Maretron Network Router J2K100 User Manual

J1939 to NMEA 2000® Gateway  
Users Manual  
Revision 1.0  
Copyright © 2006 Maretron, LLC All Rights Reserved  
Maretron, LLC  
9034 N. 23rd Ave #13  
Phoenix, AZ 85021-7850  
Maretron Manual Part #: M001201  
Revision 1.0  
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Table of Contents  
Introduction ........................................................................................................................1  
1.1 Firmware Revision.................................................................................................... 1  
1.2 J2K100 Features...................................................................................................... 1  
1.3 Quick Install.............................................................................................................. 1  
2.1 Unpacking the Box ................................................................................................... 2  
2.2 Choosing a Mounting Location................................................................................. 2  
2.3 Mounting the J2K100................................................................................................ 3  
2.4 Connecting the J2K100 ............................................................................................ 4  
2.4.1 Connecting the J2K100 NMEA 2000® Interface............................................. 4  
2.4.2 Connecting the J2K100 J1939 Interface........................................................ 5  
2.4.3 Checking Connections................................................................................... 5  
2.5 Configuring the J2K100............................................................................................ 5  
2.5.1 J1939 Source Address Selection................................................................... 6  
2.5.2 NMEA 2000® Engine Instance Selection ....................................................... 6  
2.5.3 NMEA 2000® Transmission Instance Selection ............................................. 6  
2.5.4 J1939 Diagnostic Messages Enable/Disable................................................. 6  
2.5.5 NMEA 2000® PGN Enable/Disable................................................................ 6  
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................7  
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................8  
Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................8  
Technical Support ............................................................................................................10  
Installation Template........................................................................................................11  
Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty.................................................................................12  
Table of Figures  
Figure 1 – Mounting the J2K100................................................................................................ 3  
Figure 3 – J2K100 Electrical Connections................................................................................. 4  
Figure 4 – NMEA 2000® Connector Face Views ....................................................................... 5  
Figure 6 – Mounting Surface Template ................................................................................... 11  
Table of Appendices  
Appendix A – NMEA 2000® Interfacing Translations............................................................... A1  
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1 Introduction  
Congratulations on your purchase of the Maretron J1939 to NMEA 2000® Gateway (J2K100).  
Maretron has designed and built your gateway to the highest standards for years of  
dependable and accurate service.  
Maretron’s J2K100 is a gateway for bridging J1939-equipped engines and gensets with an  
NMEA 2000® network. The gateway automatically converts incoming J1939 messages to  
NMEA 2000® messages so you can monitor your J1939-equipped engines, transmissions, or  
gensets with networked NMEA 2000® displays such as the Maretron DSM200.  
The Maretron J2K100 is designed to operate within the harsh demands of the marine  
environment. However, no piece of marine electronic equipment can function properly unless  
installed, configured, and maintained in the correct manner. Please read carefully and follow  
these instructions for installation, configuration, and usage of the Maretron J2K100 in order to  
ensure optimal performance.  
1.1 Firmware Revision  
This manual corresponds to J2K100 firmware revision 1.0.  
1.2 J2K100 Features  
The Maretron J2K100 has the following features.  
NMEA 2000® and J1939 Interfaces  
Waterproof Connectors  
Sealed Waterproof Enclosure  
Translates J1939 Engine and Transmission Messages to Equivalent NMEA 2000®  
Capable of Passing J1939 Diagnostic Messages  
Passes J1939 AC Generator Parameters through to the NMEA 2000® network  
J1939 Interface is Opto-Isolated from NMEA 2000® Eliminating Potential Ground Loops  
Obtains Power from NMEA 2000® Port (No power drawn from or data transmitted on  
J1939 interface).  
1.3 Quick Install  
Installing the Maretron J2K100 gateway involves the following five steps. Please refer to the  
individual sections for additional details.  
