
to prevent accidental gybes, the autopilot will prevent the boat from  
performing an AutoTack away from the wind  
Chapter 1: SmartPilot Operation  
With gybe inhibit off:  
you can perform an AutoTack into or away from the wind.  
Note: Gybe inhibit is switched on as a default but can be disabled in User  
Calibration (see page 23).  
Gusty conditions  
Ingustyconditions, thecoursemaytendtowanderslightly,particularlyifthe  
sails are badly balanced. If you take the following precautions, the SmartPi-  
lot will be able to maintain competent control even in gale force conditions:  
You can improve course keeping by improving the sail balance:  
do not allow the boat to heel over excessively  
ease the mainsheet traveller to leeward to reduce heelingand weather  
if necessary, reef the mainsail a little early  
In very strong winds and large seas, you should avoid sailing with the  
wind dead astern:  
ideally, bring the wind at least 30° away from a dead run  
in severe conditions, you may also need to remove the mainsail and  
sail under headsail only  
1.6 Can I adjust the display lighting?  
You can adjust the display and keypad lighting by:  
1. Pressingdispfor 1 second from any mode to access the LAMP screen and  
turn on the lights.  
2. Press the disp key to cycle through the possible illumination settings:  
LAMP 3 (the brightest setting), LAMP 2, LAMP 1, OFF, LAMP 1, LAMP 2,  
LAMP 3 and so on:  
as you change the setting, the illumination on any other SeaTalk  
instruments or control units will also change  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
1 second  
3. The display automatically returns to the previous mode if you do not  
press a key for 10 seconds:  
if you press another mode key within 10 seconds you will select the  
mode assigned to that key (for example: auto selects Auto mode,  
standby selects Standby mode)  
Notes: (1) You can also adjust the lighting level from any other SeaTalk  
instrument or control unit.  
(2) When you switch off the unit you lose any changes you have  
made to the lighting level.  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
2.1 How do I follow a route set on a Chartplotter?  
By using TRACK mode, the SmartPilot can maintain a route between  
waypoints created on a navigation system. It makes any course changes  
necessary to keep your boat on course, automatically compensating for tidal  
streams and leeway.  
Track mode is only available if you have connected the SmartPilot to a suit-  
able navigation system providing SeaTalk or NMEA information. (See  
SmartPilot Commissioning Guide for connection details)  
Your SmartPilot system can receive route information from:  
a SeaTalk navigation instrument or chartplotter  
a navigation system transmitting data in NMEA 0183 format.  
How do I activate Track mode?  
When you enter Track mode, the SmartPilot will bring the boat onto the  
track in a controlled way. The closer the boat is to the correct heading  
andtrack, thequickeritwillsettletheboatontothenewcourse.Toavoid  
an unexpected turn, approximately align the boat with the required  
track before entering Track mode.  
Starting with the SmartPilot in AUTO mode and your chartplotter following a  
1. Press track to enter Track mode.  
2. Wait for the warning to sound.  
The display will show the bearing to the next planned waypoint and the  
direction in which the boat will turn to reach this waypoint.  
3. If it is safe for the boat to turn onto the new course, press the track key:  
the SmartPilot will turn the boat onto the new course.  
the display shows the heading required to achieve the required track  
Note: The closer the boat is to the correct heading and track when you press  
track, the quicker the SmartPilot will bring the boat onto the new course. If  
the boat is more than 0.3 nm from the track, the Large Cross Track Error  
warning will sound (see page 14).  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Automatic track acquisition  
Waypoint at 270˚  
Waypoint at 270˚  
From auto mode, press track to enter Track mode . . . . . . then press track again to turn boat to waypoint.  
How do I leave Track mode?  
You can leave Track mode at any time by:  
pressing auto to return to Auto mode  
pressing standby to steer manually in Standby mode  
What is Cross track error?  
Waypoint 2  
Cross track error (XTE)  
more than 0.3 nm  
Actual route  
Planned route  
Waypoint 1  
Cross track error (XTE) is the distance between the current position and a  
planned route. The SmartPilot receives the cross track error information  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
from the navigation equipment, anddisplays the XTE in nautical miles (nm),  
statute miles (SM) or kilometres (km).  
If the cross track error is greater than 0.3 nm, the SmartPilot will sound the  
LargeCrossTrackErrorwarningandshowwhetheryouaretotheport (Pt)or  
starboard (Stb) of the planned track.  
Tidal stream compensation  
Under most conditions, the SmartPilot will hold the selected track to within  
0.05 nm (300 ft) or better. It takes account of the boat’s speed when  
computing course changes to ensure optimum performance.  
Waypoint 2  
Boat's speed over ground  
Tidal component  
Boat's speed through water  
Waypoint 1  
How do I dodge an obstacle in Track mode?  
