Philips Portable Stereo System AZ2537 User Manual

CD Soundmachine  
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User Manual  
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Manual do usuário  
AZ 2537  
Printed in China  
Es necesario que lea cuidadosamente su instructivo de manejo.  
No abrir, riesgo de choque eléctrico  
8 x D-cells - R20 - UM1  
2 x AAA  
Verifique que el voltaje de alimentación  
sea el requerido para su aparato  
Para evitar el riesgo de choque eléctrico, no quite la tapa.  
En caso de requerir servicio, dirijase al personal calificado.  
Radio MW/FM con reproductor de CD/CD-MP3  
AZ 2537/55  
110–127/220–240V; ~50–60 Hz  
12 W  
Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.  
Av. La palma No. 6  
Col. San Fernando la Herradura, Huixquilucan  
Localidad yTelefono:  
Edo. de México C.P. 52784  
Tel. 52 69 90 00  
País de Origen:  
Nº de Serie:  
Philips Electronics Hong Kong Ltd.  
Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. no se hace responsable por daños o  
desperfectos causados por:  
– Maltrato, descuido o mal uso, presencia de insectos o roedores  
(cucarachas, ratones etc.).  
– Cuando el aparato no haya sido operarado de acuerdo con el  
instructivo del uso, fuera de los valores nominales y tolerancias  
las tensiones (voltaje), frecuencia (ciclaje) de alimentación  
eléctrica y las características que deben reunir las instalaciones  
– Por fenómenos naturales tales como: temblores, inundaciones,  
incendios, descargas eléctricas, rayos etc. o delitos causados por  
terceros (choques asaltos, riñas, etc.).  
IR SENSOR – infrared sensor for remote control  
Remote control (See B)  
• Insert 2 batteries, type AAA, R03 or UM4  
(preferably alkaline).  
select sound effects: BLAST/  
– remote control  
– video cable  
– AC mains lead  
– Stand  
1 CD  
AUX selects GAME AUX  
selects CD sound source  
selects tuner source / wavebands  
selects bass, mid and treble  
Helpful Hints:  
•Incorrect use of batteries can cause electrolyte  
leakage and will corrode the compartment or  
cause the batteries to burst.  
2 y switches the set to standby / on if AC powered  
(Switches set off only if battery powered)  
MP3-CD/audio-CD: – programs tracks and  
reviews the programmed  
4 VOL 4, 3  
5 ¡ , ™  
selects repeat modes in CD source;  
selects shuffle modes in CD source;  
• Do not mix battery types: e.g. alkaline with carbon  
zinc. Only use batteries of the same type for the  
• When inserting new batteries, do not try to mix old  
batteries with the new ones.  
1 Display  
4 VOLUME – adjusts volume level or equalizer level  
shows the status of the set  
meter to indicate bass power  
switches the set on/ off.  
interrupts/ resumes sound.  
FM/MW : – programs preset radio stations.  
adjusts volume or equalizer level.  
selects previous/ next tracks in a  
MP3-CD/audio CD;  
selects different CD play modes: e.g.  
REPEAT or SHUFFLE order.  
Batteries contain chemical substances, so they  
should be disposed of properly.  
stops CD playback;  
erases a CD program.  
activates or deactivate the  
optimal mix of various sound  
Source selector selects sound source  
for functions: CD/ FM / MW / GAME AUX.  
starts or pauses CD playback  
Using AC power  
5 / 6  
searches backwards/ forwards within a  
MP3-CD/audio CD track.  
p 3.5 mm stereo headphone jack.  
1. Check if the AC power supply, as shown on the  
type plate located on the bottom of the set,  
corresponds to your local power supply. If it does  
not, consult your dealer or service center.  
2. If your set is equipped with a voltage selector,  
adjust the selector so that it matches with the  
local power supply.  
Helpful Hints:  
The speakers will be muted when headphones are  
connected to the set.  