1. Unpack the Box (Section 2.1)  
2. Choose a Mounting Location (Section 2.2)  
3. Mount the J2K100 (Section 2.3)  
4. Connect the J2K100 (Section 2.4)  
5. Configure the J2K100 - Optional, only required for specialized configurations (Section 2.5)  
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2 Installation  
2.1 Unpacking the Box  
When unpacking the box containing the Maretron J2K100, you should find the following items:  
1 – J2K100 - J1939 to NMEA 2000® Gateway  
4 – Mounting Screws  
1 – Female Micro Field-Attachable Connector (For connecting J1939 interface)  
1 – J2K100 User’s Manual  
1 – Warranty Registration Card  
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact Maretron.  
2.2 Choosing a Mounting Location  
The J2K100 is mounted between the J1939 network and the NMEA 2000® network. Please  
consider the following when choosing a mounting location.  
1. The J2K100 is waterproof, so it can be mounted in a damp or dry location.  
2. The orientation is not important, so the J2K100 can be mounted on a horizontal deck,  
vertical bulkhead, or even upside down if desired.  
3. The J2K100 is temperature rated to 55°C (130°F), so it should be mounted away from  
engines or engine rooms where the operating temperature exceeds the specified limit.  
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2.3 Mounting the J2K100  
Attach the J2K100 securely to the vessel using the included brass mounting screws or other  
fasteners as shown in Figure 1 below.  
Figure 1 – Mounting the J2K100  
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2.4 Connecting the J2K100  
The J2K100 requires two electrical connections as shown in Figure 2. Refer to Section 2.4.1  
for making the NMEA 2000® connection and Section 2.4.2 for making the J1939 connection.  
Figure 2 – J2K100 Electrical Connections  
2.4.1 Connecting the J2K100 NMEA 2000® Interface  
Vertical text on the J2K100 label identifies the NMEA 2000® connector. With the label right  
side up, the NMEA 2000® connector can be found on the right side of the enclosure. The  
NMEA 2000® connector is a five pin male connector (see Figure 3). You connect the J2K100  
to an NMEA 2000® network using a Maretron NMEA 2000® cable (or compatible cable) by  
connecting the female end of the cable to the J2K100 (note the key on the male connector and  
keyway on the female connector). Be sure the cable is connected securely and that the collar  
on the cable connector is tightened firmly. Connect the other end of the cable (male) to the  
NMEA 2000® network in the same manner. The J2K100 is designed such that you can plug or  
unplug it from an NMEA 2000® network while the power to the network is connected or  
disconnected. Please follow recommended practices for installing NMEA 2000® network  
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Figure 3 – NMEA 2000® Connector Face Views  
2.4.2 Connecting the J2K100 J1939 Interface  
Vertical text on the J2K100 label identifies the J1939 connector. With the label right side up,  
the J1939 connector can be found on the left side of the enclosure. In order to make the J1939  
connection, you will need to locate the supplied female field attachable connector. This  
connector is fitted to one end of a 3-conductor cable (not supplied). Make the connections  
between the 3-conductor cable and the field attachable connector by following the instruction  
contained within the bag. Although the field attachable connector has 5 terminals, you only  
need to connect the CAN bus signals and ground signal (NET-H white terminal, NET-L blue  
terminal, and ground or NET-C black terminal). The other end of the 3-conductor cable needs  
to be tied into the J1939 network. You will need to identify the CAN bus signals on the J1939  
network by reviewing the manufacturer’s documentation. Most likely, they will identify the CAN  
bus signals as CAN-H and CAN-L which corresponds to the field attachable terminals NET-H  
and NET-L respectively. You will also need to connect the NET-C or ground signal found within  
the field attachable connector to the J1939 ground connection.  
2.4.3 Checking Connections  
Once the NMEA 2000® and J1939 connections to the J2K100 have been completed, check to  
see that information is being properly transmitted by observing an appropriate NMEA 2000®  
display. If you don’t see engine and/or generator data, refer to Section 4, “Troubleshooting”.  