In Track mode you still have full control from the keypad. You can make a  
dodge maneuver by using the course change keys (-1, +1, -10 or +10) to se-  
lect the desired course change.  
After you have avoided the hazard, you can cancel the dodge course change  
by making an equal course change in the opposite direction.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
What happens when I arrive at a waypoint?  
As the boat arrives at the target waypoint the chartplotter will select the next  
target waypointandtransmit this tothe SmartPilot. Itwill thendetect thenew  
target waypoint name, sound a Waypoint Advance warning and display the  
Waypoint Advance (NEXT WPT) screen. This shows the new bearing to the  
next waypoint and the direction the boat will turn to acquire the new track.  
Waypoint arrival and advance  
Next target  
Waypoint at 270˚  
New target  
waypoint at 270˚  
Old target  
Waypoint arrival  
Waypoint advance  
How do I get to the next waypoint in a route?  
When the Waypoint Advance warning sounds, the SmartPilot suspends  
Track mode and maintains the current boat heading.To advance to the next  
1. Check that it is safe to turn onto the new track.  
2. Press the trackkey. Thiswillcancel theWaypoint Advance warningand  
turn the boat towards the next waypoint.  
Note: If you do not press track to accept the Waypoint Advance, the Smart-  
Pilot will maintain the current heading and continue sounding the warning.  
How do I skip a waypoint? (SeaTalk chartplotters)  
If you want to advance to the next waypoint before you have arrived at the  
display will then show the Waypoint Advance screen for the next waypoint.  
Check it is safe to turn, then press track to turn the boat towards the next  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
Skipping a waypoint will take you straight to the next waypoint. Check  
your navigation before making the turn.  
What is the Waypoint Advance warning?  
The SmartPilot activates the Waypoint Advance warning (NEXT WPT?) in  
Track mode whenever the target waypoint name changes. This occurs when:  
you select automatic acquisition by pressing track from Auto  
you request waypoint advance by pressing track for 1 second in Track  
mode (with SeaTalk navigators only)  
the boat arrives at the target and the navigator accepts the next waypoint  
you activate the Man Overboard (MOB) function (see page 22)  
When the warning sounds, the SmartPilot continues on its current heading  
but displays:  
the bearing to the next waypoint  
the direction the boat will turn to take up that bearing  
How do I respond to a Waypoint Advance warning?  
To respond to a Waypoint Advance warning:  
check that it is safe to turn onto the new track, then press track to accept  
the waypoint advance  
alternatively, youcancancel thewarningwithoutacceptingthewaypoint  
advance by pressing:  
auto to continue on the same heading, or  
standby to return to manual control  
What happens when I get to the end of the route?  
The SmartPilot displays the ROUTE COMPLETED warning when you have  
reached the last waypoint on a route in Track mode.  
press auto to continue on the same heading  
or press standby to return to manual control  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Safety in Track mode  
Track mode provides accurate track keeping even in complex  
navigational situations. However, it is still the skipper’s responsibility to  
frequent position checks. Track mode assists precise navigation and  
removes the tasks of compensating for wind and tidal drift. However,  
you MUST still maintain an accurate log with regular plots.  
2.2 Using Wind Vane mode – sail boats  
Note: You can only select Wind Vane mode if the SmartPilot is receiving  
suitable SeaTalk or NMEA wind direction information.  
What is Wind Vane mode?  
When the SmartPilot is in Wind Vane mode it uses the fluxgate compass as  
the primaryheading reference. As changes in the true or apparent wind angle  
occur, it adjusts the locked heading to maintain the original wind angle.  
Wind information  
Touse WindVane mode, the SmartPilot must receivewindinformation from  
one of the following sources:  
SeaTalk wind instrument connected to the autopilot via SeaTalk  
NMEA wind instrument  
Raymarine pushpit wind vane connected via a SeaTalk interface  
True and apparent wind  
SmartPilots can maintain a course relative to either an apparent or true wind  
angle in Wind Vane mode  
The default setting is apparent wind. If required, you can change this to true  
wind in User Calibration (see page 24).  
In Wind Vane mode the SmartPilot uses WindTrim to eliminate the effects of  
turbulence and short term wind variations. This providessmooth and precise  
performance with minimal power consumption. You can adjust the wind  
response (WindTrim) level in User Calibration (see page 24) to control how  
quickly the SmartPilot responds to changes in the wind direction. Higher  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
wind trim settings will result in a pilot that is more responsive to wind  
How do I select Wind Vane mode?  
