Quantum Data Portable Generator 700, 701 User Guide

Model 700, 701 Video Test Generators  
Quick Start Guide  
Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 2  
Computer Interfaces.................................................................................................... 3  
User Interface ............................................................................................................. 4  
Selecting Formats ....................................................................................................... 5  
Selecting Images ........................................................................................................ 6  
Gating Outputs............................................................................................................ 6  
Setting Power Save Preferences ................................................................................. 7  
Calibrating Generator .................................................................................................. 8  
Adjusting Horizontal Scan Frequency ........................................................................ 10  
Detecting Formats Supported by a Monitor ............................................................... 11  
UsingTest Sequences............................................................................................... 12  
Using Generator with CS-1 Probe.............................................................................. 14  
Testing Audio ............................................................................................................ 14  
Testing HDCP Interfaces ........................................................................................... 15  
Generating Psuedo Random Noise............................................................................ 15  
UsingVideo Generator Manager ................................................................................ 16  
CreatingVideo Formats............................................................................................. 17  
ModifyingTest Sequence .......................................................................................... 18  
Pattern Descriptions .................................................................................................. 19  
Updating Firmware .................................................................................................... 23  
Specifications ........................................................................................................... 24  
Service and Support Contacts .................................................................................. 25  
Computer Interfaces  
Chrominance (C)  
Luminance (Y)  
C3 C4  
Pin Signal  
Pin Signal  
TMDS data 2-  
TMDS data 2+  
TMDS data 2/4  
16 Hot plug detect  
17 TMDS data 0-  
18 TMDS data 0+  
19 TMDS data 0/5  
TMDS data 4-  
TMDS data 4+  
DDC clock  
DDC data  
Analog vertical sync  
TMDS data 1-  
20 TMDS data 5-  
21 TMDS data 5+  
22 TMDS clock shield  
23 TMDS clock+  
24 TMDS clock-  
(Active on 701 only)  
Stereo Audio - 3.5 mm phone jack  
10 TMDS data 1+  
11 TMDS data 1/3  
12 TMDS data 3-  
13 TMDS data 3+  
14 +5V power  
15 Ground  
C1 Analog red  
Left channel (1 KHz)  
RinhgtRig channel  
Sleeve Ground  
C2 Analog green  
C3 Analog blue  
C4 Analog horz sync  
C5 Analog ground  
DVI interface on 700  
outputs analog signals  
only, using included  
DVI-to-VGA adaptor.  
RS-232 9-Pin D-Sub Plug  
External DC Power /  
Battery Recharge Input  
Pin Signal  
Factory defaults  
No connection  
9600 baud  
8 data bits  
No parity  
1 stop bit  
X on - X off  
Data in (Rx)  
Data out (Tx)  
DTR out  
No connection  
RTS out  
Center pin:  
Outer sleeve:  
+12.0 VDC  
- (Ground)  
Warning: Using an external power source other than the  
Quantum Data supplied AC power supply may injure the  
operator and damage the generator.  
CTS in  
Pinout same as for 9 pin PC-AT serial port connector  
User Interface  
LCD Display  
The LCD window displays messages and menu options.  
Asterisk indicates active  
menu item.  
Item 5  
Item 6  
Item 7  
Item 8  
Item 1  
Item 2  
Item 3  
Item 4  
Buttons activate items in current  
menu list. Use +/buttons below  
to scroll menu screens when  
more than 8 items available.  
Function Buttons  
Toggle generator  
power on and off  
Menu of available video  
formats (set-ups) of the  
selected signal type.  
Menu of available  
test images.  
Menu of available  
testing modes.  
External power  
source (charger)  
connected when lit  
+ / -  
Page through  
menu screens  
when more  
than 8 items  
Menu for gating video  
and sync compontents  
on and off  
Toggle LCD backlight on  
and off. Goes out 20  
seconds after any button  
Menu for which  
format types are  
Menu of  
Obtain EDID data from  
unit under test via DDC  
press on batteries. Stays on shown by FORMAT configuration connection.  
when using external power  
button options.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Selecting Formats  
Viewing Formats by Signal Type  
Press the Signal Type button, and then select a  
signal type, to list formats based on the  
selected signal type.  
