Kenwood Two Way Radio TK 2302 User Manual

TK-2302/ TK-2302V  
TK-3302/ TK-3302U  
© B62-2139-00 (K, P)  
09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00  
Thank You  
We are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your land  
mobile radio applications.  
noTices To The user  
Government law prohibits the operation of unlicensed radio  
transmitters within the territories under government control.  
Illegal operation is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.  
Refer service to qualified technicians only.  
Safety: It is important that the operator is aware of, and  
understands, hazards common to the operation of any  
Terminal Descriptions  
Speaker/ Microphone Jacks  
It is possible to use a resin-based cover for the Speaker/ Microphone jacks.  
External PTT Input / Serial  
Data Input  
External MIC Input  
Internal MIC Output  
External Option Detect  
5V Output  
1.8 kΩ  
1.8 kΩ  
High Impedance  
100 Ω  
Serial Data Output  
No Connection  
Audio Input  
8 Ω  
10 SPI  
Received Audio Output  
8 Ω  
Antenna Terminal  
50 Ω impedance  
Battery Terminal  
The battery terminal uses a spring plate.  
The negative terminal connects to the chassis ground.  
The battery is mounted on the rear side of the transceiver using a latch  
mounting method.  
One or more of the following statements may be  
Thꢀs equꢀpment generates or uses radꢀo frequency energy.  
Changes or modꢀfꢀcatꢀons to thꢀs equꢀpment may cause harmful  
ꢀnterference unless the modꢀfꢀcatꢀons are expressly approved ꢀn the  
ꢀnstructꢀon manual. The user could lose the authorꢀty to operate thꢀs  
equꢀpment ꢀf an unauthorꢀzed change or modꢀfꢀcatꢀon ꢀs made.  
Thꢀs equꢀpment has been tested and found to comply wꢀth the lꢀmꢀts  
for a Class B dꢀgꢀtal devꢀce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  
These lꢀmꢀts are desꢀgned to provꢀde reasonable protectꢀon agaꢀnst  
harmful ꢀnterference ꢀn a resꢀdentꢀal ꢀnstallatꢀon.  
Thꢀs equꢀpment generates, uses and can generate radꢀo frequency  
energy and, ꢀf not ꢀnstalled and used ꢀn accordance wꢀth the  
ꢀnstructꢀons, may cause harmful ꢀnterference to radꢀo communꢀcatꢀons.  
However, there ꢀs no guarantee that the ꢀnterference wꢀll not occur  
ꢀn a partꢀcular ꢀnstallatꢀon. If thꢀs equꢀpment does cause harmful  
ꢀnterference to radꢀo or televꢀsꢀon receptꢀon, whꢀch can be determꢀned  
by turnꢀng the equꢀpment off and on, the user ꢀs encouraged to try to  
correct the ꢀnterference by one or more of the followꢀng measures:  
Reorꢀent or relocate the receꢀvꢀng antenna.  
Increase the separatꢀon between the equꢀpment and receꢀver.  
Connect the equꢀpment to an outlet on a cꢀrcuꢀt dꢀfferent from  
that to whꢀch the receꢀver ꢀs connected.  
Consult the dealer for technꢀcal assꢀstance.  
Do not charge the transceꢀver and battery pack when they are wet.  
Ensure that there are no metallꢀc ꢀtems located between the  
transceꢀver and the battery pack.  
Do not use optꢀons not specꢀfꢀed by Kenwood.  
If the dꢀe-cast chassꢀs or other transceꢀver part ꢀs damaged, do not  
touch the damaged parts.  
If a headset or headphone ꢀs connected to the transceꢀver, reduce  
the transceꢀver volume. Pay attentꢀon to the volume level when  
turnꢀng the squelch off.  
Do not place the mꢀcrophone cable around your neck whꢀle near  
machꢀnery that may catch the cable.  
Do not place the transceꢀver on unstable surfaces.  
Ensure that the end of the antenna does not touch your eyes.  