You can select Wind Vane mode from either Standby or Auto mode:  
1. Steady the boat onto the required wind angle.  
2. Pressstandby andautotogethertoselectWindVanemodeandlockthe  
current wind angle:  
the display shows the locked heading (e.g. 128°) and the wind angle  
(e.g.WIND 145P indicates an wind angle of 145° to port)  
if the SmartPilot does not enter Wind Vane mode, it is not receiving  
wind data - check the instrument and connections  
3. In Wind Vane mode, the SmartPilot will then adjust the boat’s heading to  
maintain the locked wind angle.  
How do I leave Wind Vane mode?  
You can leave Wind Vane mode by:  
pressing auto to return to Auto mode  
pressing standby to return to manual control  
How do I adjust the locked wind angle  
Youcanadjustthelockedwindanglebyusingthe-1, +1, -10and+10keysto  
change course. For example, to bear away by 10° when the boat is on a  
starboard tack:  
press -10 to turn the boat 10° to port – the locked wind angle and locked  
heading will both change by 10°  
the autopilot will then adjust the locked heading as required to maintain  
the new wind angle  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Note: Becauseturningtheboat affectsthe relationshipbetweenthe true and  
apparent wind angles, you should only use this method to make minor ad-  
justments to the wind angle. For major changes, return to Standby mode,  
steer onto the new heading, then reselect Wind Vane mode.  
How do I dodge an obstacle in Wind Vane mode?  
In Wind Vane mode you still have full control from the keypad. You can  
makeadodgemaneuverbyusingthecoursechangekeys(-1, +1,-10or+10)  
to select the desired course change.  
After you have avoided the hazard, you can cancel the dodge course change  
by making an equal course change in the opposite direction.  
What is a Wind Shift warning?  
If the autopilot detects a wind shift of more than 15° it will sound the wind  
shift warning and display the WIND SHIFT message:  
To cancel the warning, and retain the existing wind angle and new head-  
ing, press standby and auto together.  
Alternatively, to cancel the warning and return to the previous heading:  
adjust the locked wind angle using the -1, +1, -10 and +10 keys.  
press standby to return to hand steering, steer onto the required  
heading, and press standby and auto together to return to Wind  
Vane mode with the new wind angle  
How do I use AutoTack in Wind Vane mode?  
Note: If you use the AutoTack function in Wind Vane mode, make sure the  
wind vane has been centered accurately.  
The SmartPilothas abuilt inautomatic tackfacility(AutoTack)that turnsthe  
boat through 100° in the required direction:  
to AutoTack to port: press the -1 and -10 keys together  
to AutoTack to starboard: press the +1 and +10 keys together  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
AutoTack - Port  
AutoTack - Starboard  
Note: If you have set the vessel type to SAIL BOAT, you can adjust the default  
AutoTack angle in User Calibration (see page 23).  
When you AutoTack in Wind Vane mode, the boat turns through the  
AutoTack angle. The SmartPilot will then trim the heading to mirror the  
locked wind angle from the previous tack.  
Operating hints for Wind Vane mode  
Always trim your sails carefully to minimize the amount of standing  
Reef the headsail and mainsail a little early rather than too late.  
will not correct for short-term changes such as gusts.  
In gusty and unsteady inshore conditions, it is best to sail a few degrees  
further off the wind so that changes in wind direction can be tolerated.  
2.3 How do I display boat data?  
Use the disp key to show ‘data pages’ of SeaTalk or NMEA data:  
1. Pressdisptoaccessthefirstdatapage, andpressitagaintocyclethrough  
each data page in turn:  
when you cycle past the last data page, the display returns to the cur-  
rent SmartPilot mode screen (for example, AUTO)  
4 data pages are set in the factory as a default (see diagram): within  
User setup you can select up to 7 pages and control the information  
they display (see page 23)  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Notes: (1) If the SmartPilot system cannot obtain the required informa-  
tion, the data page will show dashes instead of a value.  
(2) The direction-to-steer arrows relate to the data page  
(3) Most data pages show repeated data so you cannot adjust  
them: the exceptions are the RESPONSE and RUDDER GAIN data  
pages, which you can adjust using the -1 and +1 keys  
Default data pages  
Data page 4  
Data page 3  
Data page 1  
Data page 2  
Autopilot mode  
Press for 1 sec to  
return to previous  
data page  
Warning messages  
Shallow warning (SHALLOW)  
The SmartPilot shows the Shallow warning if it receives a shallow depth  
message from an instrument on the SeaTalk system. Press standby or disp  
to cancel the warning.  
Man Overboard warning (MOB)  
The SmartPilot activates the Man Overboard warning if it receives a man  
overboard (MOB) message from another instrument on the SeaTalk system.  
It displaysthe textMOB instead of the waypoint number for theXTE, DTW and  
BTW data pages.  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
2.4 User Calibration Options  
The calibration information in this handbook relates to only those settings  
that can be adjusted during normal operation (USER CAL). For information on  
all available calibration settings, see SmartPilot Commissioning Guide.  
