Paxar Printer Monarch Pathfinder Ultra Silver User Manual

Pathfinder® Ultra®  
Silver Printer  
Fixed Formats  
User Manual  
523 32232  
TC6032FFUM Rev. AE 3/08  
©2006 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp.  
All rights reserved.  
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S  
Entering Data .............................................................. 1-2  
Using the Keypad ..................................................... 1-2  
Using Function with Number Keys .............................. 1-3  
Data Entry Modes..................................................... 1-4  
Entering Letters ....................................................... 1-5  
Correcting Data Entry Errors ..................................... 1-5  
About Check Digits ...................................................... 1-5  
Overview .................................................................... 2-1  
Using Special Functions ............................................... 2-2  
Selecting a Print Method ........................................... 2-2  
Changing Dates ....................................................... 2-3  
Turning the Backlight On or Off ................................. 2-3  
Format 1: UPCA Price Format ....................................... 3-1  
Format 2: UPCA + Price CD Format............................... 3-2  
Format 3: 2 Line/Price Format....................................... 3-3  
Format 4: UPCA Only Format........................................ 3-4  
Format 5: 3 Line/Price Format....................................... 3-5  
Format 6: UPCA Price Format with Description ............... 3-6  
Format 7: UPCA + Price CD (w/Description) Format ........ 3-7  
Format 8: EAN8 Price Format ....................................... 3-8  
Format 9: UPCE Price Format ....................................... 3-9  
Format 10: UPCA Sale Price Format............................ 3-10  
I N T R O D U C T I O N  
Your Pathfinder® Ultra® Silver 6032™ printer is loaded with 10  
fixed formats.  
This manual describes each format and the data that will print on your  
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions.  
Check our Web site ( for the latest documentation  
and release information.  
Note: The fixed formats appear the same no matter what size supplies  
you use. However, the positioning of the fields may be different.  
There are 10 fixed formats:  
UPCA Price Format  
UPCA + Price CD Format  
2 Line/Price Format  
UPCA Only Format  
3 Line/Price Format  
UPCA Price Format with Description  
UPCA + Price CD (w/Description) Format  
EAN8 Price Format  
UPCE Price Format  
UPCA Sale Price Format  
Chapter 3, “Using the Formats,” describes each format in detail.  
Introduction 1-1  
E n t e r i n g D a t a  
This section describes information you need to know for entering data for  
the formats. It describes  
the keypad  
data entry modes  
upper-case letter entry  
data entry error correction.  
Using the Keypad  
The printer keypad appears below.  
Accepts data or a menu selection.  
For future use.  
Displays a special character when pressed with a 3-digit  
number. Your System Administrator will tell you what number  
to use.  
1-2 Fixed Formats User Manual  
For future use.  
Begins the supply-loading procedure.  
Performs a specially-defined function when pressed with a  
single-digit number. See the following table for descriptions.  
Moves the cursor one space to the left. Pressing Shift and  
Bksp together deletes all data on the current line.  
Displays a letter shown on the face of a numeric key. See  
Error! Reference source not found.” for more information.  
Deletes all data on the current line when pressed with Bksp.  
Moves to the previous menu, or exits the current module or  
Moves between items in a menu or characters in a line.  
Depending on the situation, the right arrow can act as a down  
arrow. The left and up arrows can also be the same.  
Turns the printer on and off.  
Enters a space character.  
Displays a numeric digit or upper-case letter.  
. (Decimal  
Displays a decimal point or period character.  
Using Function with Number Keys  
Set Print Method (On-Demand mode not available for 6032)  
Select Print Method to use  
Print 1 Label  
Label Strips  
Trigger Mode  
Get Date  
Enter Date  
Set Backlight  
Press Enter to turn light Off/On (Esc will abort)  
Introduction 1-3  
Description (continued)  
Set Input Mode  
Set Input Mode:  
Manual (enter all data)  
Rescan (use the lookup file for all but the key field)  
Contrast (Use arrow keys to scroll, Enter to set)  
TEST? 1=YES (Pressing 1 will print a test label)  
Recall Data  
Loads data from previous batch into the prompt entries.  
Data Entry Modes  
There are three data entry modes:  
Normal (Numeric) mode Default. Press the key to access what  
appears on the face of the key (numbers).  