BACK PANEL (See 1)  
@ Telescopic antenna  
searches radio stations.  
improves FM reception  
selects bass, mid and treble  
# Battery compartment – for 8 batteries, type  
7 OPEN•CLOSE press to open/ close CD door  
R-20, UM-1 or D-cells  
selects special bass enhancement on/ off  
8 AUDIO ( IN Left / Right) keeps audio plug in  
selects sound effects: BLAST/  
$ AC MAINS – inlet for power cord  
PUNCH/ SPEED/ NORMAL in game mode  
% VIDEO OUT – connects to the VIDEO IN jack on  
3. Connect the mains lead to the wall jack and the  
set is now ready for use.  
MP3-CD only : selects previous/next albums.;  
keeps video plug in place  
7 ALBUM/PRESET -, +,  
a TV or VCR for viewing or recording.  
MP3-CD only : selects previous/ next albums.  
Helpful Hints:  
FM/MW : selects previous/next preset station.  
– To disconnect the power supply, unplug the set  
from the wall jack.  
FM/MW : selects previous/next preset stations.  
Optional stand for vertical mounting (See C)  
SEARCH , §  
With the optional stand, you are allowed to mount the  
set vertically. It helps you arrange your available  
space more flexibly.  
– Disconnect the power supply to protect your set  
during heavy thunderstorms.  
Whenever convenient, use the power supply to  
conserve battery life. Make sure you remove the  
power cord from the set and wall jack before inserting  
skips and searches tracks  
As a power-saving feature, the system automatically  
switches to standby 15 minutes after MP3-CD/CD has  
reached the end and no control is operated.  
FM/MW : - searches radio stations.  
2; tarts or pauses CD playback  
1. Put the stand on a horizontal, vibration-free and  
stable surface.  
Using batteries (not included)  
Main set (See A)  
• Insert 8 batteries, type R-20, UM-1 or D-cells,  
(preferably alkaline) with the correct polarity.  
stop CD playback;  
2. Take the set by handle, with the AC MAINS at the  
erases a CD program  
lower side.  
3. Align the handle on the other side with the space  
in the middle of the stand.  
The type plate is located on the bottom of  
the set.  
4. Mount the set upright and firmly onto the stand.  
5. Fasten the bolt on the stand by pressing it and by  
rotating it clockwise.  
Programming tuner stations:  
You can store up to a total of 30 radio stations in the  
memory, manually or automatically (Autostore).  
Tuning to stations (See 3)  
1. To adjust the bass, mid and treble frequencies  
press EQUALIZER once or more;  
2. Rotate VOLUME within 3 seconds to adjust each  
= Display briefly shows  
level (-5 to +5) or  
Helpful Hints:  
1. Press STANDBY ON  
to on, then press Source  
1. Press STANDBY ON  
to switch on.  
selector once or more to select FM/MW (or press  
FM/MW on the remote control).  
2. Press the Source selector once or more to select  
your desired function: CD, FM, MW, GAME AUX.  
(or press CD, FM, MW, AUX on the remote control)  
=Display: shows  
briefly followed by  
Automatic programming will start from preset 1 or a  
chosen preset number. The set will only program sta-  
tions which are not in the memory already.  
1. Press ALBUM/PRESET -/+ once or more to  
select the preset number where programming  
should start.  
, or  
waveband, frequency, and preset station  
number if already stored.  
3. Press STANDBY ON  
to switch off.  
2. Tuning to stations: you can tune to your  
stations manually or by automatic search tuning:  
Helpful Hints:  
– The tone, sound settings, tuner presets and the  
volume level (up to a maximum volume level of  
VOL 20 ) will be retained in the set's memory.  
EQUALIZER can be used during FM, MW, CD  
and GAME AUX source.  
To prevent sound interference the bass control  
options operate exclusively. You cannot combine the  
bass from EQUALIZER with MAX SOUND.  
Press down on or § 5 or 6 on the remote  
control) and release button when the frequency in  
the display starts running.  