Note: Many of the settings are sailboat specific and will only be displayed if  
your vessel type is set to SAILBOAT  
How do I access User Calibration settings?  
You can only access the calibration mode from Standby mode:  
1. With the SmartPilot in Standby mode, press and hold the standby key  
for 2 seconds. The display will change to show DISPLAY CAL.  
2. Press the disp key once, the display will now show USER CAL.  
3. Press auto to enter User Calibration.  
The first page of User Calibration will now be displayed.  
4. To access other User Calibration pages, press disp to scroll down  
through the items within that grouping:  
5. When you reach an item you wish to adjust, use the -1, +1, -10 and +10  
keys (as appropriate) to change the value.  
6. When you have made all the changes you want to make, press and hold  
standby for two seconds to exit calibration mode and save changes.  
User Calibration pages  
AutoTack angle (SAILBOAT only)  
The AutoTack angle is the angle through which the boat will turn when you  
select an automatic tack.  
Screen Text  
40° to 125° in 1° steps  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Gybe inhibit (SAILBOAT only)  
With gybe inhibit on:  
you will be able to perform an AutoTack into the wind  
to prevent accidental gybes, the SmartPilot will prevent the boat from  
performing an AutoTack away from the wind  
With gybe inhibit off, you can perform an AutoTack into or away from the  
Screen Text  
ON (Default) = Gybe inhibit on (gybes prevented)  
OFF = Gybe inhibit off (gybes permitted)  
Wind selection (SAILBOAT only)  
This screen determines whether the boat steers to apparent or true wind in  
Wind Vane mode.  
WIND APP (Default)  
SmartPilot steers to apparent wind angle  
SmartPilot steers to true wind angle  
WindTrim (SAILBOAT only)  
WindTrim controls how quickly the SmartPilot responds to changes in the  
wind direction. Higher wind trim settings will result in a system that is more  
responsive to wind changes.  
Screen Text  
Range = 1 to 9  
1 to 3 - Least responsive to wind changes (less system activ-  
4 to 6 - Moderate response to wind changes  
7 to 9 - Most responsive to wind changes (moresystem activ-  
Chapter 2: Advanced Operation  
Response level  
This sets the default SmartPilot response level setting. The response level  
controls therelationship between course keepingaccuracyandtheamountof  
helm/drive activity. You can make temporary changes to response during  
normal operation (see Operation Guide).  
S1G, S2G and S3G systems  
Screen Text  
Range = 1 to 9  
levels 9 to 7 gives the tightest course keeping and greatest  
rudder activity (and power consumption). This can lead to a  
rough passage in open waters as the SmartPilot may ‘fight’  
the sea.  
levels 6to 4 should give good course keeping with crisp,  
well controlled turns under normal operating conditions  
levels 3to 1 minimizes the amountofpilotactivity. This con-  
serves power, but may compromise short-term course-keep-  
ing accuracy  
Non-G SmartPilot systems  
Screen Text  
AutoSeastate on (Automatic deadband)  
The SmartPilot will gradually ignore repetitive boat move-  
the best compromise between power consumption and  
course keeping accuracy  
AutoSeastate off (minimum deadband)  
This setting provides tighter course keeping but will lead to  
increased power consumption and drive unit activity  
AutoSeastate off + counter rudder yaw damping  
This setting provides the tightest possible course keeping by  
introducing counter rudder yaw damping  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance  
Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance  
All Raymarine products are designed to provide many years of trouble-free  
operation. We also put them through comprehensive testing and quality  
assurance procedures before shipping.  
This chapter provides information about identifying problems, interpreting  
alarm messages, maintaining your SmartPilot and obtaining product  
If a fault occurs with your SmartPilot, use the fault finding tables in this  
section to help identify the problem and provide a solution.If you cannot  
resolve the problem yourself, refer to the product support information.  
3.1 Fault finding  
Display is blank  
No power – check the power and SeaTalk fuses on  
course computer, then check main fuse/circuit breaker.  
Data page display shows sta-  
tionary dashes  
The control unit is not receiving necessary data from  
other instruments – check cabling.  
Display shows rotating dashes Compass calibration in progress (see SmartPilot Com-  
missioning Guide).  
Displayed compass heading  
You have not calibrated the compass. Carry out the devi-  
does not agree with the boat’s ation and alignment procedures (see SmartPilot Com-  
missioning Guide).  
No display bar on the display  
Rudder bar switched off in Display Calibration – select  
Rudder bar display moves in  
opposite direction to rudder  
Reverse the red and green rudder position sensor con-  
nections at the course computer  
Boat turns slowly and takes a  
Rudder gain too low. Complete AutoLearn or increase  
long time to come onto course gain setting.  
