New Media Technology Portable Multimedia Player multi media User Manual

Multimedia Tutorial Production Guide  
McKinney Engineering Library  
A guide to the production of multi-media library instruction using streaming media technology.  
Is Streaming Media the Right Choice?  
ing in online library instruction. Nancy Dewald  
notes in the Journal of Acadmic Librarianship  
that “active learning is accomplished with indi-  
vidual or collaborative exercises, questioning  
by the librarian... or other forms of practice to  
reinforce instruction.” Similarly, Brandon Hall  
states in the Web-based Training Cookbook that  
“Interactivity makes the difference between a  
program that simply presents information, and  
one that actually trains the user. By integrat-  
There are a variety of media formats that can fa- rich learning experiences, Flash animation is  
cilitate the successful delivery of online instruc- far more time-consuming to produce and more  
tion; the one you choose should reflect the goals complex to modify than a SMIL-based tutorial.  
ing streaming media instruction with interactive  
segments like quizzes, assignments, or follow-  
along exercises, the effectiveness of your tuto-  
rial may be improved. Keep in mind that even on  
the Web, doing is a better teacher than simply  
watching and listening.  
and abilities of your instructors and learners.  
In addition, Flash production requires a highly-  
specialized set of technical skills and costly  
This guide is based on the redesigned online software. The use of simple HTML was rejected  
Engineering Communications Tutorial at the because an audio component was deemed cru-  
University of Texas, developed by the McKin- cial to the multi-lingual sections of the tutorial.  
ney Engineering Library in partnership with the  
Digital Information Literacy Office and Digital Li- When you are deciding on a format for your  
brary Services Division. The tutorial underwent tutorial, remember to consider your audience’s  
analysis and revision with the goal of creating learning environment. If you expect the majority  
effective library instruction with guidance in mul- of learners to use a dial-up connection or older,  
tiple languages and diverse media. Streaming lower-speed computers, you may wish to avoid  
media was the format selected for the project bandwidth-intensive solutions that rely upon the  
because it would allow the development team to latest browsers and plug-ins. FlashMX is an  
use separate audio files for each language while example of current technology that is not ubiq-  
drawing from a common bank of visual imagery. uitously available. Even SMIL, the technology  
The images and audio files could be synchro- recommended in this guide, has cross-platform  
nized using the Synchronized Media Integration limitations.  
Language, or SMIL.  
Looking Ahead  
Other formats—such as Flash and simple Although this guide focuses on the produc-  
HTML—were rejected for a variety of reasons. tion of audio/visual elements, the Engineering  
Although Flash offers many interactive features Communications Tutorial development team  
that lend themselves to the development of acknowledges the importance of active learn-  
p. 3  
Planning Your Instruction  
Instructional designers spend a great deal of  
time planning instruction before actually creat-  
ing any instructional materials. This step is vital  
whether you are a teacher planning classroom  
activities, a writer developing a textbook, or a  
course developer for online instruction.  
Course Goal:  
1. Acquaint students with strategies for effective Internet searching.  
Course Objectives:  
Before you begin creating your online library  
instruction tutorials, take the time to thoroughly  
identify and organize the information you want  
to deliver. Remember that “library instruction  
is best-recieved when it is course-related, and  
1. Students will be ae differenferent search enges.  
2. Students will be able tce.  
specifially assignment-related.” Assuming that  
3. Students will be able to construct a Boolean search.  
you have already identified a genuine need for  
online instruction on the topic of your tutorial, the  
next step is to analyze your learners and estab-  
lish instructional goals.  
