Pioneer TV Receiver VSX 54TX User Manual

M O S F E T  
T H X S e l e c t C e r t i ꢀ e d 7 . 1 C h a n n e l  
A / V R e c e i v e r  
T H X S e l e c t C e r t i ꢀ e d 7 . 1 C h a n n e l  
A / V R e c e i v e r  
A D V A N C E D C O N S T R U C T I O N  
T E C H N I Q U E S  
M O S F E T A M P L I F I C A T I O N  
V S X - 5 2 T X  
V S X - 5 4 T X  
For optimal performance, all Elite receivers  
are equipped with Pioneer’s exclusive  
Advanced Direct Energy (A.D.E.) MOSFET  
power device, ideal for high-end audio. The  
combination of this device and an AC/DC iso-  
lated ampliꢀer module yields exceptional  
stability and ultra-linear ampliꢀcation, com-  
bined with very low signal loss. It’s also a very  
energy-eꢂcient design, minimizing power  
imbalances that can cause unnecessary dis-  
tortion in the sound stage.  
3 - D S P A C E F R A M E A N D  
I S O L A T E D C H A M B E R  
Unlike regular receivers’ 2-D chassis design,  
our revolutionary 3-D space frame construc-  
tion provides superb physical strength.  
Also, each receiver is divided with insulating  
shields into three blocks: the digital proces-  
sor, the power- & pre-ampliꢀer, and the  
power supply sections. This construction  
design serves two purposes: it prevents the  
digital circuits from aꢁecting the analog cir-  
cuits, and it increases the rigidity of the cab-  
inet structure. As a result, sound reproduc-  
tion from any source is more accurate and  
imaging is improved.  
Idle Current (DRAIN Current) Change  
with Tone Burst Wave Input  
3D Space Frame Construction  
General Circuitry Design  
110 Watts x 7 @ 8 Ohms  
Advanced MCACC with Adjustable-  
Envelope EQ  
5 Digital Inputs  
110 Watts x 7 @ 8 Ohms  
Advanced Cinema and Advanced Concert  
Virtual Surround Back  
Multi-Room & Source, RS232C,  
12V Trigger / IR I/O Ports  
Advanced Direct Energy MOSFET  
Wide-Band Component Video  
Inputs x2 (100MHz)  
Advanced Direct Energy MOSFET  
PC Connection via RS232C for MCACC  
3-D Color Display and Printout  
SR+ Two-Way Communication with  
Pioneer Plasma for Easy Installation  
Motorola 48-Bit DSP Digital  
Core Engine  
Symmetrical Power Train Design  
Multi-Room & Source, RS232C,  
12V Trigger / IR I/O Ports  
Symmetrical Power Train Design  
Advanced Cinema and Advanced Concert  
Virtual Surround Back  
Versatile Speaker Conꢀguration  
Banana-Plug-Ready Speaker Terminals  
3-D Space Frame Construction  
Trans Stabilizer  
High-Regulation Type Large Transformer  
with Audiophile-Quality Capacitors  
(22000µF x 2)  
High-Regulation Type Large Transformer  
with Audiophile Quality Capacitors  
(15000µF x 2)  
Universal Video Conversion  
On-Screen Display  
A.D.E. MOSFET + AC/DC Isolated Ampliꢀer  
SR I/O for Easy Installation  
Twin Motorola 48-Bit DSP Digital Core  
Versatile Speaker Conꢀguration  
Banana-Plug-Ready Speaker Terminals  
3-D Space Frame Construction  
Trans Stabilizer  
192KHz / 24-Bit DAC  
(Delta Sigma type)  
A M P L I F I C A T I O N  
C A P A C I T O R S  
THX Select Certiꢀed  
THX Select Certiꢀed  
Dolby Digital EX & Pro-Logic IIx  
DTS-ES / 96/24 / Neo:6  
Universal Video Conversion  
On-Screen Display  
Dolby Digital EX & Pro-Logic IIx  
DTS-ES / 96/24 / Neo:6  
8 AV Inputs  
LCD Learning Remote  
Action movies. Video games.  
Live sports. Rock concerts.  
They all have critical  
S Y M M E T R I C A L P O W E R  
T R A I N D E S I G N  
5 Digital Inputs  
Pioneer System Remote  
AIR Studios Sound Tuning  
192KHz / 24-Bit DAC (Delta Sigma type)  
10 AV Inputs  
Precision Auto MCACC with Adjustable-  
Envelope EQ  
Learning Remote with Multi-Operation  
Wide Band Component Video  
Inputs x2 (100MHz)  
Accurate multi-channel sound reproduction  
is possible only when the operating environ-  
ment is physically, magnetically, and elec-  
tronically identical for all channels. For that  
reason, Elite receivers’  
power output devices for  
each channel are sym-  
metrically mounted on a  
pair of rigid heat sinks,  
moments where things suddenly explode  
into over-the- top sonic mayhem. When  
that happens, your receiver needs to have  
some power in reserve, or the impact is  
lost. For this reason, all Elite receivers uti-  
lize large, audiophile-qual-  
ity electrolytic capacitor  
pairs and  
power transformer, ensur-  
ing maximum perform-  
ance during peak demand.  
with the device for the  
center channel mounted  
directly in between.  
Power Supply  
2 3  

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