Boat overshoots when turning Rudder gain too high. Complete AutoLearn or decrease  
onto a new course  
gain setting.  
The SmartPilot ‘hunts’ when  
trying to position the rudder  
Adjust the RUDD DAMP setting (see SmartPilot Commis-  
sioning Guide). Increase the damping one levelat a time  
until the autopilot stops hunting, and always use the  
lowest acceptable value  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
The SmartPilot appears to be  
Northerly/Southerly heading correction (AutoAdapt) is  
unstable on Northerly headings not set up (see SmartPilot Commissioning Guide). [Does  
in the Northern hemisphere (or not apply to S1G, S2G and S3G systems.]  
Southerly headings in the  
Southern hemisphere)  
You cannot enter Seatrial Cali- Seatrial calibration lock is on – turn off the calibration  
protection feature in Dealer Calibration (see SmartPilot  
Commissioning Guide).  
The SmartPilot will not ‘talk’ to Cabling problem – make sure all the cables are con-  
other SeaTalk instruments  
nected properly.  
Position information not  
Navigator not transmitting the correct position data.  
The SmartPilot will not auto  
advance to the next waypoint  
No bearing to waypoint information received from the  
Non-Raymarine 24V autopilots Check that the clutch fuse is in the correct position. E.g.  
clutch slipping 24 V position for 24 V clutches.  
When holding a constant course The Autopilot is connected to a Raymarine Pathfinder  
in STANDBY mode, the heading unit with the “Bridge NMEA Heading” option switched  
continuously changes  
on. Disable this feature on the Pathfinder unit.  
SmartPilot alarm messages  
When the SmartPilot detects a fault or failure on the system, it will activate  
one of the alarm messages listed in the following table.  
Unless otherwise stated, you should respond to the alarm by pressing  
standby to clear the alarm and return to manual control, before you  
attempt to resolve the problem.  
In some situations, the SmartPilot will raise more than one alarm. When  
you have dealt with the first alarm, it will display the next alarm.  
Possible fault with rudder position sensor – check connections.  
AutoRelease on. The alarm cancels automatically after 10 seconds.  
Serious drive failure – the drive is taking too much current due to short-  
circuit or jamming. Check the drive unit.  
Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance  
The autopilot is unable to turn the rudder (this occurs if the weather  
load on helm is too high, or if the rudder position sensor has passed  
beyond the preset rudder limits or rudder end-stops).  
Check drive and rudder position sensor.  
Supply voltage has dropped below acceptable limits.  
To respond to a Low Battery alarm:  
• press standby to clear the alarm and return to hand steering  
• start the engine to recharge the battery  
LRN FAIL 1, 2 or 4  
AutoLearn not completed successfully.  
Failure codes:  
1 = AutoLearn has not been carried out (default setting)  
2 = AutoLearn failed, usually due to manual interruption  
4 = AutoLearn failed, probably due to drive or compass failure  
Repeat the AutoLearn procedure.  
Motor cables are connected to power terminals (and power cables are  
connected to motor terminals) at course computer. Turn off power and  
swap over connections.  
Caused by any of the following situations:  
• the compass is not connected  
• the autopilot is in Wind Vane mode and it has not received wind  
angle data for 30 seconds  
• the autopilot is in Track mode and:  
• the autopilot is not receiving SeaTalk navigation data, or  
• the position sensor (GPS, Loran, Decca) is receiving a low strength  
signal – this will clear when the signal improves  
Check connections to the compass, wind instrument and navigator.  
Note: The autopilot stops adjusting the heading as soon as it loses  
The controller is not receiving data from the SmartPilot computer.  
Check connections and check course computer is switched on.  
GyroPlus yaw sensor has failed:  
• If you have a S1G, S2G or S3G course computer with internal  
GyroPlus sensor – call a Raymarine service agent.  
• If you have a Non-Gscourse computer with external GyroPlus yaw  
sensor – check the sensor and connections, then call a Raymarine ser-  
vice agent.  
SeaTalk data problem on one of the SeaTalk lines – check connections.  
SEATALK and FAIL 1 or 2  
The controlunitcannottransmitdatatothe SeaTalksystem. Makesure  
all SeaTalk cables are connected properly.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
3.2 General maintenance  
Routine checks  
The SmartPilot computer and controller do not contain any user  
serviceable parts. It should be serviced only by authorized Raymarine  
service technician.  
The SmartPilot computer does NOT contain user-serviceable parts. If you  
removethemaincoveryouwillinvalidatethewarranty. Thecontrollerisalso  
a sealed unit. As a result, user maintenance is limited to the following checks  
make sure all cable connectors are firmly attached  
examine for signs of wear or damage – replace any damaged cables  
Note: Do not use chemical or abrasive materials to clean the SmartPilot  
computer. If the case is dirty, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.  