VESA Red, green, blue component color  
video per VESA standards. (DVI-to-VGA  
adaptor used for outputs.)  
NTSC/PAL Composite color baseband video  
signal (BNC connector) and Separate Luminance and Chrominance video signals (S-Video  
connector) or RGB component video per NTSC and PAL standards.  
Names of formats using modulated RF output end with _Cnn, where nn is the NTSC-M or PAL-G  
television channel used.  
HDTV/SDTV-RGB Luminance plus color difference signals per HDTV standards  
HDTV RGB RGB component color video signals per HDTV standards  
DVI Digital video signals (701 only)  
USER User-defined formats, of any type, stored in non-volatile memory  
Selecting Formats  
Press the Format button to select from a list of video formats of the type selected from the Signal Type  
Reloading Standard Formats  
If you modify or delete standard formats, you can restore the original formats by reloading the  
standard formats.  
To reload the standard formats:  
1. Select Options > Clr_Fmts to delete all formats, including user-created formats.  
2. Select Options > Reload Fmts to restore the standard formats to their original memory locations.  
The standard formats will replace any user-created formats in the original memory locations.  
User-created formats in locations not previously occupied by a standard formats will not be  
Selecting Images  
Selecting Images  
Press the Image button to select from list of  
available test images (patterns).  
*CutOff________ _GrayBar  
You cannot modify the images, or add your own  
Gating Outputs  
Press the Gating button to gate outputs, and to switch sync types.  
Note: Color gating works for all images except Ramp.  
Red Color  
ACS - Select Analog  
Composite Sync  
(Composite Video)  
*RED__ GATING___  
*GRN Format _ __ DCS_  
*BLU__ Image _ ___ DSS*  
Green Color  
DCS - Select Digital  
Composite Sync  
DSS - Select Digital  
Separate (H&V) Sync  
Blue Color  
OUT - All test signal  
outputs ON/OFF  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Setting Power Save Preferences  
Options Menu  
Press the Options button to set system-level options.  
Power Save - Sets Power Saver preference  
Calibrate - Displays calibration menu  
for setting RGB analog video and  
sync amplitudes. Appears only if the  
generator has been configured to  
allow recalibration.  
Pwr Save:On  
Reload Fmts - Restores factory  
default formats  
NTSC_CAL - Displays calibration menu for setting peak white signal on the TV output  
BNC connector  
Clr Fmts - Clears all formats from user memory  
Setting Power Save Preference  
When the Power Save preference is on, and the generator is on battery power, the generator will turn  
off after 30 minutes of no front panel activity.  
If the generator is running a test sequence in Burn-in mode, the Power Save preference is ignored.  
To set the Power Save preference, select Options > Pwr Save.  
Model 700 and 701 generators use programmable hardware to set the amplitude calibration factors  
for analog video outputs. These calibration factors are stored in Flash EPROM, and are not lost if the  
batteries are run down or removed.  
Quantum Data calibrates the analog video and sync output amplitudes in new generators to pub-  
lished specifications. You can recalibrate these amplitudes over a nominal range to meet your  
specific testing conditions.  
WARNING: Recalling the original factory calibration settings is not possible after saving  
your own settings.  
Equipment Needed for Calibration  
DC voltmeter capable of measuring from 0 to 1 volt with a minimum resolution of 2 millivolts  
Precision 75 ohm (+/- 1%) input terminator for the voltmeter  
Test cable to connect the voltmeter to the R, G, B and ground pins on the VGA connector  
Oscilloscope with a precision 75 ohm (+/- 1%) input impedance and suitable gain and band-  
width to display a 1.00 Volt pk-pk signal with 3.579 MHz color carrier  
75 ohm coaxial cable to connect the oscilloscope to the BNC TV output  
Vector scope  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Calibrating Outputs  
1. Select Options > Calibrate > Reset to set the generator’s  
calibration factors to default nominal values.  
2. Press Options > Calibrate > Full Scale.  
3. Set the voltmeter’s scale factor to be able to measure a nominal  
1000 millivolts DC.  
4. Using a VGA-to-BNC cable, connect the generator’s red output to  
the positive input on the voltmeter, with a 75 ohm (+/- 1%) input  
terminator. Connect the negative lead of the meter to any ground  
5. Select R_FS+ or -R_FS to set the DC output level to 1000 mV  
+/- 3 mV.  