When the transceꢀver ꢀs used for transmꢀssꢀon for many hours, the  
radꢀator and chassꢀs wꢀll become hot. Do not touch these locatꢀons  
when replacꢀng the battery pack.  
Do not ꢀmmerse the transceꢀver ꢀn water.  
Always swꢀtch the transceꢀver power off before ꢀnstallꢀng optꢀonal  
The charger ꢀs the devꢀce that dꢀsconnects the unꢀt from the AC  
maꢀns lꢀne. The AC plug should be readꢀly accessꢀble.  
Turn the transceꢀver power off ꢀn the followꢀng locatꢀons:  
In explosꢀve atmospheres (ꢀnflammable gas, dust partꢀcles, metallꢀc  
powders, graꢀn powders, etc.).  
Whꢀle takꢀng on fuel or whꢀle parked at gasolꢀne servꢀce statꢀons.  
Near explosꢀves or blastꢀng sꢀtes.  
In aꢀrcrafts. (Any use of the transceꢀver must follow the ꢀnstructꢀons  
and regulatꢀons provꢀded by the aꢀrlꢀne crew.)  
Where restrꢀctꢀons or warnꢀngs are posted regardꢀng the use of  
radꢀo devꢀces, ꢀncludꢀng but not lꢀmꢀted to medꢀcal facꢀlꢀtꢀes.  
Near persons usꢀng pacemakers.  
Do not dꢀsassemble or modꢀfy the transceꢀver for any reason.  
Do not place the transceꢀver on or near aꢀrbag equꢀpment whꢀle the  
vehꢀcle ꢀs runnꢀng. When the aꢀrbag ꢀnflates, the transceꢀver may  
be ejected and strꢀke the drꢀver or passengers.  
Do not transmꢀt whꢀle touchꢀng the antenna termꢀnal or ꢀf any  
metallꢀc parts are exposed from the antenna coverꢀng. Transmꢀttꢀng  
at such a tꢀme may result ꢀn a hꢀgh-frequency burn.  
If an abnormal odor or smoke ꢀs detected comꢀng from the  
transceꢀver, swꢀtch the transceꢀver power off ꢀmmedꢀately, remove  
the battery pack from the transceꢀver, and contact your Kenwood  
Use of the transceꢀver whꢀle you are drꢀvꢀng may be agaꢀnst traffꢀc  
laws. Please check and observe the vehꢀcle regulatꢀons ꢀn your  
Do not expose the transceꢀver to extremely hot or cold condꢀtꢀons.  
Do not carry the battery pack (or battery case) wꢀth metal objects,  
as they may short the battery termꢀnals.  
When operatꢀng the transceꢀver ꢀn areas where the aꢀr ꢀs dry, ꢀt ꢀs  
easy to buꢀld up an electrꢀc charge (statꢀc electrꢀcꢀty). When usꢀng  
a earphone accessory ꢀn such condꢀtꢀons, ꢀt ꢀs possꢀble for the  
transceꢀver to send an electrꢀc shock through the earphone and to  
your ear. We recommend you use only a speaker/mꢀcrophone ꢀn  
these condꢀtꢀons, to avoꢀd electrꢀc shocks.  
Information concerning the battery pack:  
The battery pack ꢀncludes flammable objects such as organꢀc  
solvent. Mꢀshandlꢀng may cause the battery to rupture  
producꢀng flames or extreme heat, deterꢀorate, or cause other  
forms of damage to the battery. Please observe the followꢀng  
prohꢀbꢀtꢀve matters.  
Do not disassemble or reconstruct battery!  
The battery pack has a safety functꢀon and protectꢀon cꢀrcuꢀt to  
avoꢀd danger. If they suffer serꢀous damage, the battery may  
generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not short-circuit the battery!  
Do not joꢀn the + and – termꢀnals usꢀng any form of metal (such  
as a paper clꢀp or wꢀre). Do not carry or store the battery pack ꢀn  
contaꢀners holdꢀng metal objects (such as wꢀres, chaꢀn-necklace or  
haꢀrpꢀns). If the battery pack ꢀs short-cꢀrcuꢀted, excessꢀve current wꢀll  
flow and the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst  
ꢀnto flame. It wꢀll also cause metal objects to heat up.  