=The radio automatically tunes to a station of  
sufficient reception. Display shows  
during automatic tuning.  
Helpful Hints:  
If no tuner preset number is selected, default is  
preset 1 and all your presets will be erased.  
Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control.  
2. Press PROG for 4 seconds or more to activate  
auto store programming.  
To adjust the game sound, press GAMESOUND once  
or more to select your option.  
=Display shows the volume level  
and a  
3. Repeat step 2 if necessary until you find the  
number from 0-32.  
is shown and available  
stations are programmed in order of waveband  
desired station.  
To tune to a weak station, press or § briefly  
and repeatedly until you have found optimal  
= Display briefly shows  
To enhance the bass response: press MAX SOUND  
once or more to switch on / off.  
=MAX SOUND-key backlight lights up when  
MAX SOUND is turned on.  
FM, followed by MW.  
3. The first preset station will then be played after all  
stations are stored automatically.  
Helpful Hints:  
Helpful Hints:  
To improve radio reception:  
Manual programming  
1. Tune to your desired station (see Tuning to  
2. Press PROG to activate programming.  
=Display: programflashes.  
Helpful Hints:  
GAMESOUND is only available when you play in  
GAME AUX source.  
– For FM, extend, incline and turn the telescopic  
antenna. Reduce its length if the signal is too  
– For MW, the set uses a built-in antenna. Direct this  
antenna by turning the whole set.  
MAX SOUND can be used when you play FM,  
MW, CD and GAME AUX source.  
Some discs might be recorded in high modulation,  
which causes a distortion at high volume. If this  
occurs, deactivate MAX SOUND or reduce the  
How to MUTE the sound  
1. Press MUTE on the remote control to interrupt  
sound reproduction instantly.  
3. Press ALBUM/PRESET -/+ once or more to  
=Playback continues without sound and the  
allocate a number from 1 to 30 to this stations.  
display flashes  
4. Press PROG again to confirm.  
2. To reactivate sound reproduction you can:  
– press MUTE again;  
– adjust the volume controls;  
=Display: shows the preset number, waveband  
and the frequency of the preset station.  
– change to another source.  
This set complies with the radio interference requirements of the  
European Union.  
Selecting a different track  
About MP3  
Playing a CD  
Different playing modes: SHUFFLE and REPEAT  
During playback  
(See 4 - 7)  
The music compression technology MP3 (MPEG Audio This CD player plays Audio Discs including CD-R(W)s  
Press SEARCH or § (¡ or on the remote  
Layer 3) reduces the digital data of an audio CD  
significantly while maintaining CD-like sound quality.  
and MP3 CD-ROMs. Do not try to play a CD-I, CDV,  
VCD, DVD or computer CD.  
You can select and change the various play modes  
before or during playback. The play modes can also be  
combined with PROGRAM.  
control) once or repeatedly until the desired track  
number appears in the display.  
1. Press STANDBY ON y once or more to on,  
2. Select CD source.  
How to get music files  
During stop or pause  
shuffle - tracks of the entire CD/ program are played  
in random order  
repeat all shuffle - repeats the entire CD/ program  
continuously in random order  
repeat all - repeats the entire CD/ program  
repeat - plays the current track continuously  
Either download legal music files from the internet to  
your computer hard disc or create them from your own  
audio CDs. For this, insert an audio CD into your  
computer´s CD-ROM drive and convert the music  
using an appropriate encoder software. To achieve a  
good sound quality, a bit rate of 128 kbps or higher is  
recommended for MP3 music files.  
Press 2; to start playback after your desired  
3. Press OPEN  
CLOSE to open the CD door.  
track is selected.  
is displayed when the CD door is  
Helpful Hints:  
To find a MP3 track, you can first press  
ALBUM/PRESET -/+ to select the desired album.  
4. Insert a CD with the printed side facing up and press  
down on OPEN CLOSE to close the CD door.  