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the green and blue outputs.  
7. Select Save.  
8. Select Options > Calibrate > Zero.  
9. Connect the red output to the positive input of the voltmeter.  
10. Select R_Zero+ or -R_Zero to set the DC output level to 0 mV +/- 3 mV.  
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the green and blue components.  
12. Select Save.  
13. Select Options > NTSC_CAL.  
14. Adjust the oscilloscope's timebase and sweep trigger to view the entire waveform. Adjust the  
G_NTSC so that its chrominance is 100 IRE or 714mV.  
15. Using a vector scope, use the R_NTSC and B_NTSC options to adjust the red and green outputs  
using so that their signals align with the 2% boxes.  
16. Press Save.  
Note: The modulated RF output does not have any calibration settings.  
Locking Calibration Settings  
The generator uses an internal hardware jumper to enable and disable changes to calibration  
settings. If the Options > Calibration option is available, the jumper is set to enable re-calibration.  
To prevent users from changing calibration settings:  
1. Turn the generator off, and remove the back cover.  
2. Locate the J10 jumper, which is near the lower-right corner of the board.  
3. Connect the jumper to only one pin to disable user calibration. Connect both bins to enable  
user calibration.  
4. Install the back cover.  
Adjusting Horizontal Scanning Frequency  
Select Test > Freq Shift, and then press the +/- buttons to increase or decrease the horizontal  
scanning frequency of the current video format +/- 10% in 2% increments. The ^ character indicates  
the percent deviation. The bottom number is the actual frequency.  
_____Freq. Shift  
__H= +31.469E+03  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Detecting Formats Supported by a Monitor  
Learn Monitor  
If the generator is connected to a VESA DCC-  
compliant display, press the Learn Monitor  
button to view formats supported by both the  
display and generator.  
_____Monitor EDID  
To view the format names, select the Details  
option after the generator completes reading  
the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data)  
data. The display’s EDID data may include  
Show details of EDID  
after successful read  
back from display  
under test  
Complete indicates EDID  
data was read back  
Failed indicates unable to  
read back valid EDID data  
non-VESA formats, which are not listed.  
You cannot select formats from this list, but the  
DDC Step feature can be used to test the listed  
formats (page 13).  
Using Test Sequences  
Test Menu  
Press the Test button to select special test operating modes.  
Sequence Mode  
CS-1 Readings  
Burn-In Mode  
_Sequence______CS1 Probe  
_Freq Shift  
DDC Step  
Freq Shift Mode  
PR Noise  
Audio Set-up  
Running Test Sequence Manually  
The generator includes a test sequence, which specifies a series of format and image combinations.  
To run the test sequence, select Test > Sequence > Run, and then press the +/- buttons to step  
through the sequence. Use the menu buttons to gate video color information, change sync types, and  
turn all signal outputs on and off.  
You can use VGM to modify the test sequence (see page 17).  
ASC - Select Composite  
Analog Sync  
(Composite Video)  
Red Color  
DCS - Select Digital  
Composite Sync  
Green Color  
DSS - Select Digital  
Separate (H&V) Sync  
Blue Color  
OUT - All test signal  
outputs ON/OFF  
Line 1: Name of Test Sequence currently running.  
Line 2: Current step number in sequence  
Line 3: Video format used in current step  
Line 4: Test image used in current step  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Using Test Sequences  
Running Test Sequence in Burn-In Mode  
Select Test > Burn-In > Run to automatically cycle through the test sequence. When the Burn-In mode  
is stopped, you can use the menu buttons to gate video color information, change sync types, and  
turn all signal outputs on and off.  
NOTE: The Burn-In mode disables the Power-Save feature, if enabled.  
OUT - All test signal  
outputs ON/OFF  
Run - Press to run  
Stop - Press to stop  
DSS - Select Digital  
Separate (H&V) Sync  
Red Color  
DCS - Select Digital  
Composite Sync  
Green Color  
Component ON/OFF  
ASC - Select  
Composite Analog  
Sync (Composite  
Line 1: Name of Burn-in test currently running.  