Do not incinerate or apply heat to the battery!  
If the ꢀnsulator ꢀs melted, the gas release vent or safety functꢀon ꢀs  
damaged, or the electrolyte ꢀs ꢀgnꢀted, the battery may generate  
heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not use or leave the battery near fire, stoves, or other heat  
generators (areas reaching over 80°C/ 176°F)!  
If the polymer separator ꢀs melted due to hꢀgh temperature, an  
ꢀnternal short-cꢀrcuꢀt may occur ꢀn the ꢀndꢀvꢀdual cells and the  
battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not immerse the battery in water or get it wet by other  
If the battery’s protectꢀon cꢀrcuꢀt ꢀs damaged, the battery may  
charge at extreme current (or voltage) and an abnormal chemꢀcal  
reactꢀon may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke,  
rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not charge the battery near fire or under direct sunlight!  
If the battery’s protectꢀon cꢀrcuꢀt ꢀs damaged, the battery may  
charge at extreme current (or voltage) and an abnormal chemꢀcal  
reactꢀon may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke,  
rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Use only the specified charger and observe charging  
If the battery ꢀs charged ꢀn unspecꢀfꢀed condꢀtꢀons (under hꢀgh  
temperature over the regulated value, excessꢀve hꢀgh voltage or  
current over regulated value, or wꢀth a remodeled charger), ꢀt may  
overcharge or an abnormal chemꢀcal reactꢀon may occur. The  
battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not pierce the battery with any object, strike it with an  
instrument, or step on it!  
Thꢀs may break or deform the battery, causꢀng a short-cꢀrcuꢀt. The  
battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not jar or throw the battery!  
An ꢀmpact may cause the battery to leak, generate heat or smoke,  
rupture, and/or burst ꢀnto flame. If the battery’s protectꢀon cꢀrcuꢀt  
ꢀs damaged, the battery may charge at an abnormal current (or  
voltage), and an abnormal chemꢀcal reactꢀon may occur. The  
battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not use the battery pack if it is damaged in any way!  
The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto  
Do not solder directly onto the battery!  
If the ꢀnsulator ꢀs melted or the gas release vent or safety functꢀon  
ꢀs damaged, the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or  
burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not reverse the battery polarity (and terminals)!  
When chargꢀng a reversed battery, an abnormal chemꢀcal reactꢀon  
may occur. In some cases, an unexpected large amount of current  
may flow upon dꢀschargꢀng. The battery may generate heat or  
smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not reverse-charge or reverse-connect the battery!  
The battery pack has posꢀtꢀve and negatꢀve poles. If the battery  
pack does not smoothly connect wꢀth a charger or operatꢀng  
equꢀpment, do not force ꢀt; check the polarꢀty of the battery. If the  
battery pack ꢀs reverse-connected to the charger, ꢀt wꢀll be reverse-  
charged and an abnormal chemꢀcal reactꢀon may occur. The  
battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not touch a ruptured and leaking battery!  
If the electrolyte lꢀquꢀd from the battery gets ꢀnto your eyes, wash  
your eyes wꢀth fresh water as soon as possꢀble, wꢀthout rubbꢀng  
your eyes. Go to the hospꢀtal ꢀmmedꢀately. If left untreated, ꢀt may  
cause eye-problems.  
Do not charge the battery for longer than the specified time!  
If the battery pack has not fꢀnꢀshed chargꢀng even after the  
regulated tꢀme has passed, stop ꢀt. The battery may generate heat  
or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not place the battery pack into a microwave or high  
pressure container!  
The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto  
Keep ruptured and leaking battery packs away from fire!  
If the battery pack ꢀs leakꢀng (or the battery emꢀts a bad odor),  
ꢀmmedꢀately remove ꢀt from flammable areas. Electrolyte leakꢀng  
from battery can easꢀly catch on fꢀre and may cause the battery to  
generate smoke or burst ꢀnto flame.  