=Display shows and later, the total  
To select a playing mode  
• Press MODE once or more.(SHUFFLE / REPEAT  
on the remote control).  
Searching for a passage within a track  
How to make a CD-ROM with MP3 files  
track/album number and total playback time.  
1. During playback, press and hold SEARCH or  
§.(5 or 6 on the remote control).  
Use your computer´s CD burner to record (“burn”) the  
music files from your hard disc on a CD-ROM.  
5. Press 2; to start playback.  
• Press 2; to start playback if in the stop position.  
=Display shows : current track/album number and  
elapsed playing time  
To return to normal playback  
• press MODE repeatedly until the various modes  
are no longer displayed.  
2. When you recognize the passage you want,  
release or § (5 or 6 on the remote  
Helpful Hints:  
For details on using MP3 encoder and writing soft-  
ware, please refer to the operating instructions of  
the software.  
Make sure that the file names of the MP3 files end  
with .mp3.  
Total number of music files and albums: around 350  
(with a typical file name length of 20 characters)  
The number of music files that can be played  
depends on the length of the file names. With short  
file names more files will be supported.  
Helpful Hints:  
Depending on the track type, CD or MP3 will  
appear on the display during playback.  
Helpful Hints:  
=Normal playback continues from this position.  
When you press 9, the selected playing mode is  
also cancelled.  
Album number is only shown for MP3 files.  
To pause playback  
Programming track numbers  
Press 2;.  
=the elapsed playing time flashes.  
You can store up to 20 tracks to play in a program. A  
single track may be stored more than once in the pro-  
Press 2; again to resume play.  
To stop playback  
1. Press  
to stop playback  
This set does not play/support the following file  
2. Press SEARCH or § on the set to select your  
desired track number (¡ , on the remote control)  
=Display shows :the total track/album number  
and total playback time  
Helpful Hints:  
Helpful Hints:  
– Word documents .doc or MP3 files with  
extension .dlf.  
Playlist files (e.g. .m3u, .pls of WMA, AAC,  
Winamp, Sonic, RealJukebox, Ms Mediaplayer 7.0,  
T-o/f+indtoaseMlePc3t tthraecdke,syioreudcaalnbupmre. ss  
The MP3-CD/audio CD playback will also stop when:  
the CD door is opened  
the CD has reached the end  
3. Press PROG  
you select an other sound source.  
=Display shows: programand the selected track  
stored appear briefly.  
– Recordings created on PacketWriting and  
Package Writing.  
and the number of tracks  
4. Repeat steps 2-3 to select and store all desired  
5. To start playback of your disc program, press 2; .  
Playing with Gamesound (See 8)  
Safety Information (See 9)  
CD player and disc handling (See 9)  
Helpful Hints:  
During normal playback, you can press PROG to  
1. Press Source selector once or more on the set to  
select the GAME AUX function (AUX on the  
remote control)  
• If the CD player cannot read CDs correctly, use a  
cleaning CD to clean the lens before taking the set  
to repair.  
Place the set on a hard, flat and stable surface so  
that the system does not tilt.  
add a current track to your program list.  
appears if you press PROG and  
there is no track selected.  
Do not expose the set, batteries, CDs to humidity,  
rain, sand or excessive heat caused by heating  
equipment or direct sunlight.  
Display scrolls :  
• The lens of the CD player should never be touched!  
2. Connect your console to the cinches on the front of  
the set AUDIO ( IN Left / Right) and VIDEO (IN).  
appears if you try to store more than 20  
• Sudden changes in the surrounding temperature  
can cause condensation on the lens of your CD  
player. Playing a CD is then not possible. Do not  
attempt to clean the lens but leave the set in a  
warm environment until the moisture evaporates.  
The apparatus shall not be exposed to  
dripping or splashing.  
3. Press GAMESOUND once or more to select your  
game sound option.  