2.5 Configuring the J2K100  
As shipped from the factory, the J2K100 does not require any special configuration and will  
work for most applications. However, there are several configurable items within the J2K100,  
including: 1) J1939 source address selection, 2) NMEA 2000® engine instance selection, 3)  
NMEA 2000® transmission instance selection, 4) J1939 diagnostic messages enable/disable,  
and 4) NMEA 2000® PGN enable/disable.  
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2.5.1 J1939 Source Address Selection  
The J2K100 connects into a J1939 network and translates messages from a single J1939  
device into NMEA 2000® messages. By default, the J2K100 only translates J1939 messages  
from a J1939 device with a source address of zero. If the J1939 source address of the engine,  
transmission, or genset to be monitored is different than zero, then the J2K100 must be  
programmed with the appropriate J1939 source address. This can be done with the Maretron  
DSM200 display or other NMEA 2000® display unit that is capable of configuring the J2K100.  
Please refer to the Maretron DSM200 User’s Manual for details.  
2.5.2 NMEA 2000® Engine Instance Selection  
NMEA 2000® provides a unique engine instance for each engine on a vessel. Single engine  
vessels use engine instance zero (0) while dual engine vessels use engine instance zero (0)  
for the port engine and engine instance one (1) for the starboard engine. By default the  
J2K100 uses engine instance zero (0). If you are installing the J2K100 on a single engine  
vessel, then you don’t have to configure this parameter. However, if you install two J2K100s  
for dual engine vessels, then you will need to configure the starboard engine J2K100 to use  
engine instance one (1). You configure the J2K100 using a Maretron DSM200 display or other  
NMEA 2000® display unit that is capable of configuring the J2K100. Please refer to the  
Maretron DSM200 User’s Manual for details.  
2.5.3 NMEA 2000® Transmission Instance Selection  
NMEA 2000® provides a unique transmission instance for each transmission on a vessel.  
Single transmission vessels use transmission instance zero (0) while dual transmission  
vessels use transmission instance zero (0) for the port transmission and transmission instance  
one (1) for the starboard transmission. By default the J2K100 uses transmission instance zero  
(0). If you are installing the J2K100 on a single transmission vessel, then you don’t have to  
configure this parameter. However, if you install two J2K100s for dual transmission vessels,  
then you will need to configure the starboard transmission J2K100 to use transmission  
instance one (1). You configure the J2K100 using a Maretron DSM200 display or other NMEA  
2000® display unit that is capable of configuring the J2K100. Please refer to the Maretron  
DSM200 User’s Manual for details.  
2.5.4 J1939 Diagnostic Messages Enable/Disable  
The J2K100 is capable of re-broadcasting J1939 diagnostic messages output by the monitored  
engine, transmission, or genset onto the NMEA 2000® network. As shipped from the factory,  
the J2K100 does not transmit J1939 diagnostic messages over the NMEA 2000® network. If  
this behavior is desired, it may be enabled with the Maretron DSM200 display or other NMEA  
2000® display unit that is capable of configuring the J2K100. Please refer to the Maretron  
DSM200 User’s Manual for details.  
2.5.5 NMEA 2000® PGN Enable/Disable  
The J2K100 is capable of transmitting several different kinds of NMEA 2000® messages (or  
PGNs) associated with engines, transmissions, and gensets. The J2K100 automatically  
detects incoming messages from the J1939 network and translates them into corresponding  
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NMEA 2000® PGNs. For example, if the J2K100 receives engine related messages from the  
J1939 network but no transmission or genset messages, then the J2K100 will generate the  
corresponding NMEA 2000® engine PGNs but it will not transmit any NMEA 2000®  
transmission or genset messages. As another example, let’s say that there is an engine and a  
genset connected to the J1939 network yet we are only interested in having the engine  
messages translated to corresponding NMEA 2000® PGNs. In this case, the J2K100 can be  
configured to enable engine PGNs while disabling genset PGNs. You can configure the  
J2K100 using a Maretron DSM200 display or other NMEA 2000® display unit that is capable of  
configuring the J2K100. Please refer to the Maretron DSM200 User’s Manual for details.  