Do not use an abnormal battery!  
If the battery pack emꢀts a bad odor, appears to have dꢀfferent  
colorꢀng, ꢀs deformed, or seems abnormal for any other reason,  
remove ꢀt from the charger or operatꢀng equꢀpment and do not use  
ꢀt. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst ꢀnto  
UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT.........................1  
PREPARATION .........................................................2  
ORIENTATION ..........................................................6  
BASIC OPERATIONS ..................................................9  
VOICE OPERATED TRANSMISSION (VOX) ....................... 10  
BACKGROUND OPERATIONS ...................................... 11  
Carefully unpack the transceiver. If any of the items listed  
below are missing or damaged, file a claim with the carrier  
Supplied AcceSSorieS  
Antenna ..................................................................................ꢀ  
Battery charger/ AC adapter...................................................ꢀ  
TK-2302/ TK-3302: KSC-3ꢀ  
TK-2302V/ TK-3302U: KSC-35  
Battery pack............................................................................ꢀ  
TK-2302/ TK-3302: KNB-29N (Ni-MH)  
TK-2302V/ TK-3302U: KNB-45L (Li-ion)  
Speaker/ microphone jack cover ............................................ꢀ  
Speaker/ microphone locking bracket ....................................ꢀ  
Belt clip (KBH-ꢀ0)...................................................................ꢀ  
Screw set  
3 x 6 mm (Black)..................................................................... ꢀ  
3 x 8 mm ................................................................................. 2  
Instruction manual ..................................................................ꢀ  
Note: Refer to "PREPARATION" for accessory installation  
inStAlling/ removing the BAttery pAck  
Do not short the battery terminals or dispose of the battery by fire.  
Never attempt to remove the casing from the battery pack.  
1 Align the battery pack with the  
back of the transceiver, then  
press the battery pack and  
transceiver firmly together until  
the release latch on the base of  
the transceiver locks.  
2 To remove the battery pack, lift  
the safety catch on the base of  
the transceiver, then press the  
release latch underneath the  
safety catch.  
3 While pressing the release  
latch, pull the battery pack  
away from the transceiver.  
inStAlling the AntennA  
Screw the antenna into the connector  
on the top of the transceiver by  
holding the antenna at its base and  
turning it clockwise until secure.  
Note: The antenna is neither a handle,  
a key ring retainer, nor a speaker/  
microphone attachment point. Using  
the antenna in these ways may  
damage the antenna and degrade your  
transceiver’s performance.  
inStAlling the Belt clip  
If necessary, attach the belt clip using  
the two supplied 3 x 8 mm screws.  
Note: If the belt clip is not installed, its  
mounting location may get hot during  
continuous transmission or when left  
sitting in a hot environment.  
Belt clip  
Do not use glue which is designed to prevent screw loosening when  
installing the belt clip, as it may cause damage to the transceiver. Acrylic  
ester, which is contained in these glues, may crack the transceiver’s  
back panel.  
inStAlling the cover over the SpeAker/ microphone JAckS  
If you are not using a speaker/  
microphone, install the cover over  
the speaker/ microphone jacks using  
the supplied 3 x 6 mm screw.  
Note: To keep the transceiver water  
resistant, you must cover the speaker/  
microphone jacks with the supplied  
Speaker/ microphone  
jack cover  
inStAlling the optionAl SpeAker/ microphone (or heAdSet)  
Insert the speaker/ microphone  
(or headset) plugs into the  
speaker/ microphone jacks.  
Attach the locking bracket using  
the supplied 3 x 6 mm screw.  
Note: The transceiver is not fully  
water resistant while using the  
speaker/ microphone.  
Speaker/ microphone  
locking bracket  
chArging the BAttery pAck  
ATTENTION: Always switch OFF a transceiver equipped with a  
battery pack before inserting the transceiver into the charger.  