Reviewing the program  
Display briefly shows  
Adequate ventilation with a minimum gap of  
15cm between the ventilation holes and surround-  
ing surfaces is necessary to prevent heat build-  
In the stop position, press and hold down PROG  
for a while until the display shows all your stored  
track numbers in sequence.  
• Always close the CD door to avoid dust on the lens.  
Connecting other equipment to your system  
• To clean the CD, wipe in a straight line from the  
centre towards the edge using a soft, lint-free  
cloth. Do not use cleaning agents as they may  
damage the disc.  
Helpful Hints:  
Use the supplied video cable to connect the VIDEO  
OUT terminal on the back of the set to VIDEO IN on  
a TV or VCR for viewing or recording.  
The ventilation should not be impeded by cover-  
ing the ventilation openings with items, such as  
newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc..  
– Display shows : NO PROG if there is no track  
• Never write on a CD or attach any stickers to it.  
No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall  
be placed on the apparatus.  
Clearing a program  
You can erase the contents of the memory by:  
• Press  
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles,  
should be placed on the apparatus.  
– Once, if in the stop position;  
– Twice, during playback.  
• Press STANDBY ON  
• Select another sound source;  
• open the CD door  
The mechanical parts of the set contain  
self-lubricating bearings and must not be oiled or  
displayed briefly, and program  
To clean the set, use a dry cloth. Do not use any  
cleaning agents containing alcohol,  
ammonia, benzene or abrasives as these may  
harm the housing.  
Environmental information  
We have done our best to reduce the packaging and make it easy to separate into 3  
materials:cardboard, expandable polystyrene, polyethylene.  
Your set consists of materials which can be recycled if disassembled by a specialized  
company. Please observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of packaging,  
exhausted batteries and old equipment.  
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than herein  
may result in hazardous radiation exposure or other unsafe operation.  
If a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking the set for repair. If you are  
unable to remedy a problem by following these hints, consult your dealer or service centre.  
WARNING: Do not open the set as there is a risk of electric shock! Under no  
circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate the  
No sound /power  
Poor radio reception  
Volume not adjusted  
• Adjust the VOLUME  
Weak radio signal  
• FM/MW: Adjust the FM/MW telescopic aerial  
Power Cord not securely connected  
• Connect the AC power cord properly  
CD-R(W) is blank/ not finalized  
Use a finalized CD-R(W)  
Batteries flat / incorrectly inserted  
• Insert (fresh) batteries correctly  
Headphones connected to the set  
• Disconnect headphones  
Electrostatic discharge/interference  
No CD inserted  
• Unplug the set. If batteries inserted, remove batteries  
from the battery compartment. Press and hold  
STANDBY ON y for 10 seconds, then re-plug /  
replace battery supply, and try activating the set again.  
– CD contains non-audio files  
• Press SEARCH or §. once or more to skip to  
a CD audio track, instead of the data file  
• Inserted a suitable disc  
CD badly scratched or dirty  
• Replace/ clean CD, see Maintenance  
Laser lens steamed up  
• Wait until lens has cleared  
The CD skips tracks  
Poor sound quality in GAME AUX mode  
CD damaged or dirty  
• Adjust the volume on the set or on your game  
• Replace or clean CD  
shuffle or program is active  
• Switch off shuffle / program  
Severe radio hum or noise  
Sound skips during MP3 playback  
Electrical interference: set too close to TV, VCR or  
• Move the set to increase the distance  
MP3 file made at compression level exceeding  
• Use a lower compression level to record CD tracks  
into MP3 format  
Remote control does not function properly  
Batteries flat/ incorrectly inserted  
• Insert (fresh) batteries correctly  
Disc damaged or dirty  
• Replace or clean disc  
Distance/ angle between the set too large  
• Reduce the distance/ angle  
Cannot find desired MP3 title  
Wrong file extension used and/ or file  
name with unsuitable text characters used  
Make sure the file names are typed in  
English text characters an that the MP3 files  
end with .mp3  

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