3 Maintenance  
Regular maintenance is important to ensure continued proper operation of the Maretron  
J2K100. Perform the following tasks periodically:  
Clean the unit with a soft cloth. Do not use chemical cleaners as they may remove  
paint or markings or may corrode the J2K100 enclosure or seals.  
Ensure that the unit is mounted securely and cannot be moved relative to the mounting  
surface. If the unit is loose, tighten the mounting screws.  
Check the security of the cable connected to the NMEA 2000® and J1939 connectors  
and tighten if necessary.  
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4 Troubleshooting  
If you notice unexpected operation of the Maretron J2K100, follow the troubleshooting  
procedures in this section to remedy simple problems.  
Troubleshooting Procedure  
No engine, transmission Ensure that the J1939 network is operational by observing J1939  
or genset data visible on gauges or displays. You should see information transmitted from  
NMEA 2000® network.  
the engine, transmission, or genset displayed on the J1939  
displays. If you don’t see data, try disconnecting the J1939  
connection you made to the J2K100 as something may have been  
connected incorrectly.  
Once you are sure that the J1939 network is operational with a  
J2K100 connected, ensure that the NMEA 2000® network is  
operational by observing displays. You should see information  
from components besides the ones attached to the J2K100 which  
verifies an operational NMEA 2000® network. If you don’t see data,  
try disconnecting the NMEA 2000 connection you made to the  
J2K100 as something may have been connected incorrectly.  
Once you are sure that the J1939 and NMEA 2000 networks are  
operational with a connected J2K100, ensure that the NMEA  
2000® connector is securely connected to the NMEA 2000®  
network and the J1939 connector is securely connected to the  
J1939 network.  
Ensure that the J2K100 has the appropriate NMEA 2000® PGNs  
enabled as described in 2.5.5.  
If these steps do not solve your problem, please contact Maretron Technical Support (refer to  
Section 6 for contact information).  
Warning: There are no user-serviceable components inside the Maretron J2K100. Opening  
the J2K100 will expose the sensitive electronic components to adverse environmental  
conditions that may render the unit inoperative. Please do not open the J2K100, as this will  
automatically void the warranty. If service is required, please return the unit to an authorized  
Maretron service location.  
5 Technical Specifications  
As Maretron is constantly improving its products, all specifications are subject to change  
without notice. Maretron products are designed to be accurate and reliable; however, they  
should be used only as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for traditional navigation  
aids and techniques.  
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J1939 Data Translated to NMEA 2000® Data  
J1939 SPG/PGN  
NMEA 2000® PGN  
190 / 61444  
102 / 65270  
100 / 65263  
175 / 65262  
110 / 65262  
167 / 65271  
183 / 65266  
247 / 65253  
109 / 65263  
94 / 65263  
Engine Speed  
Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure  
Engine Oil Pressure  
Engine Oil Temperature 1  
Engine Coolant Temperature  
Alternator Potential (Voltage)  
Engine Fuel Rate  
Engine Total Hours of Operation  
Engine Coolant Pressure  
Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure  
Engine Percent Load at Current Speed  
Actual Engine – Percent Torque  
Engine Rated Speed  
92 / 61443  
513 / 61444  
189 / 65214  
237 / 65260  
234 / 65242  
523 / 61445  
127 / 65272  
177 / 65272  
Vehicle Identification Number  
Software Identification  
Transmission Current Gear  
Transmission Oil Pressure  
Transmission Oil Temperature  
NMEA 2000®  
Level B+  
Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment & Systems  
FCC and CE Mark  
IEC 60945  
Electromagnetic Compatibility  
NMEA 2000® Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs)  
PGN #  
PGN Name  
Default Rate  
10 times/second  
1 time/second  
Periodic Data PGNs  
127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update  
127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic  
127498 Engine Parameters, Static  
127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic  
10 times/second  
J1939 Generator Average Basic AC Quantities  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #1  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #2  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #3  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #4  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #5  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #6  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #8  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #10  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #11  
J1939 Diagnostic Message #12  
10 times/second  
Response to Requested PGNs  
Protocol PGNs  
126464 PGN List (Transmit and Receive)  
126996 Product Information  
126998 Configuration Information  
059392 ISO Acknowledge  
059904 ISO Request  
060928 ISO Address Claim  
065240 ISO Address Command  
126208 NMEA  
Maretron Proprietary PGN’s  
128720 Configuration  
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9 to 16 Volts  
Operating Voltage  
DC Voltage  
Power Consumption  
Load Equivalence Number (LEN)  
Reverse Battery Protection  
Load Dump Protection  
Average Current Drain  
NMEA 2000® Spec. (1LEN = 50 mA)  
Energy Rated per SAE J1113  
4.50” x 3.20” x 2.09”  
8 oz.  