Cleaning the display  
Take care when cleaning the display. Avoid wiping the display screen  
with a dry cloth as this could scratch the screen coating. If necessary,  
only use a mild detergent.  
Never use chemical or abrasive materials to clean the controller. If it is  
dirty, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.  
Incertainconditions, condensationmay appearinside thedisplay screen.  
This will not harm the unit, and you can clear it by switching on the illu-  
mination for a short time.  
EMC advice  
When powered up, all electrical equipment produces electromagnetic  
fields. Thesecancauseadjacent pieces ofelectrical equipment tointeract  
with one another, with a consequent adverse effect on operation.  
To minimize these effects and enable you to get the best possible perfor-  
mance from your Raymarine equipment, guidelines are given in the  
installation instructions, to enable you to ensure minimum interaction  
between different items of equipment, i.e. ensure optimum Electromag-  
netic Compatibility (EMC).  
Always report any EMC-related problems to your nearest Raymarine  
dealer. We use such information to improve our quality standards.  
Chapter 3: Fault Finding & Maintenance  
In some installations, it may not be possible to prevent the equipment  
from being affected by external influences. In general this will not dam-  
age the equipment but it can lead to spurious resetting action, or momen-  
tarily may result in faulty operation.  
Product support  
Raymarine products are supported by a worldwide network of distributors  
and Authorized Service Representatives. If you encounter any difficulties  
with this product, please contact either your national distributor, service  
representative, ortheRaymarineTechnicalServicesCallCenter. Refertothe  
back cover or the Worldwide Distributor List for contact details.  
Before you considerreturning the autopilot, make sure that the power supply  
connections are secure, refer to the Fault Finding section in this chapter.  
If you cannot trace orrectify thefault, contact your nearest Raymarinedealer  
or Service Center, specifying:  
the SmartPilot controller and SmartPilot computer serial numbers:  
the controller serial number is printed on its rear cover  
the computer serial number is printed under its connector cover  
the controller and computer software version numbers  
The following illustration shows how to display the software information:  
press and hold standby for 4 seconds:  
after 2 seconds you will see the DISPLAY CAL screen  
then after another 2 seconds you see controller software version  
press disp to display the computer software version  
press disp again to display the total number of hours the SmartPilot has  
been used in Auto mode.  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Software information  
4 seconds  
Control unit  
software version  
1 second  
1 second  
Course computer  
software version  
Time autopilot  
used in Auto  
1 second  
Product details table  
For future reference, you may want to use this table to record serial and  
software information for your SmartPilot:  
Serial Number  
Software Version  
SmartPilot Controller  
SmartPilot Computer  
Hours Used  
ST6001 control unit  
Nominal supply voltage:  
Operating voltage range:  
Current consumption (in Standby mode)  
Operating temperature:  
Water protection:  
12 V DC via SeaTalk  
10 V to 15 V DC  
60 mA (less than 200 mA with full lighting)  
0 °C to +70 °C (32 °F to 158 °F)  
waterproof to CFR46  
Overall dimensions:  
110 mm (4.33 in)  
115 mm (4.53 in)  
41 mm (1.62 in)  
8 button illuminated keypad  
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD):  
shows heading, locked course and navigational data, and up  
to 7 data pages  
LCD illumination:  
Input connections:  
Output connections:  
CE approvals:  
3 brightness levels + off  
SeaTalk (x2) and NMEA 0183  
SeaTalk (x2)  
conforms to: 89/336/EC (EMC), EN60945:1997  
SmartPilot computer functions  
SmartPilot computer  
S1G, S2G and S3G systems  
Non-G systems  
Internal GyroPlus yaw sensor  
Enhanced course keeping using AST  
Full access to AutoLearn, providing  
automatic steering calibration  
• Improved track-keeping  
Steers to true and apparent wind in Wind • Uses Raymarine steering algorithm  
Vane mode  
Improved calibration access  
• Full basic functionality  
Improved track-keeping  
• Steers to true and apparent wind in Wind  
Vane mode  
• Improved calibration access, but without  
without AST  
No FastTrim  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Advanced Steering Technology (AST) is Raymarine’s unique advanced steering  
algorithm. It uses inputs from awide varietyof sensors to tune the autopilot’s oper-  
ation to provide superior control of the boat in any condition.  
Self-learning calibration feature available on S1G, S2G and S3G autopilot systems.  
The AutoTrim setting determines the rate at which the autopilot applies ‘standing  
helmtocorrectfortrimchangescausedbyvaryingwindloads onthe sails orsuper-  
American Wire Gauge  
Marked on Raymarine products that comply with defined European Community  
counter rudder  
Counter rudder is the amount of rudder the autopilot applies to try to prevent the  
boat from yawing off course. Higher counter rudder settings result in more rudder  
being applied.  