Line 2: Current step number in cycle  
Line 3: Video format used in current step  
Blue Color  
Component ON/OFF  
Line 4: Test image used in current step  
Creating Test Sequence for DDC Displays  
If the generator is connected to a VESA DCC-compliant display, press the Learn Monitor, and then  
Test > DDC Step to setup a test of each format supported by the display.  
Press the + button to render the current image with each video format supported by the display.  
Press the - button to render all images at the current format.  
Select the Run option to automatically test all images for each video format.  
When using automatic mode, select Stop to use manual mode.  
Special Tests  
Using Generator with CS-1 Probe  
The Test > CS1 Probe option uses the Quantum Data CS-1 color sensor to measure the chromaticity  
and luminance (brightness) of a display. The CS-1 probe connects to the generator’s serial port.  
Chromaticity is shown as x,y C.I.E. coordinates and the luminance (Y) can be shown either in units of  
foot-Lamberts or nits. The CS-1 needs to be over a fully lit white area of the display for accurate  
readings. The Flat_Wht test image is suitable for use with the CS-1  
fL/nits - Toggle  
between foot-  
Lamberts and  
nits for units of  
measure and  
Read - Take new  
take new reading.  
Error codes:  
1, 7 - CS-1 not seeing a usable test image.  
5, 8 - Generator did not find a CS-1 probe.  
2, 3, 6 - Probe malfunctioning.  
Select Test > Audio to independently toggle stereo audio output channels on and off.  
On a 701 generator, the left channel is also the monophonic audio source for the modulated RF  
Testing HDCP Interfaces  
Model 701 video test generators may be equipped with an optional production (private) key for testing  
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) interfaces of DVI receivers that support HDCP. For  
more information about HDCP, see http://www.digital-cp.com/.  
To output HDCP-encyrpted video content:  
1. Connect the DVI connector of the generator with the DVI connector of the device under test.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Special Tests  
2. Choose a DVI video format supported by the device.  
3. Press Test > HDCP > Start to output HDCP encrypted content.  
The display on the generator indicates if the test passed or failed. If the test passed, the currently  
selected pattern is displayed on the device under test. Noise is displayed if the HDCP authenti-  
cation failed.  
After the initial authentication of the connection is established, the generator displays the number  
of authentication verficiation cycles until you stop the test.  
During the test, if you reconnect the cable or restart the device under test, the test should restart  
4. To stop the test, press the Exit soft key or any gray key.  
Generating Pseudo Random Noise  
When the generator is connected to a device that supports the Quantum Data pseudo random noise  
standard, press Test > PR Noise to output the noise pattern as a static image. Depending on how the  
device is designed, it may compare the pattern output by the generator with an identical pattern,  
created internally, to detect errors in the cable and in the device itself.  
Using Video Generator Manager  
About VGM  
Video Generator Manager (VGM) is a Windows-based application for creating and editing formats and  
test sequences. As many as 132 formats and one test sequence can be stored in the generator.  
VGM was originally created for use with Quantum Data 80x video generators. The 700-Series  
generators support only some VGM features. For information about using VGM, see the VGM help file.  
VGM Quick Tour  
1. Connect the generator to your computer using a null modem serial cable.  
Note: You may not be able to connect to the generator when it is Power Save mode.  
2. Start VGM, and then select Generator > Connect.  
3. In the Select Port dialog box, select the Serial option, and then click OK.  
The name of the connected generator is listed in the bottom half of the VGM window.  
4. Click the View Formats icon  
to view the formats available in the generator, and then double-  
click the format you want the generator to use.  
5. Click the  
Image List icon to view the available images, and then double-click the image you  
want the generator to use.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Creating Video Formats  
Editing Video Formats  
You can use VGM to create your own video formats. You can start with a default format in the VGM  
format editor, or copy an existing format.  
To create a video format:  
1. Connect the generator with VGM, and then double-click the generator name.  
2. Click the View Formats icon to list the available formats.  
3. Right-click a format that is similar to the format you want to create, then select Copy to create a  
copy of the format. The name of the new format is based on the original format, followed by an  
underscore and number.  