4. Students will be able to explain the concept of stop-words and identify the more common  
5. Students will be able to identify signs of unreliable information.  
Analyzing your Learners  
him or herself? Now determine what the learner ers will need to master before they can success-  
will need to be able to do to demonstrate that fully complete the different sections of your tuto-  
the instruction has achieved the stated goals. rial. Looking at this list may bring attention to the  
Write out instructional objectives in the form of areas that require the most attention and may  
activities that the learner will be able to perform even suggest topics of instruction that weren’t  
when finished with the tutorial. This exercise will in the original outline. For example, if students  
help you structure your tutorial to the greatest must know how to construct a boolean search  
advantage of your learner. It will also assist you string in order to complete a tutorial about your  
in evaluating whether or not your completed tu- library catalog, you may wish to include a sec-  
Consider the age, experience, cultural back-  
ground and technical expertise of your learning  
audience. Are they a homogenous group with  
similar goals or do they vary widely? What are  
learners’ probable goals in completing the on-  
line tutorial? What aspects of online instruction  
might they prefer to classroom instruction? How  
will they use the knowledge they gain?  
torial meets all of its instructional objectives.  
tion or even a separate tutorial on the subject of  
boolean logic.  
Once you have successfully answered these  
questions, you are in a good position to create  
online instruction that will be both meaningful  
and enjoyable for your learning audience.  
Finally, make an outline of the topics you’ll cover  
over the course of the tutorial and think about Consult “Tips for Developing Effective Web-  
the most sensible order in which to present based Library Instruction” by the ACRL for more  
Clarifying Instructional Goals/Objectives  
Think about your instructional goal for the learn-  
er. Does it match the probable goal of the learner  
It may also be useful to list the skills that learn-  
p. 4  
Determining Available Technology/Skill Sets  
The technology with which you choose to deliver  
your instruction should complement the instruc-  
tional goals and audience profiles that were de-  
fined in the first section. This guide focuses on  
the use of streaming media (using Real® media  
delivery tools) to deliver audio, video, animation  
and slide-show presentations. Bear in mind that  
the use of streaming media can be augmented  
by more interactive material that engages your  
learner in active learning.  
something about optimizing them. Optimizing  
images allows you to reduce file sizes with as  
little image degradation as possible.  
If you wish to use video in your tutorial, the obvi-  
ous requirements are a video camera and video  
editing application. In addition, you will need to  
become familiar with the options for synchroniz-  
ing your audio and video segments as well as  
optimizing video files for streaming in Real me-  
dia format.  
If you are using this guide to prepare your tuto-  
rial, you need to have some basic knowledge  
For screen capture video, the product Camtasia  
is one of the only products on the market and  
can be found through  
• SMIL (an XML-based mark-up  
language like HTML)  
• audio recording  
• image manipulation  
(Fireworks®, Photoshop®, etc.)  
• Real® media formats  
Flash animations can be played in RealPlayer  
7 or 8 and the RealOne Player, although sound  
effects embedded in the Flash animation itself  
will not be heard. Instead, sound must be syn-  
chronized using SMIL. Flash animations can  
be created using either Macromedia Flash or  
Adobe LiveMotion.  
RealText files that will synchronize the audio  
and visual components of the finished tutorial.  
Optionally, you may wish to use video or ani-  
mation, in which case you’ll need to be familiar  
The audio for your tutorial will need to be  
digitally recorded and saved in the appropriate  
Real format. This process requires a computer  
equipped with a sound card, high-quality micro-  
phone and software for recording and editing  
the audio files. An inexpensive option for audio  
software is the RealSystem Producer Basic,  
which is freely downloadable (as of summer  
• digital video editing  
• video screen capture  
• Flash® animation production  
Software/Hardware Requirements  
Many of the files required to produce your tutori-  
al can be created using a variety of applications  
that are available at little or no cost.  
Image manipulation can be done using a vari-  
ety of applications including the ever-popular  
Photoshop and Fireworks. In addition to being  
able to create the images, you’ll want to know  
A basic text editor like WordPad or Notepad can  
be used to create all of the SMIL, RealPix and  
p. 5  
Script Creation  
The first step in producing your instructional ma-  
terials is creating the audio scripts for the indi-  
vidual sections. The audio will guide the learner  
through the information in each section of your  
tutorial, so the script should be crafted with your  
instructional goals and objectives in mind.  