CR pump  
Constant Running hydraulic pump  
Direct current  
When powered up, all electricalequipment produces electromagneticfields. These  
cancauseadjacentpieces ofelectricalequipmenttointeractwithoneanother, and  
this can degrade their performance. By following the EMC guidelines in this hand-  
book, you can minimize these effects by ensuring optimum Electromagnetic Com-  
patibility (EMC) between equipment.  
Standard Raymarine compass supplied with course computer core pack  
Global Positioning System  
Raymarine’s GyroPlus yaw sensor that measures the boat’s rate of turn. It is built  
into the S1G, S2G and S3G course computers.  
I/O drive  
Inboard/Outboard or stern drive  
Man overboard  
Nautical mile  
The NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Association) protocol is an internation-  
ally accepted serial communication interface standard for sharing data between  
electronic equipment. Raymarine products can share information with non-  
SeaTalk equipment using the NMEA 0183 protocol.  
The autopilot response level controls the relationship between course keeping  
accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity.  
rudder gain  
Rudder gain is a measure of how much helm the autopilot will apply to correct  
course errors. The higher the setting the more rudder will be applied.  
SeaTalk is Raymarine’s proprietary communication system. It links the products to  
provide a single, integrated system sharing power and data.  
SeaTalk bus  
This refers to the continuous SeaTalk system connecting together a series of Ray-  
marine units.  
Statute (land) mile  
Very High Frequency (radio)  
WindTrim (wind response) controls how quickly the autopilot responds to changes  
in the wind direction. Higher wind trim settings will result in a pilot that is more  
responsive to wind changes.  
Cross track error  
The boat’s rate of turn (°/sec)  
ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide  
Alarms 28  
Fault finding 27  
Following a route 13  
Glossary 34-35  
Gybe inhibit 9, 24  
GyroPlus fail alarm 29  
MOB 22  
Keypad functions 3  
NO DATA 29  
Learn fail alarm 29  
RG FAIL 29  
SEATALK FAIL 1 or 2 29  
Low battery alarm 29  
Maintenance 30  
Man Overboard alarm 22  
Motor/Power swapped alarm 29  
Auto mode 5  
AutoTack 9  
Changing course 6  
Dodging obstacles 6  
Off course warning 9  
Next WPT warning 17  
No data alarm 29  
No pilot alarm 29  
Alarm 28  
AutoTack 9, 23  
Off course warning  
Description 9  
in wind vane mode 20  
Performance 7  
Preventing gybes 9  
Product support 31  
Specifications 33  
Course changes 6  
Cross track error  
Explanation 14  
Response level 25  
RG fail alarm 29  
Route completed 17  
LARGE XTE warning 14  
Current limit alarm 28  
Data pages 21  
Dodging obstacles  
Auto mode 6  
Drive stopped alarm 29  
Safety notices iii  
Track mode 18  
AutoTack 9  
Preventing gybes 9  
SeaTalk fail 1 or 2 29  
Wind shift warning 20  
WindTrim 18  
WindTrim 18  
Service 31  
AutoTack 23  
Gybe inhibit 24  
Response level 25  
User calibration 23  
Wind type 24  
Shallow alarm 22  
Disengaging 5  
Engaging 5  
Functions 2, 33  
Specifications 33  
Standby Mode 5  
Technical support 31  
Track mode 13  
Cross track error 14  
Next waypoint 17  
Route completed 17  
Safety 18  
Tidal compensation 15  
User Calibration 23  
Advance 16  
Arrival 16  
Skipping 16  
Wind angle  
Adjusting 19  
Wind type 24  
Wind vane mode 18  
Adjusting wind angle 19  
Apparent wind 18  
AutoTack 20  
Enabling 19  
Operating hints 21  
True wind 18  
Worldwide Warranty  
The Raymarine warranty terms and conditions as described below do not affect the customer's  
statutory rights.  
In order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate efficiently and reliably, we  
recommend that the Owner's handbook be carefully read and particular, attention is paid to  
advice on safe and correct operation and use of the product. We recommend that Raymarine  
equipment, be installed by an approved Raymarine installer.  
Product warranty  
Raymarine warrants each new product to be of good materials and workmanship. Raymarine,  
or it's approved agents, will repair or exchangeunder warranty any parts proven to be defective  
in material or workmanship under normal use, for a period of 2 years (24 months) from date of  
sale to end user, or 30 months from date of shipment from Raymarine - whichever expires first,  
except as provided below.  
Raymarine warranty covers the parts and labour associated with any warranty repair as  
described above, provided that the unit is returned to Raymarine or one of it's approved agents.  