Shift (Alpha) mode – Press Shift to enter letters with number keys  
or with Bksp to delete the current line. S appears on the status line.  
Special Key mode – Press Alt or Fct (with a number) to display a  
special character or perform a specially-defined function. A or F  
appears on the status line.  
1-4 Fixed Formats User Manual  
Entering Letters  
To enter uppercase letters, press one of the numeric keys in Shift mode  
(S appears on the status line). For example, the letters “ABC” appear on  
the face of the 7 key.  
1. Press Shift to enter Shift mode.  
2. To enter the letter A, press 7 once; to enter B, press 7 twice; to enter  
C, press 7 three times.  
Press the keys quickly. If you pause too long between key presses, the  
printer assumes you have entered the letter you need and the cursor  
moves one space to the right.  
Correcting Data Entry Errors  
If you make a mistake as you enter data, you can do two things.  
If you have already pressed Enter at the prompt you want to correct,  
press Esc, and the Format menu will reappear.  
If you are still at the prompt (have not pressed Enter), press Shift-  
Bksp to clear the entire line and return the cursor to the left-most  
A b o u t C h e c k D i g i t s  
A check digit is a character that verifies the accuracy of the bar code.  
With a few exceptions described later, the digit appears in the right-most  
position of the example bar codes in Chapter 3. It is not part of the data.  
Introduction 1-5  
1-6 Fixed Formats User Manual  
G E T T I N G S TA R T E D  
This chapter provides an overview of how to print labels/tags and  
explains the special functions provided with the Fct key.  
O v e r v i e w  
To start printing formats:  
1. Turn on the printer.  
2. A screen similar to the one below appears briefly.  
Standard - 1211  
P:124224 V:3.0  
3. You see the menu entry for the format last printed. For example:  
Fmt 1 – UPCA  
4. Choose a print method. See “Selecting a Print Method” for more  
5. Choose a format by using the  
a. arrow keys to scroll up ( Í ) or down ( Î ) in the Format  
menu until you find the format you want. Press Enter.  
b. number key corresponding to a format. For example, enter 5  
to choose the fifth format. Use 0 for the tenth format.  
Getting Started 2-1  
6. A series of prompts appears, asking you to enter data for the format.  
For example:  
DESC ?  
Chapter 3, “Using the Formats,” describes the prompts you will see  
for each format.  
7. When you finish entering data, the format prints according to the print  
method you selected.  
U s i n g S p e c i a l F u n c t i o n s  
At any point other than a data entry prompt, you can use function keys to  
select a print method.  
change the date.  
turn the backlight on or off.  
Selecting a Print Method  
You must choose a print method so the printer can print the labels in the  
manner you want. The choices are  
Print 1 Label  
Label Strips  
Trigger Mode.  
When you press Fct-1 (anywhere other than a data entry prompt), you  
see the menu entry for the current method. For example:  
Print Method 1  
Print 1 Label  
Use the arrow keys to move up ( Í ) or down ( Î ) in the menu until you  
find the method you want. Press Enter. The printer returns to the  
Format menu.  
2-2 Fixed Formats User Manual  
Print 1 Label  
With Print 1 Label, after you enter all the data, the label prints  
automatically and the first data entry prompt reappears on the display.  
Press Esc to return to the Format menu.  
Label Strips  
With Label Strips, after you enter all the data, you are prompted for the  
number of labels to print.  
Strip Size?  
The printer automatically prints the number of labels you specified.  
The first data entry prompt reappears on the display. Press Esc to return  
to the Format menu.  
Trigger Mode  
With Trigger Mode, after you enter all the data, Ready appears on the  
display, and one label prints when you press the trigger. Repeat this for  
as many labels as you need. Press Esc once to return to the first data  
entry prompt or twice to return to the Format menu.  
Changing Dates  
You can change the system date at any time while using the printer.  
Press Fct-2, and the date entry prompt will appear.  
Turning the Backlight On or Off  
The backlight enables you to see the display a little better if your lighting  
conditions are poor. Press Fct-3 to change it from its current setting.  
Getting Started 2-3  
2-4 Fixed Formats User Manual  
U S I N G T H E F O R M AT S  
This chapter describes the data entry procedures for each format.  