Create scripts for each section of the tutorial  
outline that you developed in the instructional  
planning stage. Include staging notes in your  
script that describe what the learner might be  
seeing while the script is being played. This will  
assist you when you create the visual materi-  
als. In addition, the types of visual cues that you  
plan to offer your learners may alter the script  
Once you have created your scripts, proceed  
to the visual media creation step. DO NOT  
RECORD your scripts before you have created  
your visual media. You will likely discover new  
and creative ways of presenting the information  
throughout the visual media creation process,  
which can result in significant script revision.  
p. 6  
Visual Media Creation  
The options for visual media creation are limited  
only by your imagination—and project dead-  
line! Between static images, animations, video,  
and text there are infinite combinations of rich,  
expressive visual delivery methods for your in-  
of PowerPoint you use. Refer to the PowerPoint  
help documentation for further directions.)  
More on Image Creation  
If you are familiar with PhotoShop, Fireworks,  
or other image creation applications, creating  
your visual media can be a lot of fun. Although  
streaming your media allows you to use larger  
file sizes than would be reasonable on a stan-  
dard Web page, you should not neglect image  
optimization. If your final presentation is too  
large, it will take a long time to load, and may  
not play as smoothly as you’d like. Since you are  
saving your images as gifs, optimization means  
reducing the number of colors as much as pos-  
sible without significantly reducing the quality of  
the image. Refer to the help documentation of  
your image creation application for details.  
The next step is to create visual media that will  
be displayed as the learner listens to your audio  
lecture. Using the script that you wrote, begin  
creating visual pieces to accompany each por-  
tion of the lecture. As you assemble a series of  
images, you will likely find that your audio script  
requires revisions here and there. Remember  
as you create your media that your learner will  
need at least several seconds to absorb each  
new piece of visual information.  
It is important to save your images in GIF  
format. Gif is the only image format that sup-  
ports streaming. (Animated gifs are supported  
as well; however, to obtain the smallest pos-  
sible file size, you may wish to use short Flash  
animations rather than animated gifs.) You don’t  
need to do anything special with the gif files  
themselves; you will learn how to synchronize  
the images with the audio when we create our  
SMIL file later on.  
The final determination should be based on the  
quality of server you will be using to host the  
tutorial and the type of media that will be pres-  
ent. For example, Real video requires more  
bandwidth than Flash animations, so a tutorial  
containing a lot of Real video should be smaller  
on the screen than one containing Flash.  
Flash Animation  
Flash animations can be played through Real  
Players 7 and 8 as well as the RealOne Player.  
If you would like to animate sections of your  
tutorial, Flash provides a low-bandwidth alterna-  
tive for doing so, as long as you keep a few rules  
in mind.  
Image Creation for Beginners  
First, sounds that you create in your Flash movie  
will not play through Real. Create silent anima-  
tions and synchronize any audio using SMIL.  
Perhaps the easiest and fastest method of  
creating visual media is through the creation  
of PowerPoint slides. You may create an entire  
presentation in PowerPoint and then save your  
slides as gif images.  
Your final tutorial will run in a Real Player window  
of a specified size. Before you begin creating  
your media, be sure to establish the size of your  
tutorial. DO NOT plan on using the entire screen  
for your presentation. In order to keep download  
times reasonable, you’ll need to restrict the size  
of your tutorial to around 500x350 OR LESS.  
Second, don’t spend too much time perfecting  
the timing of your Flash pieces. As with video,  
Flash segments will need to be synced up with  
the Audio portion of your tutorial later on and  
this will likely include some tweaking within the  
(The precise method for exporting your slides  
as images may vary depending on the version  
p. 7  
Visual Media Creation  
Flash segment itself. Short, simple animations or Website. Screen capture video is not as effec-  
are the easier to integrate with audio than pro- tive for teaching conceptual knowledge such as  
longed displays.  
Boolean logic or information evaluation.  
Third, the more keypoints in your Flash movie, Regardless of the software/hardware or format  
the larger the file. Keep keypoints to a minimum. in which your original video is captured, you  
Complex scripting should also be avoided. will need to convert the file to Real media for-  
Although Real maintains that interaction with mat (.rm). Real Producer, Camtasia, and other  
Flash elements as defined using ActionScript media creation applications provide options for  
is preserved through the Real player, we rec- saving your files in Real media format. Your set-  
ommend extensive testing before you include tings will vary according to the type of server that  
significant interactive elements in your Flash will host your media and the connection speeds  
of your users. To determine the appropriate set-  
tings for your tutorial, consult your Webmaster  
Don’t forget that the use of Flash for our pur- and the Real Networks online documentation.  
poses is only to enhance the display of visual  
information. If you find that Flash is becoming  
the centerpiece of your tutorial, you may wish to  
reassess the decision to use streaming media  
as your method of delivering instruction.  