4. Right-click the copied format, select Edit, and then click Yes to open the Format Editor.  
5. Specify the format parameters.  
The format editor works as described in the VGM help file, except that the physical size entries  
have no affect on how test images are displayed on the 700 series. However, the integer portion  
of the horizontal size in millimeters specifies the storage location of the format in the generator.  
Unlike our other models, the 70x generators store formats by specific numeric locations, and not  
by name. If you do not change this number, the edited format will replace the previous version of  
the format when you upload it back to the generator. You will not get any warnings that you are  
about to overwrite a memory location.  
6. Select File > Save to save the format on your PC, and then close the Format Editor window.  
7. In the VGM data pane, select the format, and click the Send Data icon  
the generator.  
to store the format on  
Modifying Test Sequence  
Editing the Test Sequence  
The generator has a default sequence, which you can edit in VGM. One sequence can be stored in  
the generator at the same time.  
To modify the test sequence:  
1. Connect the generator with VGM, and then double-click the generator name.  
2. In the generator window, click the Sequence List icon  
to display the sequence name.  
3. Right-click the sequence name, and then select Edit to open the Sequence Editor.  
4. Select the 70x generator from the Generator list. Do not select the virtual generator.  
5. Modify the test sequence.  
VGM help describes the basic operation of the Sequence editor. Specify only a format and image  
for each step. Do not use the No Change value. The 700-Series generators do not support the  
output gating and sync options, and the No Change value.  
6. Select Edit > Edit Sequence Name to save the sequence as a new sequence file.  
7. Select File > Save to save the sequence on your PC, and then close the Sequence Editor.  
8. In the top half of the main VGM window, select the sequence, then click the Send Data icon  
to store the sequence on the generator.  
To run the test sequence, see page 12.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Pattern Descriptions  
Description - Fills the screen with white, blue (B), green (G) or red (R).  
Application - Use to test chrominence.  
Decription - White crosshatch on a black background. The lines form square boxes. A single pixel dot  
is located in the center of each crosshatch box.  
Application - Use the Grid pattern to test convergence. To accurately produce an image on a color  
monitor, the three electron beams in the CRT must meet (converge) at the same location at the same  
time. Lines displayed on a misconverged monitor appear as several multi-colored lines, and the  
transitions between different colored areas contain fringes of other colors.  
Description - Black crosshatch drawn on a white background. The lines form square boxes.  
Application - Use to test convergence. To accurately produce an image on a color monitor, the three  
electron beams in the CRT must meet (converge) at the same location at the same time. Lines  
displayed on a misconverged monitor appear as several multi-colored lines, and the transitions  
between different colored areas contain fringes of other colors.  
Description - The image has three parts. The first part consists of five white circles. A large circle is  
drawn in the center of the screen. Its diameter equals the lesser of the video height or width of the  
display. A circle also is drawn in each of the corners of the screen. The diameter of the corner circles  
equals one-fifth of the display width.  
The second part of the image consists of a white crosshatch. The number of boxes in the crosshatch  
depends on the physical size of the display.  
The last part of the image consists of white tic marks on the horizontal and vertical center lines of the  
image. The marks are one pixel thick. Every other mark is slightly longer. The color of the pattern can  
be changed with the individual video output controls.  
Application - Used for detecting non-uniformity and non-linearity. The image presents an undistorted  
display, the horizontal and vertical sweeps of the electron beam across the face of the CRT should be  
at uniform speeds. Any non-uniformity in the sweep causes portions of an image to stretch while  
other portions are compressed. Non-linearity in a monitor shows up in several ways. It may be  
Pattern Descriptions  
present across the entire screen, in a large portion of the screen, or localized in a very small area.  
Description - Black display (nothing being displayed).  
Application - Useful for centering the raster on a CRT. Many monitor applications require that the  
displayed image or text fit completely within a bezel that surrounds the CRT. This usually requires that  
you first center the blank raster on the face of the CRT, and then center the image within the raster.  
Description - The entire active video area is filled with a shade of gray.  
Application - Useful for testing chrominence and contrast.  
Description - Single white box in the center of active video. The size of the box is one-third the width  
and height of the active video area.  
Application - Use for brightness control adjustment.  
Description - This image fills the screen with white M characters.  
Application - Used for testing focus.  
Description - The image has 7 full-height vertical color bars.  