1 Plug the AC adapter cable into  
the jack located on the rear of the  
2 Plug the AC adapter into an AC  
3 Slide a battery pack or a  
transceiver equipped with a  
battery pack into the charging  
slot of the charger.  
Make sure the metal contacts of  
the battery pack mate securely  
with the charger terminals.  
Charging slot  
The indicator lights red and  
charging begins.  
4 When charging is completed, the indicator lights green.  
Remove the battery pack or the transceiver from the  
charging slot of the charger.  
It takes approximately 3 hours to charge the battery pack.  
When the charger will not be used for a long time, unplug the  
AC adapter from the AC outlet.  
When the indicator blinks red, the battery pack is either defective or  
the battery pack contacts are not properly mated with those of the  
The ambient temperature should be between 4ꢀ°F and ꢀ04°F (5°C  
and 40°C) while charging is in progress. Charging outside this range  
may not fully charge the battery.  
The battery pack life is over when its operating time decreases even  
though it is fully and correctly charged. Replace the battery pack.  
Battery pack  
Channel selector  
Rotate to change the operating channel.  
Channel Annunciation: When changing channels, the  
transceiver will announce the newly selected channel number.  
(This can be deactivated by your dealer.)  
LED indicator  
For the LED indicator status, refer to page 9.  
Power switch/ Volume control  
Turn clockwise to switch ON the transceiver. To switch OFF  
the transceiver, turn counterclockwise until a click sounds.  
Rotate to adjust the volume level.  
PTT (Push to Talk) switch  
Press and hold, then speak into the microphone to transmit.  
Side 1 key {refer to page 7}  
Press to activate its programmable function.  
Side 2 key {refer to page 7}  
Press to activate its programmable function.  
Speaker/ microphone jacks  
Insert the Speaker/ microphone or Headset plug into this  
Your dealer can program the Side 1 and Side 2 keys each with  
one of the following functions.  
No function has been programmed.  
DTMF Autodial allows you to make a private call to another  
Key Lock  
Press and hold this key for ꢀ second to lock/ unlock the  
transceiver keys.  
Key Lock with Status Memory  
This operates the same as Key Lock except that when the  
transceiver power is turned OFF and then ON again, the  
keys remain locked. Without Status Memory, when the  
transceiver power is turned OFF and then ON again, the  
Key Lock function will be cancelled.  
Momentarily press this key to deactivate signaling (QT/DQT,  
FleetSync signaling, etc.). Press the key again to return to  
normal operation.  
Monitor Momentary  
Press and hold this key to deactivate signaling (QT/DQT,  
FleetSync signaling, etc.). Release the key to return to  
normal operation.  
Press this key to start scanning the transceiver channels.  
Scan + Temporary Delete  
Press this key to start scanning the transceiver channels.  
When Scan pauses at an undesired channel, you can  
remove that channel from the scanning sequence by  
pressing and holding this key for 3 seconds.  
The Scrambler function allows you to hold a conversation in  
complete privacy. When activated, any other party listening  
in on your channel will be unable to understand your  
Squelch Off  
Momentarily press this key to hear background noise. Press  
the key again to return to normal operation.  
Squelch Off Momentary  
Press and hold this key to hear background noise. Release  
the key to return to normal operation.  
Talk Around  
The Talk Around function allows you to communicate  
directly with other transceivers, without the use of a  
Temporary Delete  
When Scan pauses at an undesired channel, you can  
remove that channel from the scanning sequence by  
pressing and holding this key for ꢀ second.  
Low Transmit Power  
Each channel is programmed with either high or low transmit  
power. On high transmit power channels, press this key to  
change the transmit power to low power (you cannot change  
low transmit power channels to use high power).  
1 Turn the Power switch/ Volume control clockwise to switch  
the transceiver power ON.  
A beep sounds if enabled by your dealer.  
2 Press the key programmed with the Monitor or Squelch Off  
function to hear background noise, then rotate the Power  
switch/ Volume control to adjust the volume.  
Rotate the Channel selector to select your desired channel.  