Including Flanges for Mounting  
IEC 60954 Classification  
Degree of Protection  
Operating Temperature  
Storage Temperature  
Relative Humidity  
-25°C to 55°C  
-40°C to 70°C  
93%RH @40° per IEC60945-8.2  
2-13.2Hz @ ±1mm, 13.2-100Hz @ 7m/s2 per IEC 60945-8.7  
12.5mm Nozzle @ 100liters/min from 3m for 30min per IEC 60945-8.8  
Ultraviolet B, A, Visible, and Infrared per IEC 60945-8.10  
Rain and Spray  
Solar Radiation  
Corrosion (Salt Mist)  
4 times 7days @ 40°C, 95%RH after 2 hour Salt Spray Per IEC 60945-8.12  
Conducted and Radiated Emission per IEC 60945-9  
Conducted, Radiated, Supply, and ESD per IEC 60945-10  
Dangerous Voltage, Electromagnetic Radio Frequency per IEC 60945-12  
Electromagnetic Emission  
Electromagnetic Immunity  
Safety Precautions  
6 Technical Support  
If you require technical support for Maretron products, you can reach us in any of the following  
Telephone: 1-866-550-9100  
Fax: 1-602-861-1777  
Mail: Maretron, LLC  
Attn: Technical Support  
9034 N. 23rd Ave Suite 13  
Phoenix, AZ 85021 USA  
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7 Installation Template  
Please check the dimensions before using the following diagram as a template for drilling the  
mounting holes because the printing process may have distorted the dimensions.  
Figure 4 – Mounting Surface Template  
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8 Maretron (2 Year) Limited Warranty  
Maretron warrants the J2K100 to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the  
date of original purchase. If within the applicable period any such products shall be proved to Maretron’s  
satisfaction to fail to meet the above limited warranty, such products shall be repaired or replaced at Maretron’s  
option. Purchaser's exclusive remedy and Maretron’s sole obligation hereunder, provided product is returned  
pursuant to the return requirements below, shall be limited to the repair or replacement, at Maretron’s option, of  
any product not meeting the above limited warranty and which is returned to Maretron; or if Maretron is unable to  
deliver a replacement that is free from defects in materials or workmanship, Purchaser’s payment for such  
product will be refunded. Maretron assumes no liability whatsoever for expenses of removing any defective  
product or part or for installing the repaired product or part or a replacement therefore or for any loss or damage  
to equipment in connection with which Maretron’s products or parts shall be used. With respect to products not  
manufactured by Maretron, Maretron’s warranty obligation shall in all respects conform to and be limited to the  
warranty actually extended to Maretron by its supplier. The foregoing warranties shall not apply with respect to  
products subjected to negligence, misuse, misapplication, accident, damages by circumstances beyond  
Maretron’s control, to improper installation, operation, maintenance, or storage, or to other than normal use or  
Statements made by any person, including representatives of Maretron, which are inconsistent or in conflict with  
the terms of this Limited Warranty, shall not be binding upon Maretron unless reduced to writing and approved by  
an officer of Maretron.  