Application - Useful for verifying that none of the video channels are bad or connected incorrectly.  
Description - The image has 16 full-height vertical graybars. The intensity of the bars iincreases from  
left to right. All bars are untined gray at all levels.  
Application - Useful for testing brightness control adjustment and brightness uniformity tests.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Pattern Descriptions  
Description - The image has a pair of white outlined boxes which surround a blinking solid white box.  
Application - Tests for proper high voltage regulation.  
Description - The image’s active video area is equally divided into a 6x6 checkerboard of black and  
white boxes.  
Application - The pattern is based on a proposed ANSI method of measuring the contrast ratio of  
video projection systems.  
Description - The image’s active video area is filled with multiple rows of white, single pixel dots. The  
dots define the corners of what would appear to be square boxes if all connecting pixels were lit. The  
number of rows of boxes and the number of boxes per row depends on which version of the image is  
selected and the screen aspect ratio of the currently-loaded format.  
Application - Used to measure convergence. To accurately produce an image on a color monitor, the  
three electron beams in the CRT must meet (converge) at the same location at the same time. Small  
dots displayed on a misconverged monitor appear as a group of multi-colored dots.  
Description - The image’s upper 67% of the image consists of a series of color bars. These bars  
match the order of the bars in the SMPTE and EIA patterns.  
The left side of the lower 25% of the image contains isolated -I and Q color difference signals that  
match the original EIA and SMPTE patterns. The -I signal appears as a bluish-gray bar and the Q  
signal appears as a purple bar on a TV monitor. The bars are separated by a white (+100 IRE) bar.  
After the Q blocks there are four blocks: black, (black - 4 IRE), black, (black + 4IRE).  
The right side of the lower 25% of the image contains a narrow 12.5 IRE gray bar.  
Application - Designed for adjusting the color settings of a television monitor by eye. It can also be  
used with a TV waveform analyzer and vectorscope for testing video signal processors and color  
Pattern Descriptions  
Description - This image provides an active video area starting from full black (+7.5 IRE for NTSC) at  
one edge of the screen to full white (+100 IRE) at or near the opposite end of the screen.  
Application - Useful for testing pixel anomolies and chrominance.  
Description - The image looks like two vertical lines followed by a wide vertical bar on a display’s  
screen. The first line is a red pulse. The pulse is 20 T for PAL and 12.5 T for NTSC formats. The  
second narrower line is a 2 T white sine-squared pulse. T = 100 nSec for PAL and 125 nSec for  
NTSC formats. The wide bar is white with sine-squared edges.  
Application - This image is intended for TV formats, but can be displayed with any format up to 100  
Description - The left side starts with reference white and black levels. This is followed by six bursts  
of square waves. Each burst is at a different frequency, forming vertical lines of various widths. The  
frequencies, going from left to right, are 0.5, 1, 1.53, 2.04, 3.06 and 6.13MHz.  
Application - The image can also be used with a TV waveform analyzer to check the frequency  
response of a video system. One scan line of the image, as it would appear on a waveform analyzer.  
High frequency roll-off (loss) would show up as a decrease in the peak-to-peak swings on the right  
side of the waveform. Low frequency roll-off would show up as a decrease in the peak-to-peak  
swings on the left side of the waveform.  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Updating Firmware  
Updating Firmware  
The generator’s operating system firmware is stored in Flash EPROM, which you can update via the  
serial port.  
To install a firmware update:  
1. Turn off generator, and connect it to your PC using a null modem serial cable.  
2. Hold down the upper-right menu button, and then press the On/Off button. The LCD screen will  
indicate that the generator is ready for the upload.  
Pressing the upper-right button during startup sets the serial port at 19200 bps. To set the serial  
port at 9600 bps, press the upper-left button while turning on the generator.  
3. If necessary, expand the .zip archive file that contains the firmware update.  
4. If you have HyperTerminal, double-click the HyperTerminal setup file (QD70x Upgrade.ht) to start  
HyperTerminal with the proper communications setup (9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit,  
Xon/Xoff flow control).  
Note: You may not be able to connect to the generator when it is in Power Save mode.  