When you receive an appropriate signal, you will hear audio  
from the speaker.  
4 To make a call, press and hold the PTT switch, then speak  
into the microphone using your normal speaking voice.  
Hold the microphone approximately ꢀ.5 inches (3 to 4 cm) from  
your lips.  
5 Release the PTT switch to receive.  
Note: When the battery pack voltage becomes too low, transmission  
will stop and an alert tone will sound.  
LED Indicator Status  
Indicator Color  
Lights red  
Lights green  
Blinks red  
Receiving a call  
Battery power is low while transmitting  
Blinks green  
Receiving an encoded call (QT/DQT,  
FleetSync signaling, etc.)  
Blinks orange  
The selected channel has not been  
programmed and cannot be used.  
Blinks red/orange  
VOX operation allows you to transmit hands-free. This feature  
must first be activated by your dealer, and can only be used if  
you are using a supported headset.  
To activate VOX and set the VOX Gain level, perform the  
following steps:  
1 Connect the headset to the transceiver .  
The VOX function does not activate when a headset is not  
connected to the accessory terminal of the transceiver.  
2 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the Side 1  
key while turning the transceiver power ON.  
3 Continue to hold the Side 1 key until a beep sounds.  
The LED indicator lights orange.  
When the Side 1 key is released, the transceiver announces the  
VOX Gain level.  
4 Press the Side 1 key to increase the VOX Gain level and  
the Side 2 key to decrease the level.  
The VOX Gain can be adjusted from levels ꢀ to ꢀ0 and OFF.  
The transceiver announces the VOX Gain level as you adjust it.  
If OFF is selected, a beep sounds.  
5 Press the PTT switch to save the setting.  
A beep will sound.  
The transceiver announces the new VOX Gain level.  
6 Turn the transceiver power OFF and the ON again to  
activate VOX.  
Note: If a headset is connected to the transceiver while the VOX  
function is switched ON and the VOX Gain level is configured to a  
higher, more sensitive level, louder received signals may cause the  
transceiver to start transmission.  
time-out timer (tot)  
The Time-out Timer prevents callers from using a channel  
for an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for the  
duration programmed by your dealer (default is ꢀ minute),  
transmission will stop and an alert tone will sound. To stop the  
tone, release the PTT switch.  
BAttery SAver  
When activated by your dealer, the Battery Saver function  
decreases the amount of power used after no signal is present  
and no operations are being performed for 5 seconds. When a  
signal is received or an operation is performed, Battery Saver  
turns off.  
Note: While the Battery Saver is operating, the LED may flash  
green when receiving a QT/DQT signal which does not match the  
QT/DQT tone/code set up in your transceiver.  
low BAttery wArning  
While operating the transceiver, the Low Battery Warning  
sounds an alert tone every 30 seconds and the LED indicator  
blinks red when the battery needs recharged or replaced.  
BuSy chAnnel lockout (Bcl)  
When activated, BCL prevents you from interfering on a  
channel that is already in use. Pressing the PTT switch will  
cause an alert tone to sound and the transceiver will not  
transmit. Release the PTT switch to stop the tone.  
Note: Ask your dealer for an explanation on how BCL functions  
when using QT, DQT, DTMF, or FleetSync signaling.  
The Encoder/Decoder function uses QT/ DQT to segregate  
talk groups, so users only hear calls from their own group.  
A DTMF PTT ID is included for dispatch operations or  
simple remote control applications.  
The DTMF decode capabilities include Selective Call ID,  
Transpond with ID, and “Wild Card” Group Calling.  
Utilizing Kenwood’s FleetSync digital signaling protocol, this  
transceiver has PTT ID and Selective Calling capabilities for  
managed dispatch operations.  
Beginning/ end of trAnSmiSSion SignAl  
The Beginning/ End of Transmission identification signals are  
used to access some repeaters and telephone systems. The  
Beginning of Transmission ID signal is transmitted when you  
press the PTT switch and the End of Transmission ID signal is  
transmitted when you release the PTT switch.  

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