Note: All price fields automatically print the dollar sign and decimal  
F o r m a t 1 : U P C A P r i c e F o r m a t  
UPCA Bar Code  
What You Do  
Scan a bar code or enter 11 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
DEPT ?  
Enter up to 4 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
Using the Formats 3-1  
F o r m a t 2 : U P C A + P r i c e C D F o r m a t  
Check Digit  
(CD) Bar Code  
DEPT ?  
What You Do  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
Enter up to 4 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
The bar code consists of data from two other fields. Note that in the  
example above, bar code characters 2-5 (numbered right to left) is the  
price (5604) and characters 7-11 is the department (75120). If you  
enter less than the maximum number of digits in either field, the  
printer zero-pads the data from the left in the bar code.  
Character 6 is also a check digit (in addition to character 1).  
Character 12 is fixed. It indicates that the bar code is defined to  
contain specially-defined data.  
If you receive error 571, you have entered too few digits in the  
department or price fields.  
3-2 Fixed Formats User Manual  
F o r m a t 3 : 2 L i n e / P r i c e F o r m a t  
Description Line 1  
Description Line 2  
What You Do  
LINE 1 ?  
LINE 2 ?  
Enter up to 10 characters.  
Enter up to 10 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
Using the Formats 3-3  
F o r m a t 4 : U P C A O n l y F o r m a t  
UPCA Bar Code  
What You Do  
UPC-A ?  
Scan a bar code or enter 11 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
3-4 Fixed Formats User Manual  
F o r m a t 5 : 3 L i n e / P r i c e F o r m a t  
Description Line 1  
Description Line 2  
Description Line 3  
What You Do  
LINE 1 ?  
LINE 2 ?  
LINE 3 ?  
Enter up to 14 characters.  
Enter up to 14 characters.  
Enter up to 14 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
Using the Formats 3-5  
F o r m a t 6 : U P C A P r i c e F or m a t w i t h D e s c r i p t i o n  
UPCA Bar Code  
What You Do  
Enter up to 14 characters.  
Scan a bar code or enter 11 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
DEPT ?  
Enter up to 4 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
3-6 Fixed Formats User Manual  
F o r m a t 7 : U P C A + P r i c e C D ( w / D e s c r i p t i o n ) F o r m a t  
Check Digit (CD)  
Bar Code  
DESC ?  
DEPT ?  
What You Do  
Enter up to 14 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
Enter up to 4 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
The bar code consists of data from two other fields. Note that in the  
example above, bar code characters 2-5 (numbered right to left) is the  
price (2495) and characters 7-11 is the department (75120). If you  
enter less than the maximum number of digits in either field, the  
printer zero-pads the data from the left in the bar code.  
Character 6 is also a check digit (in addition to character 1).  
Character 12 is fixed. It indicates that the bar code is defined to  
contain specially-defined data.  
If you receive error 571, you have entered too few digits in the  
department or price fields.  
Using the Formats 3-7  
F o r m a t 8 : E A N 8 P r i c e F o r m a t  
EAN-8 Bar Code  
What You Do  
EAN-8 ?  
Scan a bar code or enter 7 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
DEPT ?  
Enter up to 4 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
The bar code’s right-most character is the check digit.  
3-8 Fixed Formats User Manual  
F o r m a t 9 : U P C E P r i c e F o r m a t  
UPCE Bar Code  
What You Do  
UPC-E ?  
Scan a bar code or enter 6 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
DEPT ?  
Enter up to 4 characters.  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
The printer lists the system date (for example: 04/18/02).  
The bar code’s check digit does not appear.  
Using the Formats 3-9  
F o r m a t 1 0 : U P C A S a l e P r i c e F o r m a t  
Fixed Field  
UPCA Bar Code  
What You Do  
UPC-A ?  
Scan a bar code or enter 11 numeric digits (leaving one  
asterisk on the display unused).  
Enter up to 5 numeric digits.  
Note: The word SALE is fixed, appearing on all labels/tags with this  
3-10 Fixed Formats User Manual  
Visit for sales, service,  
supplies, information, and telephone numbers  
for our locations throughout the world.  
1-800-543-6650 (In the U.S.A.)  
1-800-363-7525 (In Canada)  

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