If you are using a COM port other than COM1, choose File > Properties to select the desired COM  
HyperTerminal Private Edition is recommended when using Windows 2000 to install firmware.  
5. In HyperTerminal, select Transfer > Send Text File.  
6. In the Send Text File dialog box, double-click the firmware filename to start the transfer.  
The generator will display the progress of the update, which takes several minutes, and then  
restart to complete the installation. If you need to cancel the installation, select Exit.  
7. If the firmware update includes new or revised video formats, press Options > Clear Fmts, and  
then select Yes to delete the current formats. Then press Options > Reload Fmts to load the new  
Video Formats  
132 total  
monitor’s EDID data through DVI  
Press Signal Type button to view signal types.  
Edit method: Windows-based VGM software  
connector, and shows list of supported  
standard formats. DDC test mode for  
cycling through supported standard  
Test Images (Patterns)  
Press Image button to list images.  
Horizontal Timing  
Battery Power Operation  
Six AA 1500 mA-H rated  
rechargeable NiMH batteries  
1 KHz to 250 KHz  
Total pixels:  
144 to 4096  
Use time:  
8 hours with fully charged NiMH  
batteries. Less when using  
backlight, DVI, NTSC, or RF  
Active range: 16 to 4096 pixels  
Vertical Timing  
Active lines:  
Scan types:  
1 Hz to 650 Hz  
AC Power Operation  
1 to 4096  
External charger/power supply  
Progressive, 2:1 Interlace  
supplied with unit  
100-240 VAC @ 47-63 Hz  
Sync Types  
Separate digital horizontal and vertical  
Digital and analog composite  
Bipolar HDTV  
Size and Weight  
H 5.5 x W 8.25 x D 2 inches  
H 140 x W 210 x D 51 mm  
Ship weight: 4 lbs, including batteries  
Video Outputs  
Timing accuracy: 2%  
Connectors: See diagram on page 3.  
RF Output (701 only)  
Channels 2, 3, 4, and 6 (VHF) per  
NTSC (M) and PAL (G).  
Color per NTSC (M) and PAL (G)  
Mono 1 KHz tone per NTSC (M) and  
PAL (G)  
Female F type  
Digital Video (701 only)  
Pixel rate:  
Single link 75 MHz  
Audio Outputs  
3.5 mm stereo phone jack  
Left: 1 KHz tone  
Right: 2 KHz tone  
User Interface  
4 x 20 character backlit LCD  
9 function buttons, 8 menu buttons, 2  
paging buttons  
Computer Interface  
RS-232, 9 pin D-sub  
9600 baud, 8-N-1, Xon/Xoff  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
Service and Support Contacts  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  
68-00198-D (1-Oct-2004)  
Copyright © 2003 by Quantum Data, Inc. All rights reserved.  
The information contained in this document is provided for use by our customers and may not be incorporated into other products or publications  
without the expressed written consent of Quantum Data. Information furnished by Quantum Data is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,  
no responsibility is assumed by Quantum Data for its use.  
Quantum Data reserves the right to make changes at any time and without notice to its products to improve performance, reliability, manufacturing  
methods, and (or) marketability.  
Documentation based on firmware version 1.6.0.  
Declaration of Conformity  
Manufacturer’s Name:  
Quantum Data, Inc.  
Manufacturer’s Address:  
2111 Big Timber Rd.  
Elgin, IL 60123-1100; USA  
The manufacturer hereby declares that the product:  
Product Name:  
Model Numbers:  
Video Test Generator  
700, 701  
conforms to the following standards or other normative documents:  
CENLEC EN55022, RF Emissions: 1998  
EN55022 Conducted Emissions, AC Mains (0.15-30 MHz) Class A  
EN55022 RF Radiated Emissions (30-1000 MHz) Class A  
CENLEC EN61326, Electrical Equipment for measurement, control  
and laboratory use - EMC Requirements: 1997  
Complies with Sections Listed Above  
89/336/EEC EMC Directive  
Supplementary Information  
The external power supply and power cord supplied with the unit are required for  
electromagnetic compatibility.  
Use of premium quality shielded cables is required for electromagnetic compatibility.  
When and Where Issued  
Marks of Compliance  
Romeoville, IL; USA  
Model 700, 701 Quick Start Guide  

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