Maretron does not warrant that the functions contained in any software programs or products will meet  
purchaser’s requirements or that the operation of the software programs or products will be uninterrupted or error  
free. Purchaser assumes responsibility for the selection of the software programs or products to achieve the  
intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from said programs or products. No  
specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations provided Maretron to Purchaser, whether directly, in trade  
literature, brochures or other documentation shall be construed as warranties of any kind, and any failure to conform  
with such specifications, samples, descriptions, or illustrations shall not constitute any breach of Maretron’s limited  
Warranty Return Procedure:  
To apply for warranty claims, contact Maretron or one of its dealers to describe the problem and determine the  
appropriate course of action. If a return is necessary, place the product in its original packaging together with  
proof of purchase and send to an Authorized Maretron Service Location. You are responsible for all shipping and  
insurance charges. Maretron will return the replaced or repaired product with all shipping and handling prepaid  
except for requests requiring expedited shipping (i.e. overnight shipments). Failure to follow this warranty return  
procedure could result in the product’s warranty becoming null and void.  
Maretron reserves the right to modify or replace, at its sole discretion, without prior notification, the warranty listed  
above. To obtain a copy of the then current warranty policy, please go to the following web page:  
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Appendix A – NMEA 2000® Interfacing  
J2K100 NMEA 2000® Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs  
PGN 127488 – Engine Parameters, Rapid Update  
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit rapidly changing engine data.  
Field 1: Engine Instance – This field indicates the particular engine for which this data  
applies. A single engine will have an instance of 0. Engines in multi-engine boats will  
be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing to n going in towards  
the stern of the boat. For engines at the same distance from the bow are stern, the  
engines are numbered starting from the port side and proceeding towards the  
starboard side.  
2: Engine Speed – This field indicates the rotational speed of the engine in units of ¼  
3: Engine Boost Pressure – This field indicates the turbocharger boost pressure in units  
of 100 Pa.  
4: Engine tilt/trim – This field indicates the tilt or trim (positive or negative) of the engine  
in units of 1 percent.  
5: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the J2K100 sets all bits to a  
logic 1.  
PGN 127489 – Engine Parameters, Dynamic  
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit more slowly changing engine data.  
Field 1: Engine Instance – This field indicates the particular engine for which this data  
applies. A single engine will have an instance of 0. Engines in multi-engine boats will  
be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing to n going in towards  
the stern of the boat. For engines at the same distance from the bow are stern, the  
engines are numbered starting from the port side and proceeding towards the  
starboard side.  
2: Engine Oil Pressure – This field indicates the oil pressure of the engine in units of  
100 Pa.  
3: Engine Oil Temperature – This field indicates the oil temperature of the engine in  
units of 0.1°K.  
4: Engine Temperature – This field indicates the temperature of the engine coolant in  
units of 0.1°K.  
5: Alternator Potential – This field indicates the alternator voltage in units of 0.01V.  
6: Fuel Rate – This field indicates the fuel consumption rate of the engine in units of  
0.0001 cubic meters / hour.  
7: Total Engine Hours – This field indicates the cumulative runtime of the engine in units  
of 1 second.  
8: Engine Coolant Pressure – This field indicates the pressure of the engine coolant in  
units of 100 Pa.  
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Appendix A – NMEA 2000 Interfacing  
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J2K100 User’s Manual  
9: Fuel Pressure – This field indicates the pressure of the engine fuel in units of 1000  
10: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the J2K100 sets all bits to a  
logic 1.  