Video Production  
Digital video is a bandwidth intensive medium  
that requires some special skills to edit and  
prepare for presentation. If there are segments  
of your tutorial that will benefit greatly from the  
inclusion of video, use it. However, if your tuto-  
rial does not require video to be successful, you  
may choose to use other, less complex visual  
One way of using instructional video is to cap-  
ture actions on a computer screen with a prod-  
uct like Camtasia. This can be helpful if you are  
trying to convey procedural knowledge such as  
interaction seqences with a computer program  
p. 8  
Audio Media Creation  
be saved in the Real media format (.rm) using  
settings appropriate for your server and audi-  
ence. See Real Networks documentation for  
There are as many software combinations avail-  
able for audio media production as there are for  
visual media production. In addition, a range of  
audio recording hardware is available depend-  
ing on your needs and expertise. Remember  
that the quality of your audio is affected by the  
quality of every step in the recording and editing  
process; the microphone, the mixer, the sound-  
card and the software you use will all influence  
the caliber of your final presentation.  
TIP: When you save your audio files, be  
sure to use the same Real media settings  
for your audio as you used to save any  
The simplest hardware option for recording  
your audio is using a high-quality microphone  
that plugs directly into the back of a computer  
with a sound card. In conjunction with free soft-  
ware such as Real Producer Basic, or Windows  
Sound Recorder, this method will result in ser-  
viceable audio files, but not professional grade  
sound. If high-quality audio is a priority for your  
tutorial, secure the use of a professional-grade  
microphone and mixer.  
Regardless of how you capture your audio  
tracks, media cleaning software such as Media  
Cleaner® will help reduce background noise  
and increase the quality of your final product.  
Since animation and video sequences have their  
own timeline, the synchronization of your audio  
with animated or video segments will demand  
considerable attention. For video segments, you  
may choose to incorporate your audio into the  
video file itself. Remember that audio in Flash  
movies will not play through Real player.  
As with video, your final audio files will need to  
p. 9  
Synchronizing Your Tutorial with SMIL  
SMIL, the synchronized multimedia integration  
language, is an XML-based mark-up language.  
If you’ve ever used HTML to create a Web page,  
<meta name=”title” content=”Engineering Communications Tutorial”/>  
SMIL will look somewhat familiar.  
<meta name=”author” content=”Tutorial Team”/>  
<meta name=”copyright” content=”(c)2002 McKinney Engineering Library”/>  
A very simple SMIL file and an included RealPix  
file appear on the right.  
<root-layout background-color=”white” width=”500” height=”330”/>  
<region id=”graphics” top=”0” left=”0” width=”500” height=”330”/>  
Notice that in SMIL, as in XML, every tag is  
closed using the ‘/’ character. If the tag does not  
contain other tags, the ‘/’ character simply ap-  
pears adjacent to the closing ’>’.  
<audio src=”rtsp://”/>  
<img src=”intro.gif” region=”graphics” begin=”0s” end=”06s”/>  
<img src=”picture1.gif” region=”graphics” begin=”06s” end=”12s”/>  
<img src=”slides.rp” region=”graphics” begin=”12s” end=”25s”/>  
<img src=”conclude.swf” region=”graphics” begin=”25s” end=”35s”/>  
The two most important sections of the docu-  
ment appear in red and blue. The red section  
simply describes the layout of the presentation.  
The root-layout appears in every SMIL file; it  
defines the dimensions of the entire SMIL pre-  
sentation. Once the root layout has been estab-  
lished, individual regions are defined within the  
root area in which the visual media may appear.  
In this file, only one region has been defined. It  
begins 0 pixels from the top of the presentation  
and 0 pixels from the left and occupies the entire  
presentation area.  