Installed warranty  
In addition to the Product warranty cover as described above, Raymarine will, except as  
provided below, authorise onboard warranty service by the nearest Raymarine approved  
service agent, subject to maximum mileage and travel times applicable, on products, where  
proof of installation, or commission by Raymarine certified installers, can be shown  
The installed warranty provides for onboard repair or exchange, by Raymarine or it's approved  
service agents, for a period of 2 years (24 months):either from date of sale of the boat to the end  
user - where the equipment has been installed by a Raymarine certified installer, or from  
commissioning of the installation by a Raymarine certified installer, or 30 months from date of  
shipment of the equipment from Raymarine - whichever expires first, except as provided  
Obtaining warranty service  
In the event of warranty service being required, contact Raymarine Technical Support or the  
A suitable proof of purchase, showing date, place of purchase and serial number must be made  
available to Raymarine or approved service agent at the time of request for warranty service.  
In cases where a Raymarine certified installer has not installed the product; i.e. Product  
warranty, the affected unit must be returned to the local Raymarine approved service agent,  
with a copy of proof of purchase and/or completed warranty card. Subject to the limitations  
below, the unit will be repaired/replaced at no further cost and promptly returned to the user.  
In cases where the equipment has been installed by a Raymarine certified installer, (boat  
builder, installer dealer etc.) i.e. installed warranty, the nearest Raymarine approved service  
agent should be contacted (subject to mileage & travel time restrictions) and onboard service  
requested. Thewarrantycard, correctlycompletedandstampedbytheinstallingagent,mustbe  
available as authorisation for onboard service.  
Continued . . .  
Warranty limitations  
Raymarine warranty policy does not apply to equipment that has been subjected to accident,  
abuse or misuse, shipping damage, alterations, corrosion, incorrect and/or non-authorised  
service, or equipment on which the serial number has been altered, mutilated or removed.  
Raymarine assumes no responsibility for damage incurred during installation or as a result of  
improper installation.  
This warranty does not cover routine system checkouts, alignment/calibration, sea-trials or  
commissioning, unless required by replacement of part(s) in the area being aligned.  
Raymarine does not warrant damage caused by or to other equipment, systems or components  
occasioned by improper or unauthorised connection, or use, of the product.  
A suitableproofof purchase, showing date, placeof purchase, and serialnumbermustbemade  
available to Raymarine or approved service agent at the time of request for warranty service.  
Consumableitems,including, butnotlimitedtofuses, batteries, drivebelts, radarmixerdiodes,  
snap-in impeller carriers, impellers, impeller bearings, and impeller shaft are specifically  
excluded from this warranty.  
All costs associated withtransducer replacement, otherthan the cost ofthe transduceritself, are  
specifically excluded from this warranty.  
Overtime/premium labour portion of services outside of normal working hours is not covered  
by this warranty.  
approved Raymarine service agent, at owner's expense.  
Raymarine warranty does not cover any differences in material, colouring or size between  
those alluded to in corporate advertising, literature or published on the Web, which are not  
specifically objected to at the time of delivery.  
Travel costs other than auto mileage, tolls and two (2) hours travel time, are specifically  
excluded on all products. Travel costs, which are excluded from the coverage of this warranty,  
include but are not limited to: taxi, launch fees, aircraft rental, subsistence, customs, shipping  
and communication charges etc. Travel costs, mileage and time, in excess to that allowed must  
have prior approval in writing.  
All Raymarine products sold or provided hereunder are merely aids to navigation. It is  
the responsibility of the user to exercise discretion and proper navigational skill  
independent of any Raymarine equipment.  
Factory Service Centers  
United States of America  
UK, Europe, Middle East, Far East  
Raymarine Inc  
Raymarine Ltd  
22 Cotton Road, Unit D  
Nashua, NH 03063-4219, USA  
Anchorage Park, Portsmouth  
PO3 5TD, England  
Telephone: +1 603 881 5200  
Fax: +1 603 864 4756  
Telephone: +44 (0)23 9269 3611  
Fax: +44 (0)23 9269 4642  
Sales & Order Services  
Telephone: +1 800 539 5539 Ext. 2333 or  
+1 603 881 5200 Ext. 2333  
Customer Support  
Telephone: +44 (0)23 9271 4713  
Fax: +44 (0)23 9266 1228  
Technical Support  
Telephone: +1 800 539 5539 Ext. 2444 or  
+1 603 881 5200 Ext. 2444  
Product Repair Center  
Telephone: +1 800 539 5539 Ext. 2118  
Stick barcode label here  
Purchased from  
Dealer address  
Purchase date  
Installed by  
Installation date  
Commissioned by  
Commissioning date  
Owner’s name  
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