11: Engine Discrete Status 1 – This field indicates warning conditions of the engine with  
the following bit assignments (value of 1 indicates warning present):  
Bit 0: Check Engine  
Bit 1: Over Temperature  
Bit 2: Low Oil Pressure  
Bit 3: Low Oil Level  
Bit 4: Low Fuel Pressure  
Bit 5: Low System Voltage  
Bit 6: Low Coolant Level  
Bit 7: Water Flow  
Bit 8: Water in Fuel  
Bit 9: Charge Indicator  
Bit 10:Preheat Indicator  
Bit 11:High Boost Pressure  
Bit 12:Rev Limit Exceeded  
Bit 13:EGR System  
Bit 14:Throttle Position Sensor  
Bit 15: Emergency Stop Mode  
12: Engine Discrete Status 2 – This field indicates warning conditions of the engine with  
the following bit assignments (value of 1 indicates warning present):  
Bit 0: Warning Level 1  
Bit 1: Warning Level 2  
Bit 2: Power Reduction  
Bit 3: Maintenance Needed  
Bit 4: Engine Comm Error  
Bit 5: Sub or Secondary Throttle  
Bit 6: Neutral Start Protect  
Bit 7: Engine Shutting Down  
Bit 8-15: These bits are reserved and should be masked when read  
13: Percent Engine Load – This field indicates the percent load of the engine in units of 1  
14: Percent Engine Torque – This field indicates the percent torque of the engine in units  
of 1 percent.  
PGN 127498 – Engine Parameters, Static  
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit unchanging engine data.  
Field 1: Engine Instance – This field indicates the particular engine for which this data  
applies. A single engine will have an instance of 0. Engines in multi-engine boats will  
be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing to n going in towards  
the stern of the boat. For engines at the same distance from the bow are stern, the  
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engines are numbered starting from the port side and proceeding towards the  
starboard side.  
2: Rated Engine Speed – This field indicates the maximum rated rotational speed of the  
engine in units of ¼ RPM.  
3: VIN – This field indicates the Vehicle Identification Number of the engine as a textual  
4: Software ID – This field indicates the version number or other identifying information  
for the software in the engine as a textual representation.  
PGN 127493 – Transmission Parameters, Dynamic  
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit rapidly changing transmission data.  
Field 1: Transmission Instance – This field indicates the particular transmission for which this  
data applies. A single transmission will have an instance of 0. Transmissions in multi-  
transmission boats will be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing  
to n going in towards the stern of the boat. For transmissions at the same distance  
from the bow are stern, the transmissions are numbered starting from the port side  
and proceeding towards the starboard side.  
2: Transmission Gear – This field indicates the current gear the transmission is  
operating in.  
3: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the J2K100 sets all bits to a  
logic 1.  
4: Transmission Oil Pressure – This field indicates the oil pressure of the transmission  
in units of 100 Pa.  
5: Transmission Oil Temperature – This field indicates the oil temperature of the  
transmission in units of 0.1°K.  
6: Transmission Discrete Status – This field indicates warning conditions of the  
transmission with the following bit assignments (value of 1 indicates warning  
Bit 0: Check Transmission  
Bit 1: Over Temperature  
Bit 2: Low Oil Pressure  
Bit 3: Low Oil Level  
Bit 4: Sail Drive  
Bit 5-8: These bits are reserved and should be masked when read  
7: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the J2K100 sets all bits to a  
logic 1.  
PGN 65030 – Generator Average Basic AC Quantities  
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit data concerning the electrical output from a  
Field 1: Generator Average Line-Line AC RMS Voltage – This field indicates the average line  
to line voltage measured at the generator output in units of 1 Volt.  
2: Generator Average Line-Neutral AC RMS Voltage – This field indicates the average  
line to neutral voltage measured at the generator output in units of 1 Volt.  
Revision 1.0  
Appendix A – NMEA 2000 Interfacing  
Page B3  
J2K100 User’s Manual  
3: Generator Average AC RMS Frequency – This field indicates the average frequency  
of the generated power measured at the generator output in units of 1/128 Hz.  
4: Generator Average RMS Current – This field indicates the average current measured  
at the generator output in units of 1 Ampere.  
Page B4  
Appendix A – NMEA 2000 Interfacing  
Revision 1.0  

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