<head width=”500” height=”330”  
author=”Engineering Communications Tutorial Team”  
copyright=”(c) 2002 McKinney Engineering Library”  
<image handle=”1” name=”images/slide1.gif”/>  
<image handle=”2” name=”images/slide2.gif”/>  
<image handle=”3” name=”images/slide3.gif”/>  
In the blue section, the individual pieces of me-  
dia are synchronized. The audio and the first  
image begin simultaneously (as indicated by the  
<par> tags), but the first image disappears after  
6 seconds. Note that the audio file is referenced  
with the full URL using the protocol “rtsp” instead  
of “http”; this is because the audio file is hosted  
on a machine running Real Server. The second  
image appears 6 seconds into the audio piece  
and disappears at 12 seconds. The third image  
<fill start=”0” color=”white”/>  
<fadein start=”0” duration=”1” target=”1”/>  
<crossfade start=”3” duration=”1” target=”2”/>  
<wipe direction=”up” start=”6” duration=”2” target=”3”/>  
<fadeout start=”12” duration=”1” color=”white”/>  
p. 10  
Synchronizing Your Tutorial with SMIL  
file—called “slides.rp”—is a RealPix file. The  
contents of the RealPix file appears to the lower  
right. RealPix is a lot like SMIL; it’s a mark-up  
language that makes it easy to define transitions  
like fade-outs and wipes between your images.  
Notice that the RealPix file contains references  
to three images, for a total of six visual media  
files to be played with the audio file.  
TIP: You may wish to create a skeletal  
SMIL or RealPix file that sequences your  
visual media without precise timing. Then  
listen to your audio track, note the times at  
which image transitions should occur and  
modify the SMIL file accordingly.  
Real Networks maintains excellent documen-  
tation on producing multi-media presentations  
with SMIL and RealPix. Refer to thier support  
website ( for detailed  
help files and to learn about more sophisticated  
SMIL syntax.  
p. 11  
Publishing Your Tutorial Online  
The final step in producing your online tutorial  
is publishing it on the Web. Your tutorial may  
consist of just one SMIL presentation, or it may  
be a series of presentations. You must decide  
how to present these files in a way that facili-  
tates your instruction. You may wish to provide  
a link to the SMIL presentation directly from an  
existing Web page. Or you might create a spe-  
cial “tutorial” Web page with links to one or more  
related presentations. Alternatively, you can  
embed your presentation in HTML files, which  
allows for substantial control over the viewing  
environment. (In addition, embedding in HTML  
allows you to include quizzes, assignments and  
other non-multimedia elements in a consistent  
By now, you will have determined whether Real  
Server is available to host your media. If so, be  
sure to place any media, RealPix and SMIL files  
on the Real Server. If you elect to embed your  
multi-media segments in an HTML framework,  
place the HTML files in your usual Web-publish-  
ing folder.  
TIP: Remember that streamed audio and  
video hosted on a machine running Real  
Server are retrieved using the “rtsp” proto-  
col instead of “http.” Be sure to reference  
your media appropriately.  
p. 12  
Evaluating Your Tutorial  
Evaluation is a crucial step in the instructional  
design process. Evaluation allows you to con-  
tinuously increase the effectiveness of your  
instruction and hone your design skills. Since  
your instruction is an online tutorial, you’ll face  
unique challenges in evaluating your work—but  
don’t be discouraged! You will likely learn as  
much from the evaluation process as you did  
throughout the planning and production stages.  
determine whether or not users of your tutorial  
are learning the skills you are trying to teach.  
Be selective when choosing evaluation partici-  
pants. Don’t use staff members or even regular  
patrons of your library to test library instruction  
unless they are the intended learners. While it  
is tempting to use the resources close at hand,  
you’ll be surprised at the fresh perspective and  
ideas that outsiders will bring to the project.  
Your tutorial has elements of both a Website and  
instructional material. To accommodate these  
dual purposes, we’ll look at two different evalua-  
tion processes, one that examines the usability  
of Web resources, and one that assesses the  
success of the instruction itself.  
When designing the test itself, use the instruc-  
tional goals you developed in the planning  
stage. Imagine ways that your learner could  
demonstrate newfound competencies; whether  
you use a written skills test, a personal dem-  
onstration or a personal interview, be sure to  
maintain a consistent format for each evaluator.  
Finally, remember that you are testing your in-  
struction—not the evaluators!  
In recent years, usability has taken center stage  
ability is to observe first-time users navigating  
in the world of Web development. Becoming  
familiar with standard usability heuristics (such  
as those published by Jakob Nielsen), can  
help you make good design decisions through-  
out the planning and production processes.  
your page or site and accessing the instructional  
materials. Don’t worry about the success of the  
instruction itself while you test for Usability. First  
determine whether or not users understand how  
to use the tutorial and can do so successfully.  
Usability problems can create false negatives  
when you test the efficacy of your instruction;  
it’s best to eliminate lingering usability problems  
before evaluating the instruction itself.  
Remember, usability encompasses a wide  
range of Website characteristics such as ac-  
cessability for the disabled, visual and syntactic  
organization, navigation and labeling, and many  
other distinct features of interaction. When you  
test the usability of your tutorial, do it in multiple  
browsers and platforms--the most basic test of  
usability is whether or not your site can be seen  
by Mac and PC users with a variety of browsers.  
Evaluating Instruction  
Instruction is generally evaluated using learner  
assessments of some kind. Assessment may  
include an interview, a skills demonstration or  
a written test. By carefully planning and choos-  
ing participants for the evaluation, you can  
The best way to test your finished tutorial for us-  
p. 13  
Thanks and Credits  
The redesigned Engineering Communications  
Tutorial and the development process upon  
which this guide was based would not have been  
possible without the contributions of the staff at  
the Digital Library Services Division and the Dig-  
ital Information Literacy Office, eLeader Project.  
Thanks go out to Aaron Choate, Peter Keane,  
Mason Jones, Carolee Miles, and Susan Rit-  
tereiser for contributing their technical and  
creative expertise to the tutorial design and pro-  
duction process. We also thank Tina Ochiai and  
Adriana Oldham for their translation services.  
For More Information  
Visit the Engineering Communications Tutorial  
on the McKinney Engineering Library Homep-  
Contact McKinney Engineering Library for more  
information about our online library instruction  
This guide was created by Andrea Forte: aforte  
p. 14  
1. Nancy H. Dewald, “Trasnsporting Good Library Instruction Practices into the Web Environment: An Analysis of Online Tutorials, ” Journal of Aca-  
demic Librarianship 25 (January 1999), 26.  
2. Brandon Hall, Web-Based Training Cookbook (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997), 4.  
3. Dewald, 26.  
istm/WebTutorialsTips.html> (accessed 06/05/2002)  
Other Resources:  
Anderson, Anne, David Gray and Jacque Dessino, “Tutorials and Other Web Aides,” Inquiry 4 n2 (Fall 1999), 48-57  
Dewald, Nancy H. “Web-Based Library Instruction: What is Good Pedagogy?” Information Technology and Libraries 18 (1999): 26-31.  
Dick, Walter et al, The Systematic Design of Instruction, 5th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley Publishing 2000.  
Dixon, Lana, Marie Garrett, Rita Smith, and Alan Wallace. “Building Library Skills: Computer-Assisted Instruction for Undergraduates.” Research  
Strategies 16 (1998): 93-102.  
Duchastel, “A Web-Based Model for University Instruction,” Journal of Educational Technology Systems 25 (1996/97):225.  
Dupuis, Elizabeth A. “The Times They Are A’Changin: Students, Technology and Instructional Services.” Reference Services Review 26.3-4 (1998):  
Gagne’, James and Lesie Briggs, Principles of Instructional Design, 4th ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 1992.  
Kocour, Bruce, Using Web-based Tutorials To Enhance Library Instruction, College & Undergraduate Libraries v7 n1 p45-54, 2000.  
Tobin, Tess and Martin Kesselman, “Evaluation of Web-Based Library Instruction Programs” In: IFLA Council and General Conference. Conference  
Programme and Proceedings (65th, Bangkok, Thailand, August 20-28, 1999)  
p. 15  

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